HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1978.07.15 4 CITY OF BURLINGAME STUDY MEETING July 15 , 1978 PRESENT : Councilmembers : Amstrup , Barton , Crosby , Martin ( Councilman Mangini absent - vacation) Staff : Schwalm, Argyres , Hill , Kirkup , Bergsing , Hoffman , Fricke , Palmer , Wagner The study meeting was convened by Mayor Crosby at 10 : 05 A. M. in Conference Room B . Mayor Crosby then turned meeting over to Budget Chairman Amstrup . Councilman Amstrup announced that due to the City ' s budgetary problems a change will be effected in the Planning Department . The position of City Planner will be eliminated , and planning staff will report to the Director of Public Works . This change will take effect in three months , at a contemplated savings to the City of $ 32 , 000 in 8 . 5 months ' salary , fringes , and operating expenses . He noted , however , that $ 10 , 000 " Other contractual services " included in reductions is questionable . Finance Director confirmed that this amount for community block grant housing rehabilitation expenses is canceled out because the City apparently is not eligible for the grant this year . Councilman Amstrup reviewed the City ' s position as of this date in budget reductions - $ 561 , 000 long term cuts , $436 , 000 short term cuts , for a total of approximately $997 , 000 . This does not include the reduction for the Planning Department or for positions currently vacant . Councilman Amstrup questioned if Council wished to accept State money with its " strings . " He suggested the possibility of taking it and returning it to the citizens in some form of rebate . In Council consideration of this suggestion questions of legality and method of distribution were raised . It was noted there was not time to research citizen opinion on this because the first distribution from the State is due August 31 and City filing will not be until after that date . Council concluded there was no way to avoid taking the money . Councilman Martin reviewed the problem of metermaids in the Police Department . One metermaid was eliminated , one quit , and the Department is down to one metermaid . Police Chief proposed hiring of a temporary metermaid on a per diem basis , with a succeeding program of using Police cadets for enforcement at a lesser rate of pay . It will take some time to find cadets . Council approved this approach , instructing Police Chief to hire temporary help and come back with package on cadets , including job descriptions . Study meeting July 15 , 1978 - 2 - LIBRARY Councilman Amstrup broached the subject of the. Branch. library and whether or not to close it . Operational figures at Branch were reviewed by Council and City Librarian . A net figure of approximately $ 50 , 000 per year was projected as savings if Branch were closed . City Librarian questioned disposition of this $ 50 , 000 proposed savings . Councilman Martin stated his opposition to reduction in book funds since prices will be subject to inflation .. He proposed some of this money be put back into book funds for the benefit of the main library , and further proposed that the City close the Branch , sell the property , and endeavor to keep the main library in good shape and responsive to community needs . Councilman Amstrup noted the sale value of the property would be from $ 125 , 000 to $ 150 , 000 . He agreed with Councilman Martin ' s proposition , although he noted the difficulty of this decision . City Librarian reviewed services performed by Branch to people in the area , particularly children and senior citizens , and suggested several alternatives : rental of the library by a private non- profit organization such as Arts Council ; making a combination �- library and community facility ; maintenance of a small circulating book collection . She wanted to phase out the Branch library , if necessary , over a three year period . By this method the City would get the benefit of a $ 50 , 000 investment in major improvements at the Branch ; Branch subscriptions could run their course ; and book stock could be phased back into the main library . After some discussion , Councilman Martin questioned City Librarian if Branch could be phased out by July 1 , 1979 . She considered it could be , but urged that investment in Branch book stock be protected . Councilman Barton questioned if Hillsborough could buy this collec- tion . City Librarian considered their financial situation would not allow them to purchase . Mayor Crosby stated his reluctance to close the Branch , noting that once it is closed and the building sold , the City will never have another Branch Library . Councilman Barton , noting the excellence of the main library , stated she could not justify keeping the Branch open , Barbara Rowe , Branch librarian , addressed Council , giving reasons why Branch should be kept operating . There was considerable further discussion , with the Council deciding that the Branch library would be closed for circulation on January 1 , 1979 . The next six months to July 1 , 1979 would Study meeting July 15, 1978 - 3 - be spent in assimilating book stock into the main library or dis- posing of it, and disposing of furnishings. Bids on the building would be taken July 1, 1979. Remainder of discussion on this subject centered around the reduction of hours at both main and Branch. It was decided that the City Librarian should at her discretion experiment with the most effective hourly arrangements, with a report to Council on finalization of a schedule. PRELIMINARY REDUCTIONS Council reviewed Finance Director' s list of "Preliminary City Council Jarvis Reductions" dated 7/14/78. Reduction items 1 through 13 were confirmed. Item 14 - City Clerk, eliminate replacement of typewriter - $645 . This was considered uncertain, since there is an actual need for this typewriter. Items 15 through 17 confirmed. Item 18 - Library - $26,863. Must be recalculated because of decision to close Branch. L Item 19 - Police, and Item 20 - Fire, to be considered later in meeting. Item 21 - confirmed. Item 22 - Park - $40, 000. Discussion confirmed that aerial truck to be eliminated by Park Department is heavy duty. Therefore Park could not share lighter equipment of Public Works and Fire. Conclusion was that Park Department would operate their present aerial for one more year with replacement then, and Public Works and Fire would share their aerial. Price of new equipment to be researched. Items 22 through 27 - confirmed. Item 19 - Police reductions : Priority 1 - Elimination of 1/3 of crossing guards - figure changed from $9, 152 to $10 ,452. Priority 5 - Eliminate replacement motorcycle - $3,100. Decision not to eliminate this motorcycle because of high cost of repairs. Priority 18 - Eliminate traffic sergeant hazard pay - $1, 390. This `. is to be dropped since we have not reduced hazard pay for all morotcycle officers. Priority 19 - Eliminate replacement of 3 police vehicles - $16,600. After considerable discussion on this item, Council Study meeting July 15 , 1978 - 4 - concluded that the four vehicles now authorized for replacement should be purchased immediately , but not used until the old vehicles have reached 75 , 000 miles . Figure of $16 , 600 reduction for three other replacements would stand for the present , with Police Chief to report to Council on a three-year plan for car purchases . There was lengthy Council discussion of the proposal to eliminate classification of Police Lieutenant for one position . Police Chief pointed out disadvantages such as lack of incentive for personnel since there are no captains on the force . Council deferred decision pending further consideration . Item 20 - Fire Reductions : The Fire Department budget was reviewed . Councilman Amstrup stated that the possibility of furnishing fire protection for Burlingame Hills may generate some income and avoid reduction in fire forces . This will be investigated . Chief Fricke recommended vacating one fire inspector position , not filling the present vacancy , or not replacing the man scheduled for retirement shortly . In the long range , the Chief suggested a reduction of two positions . Combination of police and fire communications system was discussed . The two chiefs will investigate this as a possibility for the future . Permit charges for services and privileges now rendered such as a charge for fire department services in lockouts , roof coverings , banner installation will be evaluated . It was pointed out that the long- range goal is a reduction of the budget by approximately $ 1 million dollars . The attrition method for elimination of personnel will be followed in the main until July 1 , 1979 . Permanent cuts by attrition and other means must be firmly established by this date , but it was stated that with the heavy cuts already achieved , the goal may be reached without major disturbance . Next budget study meeting was announced as Wednesday , July 19 , 7 : 30 P . M . ADJOURNMENT - Meeting adjourned at 1 : 00 P . M . Notes : B . Geralds