HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1971.03.30 AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD March 30, 7971 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 16, 1971 : BILLS: LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: d .� c.?.yt.�l.-rrt.„t.�-�j t�x.�,fc..,r w�L,t� �,�$r,<...1 G�,14•�r:C.�.L��" �„�Amy v CORRESPONDENCE: (1 OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: Budget , t Non-resident courtesy cards ADJOURNMENT: 3 t son J MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD February 16, 1971 CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board was held on the above given date. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Cohendet. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Lynes, Trustee Phelan Trustees Absent: Trustee De Martini -)(- dtc� '�"� 1P� Mo,�c,t 30�] Iqa r+>e e � tlefe,e, tx� moose rriL�nutt MINUTES: " bS-enC-e . Chairman Cohendet asked that the minutes of the January 25, 1971 meeting be corrected in two places. On page two, the second paragraph, last sentence should read: "Trustee De Martini (not Chairman Cohendet) suggested that we try the the first...." The second correction is located on page three under the New Business section entitled "Friends of the Library." This sentence should read: "The Board was gratified that Friends of the Library wished to attend the Board meetings; the Board would welcome anyone who desired to attend any Board meeting at any time." The minutes were then approved and adopted. BILLS Trustee Hechinger read to the Board Members the bills of the month which amounted to $3,754.34.1 On a motion by Trustee Lyons, seconded by Trustee Hechinger and carried, the bills were ordered paid. The reason for reading bills to the Board members was mentioned. Since only two trustees must sign the warrents and all of the Board members want to know what the monthly bills are, it saves much time and enables discussion to occur if the bills are read aloud. A question was asked referring to our purchase of books from the Burlingame Book Store. We purchase books from the Burlingame Book Store when we need a book immediately. This is usually due to a special request from a patron. We receive a 25% discount from them. LIBRARIAN's REPORT: Chairman Cohendet asked about the book sale. The book sale will be held on the following days and evenings: Champagne Preview March 4th 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM (Members only) Friday March 5th 10:00 AM - 8:30 PM Saturday March 6th 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sunday March 7th 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM .3 The Steinbeck house, where the book sale will be held, is to be torn down the week immediately following the book sale. The Librarian stated that the Friends of the Library have been working extremely hard. The Board agreed that the Friends were doing a great job for the library. Trustee Hechinger asked when the Library Dedication would probably take place. It was felt that the dedication should be held after the Library was completed in full detail. Possibly a Friday evening would be a good time to hold the ceremony. Chairman Cohendet mentioned that the Traffic Report of the Librarian might be a little easier understood if the second sentence read: "This resulted in pronounced increases in Burlingame Library traffic...." CORRESPONDENCE: The family of Dennis Finney sent the Library an acknowledgement of sympathy. There was no other correspondence. OLD BUSINESS: The Report of the City Council Study Session was discussed. The Council approved the first four special requests for the Building which were removal of old sewer lines, correction of formerly installed wiring, relocation of one fan, and running an extra conduit and wire to the chiller on the roof. The Council dismissed the fifth request for the as they had already approved complete carpeting. The sixth request for a mural representing the "Tree of ,Knowledge" was eliminated. NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business. ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by Trustee Lyons, seconded by Hechinger and carried, the .meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted George Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board fWPLUWWAr, PUBUC LIBRARY T' -,utlinpane, Calif. t Dec- 15, 19�59 ,n the Trustees- of thme 3urling"I Public Library In the --matter of declaration of a Public Library hook selection policy. WTHEREAS, it is the reponsibility of a public library to provide Information in all fields of inquiry ITI so for as possible within lmdgetary Ii its, and 8V RAS, it is the function of the Surlingan* Public Library to select and make available matertals wad services tAnich in all respects comply with Section 22-224 of the California Education Code. THEREFORE, the Trustees of the Burlingam. Public Library herewith set forth the following basic principles for book selection in the Burlin&&me Public Library: 1. Selection, as a dv--socratic mfethod, f.3vors liberty of thought "n the pro tion of reading in -zm.,ltiple points if view. y. Sooks, chosen for library distribution, are a channel of com- rrunication and a sti-mulant to controversy, whether they are recognized classics or imtovations in Ideas, format 6r literary form. 3. Special interest fields appear in public' library collections; and u*ere divergent views are expressed, several are represented. 4. Intelligent book selection 15plies a positive analysis of a book as a vile, seeking out the worthwhile values and the honesty of material, with consideration of the writerfs backODUnd, education and experience to determine inns authority an the subject. Primartly, a public library Is an agency-Jor free, public, informal education; to accomplish this, the 3ui4�ftame Public Library bases its book selection an principle rather i6in personal opinion, reason rather than prejudice, and Judgmnt rather than censorship. approved by the Trustees of the Burlingame Public k0mg=xy Library, on by the followiniv- Votes A'rL S ASSENT! My Ubr-qrllan LIBRARIAN' S REPORT MARCH 30, 1971 BUILDING: The building construction is on schedule with the exception of the installation of the tiered stacking. However, the construction has proceeded wherever possible and at present the roof is being placed on the reference wing. The interior consultant has prepared specifications and sent them out for bid. If everything proceeds as planned, we should be well settled by the middle .of October. CIRCULATION AND TRAFFIC : The circulation has decreased .O1% from last February 1970, but the traffic of our library has increased from the total at the main 20,279 to 22,722 or about 12%. Some of this increase is no doubt due to the construction being done; however, most of the workmen do not make many trips in and out of the building. PENINSULA LIBRARY SYSTEM: The system seems to be functioning as expected. The microwave teletype should be delivered soon. We will then see if the service system is affected by this speed up in communications, MEETINGS ATTENDED: The Librarian attended two City Council Meetings, the Commissioner' s Dinner, and two Systems Meetings. Mrs. Bergsing, Mrs. Dunn, and Miss Riordan attended the Peninsula Library Association Meeting on February 25, 1971 at Canada College. The subject of the meeting was the proposed new combined public and high school library for Foster City, and the problems involved in such a project. The same staff members also attended the Association of Children's Librarians Institute in Berkeley on March 11, 1971, This all day workshop dealt with various ways to improve public library service to young adults. Both meetings caused considerable discussion, and stimulated many new ideas on service to the public. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: The membership in the Friends of the Library has been steadily increasing over the past months, so that the group now has 133 paid members. They successfully sponsored a spring book sale at the old Steinbeck house on March 4, 5, 6, and 7, which added $845.00 to their funds. The grand total in their treasury is now $1700.00. They are planning to spend a considerable portion of this money on audio-visual equipment and materials for the library, particularly records, cassettes, 8 m.m. . films, slides and a slide projector, cassette players, and additional framed art prints. They are also contemplating soliciting -2- specific gifts from groups and individuals to supplement the new furnishings in the library. These items may include planters, exhibit cases, map cases, staffroom furnishings, and other furniture and extras that can't be afforded in the building budget, The Friends are also interested in assisting the Library Trustees and staff in a ceremony dedicating the new building, or they might be interested in assuming the entire responsibility for such a