HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1970.09.16 %3A 3URLI"a,;AMfi -PUSIC LIBRARY OOAPJ 59UMSIR Its 1:)7J TRUSTEES PR96ENT: TRWT�ES AOS MT �UNUT' 3 OF THIE 1W."TINO: ng' AUSLI'ST 18 U70i DILLSt LIMMIAN'S CORR1~10cls .ALJ SWINCA"it U4 MJSWES'liz CoL,A. Convent ion# Los Angeles, October 23 - 23. ADJOURN4147NTs MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD AUGUST 18, 1970 CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board was held on the above given date. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Chairman Cohendet. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Lynes, Trustee Phelan, Trustee Hechinger Trustees Absent: Trustee De Martini - excused MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of July 16, 1970 were approved and adopted. BILLS: Bills in the amount of $6,612.43 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Lynes, seconded by Trustee Hechinger and carried. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Librarian's report was read and ordered filed. There was some comment on the rise of circulation in the last two months, and the probable effect which the present economy has on the use of the library. CORRESPONDENCE: The Librarian told the Board of a letter received from the Burlingame Park Improvement Club enclosing a check in the amount of $51.45. Chairman Cohendet moved that this gift be put with the money to be received from the Burlingame Women's Club so that a more suitable drinking fountain might be purchased. There was discussion and the motion failed for lack of a second. The Librarian showed the location of the proposed drinking fountain in the new addition, stating that the plumbing was already planned and a suitable fountain could be installed for the amount of the gift from the Women's Club - $350." He will be going to the Oakland Museum to look at their equipment with relation to our fountain. OLD BUSINESS: The Librarian told the Board that the City Council had passed a motion authorizing Col. Norberg to put the building addition up for contractors' bids. He stated there would be enough money also for needed furniture and refurbishing. Chairman Cohendet asked when the bids would be in and the Librarian replied he thought it would be around the first of October. In reply to a question from Chairman Cohendet about inflation, the Librarian stated that the architect had added 4% to the cost of the project to cover rising contracting prices between the time the bids were received and the time the work is completed. The architectural fees were discussed and the fact that the architect must pay the engineering fees and supple- mentary detail work. NEW BUSINESS: The Librarian informed the Board that the Friends of the Library are having a meeting on September 23 at the City Hall to fully develop the organization. Officers have been elected - President, Opal Coleman; Vice President, F. A. Ammerman, who is also recording secretary; Treasurer, Ray Phillips; Corresponding Secretary, Ann O'Moore. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P. M. on a motion by Trustee Lynes, seconded by Trustee Hechinger. Respectful�ly� submitted, George Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIAN'S REPORT SEPTEMBER 15, 1970 PENINSULA LIBRARY SYSTEM: As stated in the last report, the activation of the System is still October 1, 1970. The principal problem is still concerned with the kind of teletype com- munication system to be installed. The difficulty stems from.the County Department 's vacation schedule, this being such that we do not have adequate cost figures. In all probability we will wind up with the microwave setup, as this is a one- cost deal and thus the expense would be paid from the founding grant. Therefore, the annual expenses after the two-year period would be considerably lower than if we pay the regular PBX charges. STEINBECK PROPERTY The City is going ahead with the usual procedures, and some official action should be forthcoming soon. BUILDING: The contractors will submit their bids on the construction program September 16 at 3:00 P. M. CIRCULATION AND TRAFFIC: The circulation as noted on the statistical sheet is up 8% over August of 1969. The traffic is also up 6.3% over 1969. 