HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1972.04.18 AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD April 18, 1972 ' r i TRUSTEES PRESENT: , TRUSTEES ABSENT: Ir BILLS: Total : $5682.28 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF March 21, 1972 : LIBRARIAN 'S REPORT: --� CORRESPONDENCE: Message from Mrs. Charlotte Johnson. OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: None. ADJOURNMENT: MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD March 21, 1972 CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board was held on the above given date. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Lloyd Lynes. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee DeMartini, Trustee Lynes, Trustee Phelan Trustees Absent: None Also Present: Charlotte Johnson, Councilwoman Patricia M. Bergsing, Assistant City Librarian Chairman Lynes introduced Charlotte Johnson. Mrs. Johnson stated that she came to the Board meeting to express her gratitude to the Board of Trustees for the wonderful job done regarding the Library Dedication and the Library itself. She stated that a note could not have conveyed her feelings and pride in the Library and the people affiliated with the Library and the Dedication (Board, Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Staff, the Friends, etc.) as the entire event was successful. Mrs. Johnson stated that she was aware of Mrs. Bergsing's efforts to make the dedication ceremonies successful, and had more than succeeded in doing so. She also stated that she saw Mr. Lechich sitting humbly during the ceremony, but that she, as well as everyone else, knew that he was the driving force in making the building turn out as beautifully as it has. Trustee Hechinger expressed the Board's deep appreciation of Mrs. Johnson's hard work during the past to help make possible the Library addition. Each member thanked Mrs. Johnson for her thoughtfulness in coming personally to the meeting, and also for all her hard work. Mrs. Johnson then stated she wished she could remain for the meeting, but was unable to do so. BILLS: Bills in the amount of $7,298.87 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Hechinger and seconded by Trustee Phelan. The motion unanimously carried. MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of February 15, 1972, were approved and adopted. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Librarian's report was read. Trustee De Martini asked the Librarian how the progress of the finishing of the building was doing. The Librarian stated that the workroom shelving had not arrived, but was due to any day. He stated that many other items had not been received, and many other alterations had not yet been completed. Trustee Lynes asked the Librarian if the Library obtained many business oriented books which the business district utilized. The Librarian stated that the Library had available a small collection of business books such as STANDARD AND POORS STOCK REPORTS which is utilized by businessmen, but that we mainly serve our business district through utilizing the Peninsula Library System service. He stated that the San Mateo Public Library specializes in business books, and we can, therefore, send for the desired books. Trustee Hechinger stated he felt the library should extend their services to the business district since they pay such high taxes. The Librarian stated that welcome letters are mailed to each new business notifying them of the Library's available services. -2- LIBRARIAN'S REPORT CONTINUED: Trustee Cohendet asked the Librarian what the "Peninsula Library System Patrons to Date" noted in the statistics referred to. The Librarian stated that patrons from the system who use our library often are given numbers, but those PLS patrons who only use our library occasionally are not listed. Mrs. Bergsing added to the Librarian's statement by saying that statistics were being kept regarding PLS Patron use. CORRESPONDENCE: None. OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: Budget 1972-73 The 1972-73 Budget was discussed by the Board and the Librarian. Trustee De Martini asked what E.E.A. stood for regarding one salaried employee. The Librarian stated that E.E.A. referred to the Federal Emergency Employment Act which subsidizes employment of needy people. He stated that the City of Burlingame is employing four (4) people under this act. It was in general agreement of the Board of Trustees that the Librarian had again done an unusually good job in the working and presenting of the budget. It was moved by Trustee De Martini that the budget as presented by the Librarian be approved; the motion was seconded by Trustee Phelan, and unanimously carried. The Librarian stated that he wished to thank all of the Trustees for the lovely gift they had presented to him on the day of the Dedication. Trustee De Martini stated that the Board of Trustees was in agreement of approbation in the handling of the Dedication, and stated they all felt the entire event was successful. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully Zs �tted, . 46orN,Vj?Pau L e c h i c h Clerk9of the Board LIBRARIAN'S REPORT April 18, 1972 BUILDING: Building Contractor: A few items are still outstanding such as: the number two compressor of the carrier chiller unit is still out; the louvers have not been installed on the workroom ventilation fan; insulation is still not installed on the chilled water line in the furred out area behind the main desk; etc. Interior Consultant : Workroom shelving, refinished bookracks, 'chairs, dictionary stands, etc., have not yet been received. There are some items still to be sent, as soon as the workroom is set up correctly. CIRCULATION: The circulation decreased two percent (2%) under that of March, 1971, but increased four percent (4%) over March, 1970; however, it decreased 5.7% of February, 1971 . The difference is probably caused by the patrons getting used to the change in fiction location. CHILDREN'S ROOM: With the completion and dedication of our new addition, it was decided to invite the schools to take a tour. A letter of invitation was sent to the individual teachers of the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, and high school . In addition, the principals received a copy of the letter plus a cover letter. It is hoped that the teachers will take advantage of this opportunity. Our programs, story hours, and class visits were held as usual . The art works which were presented by the schools have been enthusiastically received by the public. CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE MONTH OF APRIL, 1972 THIS TO BUDGET MONTH DATE ALLOWANCE BALANCE S-1 Salaries 17,601 .24 175,018.11 207,953 32,934.89 M-11 Supplies 114.39 1,418.40 2,400 981 .60 M-12 Printing & Postage 295.36 3,065.86 3, 100 34. 14 M-13 Light, Heat, Water, Power 692.58 6, 111 .67 8,400 2,288.33 M-14 Telephone 79.93 1,287.22 1,331 43.78 M-16 Maintenance 114.34 1,290.54 2,500 1,209.46 M-17 Books and Maps 3,340.91 32,244. 14 40,353 8, 108.86 M-17A Periodicals 31 .92 3,817.50 3,903 85.50 M-17B Binding --- 1,368.06 3,500 2, 131 .94 M-17C Cataloging 296.55 1,986.08 2,000 13.92 M-19 Convention (Librarian) --- 21 .80 275 253.20 M-19A Auto Allowance 7.30 139.50 300 160.50 M-19P Convention (Personnel ) --- 212.43 250 37.57 M-19T Convention (Trustees) --- 8.00 125 117.00 M-20 Dues to Library Associations 10.00 269.00 275 6.00 M-21 Miscellaneous --- 31 .00 100 69.00 M-24 Typewriter Repairs 24.00 224.00 300 76.00 M-27 Comp. Insurance --- --- 2,000 2,000.00 M-28 Contracts 675.00 5,635.50 8,400 2,764.50 C-90 Capital Expenditures --- 259.08 400 140.92 TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 5,682.28 59,389.78 79,912 20, 522.22 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES 23,283.52 234,407.89 287,865 53,457. 11 STATISTICS FOR MARCH, 1972 CIRCULATION: MAIN BRANCH Books, Adult Non-Fiction 10,818 1,392 Child Non-Fiction 1,715 1,042 Adult Fiction 7,881 2, 121 Child Fiction 21568 11838 22,982 6,393 Periodicals 1,077 567 2 059 Phonograph Records 825 --- Art Prints 36 --- Cassettes 10 --- Slides 0 --- Circulation Totals 24 ,� BRANCH & MAIN GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION 31,890 Daily Average Main: 860 ( 1971 : 32,551 ) Daily Average Branch: 258 (% of decrease 2%) TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE: 1118 REGISTRATIONS : ADULT CHILD TOTAL MEMBERSHIP - 2/29/72 13,754 3,417 17, 171 Additions,February 343 73 416 Withdrawals,February 287 107 394 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS AS OF 3/31/72 13,810 _3,__3_F3 17, 193 PENINSULA LIBRARY SYSTEM PATRONS TO DATE: 781 (increase of 121 patrons. ) ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF CAN- GRAND 2/29/72 ADDED CELLED TOTAL Adult Non-Fiction 109,8 551 —7-1— 110,37 Child Non-Fiction 17,501 40 27 17,514 U.A. Non-Fiction 2,728 19 0 2,747 Adult Fiction 39, 136 135 3 39,268 Child Fiction 13,578 42 35 13, 585 Y.A. FICTION 2,922 16 O 2 938 TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS OF 3/31/72 185,733- -803 1�- lib, Net increase in book stock: 697 Included in above figures; 31 gifts and 503 new bo6ks. Pamphlets Added: 81 Maps Added: 0 Pamphlets Discarded : 206 Maps Discarded: 0 TOTAL PAMPHLETS: . . . . , 02 TOTAL MAPS :. . . . .779 RECORDINGS: AS OF ACCES- DIS- GRAND 2/29/72 SIONED CARDED TOTAL 78's 1,076 0 0 1,07 45's 228 0 0 228 33 's 2, 594 2 153 2,443 333,898 2 153 —3,7T7— DEPOSITED ,7T+7DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER: Main: $1,491 .28 Branch: 183.54 TOTAL: $1,674.72