program if the Board wishes them to do so, CHILDREN'S ROOM: The Burlingame Puppeteers, George Ward, Marguerite Roemer, Mrs. Dunn and Miss Riordan gave a series of puppet shows to a number of schools during February„ The program consisted of two or more plays based on children's books and after the program George Ward explained how the puppets were made. Sheets were given to teachers showing examples of the various types of puppets and there was a bibliography of books in the library on puppets. The response of the children and teachers was encouraging. Plans for more plays are being made, The other activities of the Children's Room (school visits, teacher ' s collections) have continued. t I CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE MONTH OF MARCH, 1971 THIS TO BUDGET MONTH DATE ALLOWANCE BALANCE � S-1 Salaries 15, 168.00 137,903.69 188,912 51,008.31 M-11 Supplies 144.97 1,629045 2,200 570.55 M-12 Printing it Postage 164.11 2;215.48 2,250 34.52 M-13 Light, Heat, Power & Water 442.99 2,811 .99 4,360 1,548.01 M-14 Telephone 87.14 786.63 1,031 244.37 M-16 Bldg. & Grounds Maintenance 11 .62 492.89 2,500 2,007,11 M-17 Books & Maps 2,794.32 29,684.27 37,450 7,765.73 M-17A Periodicals 37.77 3,289.44 3,650 360,56 M-17B Binding 373.75 2,348034 3,000 651 .66 M-17C Cataloging 136.36 1,716.24 2,250 533.76 M-19 Convention (Librarian --- 255093 275 19,07 M-19A Auto Allowance 2.00 121 ,30 300 178,70 M-19P Convention (Personnel ) --- 220,07 250 29.93 M-19T Convention (Trustees) --- 134.19 125 - 9.19 M-20 Dues to Library Associations --- 224,75 275 50.25 M-21 Miscellaneous --- 33.00 100 67.00 M-24 Typewriter Repairs 100.00 248.93 250 1.07 M-27 Comp, Insurance --- --- 2,000 2,000,00 M-28 Contracts 403.00 3,567,00 4,560 993000 C-90 Capital Expenditures --- 660.72 1,650 989,28 TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 4,698.03 50,440.62 682476 18,035038 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES 19,866.03 188,344.31 257,388 69,043.69 'ar. STATISTICS FOR FEBRUARY 1971 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books, Adult Non-Fiction 9,259 1,450 Child Non-Fiction 1,758 818 Adult Fiction 6,742 2,053 Child Fiction 2030 11310 19,889 5,631 Periodicals 970 555 20,859 6, 186 Phonograph Records 526 --- 21,385 b, 1�fZ Art Prints 14 --- Slides ---_ --- Total Circulation 21,399 Branch " 6186 BRANCH & MAIN, GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION 27, 585 Daily Average for Main 856 (1970: 27,936) Daily Average for Branch 269 (% of decrease - TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE 1125 TRAFFIC COUNT - February: Daily Average, Main 909 Total Traffic, Main 22,722 Daily Average, Branch 308 Total Traffic, Branch 7,084 1217 29,812 REGISTRATIONS: ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership - 1/31/71 13, 16 3, 509 17,325 Additions, February, 1971 287 73 360 Wi thdra�•:aI s, " 3_16 55 371 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS AS OF 2/28/71 13,787 3, 527 17 31I► ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF CAN- GRAND 1/31/71 ADDED CELLED TOTAL Adult non-fiction 104,580 392 72 105, 154 Child non-fiction 17,005 78 13 17,070 H.S. non-fcition 2,455 20 2 2,473 Adult fiction 37,823 94 15 37,902 H.S. fiction 2,843 11 6 2,848 Child fiction 14,620 99 33 14 686 TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS OF 2/28/71 179,580 694- 141 1 0-$133 NET INCREASE IN BOOK STOCK: 553 Included in above figures 44 gifts and 428 new titles. Pamphlets added 29 Maps Added 0 Pamphlets discarded 47 Maps Discarded 0 Total Pamphlets 56 4 Total Maps 7Z4 RECORDINGS: As of Acces- Dis- Grand 1/31/71 sioned carded Total 78' s 1,07j+ 0 0 45's 228 0 0 228 33' s, 2L542 6 0 2,548 32 8�� -8- 0 31850 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER: Main: $1 ,095.09 Branch: 12730 TOTAL: $ 1,222.39 TENTATIVE BUDGET BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY D-80 LIBRARY S-1 Salaries Librarian $16, 104 1 .0 $16, 104.00 Assistant Librarian 12,624 1.0 12,624.00 Librarian II (5) 59,902 4.75 51,810.00 Librarian II Part Time (.5) 5,238 0.5 5,492.80 Librarian I Part Time (05) 4,357 1.0 8, 143.00 Library Assistants (6) 42,840 6.0 42,523.00 Library Assitant Part Time (3) 23,871 3.0 25,490.20 Library Aide Part Time (.5) 2,970' 0.5 2,976.00 Pages (5) 21,000 5.0 23,000.00 $188,912 $192,889.60 OPERATIONS M-11 Supplies-Materials $ 2,200 $2,400 M-12 Printing-Stationery-Postage 2,250 3, 100 M-13 Light-Heat-Power-Water 4,360 8,400 M-14 