1969 1970 Total Traffic 26,309 27,984 Daily Average Traffic 94o 1,046 Total Circulation 27,256 29,473 CHILDREN' S ROOM: The Summer Reading Club party was held on August 22 at the Burlingame Intermediate School . About 200 children attended the party and thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment, Cantini the Magician. This year it was decided that a book would be given to the school which had the most children percentage-wise completing the club. This will be given to the principal at our annual tea. Plans are now being made for this event which will be held the last week of September. CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1970 THIS TO BUDGET MONTH DATE ALLOWANCE BALANCE S-1 Salaries 14, 517.20 48,083.58 188,912.00 14o,828.42- M-11 Supplies 82.33 722.74 2,200 1,477.26 M-12 Printing & Postage 634.97 942.53 2,250 1,307.47 M-13 Light, Heat, Power & Water 232.92 818. 13 4,360 3,541 .87 M-14 Telephone 89.30 255.38 1,031 775.62 M-16 Bldg. & Grounds Maintenance 36.24 96.62 2,500 2,403.38 M-17 Books & Maps 3,875.66 13,013.98 37,450 24,436.02 M-17A Periodicals 32.81 2,496.29 3,650 1, 153.71 M-17B Binding 224.80 1,061 .83 3,000 1,938.17 M-17C Cataloging 192.35 734.87 2,250 1,515. 13 M-19 Convention (Librarian) 10.00 10.00 275 265.00 M-19A Auto Allowance 7.50 7.50 300 292.50 M-19P Convention (Personnel) 45.00 45.00 250 205.00 M-19T Convention (Trustees) 10.00 10.00 125 115.00 M-20 Dues to Library Associations --- 20.00 275 255000 M-21 Miscellaneous --- --- 100 100.00 M-24 Typewriter Repairs 40.00 50.00 250 200.00 M-27 Comp. Insurance --- --- 2,000 2,000.00 M-28 Contracts 403.00 1, 149.00 4,560 3,411 .00 C-90 Capital Expenditures --- --- 1,650 1,650.00 TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 5,916.88 21,433.87 68,476 47,042. 13 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES 20,434.08 69, 517.45 257,388 137,870.55 STATISTICS FOR AUGUST, 1970 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books Adult Non-Fiction 7,672 1,252 Child Non-Fiction 1,433 1,015 Adult Fiction 8, 195 2,555 Child Fiction _ 3,095 1,817 20,395 6,639 Periodicals 1,068 680 -21,4-6-3 7,319 Phonograph records 673 --- 22-� 7,319 Art Prints 18 --- Slides --- --- Total Circulation 22222, 15T+ 7,319 BRANCH it MAIN, GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION 29,473 ( 1969: 27,256) Daily Average for Main 777 % of increase - Daily Average for Branch 282 TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE 1,059 TRAFFIC COUNT - AUGUST _ Daily Average, Main 779 Total Traffic, Main 21,045 Daily Average, Branch 267 Total Traffic, Branch 6,939 1,027,-� REGISTRATIONS: ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership - 7/31/70 13,864 -3, 5-1-6 17,380 Additions, Aug., 1970 354 47 401 Withdrawals, Aug., 1970 324 54 378 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS AS OF 8/31/70 13-,9T+ 3, 509 1703 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF CAN- GRAND 7/31/70 ADDED CELLED TOTAL Adult non-Fiction 102,520 3-83 - 219 102,694 Child Non-Fiction 16,703 60 17 16,746 H.S. Non-Fiction 2,341 12 22 2,331 Adult Fiction 37,259 95 24 37,330 H.S. Fiction 3,298 12 319 2,991 Child Fiction 14,458 143 254 14,347 TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS OF 8/31/70 176,579 705 855- 17 29 NET DECREASE IN BOOK STOCK - 150 Included in above figures: 17 gifts and 395 new titles Pamphlets added 55 Maps Added 0 Pamphlets discarded 14 Maps Discarded 0 Total Pamphlets 6,432 Total Maps 706 RECORDINGS AS OF ACCES- DIS- GRAND 7/31/70 SIONED CARDED TOTAL 78's 1,078 0 0 1,�- 45's 228 0 0 228 33 's 2, 509 10 0 2, 519 3,815 10 0 3,825 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER: MAIN $918.92 BRANCH 206.05 TOTAL DEPOSITS, AUG., 1970 $1, 124.97