HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1970.07.16 INAMS-AM MM No a is M 13 SM-MAIR 96 Int Now# _ MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD JUNE 16, 1970 CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board was held on the above given date. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by Chairman Cohendet. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Lynes, Trustee DeMartini, Trustee Phelan Trustees Absent: None BILLS: Bills in the amount of $8,690.40 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Hechinger seconded by Trustee Phelan. Other bills, to be paid from the Library Special Account, were approved for payment. There was discussion, some with regard to power bills, which, the Librarian warned the Board, will be doubled by the new addition. He explained some capital expense and maintenance expenditures. MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of May 19, 1970 were approved and adopted. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Librarian's report was read and ordered filed. This report brought out discussion on the fines and fees, which will be covered under that heading. Note was made of the Puppet show put on by the Children's Department. OLD BUSINESS: San Mateo Libraries Cooperative Project: The Librarian reported to the Board that all delaying this is the final processing of the Joint Exercise of Power Agreement among the cities; that all the city councils have actually agreed to it and the city attornies are now involved in getting the form drawn up and signed. He read the minutes of the last meeting of the Association to the Board. Much of this covered agreements by the system on fines and fees. In connection with this, there was some discussion by the Board on the use of our cash register and the employee time involved in checking it. Building: The Librarian stated that we were in the last stages of small alterations in the blueprints and they will be ready for final approval shortly. Trustee DeMartini asked if the council again had to approve the plans, and the Librarian informed him that they would probably not - that the project would then be ready for bid. Chairman Cohendet asked if the Board would be able to see the plans before they were put out for bid, and was informed that they would. She also brought up the subject of the automatic typewriter for the cataloging department and was informed that this department was now trying out a new service - that of having catalog cards microfilmed - which so far had proved quite satisfactory. NEW BUSINESS: The Librarian informed the Board that the Civil Service Commission had passed for the position of library assistant two people who are now working as part-time library assistants - Susan Roberts and Fonda Joyce. Trustee Oe Martini moved that the Board appoint them to the position of Library Assistant upon the recommendation•of the Librarian. Trustee Hechinger seconded the motion and it carried. STEINBECK PROPERTY: The Librarian informed the Board that, upon learning the Steinbeck property next to the library parking lot was vacant, he had checked with the City Planner who told him it had been put up for sale. The Librarian also talked to Mr. Steinbeck's daughter, and to the City Manager Charles Schwalm about the property. Mr. Schwalm had recommended that it be put up for the Council 's action for an addition to the city property, either for the use of the library or the parking district. The Librarian noted that the matter would probably come up in a study session soon. Upon a question by Trustee Lynes about the price of the property, he estimated it would be around $65,000. There was some discussion of the value of this lot as far as useage was concerned. Trustee De Martini questioned the probability of getting the lot and was informed that it looked favorable. Contra Costa County Junior College: The Librarian told the Board of his purchase of surplus furniture and shelving from this college district in Martinez. This was purchased from our capital equipment budget. He stated that there was still much more furniture and shelving to be bought most reasonably which could be used in our new addition, the purchase of which would be handled through the building addition costs. The greater bargains would be in shelving, which of course, we need most. Trustee De Martini moved that the Board allow the Librarian under his own cognizance to procure all furniture and shelving which we could use in the new building from the Contra Costa College District. Trustee Phelan seconded the motion and it carried. Fines and Fees: The Librarian explained to the Board that under the proposed library system, all of the libraries involved wished to standardize their fees - for example, all children's books 3� per day, adult books 5� per day, art prints, $1.00 per day, maximum amount of fee not to be more than the value of the book. He recommended that the Board approve this standardization of fees. Trustee Lynes moved that we come in line with all other libraries on fines as the system becomes operative and remain standard with the cooperative costs. Trustee Hechinger seconded the motion and it passed. The Librarian then told the Board of a recent discussion we had with the San Mateo Public Library, wherein they had decided to raise their non-resident fees to $24.00 in order that the City not furnish service to another