HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1978.09.13 A G E N D A �- STUDY MMEETING September 13, 1978 8 : 00 P.M. 11. Interviews for Sewer Improvement Engineering Work 2. Bayside Park Development Proposal - Mr. John Browning 3. Transient Occupancy Tax Amendments 4. Combining Southern Pacific Stations 5. Parking Recommendations a. Chapin Avenue b. Uniform Parking Hours 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 6. Fire Protection Provisions, Sprinklers, Smoke Detertors 7. Library Fee Schedule 8. Hartzheim Ford Undergrounding at Bayswater 9 . Traffic Ordinance 10 . Control of Dog Movements 11. Plans for Ball Park Lighting State Bond Act Allocation 3 BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING September 13 , 1978 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: BARTON, CROSBY , MANGINI , MARTIN ABSENT: A4STRUP STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: MR. SCHWALM, MR. ARGYRES , MRS . BERGSING, MR. COLEMAN, CHIEF FRICKE , MRS . HILL , MR. HOFFMAN, MR. KIRKUP , MR. SOMMER, MR. WAGNER The Study Meeting convened at 8 : 00 p.m. , for the purpose of inter- viewing MBC2 Consultants and Wilsey & Ham regarding encrineering proposals for 1978/1979 Sewer Improvements Project No . 78-12 , as proposed by Council at a previous meeting . BURLINGAME SPORTS COMPLEX Mr. John Browning and his attorney David Miller presented their plan for park development in the Burlingame dump area . He proposed a large driving range with grass tees plus three putting greens , some type of sport complex, possibly including a swimming pool , and two soccer fields . Councilwoman Barton asked the number of acres available . The response was forty-five . She mentioned large nets that would be required for a driving range and considered them aesthetically undesirable . She was not prepared to give an opinion on the plan as presented because she felt the citizens of Burlingame were more interested in a nine hole golf course . She believed further investigation should be made . Councilman Mangini questioned whether there would be a conflict with the activities , but was assured the plan had provided sufficient area for the driving range . He also expressed his understanding that there would be no cost to the City for development and maintenance , and that income to the City was assured . He mentioned his concern for safety , and that the project be attractive . Councilman Martin referred to the plan as rather elaborate and suggested it be presented as a definite proposal for a precise length of time , whether three, four or five years . He expressed very serious doubts about the driving range . Mr. Browning stated his opinion as a professional golfer that the area does not provide sufficient space for a nine hole golf course , and that it would not be economically feasible . The driving range is the money maker and with it he could pay back his investors . He believes Council Study Meeting--Page 2 September 13 , 1978 most golfers prefer to play eighteen holes and this area would not j accommodate such a course . / A Mr. Werner and Mr. Hinkel in the audience expressed their views supporting a nine hole golf course . Ray Wagner, Recreation Director, spoke of a previous advertisement for bids to construct a golf course to which there was no response . However, when bids were called for a driving range, it met with good interest . He supported the opinion that the forty-five acres would not pay for itself on maintenance and cost of construction of a nine hole golf course . He affirmed that the driving range will show a profit . Mayor Crosby complimented Mr . Browning on the presentation of his plan.- He mentioned that over the years the idea has been to have a golf course at the location . There have been favorable comments about a short nine hole course that local residents would enjoy as well as visitors to the area. The Mayor was concerned with economics and financing of the golf course . The City does not have funds . He concluded the discussion by stating the only way to settle the question would be to have a public hearing. He agreed with the suggestion that Mr. Browning submit an additional. report for next month. .COMBINING SOUTHERN PACIFIC STATIONS Director of Public Works Kirkup stated there are funds available for the project of combining railroad , bus and auto traffic-- integrating various transportation modes . His department has submitted an appli- cation to the State . The funding is 100% if the City qualifies . Part of the qualification is if the City has seed money . Meetings with various departments and branches of government have been held and the indication is that there is no objection. Citizens in the area have not been contacted as yet . Each Council member was provided with a map of the area and following discussion , it was agreed that the City could use 2106 Gas Tax money . it was suggested that protector gates be considered for Burlingame Avenue and East Lane and Howard Avenue as well as Broadway and Oak Grove Avenue . Mr . Kirkup has talked with people in the Broadway and Burlingame Avenue areas and they are in favor of the project . It was agreed that Mr . Kirkup would amend the City ' s application to add seed money and await response . TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX AMENDMENTS City Treasurer presented information concerning exemptions under the Uniform Transient Occupancy Tax Code . He proposed changes to clarify City ' s ordinance so that it would require the same individual to occupy tho room for thirty days in order to qualify for exemption from tax . The reason for this is that the airlines were claiming approximately $53 , 000 of tax exemption because of past interpretation . Council Study Meeting--Page 3 