HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1973.08.14 AGENDA AUGUST 14, 197: TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: INTRODUCTION: Carole Gilmore, Library Assistant working in the Cataloging Department a Janice Quon, Secretary to Mr. Lechich BILLS: Warrants: $7,667.21 Special Fund: $69.88 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF July 17, 1973 : LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE: Le-Tve e,, OLD BUSINESS: Easton Drive Branch NEW BUSINESS: Appointment of: Carole Gilmore, Civil Service status as of September 1, 1973. Janice Quon, Unclassified Secretarial position. ADJOURNMENT: NEXT MEETING SCHEDULED FOR September 18th, 1973. S M T W T F S S M T W T F S JULY OCT 752 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 pill 12 13 14 7 8 q7 11 12 13 16 1 '8 19 20 21 14 15 5 '7 13 19 20; 23 - "6 27 28 21 22 2324 25 26 27 I` 3031 :.3293031 AUG NOV 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 � 5 6 7 8 9 1011 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 12 13 AIS 16 17 13 , 11 12 11 14 15 16 17 19 201 122 23 24 25 18 i5 1 22 23 24 26 27 3`29 30 31 25 26 J 28 29 30 �. f; SEPT DEC 1 1 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12131415 9 1002S 12 13 14 15:; 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 i5 17 :9 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 23 29 23 24 27 28 29 - 30 130 31 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD July 17, 1973 CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board was called to order on the above given date at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Phelan. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee De Martini, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Lynes, Trustee Phelan Trustees Absent: Trustee Cohendet, excused due to unavoidable business Also Present: Bob Piombo, Journalist from the LEADER BILLS: On a motion by Trustee Lynes, seconded by Trustee De Martini and unanimously carried by those Trustees present, warrants totaling $9,939.42 were ordered paid. On a motion by Trustee De Martini, seconded by Trustee Hechinger, and unanimously carried by those Trustees present, Special fund bills totaling $1,162.69-were ordered paid. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of June 19, 1973, were approved as mailed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: �. The Librarian stated that he had gone to Costers in the City that very morning to find the Circulation desk has been stripped only with the rest of the work yet to be completed. He stated Costers has had a great deal of personnel difficulty, but he hoped the desk would be completed at an early date. The Librarian stated he found the number two compressor of the air conditioner not working, and a call had been made to get a repairman down the next day. Trustee DeMartini stated he could not understand why there has been oneproblem after another with the air conditioner, and he questioned the quality of the air conditioner and repairmen. The Librarian stated that the problem seems to be faulty engineering. Chairman Phelan asked if the Librarian could explain more about the survey to be taken. The Librarian stated that a survey sheet will be handed out at the main desk to patrons. Questions asking whether they plan to shop in the area, etc., will be on the survey, in order to find out what extend the Library is used in conjunction with shopping. CORRESPONDENCE: A letter was read from Ann S. Parsons, Administrator of the Burlingame Convalescent Hospital regarding the help of the shut-in service. A letter was read from S.H. Brash, Regional Director of the Northern Region of the State of California Franchise Tax Board thanking the Librarian and staff members for their help and the use of the Community Room on July 9th, in which they assisted 200 Senior Citizens with the completion of their tax forms. A letter was read from Virginia H. Barrett, Activity Director of the Hillhaven Convalescent Hospital regarding the advantages of the shut-in service. OLD BUSINESS: Easton Drive Branch: The Librarian stated that they have continued to work on the Branch Library plans. He stated a great deal of weeding must be done before the decorating beings. He also stated that he