community for less cost than to the citizens of their own community. He stated he believed our non-resident cost is comparable, and it has not raised from $14.00 for quite a few years. Trustee Lynes moved that we raise our non- resident fees to $24.00; Trustee De Martini seconded the motion and it carried. Friends of the Library: Trustee Phelan gave a comprehensive report on a recent organi-- - zational meeting of the new Friends of the Library group. She spoke on the workshop,y,"_hv,,11_-� she-a #eade� in San Francisco; and stated the objectives which the organizational group had suggested. These include activities involving young people with the library; family service type work, such as bringing books to shut-ins; help with books to non-English-speaking people; organizing library book sales. Temporary committees have been appointed, as was an acting chairman. By-laws are being set up and a nominating committee appointed. Another meeting is to be held August 3 for further organization. Adjournment: Trustee Hechinger moved the meeting be adjourned, Trustee Phelan seconded and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 P. M. Respectfully?submitted, ��e I Georg4 Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT JULY 16, 1970 CIRCULATION AND TRAFFIC: The circulation has shown for the first time this year an increase over the same month last year (2. 5%). It is always interesting to find that the traffic count (rough as it is) very rarely does not parallel the circulation figures. It, too, increased 2.1%. The increase in adult circulation over June, 1969 was sufficiently large enough to overcome the loss in children 's circulation. This may be due in part to the business recession. During the last depression circulation was nearly twice per capita as at present. MEETINGS ATTENDED: The Librarian attended one meeting of the System and two City Council meetings. He also attended part of the American Library Association Convention in Detroit. The emphasis of much of the discussion was on the future of the Association. Many members seem to believe the A.L.A. should become a professional association such as the A.M.A. The exhibits were excellent. CHILDREN 'S ROOM: June 15th was the start of the Summer Reading Program, and over 400 children have joined the club and are enjoying searching for the clues and reporting on their books. That the response has been enthusiastic is reflected in our circulation, which increased this month over May. The Summer Pre-School Story Hour began on June 23 and will last until July 29. In addition to the Summer Reading Club, a series of puppet shows for school age children will be held during July and August. CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE MONTH OF JULY, 1970 THIS TO BUDGET MONTH DATE ALLOWANCE BALANCE S-1 Salaries M-11 Supplies - 108.54 108.54 M-12 Printing & Postage 196.56 196.56 M-13 Light, Heat, Power & Water 235.99 235.99 M-14 Telephone 89.64 89.64 M-16 Bldg. & Grounds Maintenance 4.88 4.88 M-17 Books & Maps 5,032.25 5,032.25 M-17A Periodicals 23360.01 2,360.01 M-17B Binding 217.63 217.63 M-17C Cataloging 316.06 316.06 M-19 Convention (Librarian) --- --- M-19A Auto Allowance --- --- M-19P Convention (Personnel ) --- --- M-19T Convention (Trustees) --- --- M-20 Dues to Library Associations --- M-21 Miscellaneous --- --- M-24 Typewriter Repairs --- --- M-27 Comp. Insurance --- --- M-28 Contracts 343000 343.00 C-90 Capital Expenditures --- --- TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 82904.56 8,904056 STATISTICS FOR JUNE, 1970 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books, Adult Non-Fiction 7,798 1,474 Child Non-Fiction 2,073 1, 167 Adult Fiction 7,370 2,635 Child Fiction 20954 2, 190 20, 195 7,466 Periodicals 977 722 21, 172 ,$ 188 Phonograph records 666 --- 21,8388, 188 Art Prints 31 --- Slides --- --- Total Circulation 21,869 8, 188 BRANCH & MAIN, GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION 30,057 (1969: 29,294) Daily Average for Main 781 % of increase - 2.5% Daily Average for Branch 314 TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE 1,095 TRAFFIC COUNT - MAY Daily Average, Main 773 Total Traffic, Main 21,654 Daily Average, Branch 341 Total Traffic, Branch 8,860 1, 111F _30,_517- REGISTRATIONS: ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership - 5/31/70 13,F5 3, 539 17,354 Additions, June 1970 351 93 444 -- Withdrawals, June 1970 342 108 450 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS AS OF 6/30/70 -I3-,-F2 T 3,- 5T 17,-3 $- ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF CAN- GRAND 5/31/70 ADDED CELLED TOTAL Adult Non-Fiction 101, 199 792 162 - 101,$29 Child Non-Fiction 17,030 113 346 16,797 H.S. Non-Fiction 2,271 20 0 2,291 Adult Fiction 37, 151 155 35 37,271 H.S. Fiction 3,704 5 145 3,564 Child Fiction 14,906 84 73 14,917 TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS OF 6/30/70 176,261 1, 1-69 761 176,669 NET INCREASE IN BOOK STOCK 408 Included in above figures : 174 gifts and 707 new titles Pamphlets added 124 Maps Added 0 Pamphlets Discarded 20 Maps Discarded 0 Total Pamphlets 6,377 Total Maps 706 RECORDINGS AS OF ACCES- DIS- GRAND 5/31/70 SIONED CARDED TOTAL 78's 1,0778- 0 0 1,078 45's 228 0 0 228 33 's 2,443 50 3 2,490 3,749- 50 3 -3-,7-9-;-- DEPOSITED ,79;--DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER MAIN $1,355-87 BRANCH 305.65 TOTAL DEPOSITS, JUNE 1970 1, 1 .52