HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1973.03.20 AGENDA MARCH 20, 1973 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: Trustee De Martini : Away on a Business Trip. BILLS: o Warrants: $5,679.47 Special Fund: $581 .01 INTRODUCTION: Introduction of Joy Molder, Librarian I, who took the Civil Service Examination and scored first on the list. (Appointment April 1, 1973.) MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 20, 1973: LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE: /MM��r.``.. Lloyd Lynes letter of November 21, 1973. c � Yi "'PtS81f-1• OLD BUSINESS: Easton Drive Branch. NEW BUSINESS: 1973-74 tentative budget. ADJOURNMENT: Next Meetingscheduled for APRIL 17, 1973. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD February 20, 1973 CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Burlingame Library Board was called to order on the above given date at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Phelan. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustees Cohendet, De Martini, Hechinger, Lynes, Phelan Trustees Absent: None Also Present: Mrs. James DeMartini, Miss Marilyn Morrison Trustee Phelan welcomed Trustee Lynes back from his absence due to recuperation after surgery, and stated the Board members were glad to see him again. BILLS: Warrants totaling $7,424.22 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Hechinger, seconded by Trustee Cohendet and unanimously carried. On a motion by Trustee Cohendet, seconded by Trustee Hechinger and unanimously carried, Special Fund bills totaling $142.74 were ordered paid. MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of January 16, 1973 were read and approved as written. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Trustee Hechinger asked the Librarian in which part of the building the leaks occurred. The Librarian stated that the leaks occurred in the older section of the building. CORRESPONDENCE: Trustee Phelan stated she had received a letter from the State Library's C.I.L. Government Relations Committee which suggested that a person or persons in the community organize and become a liason between the community, the library, and the government. Chairman Phelan stated she had called Alice Fricke, President of the Friends of the Library, and discussed this idea. She stated that Mrs. Fricke agreed that it was a very good project and she would bring it up at the next Friends Board Meeting. Trustee Lloyd Lynes stated he noticed the letter he had sent to the Board expressing his thanks for the planter they sent him while he was recuperating from surgery was not mentioned, and that he would, therefore, like to personally thank the Board members for the planter. A letter was received from Mr. David Nigel, Assistant Principal of Franklin School. Mr. Nigel thanked Mr. Lechich for the enjoyable faculty meeting they had experienced at the library in which extension services to teachers and students was discussed. A letter was received from Mr. Harry F. McCrae, Principal of Washington School. Mr. McCrae also thanked Mr. Lechich for the successful faculty meeting they had experienced at the library. _2_ OLD BUSINESS: The Librarian was asked if the Branch report was going to be discussed at this meeting. The Librarian stated that at present the plans had not been completely drawn up. Trustee Phelan and Trustee Hechinger stated that they had visited the Branch recently and found it to be a very busy and interesting place. The Branch facilities and possible changes were then discussed. Trustee Phelan mentioned that the Branch Librarian had stated that the North Burlingame Women's Club brings flowers weekly to the Branch and cleans it once a month. The Board agreed that the patrons at the Branch truly felt it was another home and enjoyed using it. NEW BUSINESS: Trustee DeMartini stated that he would not be able to attend the next meeting as he would be out of town on business. The Librarian introduced Miss Morison to the Board and stated she was the Supervisor of the Periodical Department but was attending the meeting due to a library class assignment. The Board welcomed her. ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. with the next meeting scheduled for March 20th, 1973. Respectfully Submitted, George Paul Lechich Clerk of the. Board LIBRARIAN'S REPORT MARCH 201 1973 BUILDING: Garvey Sheet Metal : On our third floor the duct-notch has been installed for dispersing of the air from the heater-cooler. It is quite successful and permits the immediate recycling of the air. The exhauster is ready for the California Room and the duct work is being installed. The installation of the exhauster hangs on the weather, as the hole in the roof can only be cut when there is no danger of rain. The small items left should be completed this month. Costers: The back desk has been completed and installed. The holes have been drilled for the changes in the intercom station and the additional phone has been installed. The intercom changeover should be completed by the end of the month. Coster states that the main desk and shelving should be finished by the next Board meeting. Com: The catalog consulting shelf is finished and ready for installation. The glass sliding doors for the locked cases have arrived but the locks were of the wrong type and must be exchanged. The metal shelving for the lockers is also on hand and will be installed when the audiovisual area is completed. AUDIO VISUAL DEPARTMENT: Additional headphones for the listening equipment in the library have been purchased and installed. YOUNG ADULT DEPARTMENT: An all day workshop type class was held February 28th, for Mrs. Barbara Forrest's sixth grade class of Hoover School . Included in the workshop was a complete tour, an introduction to Reference materials (especially indexes), help with materials for a special research assignment, a library cross-word puzzle, and a book talk. The event, held in conjunction with the Children ' s Dept. was deemed quite successful by the teacher. PUBLIC RELATIONS: The Burlingame Villager/Boutique book review column is scheduled for 5-6 weeks in advance and three columns have already appeared. The reaction has been quite favorable and the column will continue on a regular basis. Deadlines fall on a Tuesday and are two weeks before publication to allow for editing and typing. The following articles have appeared in newspapers: Boutique/Villager. .00 . .o3 review columns Leader... .. .. . .. ..... . . .LOVE exhibit Times. ... . ..... . .*00. ...LOVE exhibit; Magee paintings Advance Star..... . ..o..oLOVE exhibit CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE MARCH, 1973 THIS TO BUDGET MONTH DATE ALLOW,, BALANCE S-1 Salaries M-11 Supplies 140.83 1,264.84 2,520 1,255.16 M-12 Postage & Printing 128.63 3,210.41 3,320 109059 M-13 Light, Heat, Water, Power 735.95 6,392.43 9,240 2,847.57 M-14 Telephone 127.24 716.01 2, 100 1,383099 M-16 Maintenance 157.04 1,719,37 3,600 1,880.63 M-17 Books and Maps 3,465.37 32,444,,80 42,500 10,055.20 M-17A Periodicals 14.43 3067.44 4,200 832.56 M-17B Binding - 1, 125,05 3,000 1,874.95 M-17C Cataloging 193.78 1,830055 2,000 169.45 M-19 Convention - 190.86 275 84.14 M-19A Auto Allowance 4.20 129.80 300 170.20 M-19P Personnel - 212.54 250 37.46 M-19T Trustees 12.00 173.06 125 (48.06) M-20 Dues to Library Assoc. - 261 .00 275 14.00 M-21 Miscellaneous 25.00 25.00 100 75.00 M-24 Typewriter Repairs - 98,,01 350 251 .99 M-27 Comp, Insurance - - 2,000 2,000.00 M-28 Contracts 675,,00 6,075.00 8,400 2,325.00 C-90 Capital Expenditures - 539.05 450 (89005) TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 5,679,47 59,775.22 85,005 25,229.78 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES STATISTICS FOR FEBRUARY, 1973 CIRCULATION: MAIN BRANCH Books, Adult Non-Fiction 10,221 1, 120 Child Non-Fiction 1,656 664 Adult Fiction 8,201 1,859 Child Fiction 1,953 803 Total books... ...... . .. ... . ..22,031 ...0..0 .. 0...4,446 Periodicals 1,054 420 Sub-Total .o..o.. ..o.o.00 .00..23,085 .. ...... . .. . .4,866 Phonograph Records 633 - S1 ides 160 - Art Prints 40 - Cassettes 18 - Films 73 - Equipment Loaned 2 - TOTALCIRCULATION ......o0. .o.24,011 .00.00.0000004,866 GRAND TOTAL BR. & MAIN: 280877 (1972 Circ: 29,260 - 1% decrease) Daily Average, Main: 960; Daily Average Branch: 212; Total Circo Average: 1, 172 TRAFFIC: Daily Average Main: 1,038 Total Traffic Main: 25,958 Daily Average Bra 247 Total Traffic Br. 5,692 TOTAL AVERAGE. . ..01,2 5 TOTAL TRAFFIC. 