Telephone 1,031 1,331 M-16 Building Maintenance 2,500 2,500 M-17 Books and Maps 37,450 40,353 M-17A Periodicals 3,650 3,903 M-17B Binding 3,000 3,500 M-17C Cataloging 2,250 2,000 M-19 Convention (Librarian) 275 275 M-19A Auto Allowance 300 300 M-19P Convention (Personnel ) 250 250 M-19T Convention (Trustees) 125 125 M-20 Dues (Library Associations) 275 275 M-21 Miscellaneous 100 100 M-24 Typewriter Repair 250 300 M-27 Insurance 2,000 2,000 M-28 Contracts (Janitors, etc.) 4,500 8,400 $66,826 $79,512 C-90 Capital Expenditures Vacuum and Meaning tools $ 400 400 Less: Fines and Fees 16,800 272,801 Unexpended Balance 8,000 24,800 $ 248,001 Page it i CITY OF BURf 'GAMME DETAILED BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1971-1972 DEPARTMENT Library Account i Account Actual Current Year Expenditures + Number Name 1969-70 1970-71 Acutal Estimate Estimated Budget M,r. Prior Year Current 8 Mos . 4 Mos . Total Request Rem. Expenditures Budget i S-1 Salaries $162,206.99 $188,912.00 ( $122,736.49 $60,000.00 $182,736.00 $192,889, 0 M-11 Supplies and $2,234.93 $2,200.00 $1,629.45 $570.50 $2,200.00 $2,400.00 Materials 10% M-12 Printing and $2,517.70 $2,250.00 $2,215.48 $400.00 $2,615.48 $3, 100.00 Postage *$2,600.00* 1/31 of postage budget M-13 Light, Heat, $3,806.47 $4,360.00 $2,811 .69 $10500.00 $4,311 .69 $8,400.00 Power, Water M-14 Telephone , $1,024.91 $1,031.00 $786.63 $244.37 $1,031 .00 $1,331 ,00 I M-16 Building $1,706.69I $2,500.00 1 $492.89 $2, 500.00 Maintenance M-17 Books and $35,924.59 $37,450.00 $29,684.27 $7,765.73 $37,450.00 $40,353.00 Maps ' M-17A Periodicals $3,383.29 $3,650.00 ( $3,289.44 $360.56 $30650.00 $3,750.00 M-17B Binding $2,687.72 $3,000.00 $2,348.34 $651 .66 $3,000.00 $3,500.001 M-17C Cataloging $1,285.00 $2,250.00 $1,716.24 $533.76 $2,250.00 $2,000.0 M-19 Convention $250.00 $275.00 $255.93 $19007 $275.00 $275000 (Librarian) M-19A Auto Allowance $194.65 $300.00 $121 .30 $60.00 $180.00 $300.00 ## Error in typing of annual budget 1970-71 I r Page N( 2 CITY OF BUR-if 1 AM% DETAILED BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1971-1972 DEPARTMENT Library Account I Account Actual Current Year Expenditures i Number Name L969-70 L970-71 AcutaL Estimate Estimated Budget Mgr. Prior Year Current 8 Mos . 4 Mos . Total Request Rem. Expenditures Budget i M-19P I Convention 218,75 $250.00 $220.07 $29.93 $250,00 $250.00 9 Personnel $ M-19T Convention, $4.50 $125.00 $134.19 $10,00 $144,10 I $125.00 Trustees M-20 Dues (Library Association) $264.75 $275.00 $224.75 '$30.00 $254.75 $250.00 M-21 , Miscellaneous $127.21 $100.00 $33.00 $20.00 $53.00 $100,00 M-24 Typewriter I $181 .86 $250.00 $248,93 $1 .09 $300,00 $300.00 Repairs M-27 Insurance, $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000,00 $2,000,00 $2,000.00I Comp. M-28 Contracts $4 074,00 4 560.00 $3,567-00 120 .00 4 6 00 $7,800.00 > $ $ 9 $ ,77 0 Janitor $8,400,OOr Contracts, I I $4,500.00 Maintenance C-90 Cap, Exp, $7,214.47 $1,650.00 $660.72 $600,00 $1,200.00 I $400.00 CITY OF BURL GAME PERSONNEL SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT Library For the Fiscal Year 1971-1972 Current Budget Bud .pet Request I Position Title 1 Salary No . of Budget No . of Budget City Mgr. i Positions Amount Positions Amount Recommds . 1 Librarian $1,342.00 I 1 .0 $16, 104.00 1 .0 $16, 104.00 No change assistant Librarian ` $1,052.00 1 .0 $12,624.00 1 .0 $12,624.00 No change 1 Librarian II $786.00-$954.00 5.5* $59,902.00 4.75 $51,810.00 3/1Y Time Cat. increase,. to LLull time. N=w ib.II position changed to Lib. I position (approvers last f years budget) Librarian II (p.t.) i $785.00-$954.00 0.5 $ 5,238.00 0.5 $ 5,492.80 Step raise ($4.54-$5.51 per hr. Librarian 1 ( $bj9.00-$823.00 1 .0 $30, 148.00 New position changed from Librarian II i approved in j1970-1971 budget Librarian I (p.t.) ($3.92-$4.76 per hr.) i 0.5 $ 4,357.00 0.5 j $ 4,721..60 Step raises Library Asst. $530.00-$646.00 6.0 $42,840.00 6.0 1 $42,523.00 No change (slightly lower due to change of personnel at lower rates of pay) Library Asst.(p.t.) $530.004646.00 3.0 $23,871 .00 3.0 $25,490.20 Increase in ($3.06-$3.73 per hr.) I pay & hours --c: No . 2 .. CITY OF BUR( NGAME PERSONNEL SCHEDIJLE DEPARTMENT Li brary For the Fiscal Year 1971- 1972 Current Budget Budget Request I Position Title Salary No . of Budget No . of Budget ! City Mgr. Positions Amount Positions Amount Recon:mds . Library Aide (p.t. ) $2.55-$2.75 per hr. 0.5 $ 2,976.00 0.5 $ 2,976.00 No change Pages ! $1 .50-$2.25 + 5.0 $21,000.00 5.0 $23,000.00 Added hours for moving books, rearranging stacks. TOTAL.......!.