HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1970.12.15 8tjLtMGME FUXX LY"Y IM TRUSTEES ARESEXTs TRUSTEES ABSENT: AtHUT64 Of `t`IV ,Z.--TT a OF #3ILL s C ARRi:ir!" E'N"E t 30 ftrc has of bteinbodk rtti r, use for ;,tc m 7 Refurbi sh#ng of old sectiar 04 i i lw4ry IggIVIDUAL W.RBERSHIP IN C.L*A, e MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD November 17, 1970 CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board was held on the above given date. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. 5y Chairman Cohendet. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Phelan, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee De Martini Trustees Absent: Trustee Lynes (excused) MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of October 19, 1970 were approved and adopted. With regard to the transportation of books from the Branch library, both Trustees Phelan and DeMartini questioned the liability of the City and/or the Library and Board of Trustees in the event of bodily injury or property damage by the driver of the transporting vehicle. The Librarian stated that the driver himself would be covered by Workmen's Compensation, and it was agreed that probably liability would be taken care of under the City's blanket policy. However, the librarian will look into this and report t3 the Board at the next meeting. BIL'_S: Bills in the amount of $4,744.69 were ordered ;paid on a motion by Trustee Hechinger seconded by Trustee Phelan. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Librarian's report was read and ordered filed. Regret was expressed at the illness of Dennis Finney, Reference Librarian, from which he is not expected to recover. CORRESPONDENCE: There was no correspondence. OLD BUSINESS: Purchase of Steinbeck Property: The Librarian informed the Board that the City Council had agreed to purchase the property; their offer had been accepted; and at the Council Meeting of November ib City Manager Schwalm had been instructed to proceed with the purchase. He spoke briefly of his visit with Mr. Steinbeck just before his death; and stated he did not know how soon the house would be demolished for the use of the parking district. In reply to a question from Trustee Phelan, he stated he: thought the parking lot would hold about thirty cars in addition to those left in the present lot. Refurbishing of Library: The Librarian informed the Board that Mr. J. H. Comey, library consultant, had given the City Council at a study meeting his estimates for library furnishings and his fee for consultation and other services. This would be 5% of the total gross of materials and services, the amount to be a minimum of $3,000 and a maximum of $4,000. The City Council had then asked Mr. Comey to sub-nit more specific figures in order that a contract may be put together. This has been submitted and accepted by the City Council and the City Attorney has been instructed to draw up the contract. The Board then discussed the extra cost of the rug replacing tile in the old building and the decoration of the large beam in the future reference room. The Librarian stated the Council would take up this subject at some future meeting. NEW BUSINESS: C.L.A. Convention: Trustee Phelan gave a very comprehensive report on this recent convention in Los Angeles. Some of the highlights were her attendance at: Session on Children's Literature: The publis has many criticisms in this area, particularly with regard to sex, violence, racial values, physical problems, and moral values. The public even questions "What is a classic?" It was brought out in this session that 50% of criminals are juveniles, 10% of these are less than 16 years of age, and the impace of libraries in counteracting this is great. Library Buildings Section: One of the salient points of discussion was the question, "Is 3 main library important in the center of a city?" Trustees Meeting: During this meeting the importance of the library trustees' jobs was stressed. The value of a good working relationship between the Board of Trustees and the City Council is great. It was stated that the job of the Board is to make responsible recommendations, take full responsibilities for the plant, book department and staff; and keep all meetings at a high level. Mrs. Phelan stated that there has been some discussion on the Trustees forming a separate division of C.L.A. Friends of Library Meeting: Mrs. Phelan found this quite informative, and felt that she had gained a great deal from attending this convention in relation to her responsibilities as a trustee. The Librarian mentioned the membership meeting, in which was discussed the possibility of changing the structure of C.L.A. from a line organization into separate divisions; for example, the professional librarians in one group and business administrators and trustees in another group, with overlapping responsibilities. He spoke of the variety of the exhibits and of how valuable they were to those attending. Holt Report. This report was discussed and it was agreed that it made no great contribution to our building p-ogram, with the point being made that most library consultants are well versed in library organization per se, but do not know enough about architecture and practical structural applications for library buildings. Friends of Library Book Sate: The Librarian reported that about $650.00 was realized from This sale. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:40 P. M. on a motion by Trustee Hechinger seconded by Trustee Phelan. Respectfull submitt , George Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIAN' S REPORT DECEMBER 15, 1970 L CIRCULATI0i,1 ANO TRAFFIC: The circulation increased ?/ over that of November, 1969. The traffic increased 15% over that of 1969. A small amo.int of the traffic increase may be due to the workmen going in and out of the building; however, this would not be over. 2%, as only the steamfitters have been using the entrance. Staff: Mr. Finney is still in a coma, and is not expected to recover. We should, under any circumstances, institute a search for his replacement . At present we are filling in with part-time personnel . We will 'be unable to hire the additional Librarian I allowed for in the budge_, as these funds are being used to cover the part-time salaries, as Mr. Finney had the maximum sick leave of 120 days available, of which 79 are still unused. The constant increase in reference work plus the problems involved in the expansion program make this vacenty most inopportune. MEETINGS ATrEN DED: The Librarian and Mrs. Bargsing attended the Peninsula Library System meeting; and he attended Council meetings. BUILDING: The extension of the basement to the East has interior concrete block partitions completed, and ;:he outside walls are ready for pouring. Children's room extension - some steel reinforcing bars are not yet in, but should b; ready for pouring this week. The steamfi :ter has nearly all pipes in the old building ready for installation. The Steinbeck property has been acquired by the City. Interior : Mr. Corley is working on the furniture layout, and specification for such items as necessary. CHILDREN'S R0011: The November activities in the Children's Room were organized witi Children's Book Week, November 15 - 21, as the focal point. The bulletin boards carried out the theme "The Age of the Book," The new books had been held and were displayed during tie week and the schools were invited to bring t'ieir classes to peruse the books and name our bookworm. Our bookworm had a papier-made face with black horn-rimmed glasses, and a green ridged body; and it held a book. It was the creation of George Ward, a page. The response to the new books and naming t'ie worm was enthusiastic. At the branch, the bookworm was named Mr. Accordion and at the main, Mr. Specs. The week's activities concluded with a puppet shote on Saturday the 21st. CITY OF 3JRLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1970 THIS rTO BUDGET MOV,A DATEALLOWANCE BALANCE 19 S-1 Salaries M �S �� ,`i� ,��5 ° , �5 , - I 7 M-11 Supplies +4 442.0,56 2,200 9s44 M-12 Printing & Postage 143.-10 4y59-3,W 2,250 65 3 M-13 Light, Heat, Power & Water 322.16 1,650.01 4,360 2,709.99 M-14 Telephone 82.44 542.58 1,031 488.42 M-16 Bldg, & Grounds Maintenance 97.36 352.41 2,500 2, 147.59 3 2,61:1 B 1 22, 5,1'7©.'� M-17 Books & Maps 1 22-,28z-al- 37,450 M-17A Periodicals 24.02 2,731.00 3,650 913.00 M-17B Binding 311 .06 1,717.74 3,000 1,282.26 M-17C Cataloging 260.92 1,345.81 2,250 904.19 M-19 Convention (Librarian) --- . 142-34 275 132.66 '�.. M-19A Auto Allowance 9.30 59.60 300 24o.4o M-19P Convention (Personnel ) -- 220.07 250 29.93 M-19T Convention (Trustees) --- 134.19 125 - 9.19 M-20 Dues to Library Associations --- 30.00 275 245.00 p,UU wo. b0 M-21 Miscellaneous --- --20,-50-- 1008-- M-24 Typewriter Repairs 10.00 -68s%- 250 -490.5 M-27 Comp. Insurance --- --- 2,000 2,000.00 M-28 Contracts 403.00 2,358.00 4,56o 2,202.00 C-90 Capital Expenditures --- 660.72 1,650 989.28 �__ �--�_-- 51. �1 3"1,326,►3 31, 150.89 TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES ,50eA--4* 1 68,4715 3 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES �`€ \�� ®� i ao,qo5 ,5z y` I Q, 39'7, a STATISTICS FOR NOVEMBER, 197J CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books, Adult Non-Fiction 9,436 1,383 Child Non-Fiction 2, 166 1, 182 Adult Fiction 6,740 1,877 Child Fiction 2,7_8_5 1,476 21, 127 5,913 Periodicals 1, 117 585 22,244 TT 503 -' Phonograph records 805 --- T3-,04-9- 6, 503 Art Prints 19 --- Slides --- --- Total Circulation 23,068 6, 503 BRANCH & MAIN, GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION 29,571 Daily Average for Main 870 (1969: 23,015) Daily Average for Branch 271 % of increase - 5%2/ TOTAL DAILY yAVERAGE �,- TRAFFIC COUNT - NOVEMBERR �`-- Daily Average, Main - 931 Total Traffic, Main 24,673 Daily Averag--, Branch 373 Total Traffic, Branch 9,079 1,309 33, 752 ----- REGISTRATIONSADULT C'1ILDV� TOTAL Membership - 10/31/70 1331 T1;5 171290 Additions, November, 1970 315 93 408 Wit)drawals, it " 357 55 412 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS AS OF 11/30/70 13,799 3,497- F7_,2 96'_ ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: �+ AS OF CAN- GRAND 10/31/70 ADDED CELLED TOTAL Adult non-fiction 103,622 526 110 104,038 Child non-fiction 16,876 12 6 16,882 H. S. non-fiction 2,362 19 7 2,374 Adult fiction 37, 529 117 5 37,641 H.S. Fiction 3,007 24 7 3,024 Child Fiction 14,499 39 1 14, 537 TOTAL BOUT; STOCK AS OF 11/30/70 177- ,895 737 136-- 17U,496 496 NET INCREASE IN BOOK STOCK 601 Included in above figures: 50 gifts and 463 new titles Pama'i1e s added 297 '-- Maps Added _- 0 Pamphlets discarded 179 Maps Discarded 0 Total ?amphlets_�_ 6, 551 -Total _Maps 744 RECO2DIJy3: AS OF ACCES- DIS- GRAND 10/31/70 SIOINED CARDED TOTAL `-- 78's 1,` OT 0 0 1,074' 45's 228 0 0 228 33 's _2, 536 9 3 2, 542 TOTAL------ 3P.838 _3F_ - 9 3 394 DEPOSITED WIT'A CITY TREASURER: MUN 1,_109.43 BRANCH 233.25 TOTAL, NOV. $1 ,342.68