0031 REFERENCE STATISTICS : Reference Questions : Circulation Loans: A/V Use Tally: By Phone: 395 To BPL from PLS : 21 - To PLS from BPL: 105 Microfilm Use: 8 In Person: 982 To BPL from ILL: 21 To ILL from BPL: 16 A/V Equip.Use: 60 TOTAL 000. 0 1,377 TOTAL BORROWED: 22 TOTAL LOANED: 121 TOTAL A/V Use: �$ REGISTRATIONS: ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership - 1/31/73 14,355 33 0 17 2 PLS PATRONS TO Additions - February 287 50 337 DATE: 1 ,623 Withdrawals 0 February 249 57 306 Increase of 78 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS TO DATE: 1 +T 393 3:400 17,793 ACCESSIONS & WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK AS OF CAN- GRAND TOTAL AS 1/31/73 ADDED CELLED OF 2/28/73 Adult Non-Fiction 112,-91�+ 522 22 113,314 Child Non-Fiction 17,870 49 4 17,915 Y.A. Non-Fiction 2,861 17 0 2,878 Adult Fiction 39,523 104 375 39,252 Child Fiction 13,492 58 9 13,541 Y.A. Fiction 2 845 8 2 2 851 TOTALS00.. . . ...09....1 9—$0 75$ 412 1 9-2,751 Net increase in book stock: 346 Included in above figures: 88 gift books and 439 new books Pamphlets Added : 328 Maps Added: 0 Pamphlets Discarded: 5 Maps Discarded: 0 .. TOTAL.. .. .0. 0...9,595 TOTAL.. ..o. . . .79 RECORDINGS : AS OF 1/31/73 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF 2/28/73 7's 1,0 0 0 1,0 45's 228 0 0 228 33's 2 500 22 5 2 517 _ 3779+ 22 5 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER: MAIN: $1,290.64 BRANCH: 181 .07 TOTAL: $1, FT 1 .71 CITY OF BURL INGAME BUDGET 1973 - 1974 D-80 LIBRARY S-1 Salaries 1972-73 1973-74 Librarian (1) 18,144 1 .0 18, 144 Assistant Librarian (1) 14,208 1 .0 14,208 Librarian II (4.75) 58,724 3.75 48,330 Librarian II Part Time (2) 6,444 -0- -0- Librarian I (1 ) 9,460 3.0 28,820 Librarian I Part Time (2) 5,298 .5 5,496 Senior Clerk Stenographer (1) 9,084 1 .0 9,468 Library Assistant II (0) -0- 1 .0 9,024 Library Assistant I (5) 40,219 3.0 23,863 Library Assistant Part Time (3) 33,899 3.0 34,526 Library Aide Part Time (1 ) 5,793 1 .5 11,960 Pages (5.0) 21,500 5.0 26 000 222,773 229 E.E.A. Employee -0- 1 .0 7,092 222,773 236,931 Operations: M-11 Supplies-Materials 2,520 2,520 M-12 Printing-Stationery-Postage 3,320 3,610 M-13 Light-Heat-Water-Power 9,240 9,240 M-14 Telephone 2, 100 1..900 M-16 Building Maintenance 3,600 4,600 M-17 Books and Maps 42,500 45,050 M-17A Periodicals 4,200 4,450 M-17B Binding 3,000 2,500 M-17C Cataloging 2,000 2,500 M-19 Convention (Librarian) 275 275 M-19A Auto Allowance 300 300 M-19P Convention (Personnel ) 250 250 M-19T Convention (Trustees) 125 125 M-20 Dues to Library Associations 275 275 M-21 Miscellaneous 100 100 M-24 Typewriter Repair 350 350 M-27 Comp. Insurance 2,000 2,000 M-28A Contracts Janitor 8,400 8,400 M-28B Contracts (P.L.S.) -0- 2,400 84,555 90,845 C-90 Capital Expenditures Kardex & Typewriters (1973-74) 450 545 307,777 327,321 Less: Fines and Fees 16,800 161800 Unexpended Balance 20,000 -36 800 -162800 * Library Tax Fund not yet established. In Total Budget Request unknown until the balance in the Library Tax Fund is established. Page No. CITY OF BURL1r GAM R_ OPERATING EXPENSE JUSTIFICATION Fbr the Fiscal Year 1973-1974 Department LIBRARY ACCOUNT ACCOUNT BUDGET EXPLANATION OF NUMBER NAME REQUEST BUDGET REQUEST S-1 Salaries $229,839• 3% increase; Step raises; Increase in the rate for pages. Change in Library Assistant I to Library Assistant II. Change of Librarian II to Librarian I. Change in Library Assistant I to Librarian I. Maintaining of �$7 09�2. ......... ........ . .Emergency Employment Act Employee (EEA). $236,931 M-11 Supplies--Materials $2, 520 No increase. M-12 Printing & Postage $3,610 8.7% increase. Increase in number of reserve cards and printing costs. M-13 Light, Heat, Water, $9,240 No increase. Power M-14 Telephone $1,900 10.5% decrease. No changes in the number of phones or their location. M-16 Building Maintenance $4,600 27.7% increase. The additional $1,000 is to cover unexpected repairs connected with the air-conditioning Systems. The maintenance fund was increased in 1972-73 to cover charges for elevator and• air-conditioning maintenance but no funds were added for additional repairs. The money spent for the regular budget maintenance funds to cover these costs, 'left insufficient funds to carry out the regular maintenance schedule: painting window sashes, refinishing Branch desk, removing roof tiles to replace asphalt sheeting underneath, etc. 1 ' Page No. CITY OF BURLIN,,AME OPERATING EXPENSE JUSTIFICATION For the Fiscal Year 1973-1974 Department LIBRARY ACCOUNT ACCOUNT BUDGET EXPLANATION OF NUMBER NAME REQUEST BUDGET REQUEST M-17 Books and Maps $45,050 6% increase. This is less than the inflation effect. M-17A Periodicals' $41V450 6% increase. This is less than the inflation effect, M-17B Binding $2,500 20% decrease. Our backlog of binding has been greatly reduced. M-17C Cataloging $2,500 20% increase. Extra cards for union catalog; additonal sets of cards for audio-visual materials, etc; inflation, M-19 Convention-Libraria $275 No change. M=19A Auto Allowance $300 No change. M-19P Convention-Personnel $250 No change. M-19T Convention-Trustees $125 No change. M-20 Dues' to Lib. Assoc. $275 No change. M-21 Miscellaneous $100 No change. M-24 Typewriter Repair $350 No change. M-27 Comp. Insurance $2,000 No change. M-?8A Contracts-Janitor $8,400 No change. M-28B Contracts-P.L.S. $2,400 See attached sheet. C-90 Cap. Exp. $545 Kardex; two used typewriters & platens. M-28B Contracts - PoL.S. The operations of the first two years of the Peninsula Library System (P.L.S.) have been financed by an establishment grant and per capita funds available under the Public Library Services Act. These funds have amounted to about $73,000 per year for the System. Now, however, because the establishment grant monies have expired (they are only available for the first two years of a system's existence) and legislation for increased per capita funding was vetoed in December by Governor Regan, the system currently has a total $12, 148 available to it from State funds for 1973/74. By cutting system services to the basic necessities such as the daily delivery services between member libraries; the operation of the micro-wave network and TWX service between the System and the State Library and San Francisco Public Library's Bay Area Reference Center; maintenance of the union catalog at the Bibliographic Center; and maintenance of some basic subsciption services and part-time reference personnel at the Area Library, the Board of Directors of P.L.S. has proposed an operating budget of $29,760 for the coming year. In order to make up the difference between the $12, 148 alloted from State funds and the $29,760 judged necessary to operate the system for the coming year, the Board has recommended that each member library pay $200 per month for the twelve months for P.L.S. This amounts to $2,400 per year for Burlingame, and since there are six libraries in the System this would add $2,400 times six or $14,400 to the System's budget. The remaining approximately $3,000 would be made up with funds carried over and not spent from this year's budget. We feel that the P.L.S. has added considerably to the resources available to all the residents of Burlingame. The equal access and borrowing priviledges now available to all Burlingame Library patrons in all the libraries in San Mateo County, except Menlo Park and South San Francisco, have increased the number of books available from our now 189,000 to over one million. The system has improved the reference and research services to local patrons through a system of referrals from Burlingame Library to other libraries in the County, the State Library and the Bay Area Reference Center in San Francisco Public Library. It has also helped to provide additional materials and equipment for our service to shut-ins which is proving a highly successful program largely for the elderly which compose a high proportion of Burlingame population. These are only a few of the