$193,889.60 I i i I . V I • I f I •� Page 1 CITY OF ( 'ZLINGAME OPERATING EXPENSE JUSTIFICATION For the Fiscal Year 1971-1972 Department Library ACCOUNT ACCOUNT BUDGET EXPLANATION OF NUMBER NAME REQUEST BUDGET REQUEST M-11 Supplies and $2,400.00 -- 10% Increase cost of materials, especially plastic Materials laminating materials used for magazine covers. M-12 Printing and $3, 100.00 -- 33 1/3% Postmaster states that postage will increase Postage about 1/3. Last years' budget failed by accident to meet the increase in actual amount spent in 1969-1970. Therefore, the 33 1/3% increase applies to the total amount rather than just to the printing allotment. Most of this part of the budget recovered from the sale of renewal cards, fines, fees, reserve cards, etc. M-13 Light, Heat, $80400.00 P.G.E. estimates $3,700.00 increase in the light Power and water and power due to the new addition and the change in lighting, air conditioning, etc. Heat should be about $300.00; water about $40.00, M-14 Telephone $1031 .00 $300.00 increase to cover cost of new phones and an additional line. This may be a very tentative guess and with the new business allotment of 80 units of calls free per line, totaling 240 units per month. Even though the cost per phone has been lowered from $13,50 to about $8.00, there is also the probability that the many local calls will exceed the cost allowed. We have no way of knowing this unless we survey the number of local calls we make at present. M-16. Building $2,500.00 No change. Maintenance There are certain parts of the old roof that need renewing and a possible change in the lighting at Branch by the installation of three or four fixtures from our building. Fage y 2 CITY OF j" C'INIGAi'.E OPERATING EXPENSE JUSTIFICATION For the Fiscal Year 197L-L972 Department Library i ACCOUNTACCGUNT BUDGET ` EXPLANATION OF N���R �rAvE ) R�QULST BUDGET REQUEST i M-17 I Books and Maps $40,353.00 Increase of about $3,903,OO 'or u%. This is less than the price increase by several percent. It is very difficult to estimate the increase as many of the reprint houses have increased their prices in such a fashion that the once over-all price increase is about 22,7% for hard cover books. In the paperback mass market the increase is only 2.1%, but the trade paperbacks increased 29%. The average novel rose from $6.05 to $6.27 or 3.6%. Biography (we purchase heavily) rose from $8.85 per volume to $9.95 or 12.5%. History in 1969 averaged $9.81 per volume; in 1970 they averaged $10.55 per volurre-or-'7.6%. M-17A Periodicals $3,750.00 $100.00 Increase. M-17B Binding $3,500.00 $3, 100.00 with an increase of $100,00, $400.00 . for bindery covers for the display of magazines on new racks, 1 M-17C ` Cataloging $2,000.00 Minus $250.00. The duplication of Library of Congress cards will no longer occur, M-19 Convention, $275.00 No change. Librarian M-19A Auto Allowance $300.00 No change, M-19P Convention, $250.00 No change. Personnel M-19T Convention, $125.00 No change. Trustees I Page LND- 3 CITY OF r'?:ZLINGAME r OPERATING EXPENSE .TUSTIF ICATION For the Fiscal Year 1971-1972 Department Library ACCOUNT ` ACCOUNT BUDGET EXPLANATION OF \U TAi� REQUEST BUDGET REQUEST � 3�. � i� M-20 I Dues (Library $250.00 $25.00 less. Three trustee memberships in CLA Associations) will not be renewed at Trustees' . request. M-21 l Miscellaneous $100.00 No change. M-24 ( Typewriter $300.00 Increase of $50.00 T Repairs M-27 Comp. Insurance $2,000.00 No. change. M-28 Contracts, $7,800000--, $8,400.o0 Estimate by Rancelli, our present janitor, for Janitorial a first class job. $7,800.00 minimum, $8,400.00 maximum, depending on the finished building. Aain library 27,000 sq. ft.; Branch 2,500 sq. ft. Rancelli furnishes his own tools. Contracts, $4,500.00 est. Maintenance of mechanical equipment-4375.00 Maintenance & per month or $4,500.00 for filter, furnace, Equipment* *' blowers, lights, toi lets, pumps, etc. I believe this to be a high figure for bid estimates. I feel that a regular maintenance employee would perform the function more satisfactorily than a contractor, as the right employee would soon learn all the idiosyncrasies of the job and keep the equipment in top condition, as well as hopefully develop a sense of proprietorship. C-90 Cap. Exp. $400.00 Vacuum and cleaning tools (subject to employment of a janitor.