had contacted decorators and two painting companies for estimates. -2- At this point the Board noticed the children who had attended the Bedtime Storyhour walk passed the California Room, many of which had their bedtime attire on. They asked the Librarian what the children were doing. The Librarian stated that during the summer months a Bedtime Storyhour is held from 7:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in which the children are invited to attend in their bedtime clothes. The Board asked who gave the bedtime storyhour. The Librarian stated that Mrs. Dunn and Miss Riordan share the responsibility of the storyhour. The Board asked if Mrs. Dunn might be able to come up to the meeting for a moment. Mrs. Dunn arrived at the meeting. The Board conversed with her about the storyhour and commended her on the wonderful job she and Miss Riordan were doing. She showed the Board the books she had read to the children at this storyhour and thanked the Board. The Board members stated they felt more publicity should be done regarding this storyhour. The Librarian was asked to get a photograph and more publicity regarding this storyhour. Trustee DeMartini stated he felt Mrs. Dunn and Miss Riordan should be formally commended by a letter from the Board. Trustee Hechinger stated that he would draft the letter. NEW BUSINESS: Trustee DeMartini stated he had some business to discuss with the Board. He handed three books to the Librarian stating they were gifts from Mrs. DeMartini from the Estate of Mrs. G. Z. Nehls. The Librarian thanked him. Trustee DeMartini stated that while he was in Hawaii he visited the Library there and spoke with the Assistant Librarian who stated that due to summer reruns on T.V., circulation had blossomed. Trustee DeMartini asked if it would be possible for the Board meeting to be changed to August 14th, since he would be out of town on August 21st. It was moved by Trustee Lynes, seconded by Trustee Hechinger and carried by those Trustees present, that the Board meeting be changed to August 14th. Chairman Phelan suggested that postcards be sent out this time to remind the Trustees of the change in date. The Librarian stated that Mayor Martin should also be contacted since he had planned to attend the next meeting. w Election of Officers: Chairman Phelan stated that it was again time for the Election of new officers for the Board of Trustees. Chairman: It was moved by Trustee Hechinger, seconded by Trustee Lynes, and unanimously carried by those Trustees present, that Trustee DeMartini be the new Chairman of the Board. Vice-Chairman/Secretary: It was moved by Trustee DeMartini, seconded by Trustee Hechinger, that Trustee Lynes be the Vice-Chairman/Secretary for the coming year. This motion was unanimously carried by those Trustees present. ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business the meeting was then adjourned at 8:30 p.m., with the next meeting scheduled for August 14, 1973. Res ctfuullly submit , GeorgPaul L@chich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIAN' S REPORT August 14, 1973 BUILDING: After two years and much effort the out of balance blower in the upper stacks has been removed by the supplier for balancing. This will allow its use at high speed and should result in the upper stacks being cooler. With the black-out of last winter, we realized that no emergency lights were in the basement, without a doubt, the place they are most needed. The City Electrician was consulted and has now completed the installation of six 12-volt lights in appropriate locations. It is now possible when a power failure takes place, for anyone to find their way to the main floor without any difficulty. We would have needed three units of the type used on the main floor which would have cost about $600 wholesale plus installation, whereas by the use of one unit and separate 12-volt light installations the cost was much lower thanks to Buzz. The tiles on the roof have been lifted and new papers put down on a 600 square foot section of the reading room roof. It is hoped that this will correct the last few years' leaks. YOUNG ADULT DEPARTMENT: Mr, A. Escoffier attended the BAYA (Bay Area Young Adult Reviewers) meeting at the Millbrae Public Library on July 24th. The program