HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1974.01.15 AGENDA JANUARY 15, 1974 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: Trustee Cohendet, excused, on business trip BILLS : Warrants: $5,290. 52 Special Fund: $338.20 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 18, 1973. LIBRARIAN 'S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE: Burlingame Art Society, donation of $150.00 Mr. Charles G. Delgado, donation of $50.00 Christmas Gift Donations totaling $30.00, sponsored by Viking Press OLD BUSINESS: Easton Drive Branch--City Council approval of proposed plans. NEW BUSINESS : Promotional appointment of Helen C. Ward to Library Assistant II. ADJOURNMENT: i NEXT MEETING SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 19, 1974. 1974 JANUARY FEBRUARY i MARCH 5 M T W T F 5 5 M T W T F S 5 T W T {' 5 1 2 3 / 5 1 6 7 9 10 11 !2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 13 1/ 6 17 18 19 I0 11 3 I/ IS 16� 0 II 11 14 15 ZO 21 213 14 25 26 I7 lE 0 11 22 2l 17 1% 20 21:?:3 - 21 28 29 30 31 24 15 0 27 28 24 25 27 28 ti 3Z 31 APRIL MAY JUNE 12 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 7 8 �10 li I2 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1<1SQ6y1 18 19 20 12 2111 16 17 IS 9 :i :1 11 13 !4 iS 21 ZI 21 25 1b 21 19 2(. 22 17 24:5 16 1.'(v:?20:I Z2 28 29 30 26 210,29 30 31 13<4 n 26 27 28 29 30 JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER 11 1 3 5 6 1 2 3 i 2 S ` . 8 10 I 1 I I 17 / 5 6 7 8 9 1 8 9 1 I: 1: ' a • 11 1` 16 U I8 19 ZU 11 12�Il IS 16 I7;�;5:�..�:'! 19 A, 21 1124 25 26 21 18 li(.'�21 12 23 241:2:: 15 26:? :! 28 29 30 31 2S 26 7T 28 29 30 31 OCTOBER NOVEMBER I DECEMBER 1 2 3 1 5 1 ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 6 /�9 10 II 17 3 / 5 E 7 8 9 1 5 :I I: U 17 14[I'Q16 t1 !d 17 10 II ll I4 IS 15 15 3s��18 20 21 ZTZj 23 21 i5 26 I1 1 V,N 71 11 23 11 2�.125 1ti:J A 21 28 29 30 31 24 25 21 28 29 30 A 3u 31 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD December 18, 1973 CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board was called to order by Chairman De Martini on the above given date at 7:33 P.M. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Cohendet, Trustee DeMartini, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Lynes, Trustee Phelan Trustees Absent: None BILLS: Warrants totaling $5,665.30'were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Lynes, seconded by Trustee Phelan and unanimously carried. On a motion by Trustee Cohendet, seconded by Trustee Hechinger and unanimously carried, Special Fund bills totaling $237.38 were ordered paid. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of November 20, 1973, were approved and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Librarian's Report was read and some discussion was held on the California Library Association Convention that was attended by Mr. Lechich and Mrs. Bergsing. Special meetings were attended by Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Lynes and Trustee Phelan. CORRESPONDENCE: A card, wishing the Board season's greetings, was received from Ms. Abby Fredrickson of the Hillsborough Boutique and Burlingame Villager. OLD BUSINESS: Easton Drive Branch: The Librarian distributed a guideline on the renovation of the Easton Drive Branch and presented a tentative furniture layout for the Board's perusal. Comments were made on the up-keep and purchase of fuel for the proposed fireplace. The Board approved the plans as submitted. NEW BUSINESS: None The Board approved Trustee Cohendet's request to be excused from the January meeting of the Library Board as she will be away on a business trip. ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business the meeting was then adjourned at 8:05 P.M. on a motion by Trustee Lynes with the next Board meeting scheduled for January 15, 1974. Respectfully submit ed, " wl George Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIAN'S REPORT January 15, 1974 Energy Crisis: The library is trying to decrease the use of electricity and gas without lowering the temperature or the necessary amount of light . So far, we have reduced the amount of gas 10.9% and electricity .8.8%. This has been accomplished by shutting off the chiller .and reducing the thermostats. The Barbara Coleman thermostats operate electronically and the models we have do not seem to allow sufficient differential .'