advantages of the System membership, and we strongly urge Burlingame's continued participation by allocating the required $200 per month to defray the expenses in the coming year. Page No. CITY OF BURL GAME 1 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT LIBRARY �. -For the Fiscal Year 1973-1974 Current Budget Budget Request Position Title Salary No. of Budget No. of Budget City Mgr• Positions Amount Positions Amount Recommds. Librarian $1,512.00 1 .0 $18 144 1 .0 $18, 144 Same Assistant Librarian $1, 184.00 1 .0 $14,208 1 .0 $14,208 Same Librarian II $883 - $1074 4.75 $58,724 3.75 $48,330 1 position less because of resignatior Librarian II. Librarian II $883 - $1074 2 time posi ($5.10 - $6.21 ) 0.5 $6,444 -0- -0- tion less because of resignation of Librarian II. Part-time. Librarian I $763 - $927 1 .0 $9,460 3.0 $28,820 1 changed po- sition to replace Lib. I. 1 changed po- sition from Lib.Asst. to Lib. II and step raise. Librarian I, p.t. $763 - $927 0.5 $5,298 0.5 $5,496 Step raise. ($4.41-$5.36) Senior Steno $651 - $789 1 .0 $9,084 1 .0 $9,468 Step raise. Library Assistant II $651 - $789 -0- -0- 1 .0 $9,024 1 position changed from Lib.Asst. I to Library Assistant II ' Page No.� CITY OF BUR .GAME PERSONNEL SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT LIBRARY For the Fiscal Year 1973-1974 Current Budget Budget F. uest Position Title Salary No. of Budget No. of Budget City Mgr. Positions Amount Positions Amount Recommds. Library Assistant I $591 - $717 5.0 $40,219 3.0 $23,863 1 position ($3.42 - $4.14) changed to Lib.Asst. Il; 1 position changed to Librarian I. Library Assistant, $591 - $717 3.0 $33,899 3.0 $34,526 Raises ($3.42 - $4.14) Library Aide, p.t. $2.55 - $3.00 1 .0 $5,793 1 .5 $11,960 Promote page to Lib. Aide Pages ($1 .50 - $2.25) 5.0 $21,500 5-.0 $26,000 Higher $1 .65 - $2.50 starting rate more in line with other libraries in area, $229,839 7 092 E,E,A, EMPLOY $232,931 Page No. CITY OF BURLINC. E 1 DETAILED BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1973-1974 DEPARTMENT LIBRARY ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACTUAL 1972-1973 CURRENT YEAR EXPENDITURES BUDGET MGR. NUMBER NAME 1971-1972 CURRENT ACTUAL ESTIMATE ESTIMATED REQUEST REC. PRIOR YEAR BUDGET 8 MOS. 4 MOS. TOTAL EXPENDITURES S-1 Salaries 212,302.60*-,r 222,773 152,947.00 69,826.00 222,773.00 229,839 7 092 EEA Empl , 2#931 9 mos . 3 MOS . M-11 Supplies 2,391 .43 2,520 1,264.84 800.00 2,064084 2,520 M-12 Printing & 3, 184.72 3,320 3,210.41 200.00 3,410.41 3,610 Postage M-13 Light, Heat 8,287.30 9,240 6,392.43 2,847.57 9,240.00 9,240 Water, Power M-14 Telephone 1,470.49 2, 100 716.00 464.00 1, 180.00 1,900 M-16 Maintenance 2,712.17 3,600 1,719.37 1,880063 3,600.00 4,600 M-17 Books & Maps 39,794.78 42, 500 32,444,80 10,055.20 42,500.00 45,050 M-17A Periodicals 4,450.85 4,200 3,470.26 729.74 4,200.00 4,450 M-17B Binding 1 ,978.59 3,000 1, 125.05 1,300.00 2,425,05 2,500 M-17C Cataloging 2,271 .57 2,000 1,727.73 600.00 2,327073 2,500 M-19 Convention-- 21 .80 275 190.86 -0- 190.86 275 Librarian ,wr OVERDRAWN D E TO E.E.A. EMPI OYEE NOT YET INCLUDED IN BUDGET i f Page No. CITY OF BURLIN(...il,,I DETAILED BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1973-1974 DEPARTt ENT LIBRARY ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACTUAL 1972-1973 CURRENT YEAR EXPENDITURES BUDGET MGR, NUMBER NAME1971-1972 CURRENT ACTUAL ESTIMATE ESTIMATED REQUEST REC. PRIOR YEAR BUDGET 9 mos. 3 mos. TOTAL EXPENDITURES M-19A Auto Allowance 246.90 300.00 129.80 100.00 229.80 300 M-19P Convention-- 238.43 250.00 212,54 37.46 250000 250 Personnel M-19T Trustees 8.00 125.00 173.06 -0- 173.06 125 M-20 Dues to 269.00 275.00 261 .00 -0- 261 .00 275 Library Assoc. M-21 Miscellaneous 31 .00 100.00 25.00 -0-? 25,00 100 M-24 Typewriter 299.99 350.00 98.01 239.99 • 338,00 350 M-27 Comp.Ins. 2,000.00 2,000.00 -0- 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000 M-28A Contracts-- 6,985.50 8,400.00 69075.00 2,325.00 8,400.00 8,400 Janitor M-28B Contracts-- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 2,400 P.L.S. C-90 Cap. Exp. 367.81 450.00 539.05 -0- 539005 545