topic was young adult reader interest surveys. In addition, Mr. Escoffier has been asked to begin reviewing Young Adult books for LIBRARY/SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL, This will begin in September and will involve several book reviews per month. CHILDREN 'S DEPARTMENT: Mrs. Kennedy from the Coyote Point Junior Museum was our guest at the Primer-Crowd session on July 31st and August 1st. She brought a number of animals and told the children about animal care and their responsibilities to their pets. Our summer schedule of programs will end the week of August 20th. A special Pooh program will conclude the Primer Crowd and our annual Summer Reading Club party will be held at the Recreation Center, Our plans for the Fall Festival of Authors are proceeding. We have gotten a number of positive responses from Bay Area writers. COOPERATIVE INFORMATION NETWORK: In July, the Cooperative Information Network (C.I,N.) began to function in San Mateo County. To introduce the concept, the Board of Directors mailed to each member library an introductory letter (see- next page), plus brief procedural guidelines for routing requests, and a directory of all participating libraries in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. Burlingame has already had a number of occasions to seek information for its patrons from the greatly expanded resources now available. 1 I NZ Cooperative Information Network Ms.Ronny Markoe,Coordinator Room 205,Main Library Stanford University Libraries Stanford, California 94305 (415) 321-2300,extension 2681 NEW TEL: 329-8287 July 1973 San Mateo County Directors: Mrs.Patricia Bergsing Burlingame Public Library Mr.John Dooley College of San Mateo Dear Fellow Librarians : Mrs.Gwyneth Haynes Ampex Corporation With this letter, we breathe life into the Dr.Curtis May newly-born Cooperative Information Network (CIN) of San Mateo County Schools San Mateo County. In so doing , we join with Santa Mr.Peter Nycum Clara to expand CIN into a 2-county wide system, San Mateo County Law Library pooling our resources and talents for the benefit of Miss Virginia Ross all who live within this area. San Mateo County Library All of us in the library profession have come to the growing realization that optimum use of existing resources appears to be the best way to implement library growth. A working CIN network, comprising as _- it does academic , special , public and school libraries , will give us daily access , both by phone and TWX , to more than 3 million volumes and the services of almost 200 librarians in San Mateo alone. Add to this , the nearly 7 million volumes in Santa Clara and their 450 member librarians and there should be few requests CIN cannot handle. Your comments , with regard to the CIN project and on ways to expedite performance, would be of great help to us . We need your participation on all levels to make it work. Share your ideas as you would your resources . If there are any questions which you would like to discuss , please contact CIN and we will arrange a meet- ing. I look forward to working with you on the project. Very truly yours , ry ;522 F. Curtis May Chairman San Mateo County Burlingame -Public Library 480 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME,CALIFORNIA 94010 George Paul Lechich Librarian August 14, 1973 Library Board of Trustees Burlingame Public Library 480 Primrose Road Burlingame, California 94010 Dear Library Trustees: Due to the mounting responsibilities at home, I have found it necessary to resign from my secretarial position at the Library. The Library has not only been a place for me to work, but truly a home. It is a wonderful feeling to work with people who care about each other, their profession, and the public for which they serve. I have watched the Library expand into new horizons and feel privileged to have been a part of the Library staff. I have had a very rare and precious experience, and I thank you for the opportunity of working for the City of Burlingame. Sincerely yours, Donna D. Hansen Secretary DH CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE _ AUGUST, 1973 THIS TO BUDGET MONTH DATE ALLOW. BALANCE S-1 Salaries 21 ,647.43 42,467.39 M-11 Supplies 201 .87 495.81 M-12 Postage & Printing 271 .33 361 .58 M-13 Light, Water, Heat, Power 819.64 1,491 .03 M-14 Telephone 100.53 228.01 M-16 Maintenance 1,058.71 1, 115.73 M-17 Books & Maps 3,229.51 7,963.94 M-17A Periodicals 79.42 2,679.22 M-17B Binding 119070 291 ,00 M-17C Cataloging 262.42 417.34 M-19 Convention --- --- M-19A Auto Allowance 38,80 38.80 M-19P Personnel --- --- M-19T Trustees --- --- M-20 Dues to Library Associations 120.00 120.00 M-21 Miscellaneous 16.92 16.92 M-24 Typewriter Repairs 40.69 40.69 M-27 Compo Insurance --- --- M-28 Contracts 700,00 1,375.00 C-90 Capital Expenditures --- TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 7,059.54 16,635007 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES 28,706.97 59,282.46 STATISTICS FOR JULY 1973 CIRCULATION MAIN _ BRANCH Books, Adult Non-Fiction 8,681 1,057 Child Non-Fiction 1,319 910 Adult Fiction 9,237 2, 171 Child Fiction 2,915 12890 TOTALBOOKS. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22, 152 . . . . . . . . 0 . . . .6,028 Periodicals 1, 118 551 Subtotal . * . . .* . 0 . . #.. * 0 . . . . ...23,270 . . . . . . . . . . . . .6, 579 Phonograph Records 1,306 - Slides 92 - Art Prints 39 - Cassettes 63 - Films 48 - Equipment Loaned 9 - TOTAL GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION,CBRANCH T&O . •24,827 • . MAIN ..... .. .. .... 31 ,406 (1972Circ: 32,002 - 1 .8% decreas, Average Daily Circ., Main: 903 Average Daily Circ., Branch: 263 TOTAL DAILY CIRC AVERAGE.. .1- 166 TRAFFIC : Total Traffic, Main: 23,824 Daily Average Traffic, Main: 847 Total Traffic, Branch: 7,349 Daily Average Traffic, Branch : 294 TOTAL TR4FFIC..... 31 , 173 TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE— . . . . . . .1171 REFERENCE STATISTICS: Reference Questions: Circulation Loans : A/V USE TALLY: By Phone: 366 To BPL from PLS : 72 To PLS from BPL: 47 Microfilm Use : 15 In Person: 728 To BPL from ILL: 83 To ILL from BPL: 34 A/V Equip-Use: 58 TOTAL.. ...1 0 TOTAL BORROWED: 105 TOTAL. LOANED: $1 TOTAL A/V USE: 73 REGISTRATIONS: ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership - 6/30/73 1 ,5T 3- ,3 1 17,935 PLS PATRONS TO DATE: 2,025 Additions - July, 1973 300 48 348 Increase of: 89 Withdrawals - July, 1973 272 65 337 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS 7/31/73 —17,70-2 3,=3 +r 17,91+T ACCESSIONS & WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF CAN- GRAND TOTAL AS 6/30/73 ADDED CELLED OF 7/31/73 Adult Non-Fiction 114,E 716 1 2- 115,209 Child Non-Fiction 17,415 68 107 17,376 Y.A. Non-Fiction 2,931 8 3 2,936 Adult Fiction 39,418 177 10 39, 585 Child Fiction 13,818 112 26 13,904 Y.A. Fiction 27893 20 16 2,897 TOTALS. ..... .. ..... . 191,350 901 34T 191,907 Net increase in book stock: 557 Included in above figures: 92qift books and 490 new books. Pamphlets Added: 84 Maps Added: Pamphlets Discarded: 7 Maps Discarded: 2 TOTAL. . .. . . . .. . .. .9,— TOTAL. . . .. . . 70 RECORDINGS: AS OF 6/30/73 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF 7/31/73 78's 1,066 0 1,� 45's 228 0 2 226 33 's 2715 196 17 2 894 _ ,009 197 _l_9 DEP63 1TED WITH CITY TREASURER : MAIN: $1,078.61 BRANCH: 155.93 TOTAL: $1,234.554 Burlingame Public Library 480 PRIMROSE ROAD �. BURLINGAME,CALIFORNIA 94010 George Paul Lechich Librarian July 19, 1973 Mrs. Miriam Dunn and Miss Joan Riordan Burlingame Public Library 480 Primrose Road Burlingame, California 94010 Dear Mrs. Dunn and Miss Riordan: The Library Board of Trustees was in its monthly session on July 17th, 1973, when the small children, some in their night clothes, filed past our meeting from following their bedtime storyhour. We were impressed by the seriousness of the tots as they very quietly made their exit. Later, Mrs. Dunn explained to us that the storyhour takes place each Wednesday through the summer. The children obviously regard the storyhour with anticipation and absorb the stories with intensive attention. The Board wishes to express its gratitude to you for an activity that helps form a good foundation in the lives of these tots. You are to be commended for the initiative behind the series and your willingness to give an evening a week to an important contribution to the community. Our compliments and appreciation for a wonderful program. Sincerely yours, James De Martini Chairman of the Board JD:dh