September 13 , 1978 Interest rate on penalties is to be increased. from one-half per cent a month to one per cent a month ; and to require standardized record- keeping by hotels . Other cities , such as San Mateo , have changed their enforcement to conform to this proposal ; the County of San Mateo is also going to adopt similar changes . Council agreed to reconsider the ordinance for re- introduction at the regular meeting of September 18 , 1978 . PARKIP:G RECOIUM-TENDATIONS Mr . Kirkup stated recommendations from the Burlingame Avenue area merchants included uniform parking hours : 8 : 00 a . m . , to 6 : 00 p . m . , and investigation reveals this to be non-controversial . it will protect some of the spaces from commuters and apartment dwellers in the shopping area . There was considerable discussion about the . parking limit on Chapin Avenue . Concern was expressed for the new merchants in the area and shopper convenience . Presently , there are thirty-nine ten-hour spaces and sixty-two two-hour spaces , all unmetered . It was decided the ten-hour parking should be metel-Fd at fifty cents a day , and the remaining spaces be changed to one-hour unmetered parking . City Attorney will review the ordinance regardinL, Chapin Avenue . FIRE PROTECTION PR0VISIONS : SPRINKLERS AND SIMONE DETECTORS Discussing the sprinkler systems , Councilman Martin recommended study of the possibility of eliminating the exclusion where a building could be divided by a firewall thereby reducing the maximum size of a building where a sprinkler system would be required . Chief Fricke will obtain additional information with regard to modification to the sprinkler ordinance . It was agreed to adopt exactly as Chief Fricke had presented the requirements for smoke detectors in single family homes . It was authorized that remodeling with dollar amount of $ 500 or more , or upon change of ownership , sinoke detectors would be required . Councilwoman Barton objected to requiring homeowners to install smoke detectors . She considered this an example of further government interference in individual rights . For multi- family dwelling units , the requirement is the same , but there is a maximum limit of three years , at which time all units will have to be converted . LIBRARY FEE SCHEDULE Mrs . Bergsing , City Librarian , spoke of the various groups who use rooms in the Library for meetings , and the fee schedule established to reimburse the City for custodial service , lights , etc . She said there is to be no fee for use of the California Room and no charge Council Study Meeting--Page 4 September 13 , 1978 for governmental agencies with which the City of Burlingame has j reciprocal agreements . Council approved the schedule and gave Mrs . Bergsing authority to use her own judgment in certain cases which are not specifically outlined . UNDERGROUNDING AT BAYSP:ATER AVENUE AREA City Attorney will contact Mr. Hartzheim' s attorney to inquire about their position on the undergroundirg . Councilman Martin pointed out that they could be informed that all the money does not have to be expended right away . TRAFFIC ORDINANCE City Attorney referred to revisions desirable with regard to yellow zones , which applies to commercial vehicles ; and Section 13 . 08 . 040 , which applies to persons riding bicycles or animals . The amendments were approved for submission at the next City Council meeting . DOG CONTROL There was discussion of a proposal to require dog owners to carry a container for removal of dog litter . A schedule of fines was suggested , similar to that included in the leash requirement : First offense $10 , 00 , second $20 . 00 , and third $30 . 00 . Councilman Martin stated the City pays the County the amount collected for dog licenses in Burlingarie. He suggested City keep this money and provide its own enforcement . City Attorney will check City ' s contract with SPCA. BALL PARI: LIGHTING--STATE BOND ACT ALLOCATION Ray Wagner, Recreation Director, explained lighting plans which include eight poles with various accommodations forhard and softball lighting and for independently lighting left or right fields . Project will be 100% funded by State grant . Tennis court lamps and fixtures will be bid as an alternate on the ball park lighting system in case there are additional funds remaining. Director Wagner discussed with City Council a cooperative after school sports program that will be offered by the Recreation Department this school year. The School District will contribute $3 , 000 to the program and the City of Burlingame will contribute $2 , 000 to the �- program (already budgeted) . Participants in the program will be charged a small fee to pay for the $9, 000 after school sports program Major sports will cost $12 . 00 and minor ' sports $6 . 00 per participant . Programs will be offered to both boys and girls . Council Study Meeting--Page 5 September 13 , 1978 TREE TRIMMER POSITION Park Director distributed comparative figures for tree trimming to be contracted with Davey Tree Co . , or Mayne Tree Co . , or employment of an additional tree trimer in the City service . Davey submitted proposal for six-month contract at $430 a day , Mayne , $ 760 per day . City can provide the same crew with the same equipment for about $332 a day . This includes all fringe benefits , fifteen per cent overhead and supervision , amortization of trucks and other power tools and operating costs . Park. Director stressed importance of having supervision directed from the ground for the tree trimmers . Park Director considers two tree trimmers are needed for the work to be done . Councilman Martin left at 12 : 30 a . m . After discussion , additional tree trimmer was authorized . ADJOURNMEFT : 12 : 45 a . m . NOTES': R. Dunmire