HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1972.05.16 AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD May 16, 1972 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: BILLS: Warrants: $5, 167.11 Special fund: $1,375.37 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF APRIL 18, 1972 : LIBRARIAN 'S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Mrs. Reginald Hamlin OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: Review of possible new rules governing City Commissions. ADJOURNMENT: MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD April 18, 1972 CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Burlingame Library Board was held on the above given date. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Lynes. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee DeMartini, Trustee Lynes Trustees Absent: Trustee Phelan, excused due to illness. BILLS: Bills in the amount of $5,682.28 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee DeMartini, seconded by Trustee Hechinger, and unanimously carried. MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of March 21, 1972, were approved and adopted. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Trustee DeMartini asked how nearly complete the building was at this time. The Librarian replied that the chiller had been approved and accepted by the Engineer and the Architect, but otherwise tittle change had occurred since the last Board meeting. He also stated that more items should be completed or arrive by the next Board meeting. OLD BUSINESS: Trustee DeMartini mentioned briefly the janitor situation. The Librarian stated he was working with Mr. Schwalm in regard to coordinating City Janitors if we presently employed one on Civil Service. NEW BUSINESS: None. ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by Trustee Hechinger, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. to attend the City Countil Meeting at City Hall, where the counting of ballots and the final meeting of the Council with Charlotte Johnson as a member was to take place. Respectfully submitted, George;Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIAN' S REPORT May 16, 1972 BUILDING: There have not been any changes in the finishing of the minor items left in the building construction. However, they should be cleaned up soon. INTERIOR: The refinished catalogs have been received, and the shelving for the workroom has been installed. However, the work benches have not yet been adjusted for proper desk height. We are still waiting for some of the refinished furniture to replace the book mender 's work table in the workroom. The Audio Visual area in the back of the Reference Room has not as yet been organized. The office in this section will change as the refinished furniture either arrives or is made secure by tamper-proof locks and added screens. The consultant has not proposed any firm suggestions for the shelf in front of the card catalog on the main floor, so we may do it ourselves. FRIENDS' BOOK SALE: The two and one-half (22) day book sale netted $1,300.00. We would not have been able to carry out the profitable disposal of the thousands of gift books and discarded library materials without the active help of the Burlingame Library Friends. TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION: The traffic counter has been installed again. It has been running about 20 percent (20%) higher than the previous year. Since the circulation is only up four percent (4%), the difference is due in part to the relocation of the counters from inside the front doors to outside the front doors in the vestibule. As the count has only been taken for eight (8) days, it may not be representative and may balance out within the thirty (30) day period. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT: The following equipment is now located in the Reference and Audio-visual rooms : teletype, four cabinets holding record players and cassette players, and one stereo cassette copier. Copies of our twenty-five (25) master cassettes are now being loaned to patrons; it seems quite popular. The cabinets with the listening equipment will be kept locked. Reference personnel will open and supervise the listening equipment. CHILDREN 'S DEPARTMENT: This is the time of year plans for the Summer Reading Club are uppermost in our minds. The printed materials have arrived, and arrangements to visit schools have been scheduled. Entertainment for the party is being sought. On May 12th, a program concerning pre-school materials was presented to the United Methodist Pre-School Nursery. A number of Library Tours, including a children 's book club of Washington School, have been given. The children interviewed the Children 's _ Librarian for a newspaper which they publish. CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE MONTH OF MAY, 1972 THIS TO BUDGET MONTH DATE ALLOWANCE BALANCE S-1 Salaries 18,399.45 193,417.56 207,953 14, 535.44 M-11 Supplies 444014 1,862.54 2,400 537.46 M-12 Printing & Postage 46.25 3, 112.11 3, 100 -12. 