HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1972.07.18 AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD July 18, 1972 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: BILLS: Warrants: $9,244.13 Special Fund : $1,209.08 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JUNE 18, 1972 : LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE: None OLD BUSINESS : None NEW BUSINESS: Election of new officers. Discussion of postcard notification of Board meetings. ADJOURNMENT: MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD June 20, 1972 CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Burlingame Library Board was held on the above given date. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Lynes. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Lynes, Trustee Phelan Trustees Absent: Trustee De Martini, Trustee Hechinger; both on vacation. BILLS: Warrants in the amount of $14,036.11 and checks from the Special Fund totaling $373.80 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Lynes, seconded by Trustee Phelan and unanimously carried. MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of May 16, 1972, were approved and adopted. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Trustee Lynes asked the Librarian if anyting had occurred regarding the proposed Committee Rules and Regulations. The Librarian stated that nothing new had happened. CORRESPONDENCE: The Board of Trustees read thank you notes from first and second graders which had been sent to Mrs. Dunn, Easton Drive Branch Librarian. The children thanked Mrs. Dunn for her storytelling, her talk on the library, and the Summer Reading Program. The Board showed enthusiasm at the originality of the letters, stating they were priceless. OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: Trustee Cohendet stated she felt that the Trustees should no longer be receiving post cards of meeting notification unless there is a change in the regular meeting date. She asked that this subject be brought up at the next Board meeting under "new business." It was so ordered by Chairman Lynes. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Lynes adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Geor a Pau�Wcih Cle of the Board LIBRARIAN'S REPORT July 18, 1972 BUILDING: The replacement thermometer for the outflow and inflow of the cool water of the chiller (air conditioning equipment) seems to be the last remaining item of the Morris Daley contract. I must say they have been trying to get Roundtree off the dime for months. They have promised to buy new ones themselves even though they were defective and should be replaced by the suppliers of the equipment. INTERIOR AND ITEMS LEFT OUT OF THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT: The refinishers still have several items to return. We still have not received bids on the ceiling ventilation fan for the California Room, nor have any bids on the installation of the heating units in the lobby been received. Our modification of one of the cooling-heating units in the workroom seems to be a success as no one has complained about cold drafts. We will have a more substantial outlet built than the present one made from boards fastened together. The cooler-heater in the stacks annex which has a vibration at high speed has not been replaced, although four months have passed since it was promised. So be it-- eventually. CIRCULATION AND TRAFFIC : The circulation for June was the same as that of June, 1971 . Book circulation at the Main was up 4.5% and down a comparable amount at the Branch. _ We have not been able to get the traffic counter switched due -to the rug people not showing. Hopefully, this will accomplished at the end of this month. rhe traffic count at the Branch for the last six months averages slightly less than the same period a year ago, which compares to the lower circulation. It is interesting to note the increase in traffic at the Branch from May to June due to the Summer Reading Club: May (230 daily, 12,471 total ); June (307 daily, 15,967 total . ) REFERENCE: The annual PLS Reference meeting was held on June 8th in our auditorium, in which the librarians discussed the reference books listed in the spring issue of LIBRARY JOURNAL. Refreshments were served by the library Friends. The total reference count for June was 1120; 346 were phone requests and 774 were requests made in person. CHILDREN 'S ROOM: We are beginning the fifth week of the Summer Reading Club with a record number, 390 children taking part. A large number of the children have drawn, made mobiles, or done papier-mache as a means of expressing their ideas about the books they have read. Both the Branch and the Main Children' s Rooms are being overwhelmed by these various art forms. A number of summer school classes have visited the library. CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE MONTH OF JULY, 1972 THIS TO BUDGET MONTH DATE ALLOWANCE BALANCE S-1 M-11 Supplies 57.80 67.80 M-12 Printing & Postage 925.34 925.34 M-13 Light, Heat, Water, Power 634. 13 634. 13 M-14 Telephone 85.91 85.91 M-16 Maintenance 24.35 24.35 M-17 Books and Maps 4,018.17 4,018. 17 M-17A Periodicals 2,359.27 2,359.27 M-17B Binding ___ --- M-17C Cataloging 150.00 150.00 M-19 Convention (Librarian) --- __- M-19A Auto Allowance M-19P Personnel ___ M-19T Trustees ___ __- M-20 Dues to Library Assoc. 12.00 12.00 M-21 Miscellaneous M-24 Typewriter Repairs M-27 Comp. Insurance __- --- M-28 Contracts 675.00 675.00 C-90 Capital Expenditures --- __- TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 8,951 .97 8,951 .97 STATISTICS FOR JUNE, 1972 CIRCULATION: MAIN BRANCH Books, Adult Non-Fiction 8,478 1,002 Child Non-Fiction 1,204 1,016 Adult Fiction 8, 555 2, 355 Child Fiction 2,450 1,716 20,687 6,089 Periodicals 1 019 416 21 , 505 Phonograph Records 728 --- Slides 116 --- Art Prints 33 --- Cassettes 12 --- Circulation Totals 22,595 505 GRAND TOTAL, BRANCH & MAIN 29, 100 Daily Average, Main 807 (1971 : 29,057) Daily Average, Branch 251 (% of increase .002%) TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE 1,058 REGISTRATIONS : ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership - 5/31/72 13,E 3,359 17,17, 194 Additions, June 321 193 514 Withdrawals, June 249 110 359 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS AS OF 6/30/72. . . . 1_3,907 3,T+ +_2 17,3�9 PENINSULA LIBRARY SYSTEM PATRONS TO DATE: 1,017 (Increase of 84 patrons) ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF CAN- GRAND _ 5/31/72 ADDED CELLED TOTAL-,,-,, Adult Non-Fiction 110, 560531 70 11 ,021 Child Non-Fiction 17, 534 34 10 17, 558 Y.A. Non-Fiction 2,756 19 0 2,775 Adult Fiction 38,894 126 64 38,956 Child Fiction 13,443 27 29 13,441 Y.A. Fiction 2,900 16 3 2,913 TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS OF 6/30/72 186,0T7 753 177 - 186 6 6 ZT '-` Net increase in book stock : 577 Included in above figures : 97 gift books and 412 new books Pamphlets Added: 200 Maps Added : 0 Pamphlets Discarded : 48 Maps Discarded: 0 TOTAL..... .o ,Z_,94_$ TOTAL.....0 9 RECORDINGS : AS OF ACCES- DIS- GRAND 5/31/72 SIONED CARDED TOTAL 78's 1,676- 0 0 1,076 45' s 228 0 0 228 33 's 2,451 9 52 2,408 _3,755 9 52 3,712 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER : Main : $1, 144.60 Branch : 212 .86 Total : $1,357T+6