. we turned the chiller off. The temperatures have not been excessive though sometimes in the eighties in the upper stacks, this can be remedied by the installation of additional exhausters. As an interesting aside, though'we are using less gas (10.9%) the cost is .07% more and the electricity, 8.8% less, is costing 8. 1/ more. We are converting all of the new stack lights from bank operation over to singles or doubles which will perhaps cut electricity use another 5%--also saving on chiller operation costs in the summer. Audio Visual Department : An inventory of equipment was conducted in the A/V Department and a card file created as a control device for all equipment . The files are continually updated as new equip- ment is added, and as older equipment is repaired, replaced, etc. A drive for cash donations to public libraries was conducted during the month of December as part of a national program sponsored by Viking Books. Young Adult Department: Mr. Escoffier published his first two reviews in School Library Journal during the month of December. Reference Department: During the month, Mrs. Molder conferred and worked concentratedly with Mary Lang to organize the Talking Book program for the library. They have been able to get a depository collection of talking books and magazines that can be loaned directly from our library, thus saving patrons the long wait attendant on orders from the California State Library. Mr. Wickliffe hosted the PLS reference librarians meeting held on December 20, 1973• Children's Department: The activities and decorations in the Children's Room reflected the holiday season. Christmas trees donated by the Lions Club for the Main and Branch libraries were decorated, the bulletin boards showed angels heralding Merry Christmas in many languages, and candy canes, an annual treat from the Burlingame Lions Club, were distributed to the children of our pre-school and school-age story hours. Saint Paul 's Nursery School children made their semi-annual visit to the library as well as the Third Grade class from Washington School . CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE JANUARY, 1974 THIS TO BUDGET MONTH DATE ALLOWo BALANCE S-1 Salaries M-11 Supplies 174.85 1, 561 .56 2, 520. 958.44 M-12 Postage & Printing 30.63 1,006.66 3,610. 2,603.34 M-13 Light, 1bter, Heat, Power 676.62 5,328.94 91240. 3,911 .06 M-14 Telephone 108.77 799.87 1,900. 1, 100.13 M-16 Maintenance 99.41 2, 119.04 41600. 2,480.95 M-17 Books & Maps 2,279.49 23,627.08 45,050. 21,422.92 M-17A Periodicals -0- 3,677.21 41450. 772.79 M-17B Binding -0- 859.50 2, 500. 1,640.50 M-17C Cataloging 138.25 1, 194.75 21500. 1,305.25 M-19 Convention -0- 63.74 275. 211 .26 M-19A Auto Allowance -0- 92.60 300. 207.40 M-19P Personnel 70.00 266. 15 250. �16.15> M-19T Trustees -0- •16. 13 125. 108.87 M-20 Dues to Library Associations 97.25 274.25 275. .75 M-21 Miscellaneous 25.00 41 .92 100. 58.08 M-24 Typewriter Repairs 34.60 145.29 350. 204.71 M-27 Comp. Insurance -0- -0- 21000. 2,000.00 M-28A Contracts 1,257.76 4,732.76 80400. 3,667.24 M-28B PLS Contract -0- -0- 2,400. 2,400.00 .5-46, ab3.3b C-90 Capital Expenditures 45.39 281 .64 45r. x37 01,3010. 46,300.41 TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 5,038.02 46,089.09 94 "(71. , , .91 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES STATISTICS FOR DECEMBER 1973 CIRCULATION: MAIN BRANCH Books, Adult Non-Fiction $,91$ 775 Child Non-Fiction 1,250 263 - Adult Fiction 7,018 1,550 Child Fiction 1,764 468 TOTALBOOKS. . . . . . . . . . . 1 950. . . . . . . .. .. . . .3,056 Periodicals 1,068 403 Subtotal . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .20,018. . . . . . . . . . . . .3,459 Phonograph Records 794 Slides - - Art Prints 51 - Cassettes 58 - Films 29 - Equipment Loaned 2 TOTAL CIRCULATION. . . . o . . . . .. . .20,952. . . . . . . . . . . . .3,459 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION, BRANCH & MAIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24,411 ( 1972 Circ: 24,341 --0.3% increase, Average Daily Circ., Main: 762 Average Daily Circ., Branch: 138 TOTAL DAILY CIRC . AVERAGE. . . . . .900 TRAFFIC : Total Traffic, Main: 24, 836 Daily Average Traffic, Main: 920 Total Traffic, Branch: 4,789 Daily Average Traffic, Branch: 204 TOTAL TRAFFIC. . . . . .29� TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE. . . . . . . 