HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1969.10.21 AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING OF OCTOBER 211 1969 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: [; p MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 1969: BILLS: LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: COMMUNICATIONS: OLD BUSINESS: San Mateo Libraries Cooperative Project Building Special Fund NEW BUSINESS: Resignation of Norma Twisselman ADJOURNMENT: MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD September 15, 1969 CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board was held on the above given date. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P. M. by Chairman Cohendet. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Phelan, Trustee Lynes Trustees Absent: Trustee De Martini, excused - business MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of August 19 were approved and adopted. BILLS: Bills in the amount of $4,980.55 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Hechinger seconded by Trustee Lynes and carried. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Librarian's report was read and ordered filed. There were several favorable comments on the registration figures shown. COMMUNICATIONS: There were no communications. OLD BUSINESS: San Mateo Libraries Cooperative Proiect: The Librarian stated that this project was being presented to the City Council at a study meeting later this evening and would be voted on. Building: The Librarian informed the Board that the architect is working on the preliminary plans; that most of the work had been done by the engineer in determining where the building needed strengthening. He said that tension bars, X-frame design, will have to be put in some locations in the building; otheryrise, the building passes all inspection for the city building code. There was some discussion on this point, and Trustee Hechinger asked how the architect was to be paid. The Librarian replied that it was on a percentage fee basis and that the architect would taks care of paying the engineer. Special Fund: The Librarian read a letter on this subject from the City Manager which stated in part that all gift money should be placed in a fund with the City Treasurer unless the Board provides safekeeping. Also, there should be two signatures on the checks drawn against it. The Librarian went back to the origin of the special fund, which was a small gift from the Friends of the Library and others, plus part of the proceeds from gift and discarded book sales conducted with the help of the Lions Club. This gift was used to make a down payment on a copying machine, which has produced enough income to pay for itself and two others, and to buy some of the Library records, as well as supplies for the machines. There was a discussion of some of the difficulties which would evolve if this money were put in the library fund, such as how could money be budgeted for supplies for machines, how could we buy records and audio-visual equipment, which is not on the library budget. Trustee Lynes asked if some of this money could be I encumbered if it were put in the city fund, and the Librarian stated that he wasn't sure. He said that if all monies went into the library fund, there would be no point in people giving money to the library forgift books, for instance. He stated that this fund would be discussed further with the City Manager, and the matter brought up at the next Board meeting. There was further discussion, and the Librarian spoke of his previous hopes to purchase from this fund art paintings to loan out to patrons, such as is the practice at the San Mateo, Menlo Park, and South San Francisco libraries. Several library supply houses carry these, and under the proposed new System, they could be exchanged with those from other participating libraries. NEW BUSINESS: There was no nese business. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 7:30 P. M. on a motion by Trustee Lynes seconded by Trustee Hechinger. Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board RESOLUTIIN NO. DECLARING INTENTIT4 TO PARTICIPATE IN FORMING A COOPERATIVE LIBRARY 3Y3TEM RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Burlingame, California, that: WHEREAS, by the establishment of a cooperative library system formed of the various existing, independent library systems in the County of San 4ateo., the needs of the public will be more fully satisfied and library services improved for the benefit of the people of Burlingame, library patrons residing within its service area, and the participating cities; and WtEREAS, by the establishment of such a cooperative system, savings can be effectuated in the cost of performing certain operations and providing certain services without loss of local control and jurisdiction over material and services within the Burlingame Library System. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY DETERMINED AND ORDERED that: I. The public interest and convenience will be served by participating in a cooperative library system and this Council does hereby declare its intent to enter into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement, pursuant to Sections 6500 et seq. of the Government Code, for the establishment of a cooperative library system, subject to the following conditions: (a) The terms of any agreement shall be subject to full and complete review by this Council and this resolution shall not be construed to obligate the City of Burlingame to execute such agreement. (b) Any agreerim-n-t prepared shall expressly provide that the City of Burlingame shall retain full, complete and exclusive control over any and all materials selected for its libraries and over the personnel of the library staff. (c) The agreement shall provide that the City of Burlingame shall incur no financial obligations and that the expense of establishing the cooperative system shall be borne by the establishment and/or per capita grants from the State of California. (d) The agreement shall be for a trial period not exceed two (2) years and shall provide that the City of Burl ingam, may withdraw frcii the system at the end of one year an a ; J-day notice. (e) The agreement shall provide that each linrary participating is responsi�jle to the lending libra!-y for any books issued to its card holders. 2. The City Li'_-rariaiz be, dnd he is hereby ordered, to proceed with t' -v:; n2jr_�,zintian of th-i aqr�,g�ment with other i,i;Je.y-;ndnnt !Ibrary systems in the County of San Mateo, and to make such applications and prepare such staten"ants of diigibility and a Plan of Service as may be necessary co secure a grant from. the State of Caiifornia pursuant to Sections 27144 et seqof t1w Education Lode Mayor 1, HERBERT K. WHITE, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the d".ay of 136), and adopted thereafter by the f.-Alowing vote: AYES: Councilm. n: NOES: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen- City Clerk ` C /�- OCTOBER 2i i)6; V Cis e':L RAv Ni--! total number of registered p7,trans co t.inund to increase, t1here being 112 more than shere was -in 1'x`+''68 during September, Making a t©tcl of 17,433. The total traffic count declined, but the decline$ mostly, seamed to be due to the Branch library. Total traffic at IMainwas 19,77%, ''while,: last yea:' :t -oars 1);530. As Lha- circulation at tato branch only decr.asedl 320 volumes, it - s hard aC acco=untl- fol" this loss iii traffic. It is possible that the cout;"er 'Rent &vfry. OU-2 tO the increase in the f:l.tieibcr of cur discards during thze year elapsing since September, 1)6b, live hav4 only add-ad a totaml of 672 volumes overall to the collection. The pamphlet file has been re►.+orked by Valerie Conse:rva, : ha is a professional ibra...ian. She has discarded ov�!r 2,053 pw:nphlets, and added many subject ha-adings; and overall the paraphl at File is in much better concliTion than it has been for quite a long time. Tile total gain in records ovz:r the Year }.:ais 1015. Wo tilde,. considerabl;r more th--m thi s, but wee also di scarder? quite a few,, The- Librarian attended the 3101d',ag Conference in Suerarnento with 1r. urner, associate architect vith Ctrl. A?Y9rborg. He sems to be a very, capable young min, and 3 felt th :t his c ssaients on the varices p`flyerairs were to the point: andaccltit-ate. Oie of the better prof-xam; was t!laL Presented by the ;t°t`•:.erior i` c m to realize mora and more how i par tart the work of tha se mop z is in the general l ayou e,f the rsorging areas of the library, ani in three decora• ion part of the building p1 o�S:Cta • The cvar�nrs•' ea Msms attended b-, berth the L ib-,,ar'ian and V s. Cohendet. This took dace at i.>-.a 3rz.nc` an ' probably will be rep-crted on in the Chi toreafs tcCil;tite ~'p-art. Mrs. Ca ':mdet and the Libr ,ariar, also attended '.-v�gs,,oCCitSyy,ccx4ncil meetings" Tlx: roofs at Msin hark brcn cle: nevi pr'evims to the first storm I ow%ev.r, 6-he eaves at the Chi ldr en`'s Sec ion are quite filled with pi::_ naadles an,' "o _-re ilflt C:karied ctit ley the t'im the fueto m czime. Ho dt":rtiocg., resulted, though. STAFF: Hiss Morma Twi ss lmnn has resi qm:ad as of the cmc' of the Mnth, and this will E'o.