HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1975.01.21 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD AGENDA January 21, 1975 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: BILLS: Warrants: $7,561.82 Special Fund: $290.30 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 17, 1974. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE: OLD BUSINESS: Easton Drive Branch NEW BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: NEXT MEETING SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 18, 1975. 1975 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH 1 APRIL 1 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 1011 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6 7 9 101112 1213 161718 9 10 12131415 16 17 1920212 1314 16171819 19 22 23 24 25 16 17U N79 20 21 22 2324 26 27 28 29 2021 23 24 25 26 7 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 3031 27 26 29 30 MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 3 4(}55 6 7 8 9 1 B13 14 15 16 1g(}_2 11 1 22 23 2d 222374 17 15 17l'8 19 25 262728 0 21 16314 20 21 15 23 24 25 26 24 25 26 2021 2223 7 28 29 30 25 26 Z7 28 29 30 31 2930 207282,3 29 3031 31 .SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER 1 DECEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6,I 7 8 1011 1213 5 6 7 8 9 101 1 9 10 12 3 1115 7 8 1011 1213' 14 15 17 18 1920 12 13015 16 17 18 16 17 py18 19 20 21 22 74 15 17 18 19 20,282930 24 25 26 27 26 27 ZB 29303 1 25 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 25 26 2s MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD December 17, 1974 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board was called to order by Chairman Hechinger at 4:00 P.M. in the Meeting Room at the Easton Drive Branch Library. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Cohendet, Trustee DeMartini, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Lynes, Trustee Phelan Trustees Absent: None Also Present: Mrs. Patricia M. Bergsing, Assistant City Librarian Mrs. Miriam Dunn, Branch Librarian BILLS: Warrants totaling $9,478.66 were paid on a motion by Trustee Lynes, seconded by Trustee Phelan, and carried. Special Fund bills in the amount of $302.27 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee DeMartini, seconded by Trustee Phelan, and carried. MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of November 19, 1974, were approved as mailed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Some discussion was held and comments were made regarding the Parent Teachers' Association meetings that were held at the library. Also the library's book-buying policy and the library's use of the Peninsula Library System were discussed. CORRESPONDENCE: The Board of Trustees received a letter from Mrs. Robert Crede of 2501 Hayward Drive, Burlingame. As a veteran patron of the Easton Branch Library, Mrs. Crede commended the Board and all who were involved in the remodeling of the Branch. She also stated that it was an outstanding example of what could be done with existing structures to make them serve today's needs. OLD BUSINESS: Easton Drive Branch: Mrs. Bergsing reported that there were still several items that have not arrived and would hopefully be here in time for the Open House. She stated that she had talked with Mr. Hoffman, of the Park Department, about having the curb strip in front of the Branch filled in and the possibility of a bench being installed. Mrs. Bergsing stated that a guest list was being compiled for the Open House and welcomed suggestions from the Board. The Board members had many good suggestions for Mrs. Bergsing. Mrs. Dunn expressed her appreciation to the Board for their cooperation in the remodeling of the Branch Library. OLD BUSINESS: Continued Change in time of Library Board meetings: After considerable discussion during which it was brought out that four members were satisfied with the meeting as set at the July 1974 Board meeting (5:00 P.M., third Tuesday). Trustee DeMartini stated that he was opposed. NEW BUSINESS: None ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P.M. with the next Board meeting scheduled for January 21, 1975. Respectfully submitted, �W V 4' !e4Lechich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIAN'S REPORT January 21, 1975 �.. CIRCULATION: The circulation for the month of December increased 10% over that of December 1973. Decembers have always had the least circulation of any month. This present increase represents 1,925 items or 9.2% at the Main and 846 books or 24.4% at the Branch. Last December's count of 3,459 was the lowest circulation figures in twenty years at the Branch and it will be very interesting to see if, with the extensive refurbishing, the circulation will continue to climb. The high point for December occurred in 1964 and was 6,431. This December's count was 4,305. The count at the Main is 22,877, the highest December in 20 years. This is a 75.7% increase over December, 1955. 