1,� REFERENCE STATISTICS : Reference Questions : Circulation Loans: A/V USE TALY: By Phone : 5 To BPL from PLS: 87 To PLS from BPL: 32 Microfilm Use : l2 In Person : 794 To BPL from ILL: 10 To ILL from BPL: 38 A/V Equip. Use: 152 TOTAL. . . . . . . 1, 179 TOTAL SORROWED, . 07 TOTAL LOANED. , . .70 TOTAL A/V USE. . 1164 REGISTRATIONS: ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership - 11/30/73 111839 3,343 11, 182 1822 PLS PATRONS Additions - December 1973 225 23 248 TO DATE : 2, 501 Withdrawals - December 1973 219 45 264 Increase of: 85 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS - 12/31/73 14,845 3,321 AM ACCESSIONS & WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF CAN- GRAND TOTAL AS 11/30/73 ADDED CELLED OF 12/31/73 Adult Non-Fiction 115, 40 389 372 115,424 Child Non-Fiction 17, 585 93 65 17,613 Y.A. Non-Fiction 2,927 6 22 2,911 Adult Fiction 40, 108 107 21 40, 194 Child Fiction 13,994 54 243 13,805 Y.A. Fiction 2,931 6 0 2,937 TOTALS. . . . . . . . . 192, 952 655 723 192,x+ Net Decrease in Book Stock: 68 Included in above figures: 43 gift books and 413 new books Pamphlets Added: 244 Maps Added: 61 Pamphlets Discarded : 222 Maps Discarded: 35 TOTAL. . .9,802 TOTAL. . .937 RECORDINGS: AS OF 11, 30 73 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF 12/31/73 78's 11010 0 0 1,010 45's 204 0 0 204 33 's 33 006 63 22 3'047 TOTAL. . . . . . . . . ,4 220 T3 22 ,4 261 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER: MAIN: $ 1 ,099.29 BRANCH: 103.28 TOTAL: 1,202.57 Chri/tm tel' I t A to gour ibra we Ive ou ohm. a t rom 411 our librdrg. It's that simple. Just make a contribution to your public library, and we'll send you, free,your choice of one of the Viking Press books on this page. Your public library will be delighted. (They need the funds to continue all the services you've become accustomed to.) You'll be delighted. (There are bestselling novels and biographies, exciting sports books, and lavishly illustrated Studio Books to pick from.) Here's how it works. Contribute$5 and choose a free book from category A. A$10 contribution entitles you to a selection from category A or B. Give$15 and select a book from category A or B or C.And contributors of$100 or more have their choice of one free book from each of the three categories. So pick your gift. And mail us this coupon along with proof of contribution. (A receipt on your public library letterhead will do.) This offer expires on December 31, 1973.And of course all contributions are income-tax-deductible. Gifts received from: Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Pedersen, 2856 Hillside Drive, Burlingame-----$15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wyman, 649 W. 42nd Ave., San Mateo 94403-------$5.00 Category A Category B Category C PARIS WAS YESTERDAY REMINISCING WITH WIMBLEDON:A CELEBRATION by Janet Flanner SISSLE AND BLAKE by John McPhee A SECOND FLOWERING by Robert E.Kimball and Alfred Eisenstaedt by Malcolm Cowley and William Bolcom THE BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY I AM THIRD AQUARIUM FISHES by Arnold Ehrlich by Gale Sayers by Douglas Faulkner SALUTE TO THE THIRTIES THE DAY OF THE JACKAL THE ARTIST'S HANDBOOK OF by Horst by Frederick Forsyth MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES THE ART OF JEWELRY by Ralph Mayer MY SECRETS OF PLAYING BASEBALL- IN RUSSIA by Graham Hughes by Willie Mays by Inge Morath and Arthur Miller YOUNG DESIGNS IN COLOR THE COFFEE TABLE BOOK THE PARLOUR SONG BOOK by Barbara Plumb OF ASTROLOGY edited by Michael R.Turner MEMO FROM i edited by John Lynch elSELZNICK THE BACKGAMMON BOOK edited by Rudy Beh mer DEATH OF A SALESMAN by Oswald Jacoby THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF by Ar!hur Miller and John R.Crawford MOTOR SPORT THE GRAPES OF WRATH THE BIG BROADCAST,1920-1950 by G.N.Georgano by John Steinbeck by Frank Buxton and Bill Owen GOOD CHEAP FOOD ———----- ———-- erer 9 R-1, E V K 1 NG P P ESSby Miriam Un SUGAR RAY by Sugar RayRobinsonI and Dave Anderson I Dept.ATE-TBR2 - 625 Madison Avenue - New York,N.Y.10022 . I have contributed❑$5❑$10❑$15❑$100 to my public library. I Attached is my receipt.Please send me the book I've selected from: I i I Category A I I I Category B --------- i I Category C I I Name_.____ 1 I I I Address_._____._. i i I City __ Stalelip- _ I In case the demand for any specific title uses up our entire available stock,we will I I send you another book from the same category.Contributions are income-taax-deductible.j