^..pl'n'+te eleven fr.-ars, S+}iti3 the library. 14: Have hiriad? ra'3. Susan R okzrtm on, a to p4*rary batsi.a. Vhe aha.-, been a cataloging typist at the- Orarve Pel)l i c tai brary. Valerie Conserva, being the mther of fou children.. hzZ.- fmind it rratl-.tis Oi ff oc It to work -**-.Iv hours she has belin assigm3d, ar:d a3 he erld of hve month will, be faced by Ann Adam .,, a formar i ibrary assistant vtt o is now a professional. librarian. She _ill wwk about me-half timet in tm reforence de.wr$me, t,, wcwkirac on Sum!zys aad ar,-I SatU;day rfghts -e 1 continulnu `hc,.r ivitr'reaitent of the +�h�ninsula a-ti ?'�a c:a i"v`v'rary Ass--,-..labors, flrso Cee is on an es'-G Cfed Vaccation 'with hor dz,,mghter in 011, Or lear* "1Lt sale t�. r o •�•' ,(': 4�''d<0£!t - `? 'S�+o-a 4tJ't V2 Y��+� �i`✓' f M1.J:A�1 i Y i ties i t.fdry ,c sa`e ti r.. (��y I'le would aappreciat-a aryox,-.e remdinq this r-�port letting him, know If they are wwarn- € f an available- place 4'da'izre a sale can be haSCia+ CHIUMENIS ROOM Thi?., Opois Hcus-- for sch"I person.me-I was. Inald an September IS at the Easton Drive Branch. Miss Van &ar CC.,'".k, ti^- a3w Kwad of :school l3bra nsp and -"Che a ive school librarians, in c>C"d't"f:ion to t`.ezi—cjier s zmi local naut-ah r5,, ratt rided„ During 3e ptem3-e'D an est'amiterd y25 book's mre by eaaCh:'-.'.i s iib" s h-3019 Collections; also class visi�-s by the librar-1;ans and visits by schoolz to the library have begun. To cele-5f'ezlLC'' C{3Y c-dm":R is s SoGk aaet...9 Mu-i•7 1_y'iB F"'i`" r z:q Vis. tta2`:5y 1,17 9,Ea> al' and oll-hwr`i wi ? I be at the tit-:n Library on },'o.,- a 17th. S F x 1n t r f J _....._ �..-,:. y..,.._ _.. �a._....0•._, w_ MOIN,T J car-Y E AE L f3'.4ANCE s 9 T All 13,707.81 54, 111 .01 163, 121 .00 109,009.99 Piwi ! iuppl .':.S 94.06 1, 10"3 r,0) 2,2J0 1 ,010. )1 i' 1`r i nt .ng & Postage ;36.66 1 .212i� 2 -,''• ,255 1,001 -76 Light, heat, Power v Wat3r 10`2.14 1,04..65 4,J0) 2,)51 -35 .35 Te 1 c phone11 3.U 5 34:7.2 rlS..J � � 5;2.0 M-16 Building & Grounds #lki inters. 153.46 2,5.).) 2,346,,54 r ? Books & FJa ps 31 3 3 7 1 10 4i ,._ • 9 1 5.2 J 3a5,Jj0 24,654-71 «17A Period i real s 103.34: 2,1 -t;.eiJ J 3,20) ij;)1 .20 -17R Dindirra 357.67 3,000 2,042.33 „A1 C.atalcriin9 29.75 236.36 1,250 355.62 "1-13 Convention (Librarian) 21 .21 2120 250 22b.63 r`»I9A Auto Allowance 25.20 42.10 300 257,30 et- iyP Convection `Per sonnei � 250 250.0 114 M_1JIT Convention (Trustees) 125 1250,0 M-2•.) Dv2s to Library Associatiot-is «_ 10.00 250 241.00 t'1-21 Miscellane-IL,s 79.25 62.06 100 17.,34; r"-24 Typx!,gr i<er• Repjio s 58.34 2500 1)1 .66 ^27 1RS ly"ctflCy C .. 'Jt)' 2,000,00 ..6 Contracts 34:,•00 1,345.0') 4,000 2,735.00 C-i0 Capital nditaa:• '. .., �_� 66, �.- .. ..,,.T.�.____.�. .•-n,�,m.�. ��._ 65-j 5E3.01 TOTAL BEFORE 3ALAPZIE:o 5, 117.70 1;,4")1 .07 62,535 43, 193.-)3 VOTAL {?ETER SALART Es 18,825-59 73,512.08 225,P6 152,203.92 TM C. R C 14 aks, AWMat. '1,11o,.--Fict;cn 6,9A 1 452 Child Nlon-Fiction I9699 907 Adult Fiction 6,244 2,205 Child Fiction 2,t730 1 504 17,555 6,073 Periodicals -- 918 . 597. 18-,-7 71 7=0 Phcm,ograp'll Recon ds 730 19..203 Slides --- Totai Circulation 19,203 Total Branch Circulation 6 670 BRANCH Sr GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATICN 25,873 CO-68: 26,578) Daily Average for Main 711 X. of dacrease - Dailly Average for Branch 277 TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE —9-r TRAFFIC COUNT - SEPTEKSER Daily Average, Min 732 Tot,-,I Traffic, Ke-in In ,P779 Daily Awrage,. Branch 319 Total Traffic, Branch 7 661 Total Daily Avera T—.6 TI 14�L REGISTRATIONS A 0 LIL T CHILUTOTAL *;gWr-s,Wp 76731169 *13—,rO 0 3'$.x..56. -1""-, "-7�, ,,6 reWditions Sept., 1969 371 71 442 WWAravnals. Septj 1969 372 46 418 TOTAL R�GISTRATIOMLA 9/ j2&q M, 79 ReMS S�IW F.%,'DWI-190 R—AWAL S Of VU AS OF CAW- GRAMD 8/311/69 ADDED CELLED TOTAL Adult Rcii-Fiction T To-i3'71- -5"275-- W('= 171 Child ftn-Fictiori 17,363 36 31 17,-68 H.S. Mon-Fiction 2,070 25 10 2,085 Adult Fiction 36,530 110 49 16,611 H.S. Fiction 3,663 6 3 3,666 Child *Fiction 14 '5-38 34 116 14 I- 456 TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS OF 9/30/69 ` NET DECREASE IN BOOK STOCK: 35 .Included in above figures - titles and 474 ne� P lets Discarded 474 Iftpz Discarded 0 Total nom._. 1,098 .............. MOTOR AS Qx ACCES- DIS- SIMED CARLOF11 T C�17-,i'J- 73's 'o —o T L 45's 228 0 0 3 3 i54 .......... U1,MUT-M N 5.19 TOTAL OI . SITS SEPTEMtR, 1769 015