1974's increase is no doubt due to the depression-like conditions which if similar to the 30's will result in a sharp increase in circulation. The table below shows the circulation at the Main and the Branch during December for the last 20 years. It is interesting to note that this December has the highest combined circulation since the library started.with 1964 being the second highest. Year Branch Circ. Main Circ. Year Branch Circ. Main Circ. 1955 4,755 13,014 1965 5,958 18,928 1956 4,828 15,338 1966 6,338 19,717 1957 4,896 14,551 1967 5,824 18,541 1958 4,976 16,388 1968 5,492 19,492 1959 5,137 17,449 1969 5,476 18,452 1960 5,852 17,530 1970 5,099 20,008 1961 5,582 17,824 1971 4,423 19,797 1962 5,754 19,750 1972 4,263 20,078 • 1963 6,135 18,420 1973 3,459 20,952 1964 6,431 20,185 1974 4,305 22,877 CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT: This past month, the Children's Room has been program oriented. A presentation of new juvenile books cf 1974 was made to the College of San Mateo Children's Literature class, which meets regularly in our Community Room. Three puppet shows were presented at the Burlingame Women's Club in connection with the painting of Christmas scenes on store windows on Burlingame Avenue. A Christmas tree decorating party and puppet show were held in the Children's Room. The success of these programs was due to the assistance of Mrs. Joy Molder, Reference Librarian, with the puppet program and the Burlingame Lions Club who donated the Christmas trees for the Main and Branch libraries. After much discussion and research, the library has decided to circulate games and puzzles.. Funds have been supplied by the Friends of the Library with circulation to begin the latter part of January. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT January 21, 1975 Page 2 REFERENCE DEPARTMENT: Christmas Faire - The library created and manned a booth for the successful Burlingame Recreation Department Christmas Faire. Books on crafts and projects for the holidays were displayed and crafts bookmarks were distributed. Cassette Players for Circulation - Four circulating cassette players have been added to the Audio Visual division as part of the L.O.V.E. project. These players will circulate to anyone (shut-ins are a priority) with a valid P.L.S. library card for a period of one week. Players will be checked out and returned to the Audio Visual desk. STATISTICS FOR DECEMBER 1974 CIRCULATION: MAIN BRANCH Books, Adult Non-Fiction 10,275 848 Child Non-Fiction 1,067 454 Adult Fiction 7,404 1,717 Child Fiction 1,498 900 TONAL BOOKS. . .... . .... .. ... .. .20„w44. . . .. . . . . . . . .. .3,919 Periodicals 1,096 -386 Pamphlets 168 - Maps 4 - Subtotal.. . . . . .. ... .. . .. .. . . .21,512. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .4,305 Phonograph Records 1,211 - Slides - - Art Prints 50 - Cassettes 77 - Films 24 - Equipment Loaned 3 - TOTAL CIRCULATION. .. . . .. . . . .22,877. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,305 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION, BRANCH & MAIN.. . . . . . . ... .. ..27,182 (1973 Circ: 24,411 - 10% Increase) Average Daily Circ. , Main: 863 Average Daily Circ. , Branch: 179 TOTAL DAILY CIRC. AVERAGE. . .1,042 TRAFFIC: Total Traffic, Main: 26,648 Daily Average Traffic, Main: 1,006 TRAFFIC COUNT AT BRANCH LIBRARY NOT AVAILABLE DUE TO REMODELING ACTIVITIES REFERENCE STATISTICS: Reference Requests Total: 1,429 ILL Activity Incoming: 345 A/V USE TALLY: F ivity on Requests Total: 89 ILL Activity Outgoing: 199 Microfilm Use: 8 _-_eference Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,518 ILL Activity Total. . . . . .544 A/V Equip. Use: 124 GRAND TOTAL REFERENCE ACTIVITY: 2,062 132 REGISTRATIONS: ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership 11/30/74 15,165 3,265 18,430 PLS PATRONS Additions - December 1974 312 36 348 TO DATE: 3,468 Withdrawals - December 1974 251 43 294 Increase of: 52 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS - 12/31/74 15,226 3,258 18,484 ACCESSIONS & WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF CAN- GRAND TOTAL AS 11/30/74 ADDED CELLED OF 12/31/74 Adult Non-Fiction 118,560 521 161 118,920 Child Non-Fiction 16,874 42 116 16,800 Y.A. Non-Fiction 2,941 7 2 2,946 Adult Fiction 41,139 189 129 41,199 Child Fiction 12,626 38 74 12,590 Y.A. Fiction 2,332 6 - 2,338 194,472 803 482 194,793 Net Increase in Book Stock: 321 Included in above figures: 151 gift books and 424 new books Pamphlets Added: 67 Maps Added 0 Pamphlets Discarded: 5 Maps`'Discarded: 0 TOTAL. . .11,298 TOTAL. . .985 RECORDINGS: AS OF 11/30/74 ADDED DISCARDED AS-OF 12/31/74 78's 514 0 0 514 33's 2,945 33 3 ' 2,975 Cassettes 236 16 3 249 3,695 49 6 3,738 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER: MAIN: $1,775.70 BRANCH: $194.96 TOTAL: $1,970.66 ' CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE JANUARY 1975 THIS TO BUDGET MONTH DATE ALLOW. BALANCE S-1 Salaries 286, 170 M-11 Supplies 209.96 2,310.00 2,700. 390.00 M-12 Postage & Printing 399.45 3,790.11 3,900 109.89 M-13 Light, Water, Heat & Power, 814.10 5,052.27 8,900 3,847.73 M-14 Telephone 149.59 925.02 1, 500 574.98 M-16 Maintenance 343.36 1,978.39 4,800 2,821.61 M-17 Books & Maps 3,167.03 31,518.15 52,275 20,756.85 M-17A Periodicals 590.60 3,517.87 4,900 1,382.13 M-17B Binding 174.62 1,078.28 2, 150 1,071.72 M-17C Cataloging 144.95 1,282.05 2,350 1,067.95 M-19 Convention -0- 239.55 275 35.45 _.-19A Auto Allowance 68.79 199.34 275 75.66 M-19P Personnel 20.00 272.75 300 27.25 M-19T Trustees . -0- 294.49 250 (44.49) M-20 Dues to Library Associations 65.00 289.25 325 35.75 M-21 Miscellaneous 9.99 29.55 100 70.45 M-24 Typewriter Repairs 17.50 200.55 350 149.45 M-27 Compensation Insurance -0- -0- 2,000 2,000.00 M-28A Contracts 700.00 4,841.38 8,400 3,558.62 M-28B PLS Contract -0- 2,400.00 2,400 -0- C-90 Capital Expenditures 686.88 686.88 600 (86.88) -9TAL BEFORE SALARIES 7,561.82 60,905.88 98,750 37,844.12 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES 384,920