HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1969.11.18 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD NOVEMBER 18, 1969 CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board was held on the above given date. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P. M. by Chairman Cohendet. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Lynes, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee De Martini, Trustee Phelan, Trustee Cohendet Trustees Absent: None Also present: Col. E. L. Norberg, Architect MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of October 21, 1969 were approved and adopted. BILLS: Bills in the amount of $5,798.04 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Hechinger, seconded by Trustee Lynes and carried. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Librarian's report was read and ordered filed. Trustee Lynes, commenting on the drop in circulation, mentioned that a possible cause might be the recent great improvement in local school libraries and the consequent increased use by children in the schools. He stated that his own school library, which has a paid librarian and paid library aide, is always crowded. On a question by Trustee Hechinger as to who made the choice of books, Trustee Lynes replied that it was made jointly by the librarian and the teachers; that there is an abundance of new books; and that, in his opinion, this will reflect in a continued decline in circulation at the Burlingame Library. Trustee Hechinger commented that we possibly should consider exactly what the future function of the library should be in relation to children; but Chairman Cohendet suggested that, while the progress of school libraries is to be commended, in her opinion they still will not take the place of a large public library. COMMUNICATIONS: There were no communications. OLD BUSINESS: San Mateo Librariesiv Cooperate Project:_ The Librarian told the board that a survey would be made in -Tcouple of days which will give some indication of the non-resident use of the libraries all over the county. This will give us some basis in working out a compensatory arrangement with the other libraries. The State has not yet indicated approval of the project. The Librarian again mentioned that if we were in the system and the building program did get under way, we would probably be reimbursed 25% of the cost of the addition. Special Fund: The Librarian said that he had conferred with City Manager Schwalm on this subject, who told him he thought it was well set up as it was, but that either the Librarian and one board member should sign the checks or a checkwriter should be used. Trustee De Martini suggested that all five members of the board be authorized to sign along with the Librarian. There was discussion of this and the cost of a checkwriter. Trustee Lynes moved that Chairman Cohendet and Trustee OeMartini be authorized to sign, along with the Librarian. Trustee Hechinger questioned the availability of Trustee De Martini during the summer; motion died for lack of a second. Trustee Lynes then moved that the Librarian and any member of the Board available be authorized to sign checks. Trustee De Martini seconded the motion. There was an amendment to the motion that checks be signed by any two members of the Board, and including the Librarian. Trustee De Martini seconded and the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: Drinking Fountain: The Librarian informed the Board that the Burlingame Women's Club wished to donate a public drinking fountain to the library. He stated that it could be put in the foyer around the corner of the door, but that we should get an estimate on the cost of the plumbing, which might run around $200.00. There was a discussion as to whether or not the fountain would cause problems with the children, with Trustee Lynes stating that in schools it definitely did, but as this would be in the building there would be no lack of supervision. Trustee Hechinger wondered if the type of fountain the club would furnish would be appropriate for the building, and it was brought out that the club would be able to choose the right type from many kinds available. Trustee De Martini moved that we express our appreciation to the members of the Burlingame Women's Club and will accept with thanks the installation of the proposed drinking fountain. Trustee Hechinger seconded and motion carried unanimously. Colonel Norberg, whose wife is a member of the Women's Club, stated that the Club also wanted to install a plaque above the fountain. Trustee Lynes moved that we accept plaque, Trustee Hechinger seconded and motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: Building: Colonel Norberg, architect, displayed his revised plans for the addition to the building to the Board members, explaining them in detail. He stated that he had hired Mr. Comey and Mrs. Cunningham as library consultants to him for help in determining the proper work flow and in redecoration of the building. If his plans are accepted, he expects to provide an additional 10,600 square feet to the building. This will provide space for an additional 108,000 volumes. There was much discussion of the plans, with the Librarian expressing his hopes for use of part of the basement as an audiovisual and meeting room center, and especially for use as a workroom for volunteer people to work with gift and discarded books, sorting and pricing them for the book sale. This would eliminate one of our big problems. In connection with this the Librarian explained the use of reserve shelving the present basement has - that it contains gift books kept for the purpose of replacing our own volumes that are worn out or stolen. Trustee Hechinger remarked that with the additional square footage, we will be getting a practically new building. Trustee Lynes asked Col. Norberg the approximate cost of the addition and was informed it would be around $450,000. The Holt plan would cost around $250,000 but would provide no additional book space and about half the workroom area. In addition, the meeting room would be much smaller. There was much discussion about the many activities that could be carried on in the audiovisual room, such as meetings, display of art prints, browsing area, etc. Chairman Cohendet thanked Colonel Norberg for his presentation of the plans and said that the Board thought he had done a good job. Colonel Norberg stated that the City Council was holding a study meeting on December 5 and that he hoped the plans could be presented to them at that time. He requested the Board to inform the Council that they had seen the plans and approved of them and wanted the Council to look at them. Trustee Lynes moved that we write a letter to the City Council saying that the Board has inspected the plans, is favorably impressed, and urges their serious consideration of them. Trustee Hechinger seconded. Ayes - Hechinger, Lynes, Phelan. Nays - De Martini. Motion passed. In the following discussion of the refurbishing to be done in connection with the remodeling, Trustee Phelan asked if the estimated costs would include this refurbishing and was informed that it would. NEW BUSINESS: Policy on Distribution of Local Publications: The Librarian distributed to the Board members copies of the"West Bay Freedom Press," a publication put out by students and sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. He explained that two issues had been brought into the library for distribution, and since it was backed by the Y. M. C. A., had been accepted, - 3 - and put on the circulation desk. However, one or two patrons who took and read the second issue of this publication had discovered several obscene words, about which they complained. The publication was then taken off the desk. Regardless of the short time it had been on display, there was much continuing criticism of the library in newspaper publicity and verbally by a few patrons. The Board agreed that anyone would have accepted a publication put out by the Y. M. C. A. However, they agreed that the library must have a definite policy on distribution of such publications. There followed much discussion with emphasis on the fact that we usually do not accept for distribution anybody's pepers, magazines or journals, but do have a practice of distributing college bulletins, announcements of plays, etc. No one particular person is responsible for their acceptance. Trustee Hechinger suggested that one person be designated to okay free literature and Trustee Lynes made the proposal that the library accept a gift copy of such material but not be a distributing agency. Trustee Hechinger moved that a policy be set up by the Burlingame Library that it is not to be a distributing agency for any journal-type of material and that distribution be limited to accepting publications of Government agencies or any other.material of public interest. Trustee Lynes seconded and motion carried unanimously. Chairman Cohendet read to the Board members the policy of book selection which had been set up by the library several years ago, and Trustee De Martini suggested that it be retyped for presentation to the Board for possible rewriting or additions. Tape Typewriter: The Librarian presented to the Board the idea of the purchase of a tape typewriterforuse in the cataloging room, stating that it might free one person from typing catalog cards to do other necessary things. This typewriter could be bought on contract. He explained that it was sometimes necessary to make three or four copies of catalog cards, that the machine could do this much faster, and speed up the whole process. There followed discussion, and it was agreed that the Librarian would get more information for consideration at the next Board Meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Trustee Lynes moved that the meeting be adjourned, Trustee Hechinger seconded, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P. M. Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board