11 M,13 Light, Heat, Water, Power 416.25 6,527.92 8,400 1,872.08 M-14 Telephone 98.58 1,385.80 1,331 -54.80 M-16 Maintenance 129.81 1,420035 2, 500 1,079.65 M-17 Books and Maps 2,940.56 35, 184.70 40,353 5, 168.30 M-17A Periodicals 88.19 3,905.69 3,903 -2.69 M-17B Binding 75.27 1,443.33 3, 500 2,056.67 M-17C Cataloging 118.96 2, 105.04 2,000 -105.04 M-19 Convention (Librarian) --- 21.80 275 253.20 M-19A Auto Allowance 13.10 152.60 300 147.40 M-19P Convention (Personnel ) 6.00 218.43 250 31 .57 M-19T Convention (Trustees) --- 8000 125 117.00 M-20 Dues to Library Assoc. --- 269.00 275 6.00 M-21 Miscellaneous --- 31 .00 100 69.00 M-24 Typewriter Repairs --- 224.00 300 76.00 M-27 Comp. Insurance --- --- 2,000 2,000000 M-28 Contracts 675.00 6,310.50 8,400 2,089.50 C-90 Capital Expenditures --- 259.08 400 140.92 TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 5,052.11 64,441 .89 79,912 15,470. 11 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES 23,451 .56 257,859.45 287,865 30,005.55 STATISTICS FOR APRIL, 1972 CIRCULATION: MAIN BRANCH Books, Adult Non-Fiction 10,200 1,319 Child Non-Fiction 1,922 760 Adult Fiction 7,862 2,006 Child Fiction 2,371 1 ,282 22,355 5,367 Periodicals 1, 137 515 92 233, + 5,$ 32 Phonograph Records 969 --- Art Prints 28 --- Cassettes 27 --- Slides 0 --- Circulation Totals BRANCH & MAIN TOTAL. CIRCULATION 30,398 Daily Average Main: 908 (1971 : 29,248) Daily Average Branch : 235 (/ of increase 4/) TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE: 1, 113 REGISTRATIONS: ADULT CHILD TOTAL MEMBERSHIP - 3/31/72 13,810 3,383 17, 193 Additions, April 284 46 330 Withdrawals, April 299 66 365 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS AS OF 4/30/72 13,795 3�3 17, 158 PENINSULA LIBRARY SYSTEM PATRONS TO DATE: 869 (increase of 88 patrons from last month) �. ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF CAN- GRAND 3/31/72 ADDED CELLED TOTAL Adult Non-Fiction 110,378 385 85 110,679- Child Non-Fiction 17, 514 95 172 17,437 Y.A. Non-Fiction 2,747 21 0 2,768 Adult Fiction 39,268 129 522 38,875 Child Fiction 13, 585 45 183 13,447 Y.Ao Fiction 2,938 11 45 2,904 TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS OF 4/30/72 186,430 1007 1-$x, 109 Net decrease in book stock: 321 Included in above figures : 91 gifts and 402 new books. Pamphlets Added: 113 Maps Added: 9 Pamphlets Discarded: 18 Maps Discarded: .4 TOTAL..00*00006,697 TOTAL.00... ..784 RECORDINGS: AS OF? ACCES DIS- GRAND 3/31/72 SIONED CARDED TOTAL 78's 1,076 0 0 1,076 45's 228 0 0 228 33 's 2,443 6 0 2,449 TOTALS 33,747 �- 0 3,753 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER: Main: $1,220.37 Branch : 205.12 TOTAL: $1,1+25.49 T61-;_ti vl L }v tIT ' .t;"an - . V`GLt,•s.4 Y�'G`-1 �LYivt' LZi,✓�`L f-s1 G.� ti. ct, CLL - - J.J`?J-l�/`�J G✓y- .L--Gd(�-�'G.f�,�C �.,--LvGti I ��t.'y7.i7[:s.-•r i - + �.-��1 C/�C:L''GL.4GI/3-a. � C./►- L vs..'7.v Z`. (.v--�z CLIC .I. Yl 2� 1 Ll ✓YL � �� � Y v �� 4/� c� . - OoN BU::UNGAIME �A°anTco.lun a�. -Clhl� TitLl Vf 33ullingamr SAN MATEO COUNTY CITY HALL— 501 PRIMROSE ROAD CHARLES F. SCHWALM BURLINGAME,CALIFORNIA 94010 TEL:(415) 342-8931 A CITY MANAGER March 10, 1972 Dear Commissioner: Attached hereto is a letter which contains new possible rules governing City Commissions. It would be helpful if you would review the items in said letter and let us have your opinions and comments on these proposed new provisions. This can be done at your next Commission meeting and there will be opportunity for some discussion at the Commissioners' Dinner. Very truly yours, Charles F. Schwalm City Manager CFS:rd Att. scar Commissioner: Replies to the Council's request for suggestions for "attendance rules" for Commissioners are hereby acknowledged Trrith appreciation. Generally speaking, the replies from our various Commission members indicate a desire for active , well attended Commission meetings . Using these suSSesLio as a basis , the Council has determined that four absences per year is the maxi, mum absence allowed and resi&nation of a Commissioner becomes automatic when his "absence record' reaches the fourth meeting mark during one year. A year as referred to in this communication, starts with the meeting folloi-.,in, notifi. cation of the Commissioner's appointment . There is no exception made for "excused" meetings . In brief, it is felt that If a Commissioner must be absent because of numerous healt'l problems , business or other reasons , he is worcing under a handicap by accepting appointment to a Commission. The only exception to the "automatic resisria.tion" will be in case of an emergency, such as sudden illness of self or family. Council and Commission to Judge validity of reason for absence . We than'r you for your interest in expressing such constructive opinions . In addition to absence , the Council directs that inability of a Commissioner to attend a C6mmission meeting must be reported to/ the Chairman of the Com- mission or to the City Manager prior to the meeting. '*—Commissions are not permitted to "skip" meetings . The lata has specific dates for meetings , . and the only legitimate reasons for changing a meeting date af�e lack of a quorum or conflict due to meeting falling on a legal holiday. Commissioners are reminded that it is their duty and responsibility to 1Lnow the dates and times of their Commission meetings . No notification of meeting is needed. It is the obligation of the Commission member to know when his Commission meets . A _.new Commissioner receives a badge , designating his Commission, which he. is entitled to wear or carry on a temporary basis . After serving on the Com" mission for one year, the badge will be his to keep'. If a Commission has questions regarding these rules and would like a meriber of the City Council 'to attend a Commission meeting to discuss same , please make request knot-M to the City Mlana.ge r.