HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1976.03.16 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD AGENDA March 16, 1976 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: BILLS : Warrants : $7, 861 . 39 Special Fund: $1 , 162. 67 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY '17, 1976. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE: OLD BUSINESS : Air Conditioning: Listing of Plant -Assets : NEW BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: NEXT MEETING SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 20, 1976. S M T W T F IANUARY 3 EElR2 3 MARCN AIRiI 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 1 2 3 4 6 7 1 2 3 4, 6 6 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 1112 14151617 0 9 ISM 21314 7 8 9 1071213 11121314151617 1 20 21222324 15 l 6q7 i 6 19 20 21 1415 16 17 18 19 20 I 2223 24 25 26 27 28 2122 23 24 25 26 27 1819 20 21 22 23 24 i a 26 27 28 29 30 31 .29 28 29 30 31 2526 27 26 29 30 i 1 1VNE )UlY UGU51 M2Y3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9101112131415 6 7 8 9 101112 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 161718192021 22 13141516171819 1112 1 314151617 15161718192021 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1819 20 2122 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 2123 27282930 2526 27 28 29 30 31 293031 F2627 ER 1 2 3 4 OCTOBER .00mBER DECEMBER 1 2 3 47 89 1011 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 910111415161718 10111213141516 7 8 9 10111213 12131415161718 21 22 23 24 25 1718 19 20 21 22 23 1415 1617 18 19 20 1920 2122 23 24 25 28 29 30 24 2526 27 29 29 30 2122 23 2829 30 24 2526 27 2627 28 29 30 31 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD February 17, 1976 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board was called to order by Chairman Cohendet at 5:00 P.M. on the above given date. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Cohendet, Trustee DeMartini, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Lynes, Trustee Phelan Trustees Absent: None Also Present: Mrs. Barbara Rowe, Easton Branch Librarians ?�c61ce�S aF Tt4 BILLS: Warrants totaling $8,628.75 were paid on a motion by Trustee DeMartini, seconded by Trustee Hechinger, and carried. Special Funds bills in the amount of $1,087.34 were paid on a motion by Trustee DeMartini, seconded by Trustee Phelan. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of January 27, 1976 were approved and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Discussion was held on the decrease in circulation for the month of January. The Librarian explained that the comparison for January 1976 is made with the month of January 1975, and that January 1975's circulation was 19.4% above the statistics for January 1974. CORRESPONDENCE: None OLD BUSINESS: Raise in Price of Reserve Cards: After some discussion, it was moved by Trustee DeMartini, seconded by Trustee Lynes, that the price of reserve cards be raised to 154 per card, or 254 for two cards. This policy will go into effect immediately. Air Conditioning: The Librarian reported that the technician will be here next week to review some of his recommendations. The cost estimate will be submitted in next year's budget. Powers of the Library Board of Trustees: Librarian Lechich reported that he had sent two letters to the State Library regarding this matter, and will report to the Board upon their reply. Listing of Plant Assets: Mr. Ron Bierma, Finance Director, suggested that the Librarian con- tact the appraisal consultant and ask that the Library's list of plant assets be redone. NEW BUSINESS: Mrs. Barbara Rowe was introduced to the Board members and asked to tell the Board a little about herself and how she was doing as the new Branch Librarian. She stated that it would take a little while to learn and the Branch had been busy, but she was very happy to be the new Branch Librarian. It was moved by Trustee Hechinger that Mrs. Barbara Rowe be appointed the Branch Librarian, with a retroactive appointment of February 2, 1976/ The motion was seconded by Trustee Phelan, and carried. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 P.M. on a motion by Trustee Phelan with the next meeting scheduled for March 16, 1976. Respectfully submitte George Patrl Lechich Clerk of the Board GPL:jq LIBRARIAN'S REPORT March 16, 1976 CIRCULATION: Circulation for the month of February decreased 3.3% from February 1975. TRAFFIC: We have installed one new counter-pad at the Main Library and hope that this will correct the situation for March. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT: A program celebrating Valentine's Day was held at the Branch and main libraries. Children made Valentines for their friends, teachers, etc. and made one for the Children's Room which was displayed on a bulletin board. , The first grades of McKinley School have been coming to the library on a monthly basis. They read stories and choose books to borrow. Each child has his/her own library card. The 7th and 8th grades from St. Catherine's are coming on a bi-monthly schedule to hear book talks and choose books for themselves. We have had other visitors--St. Paul's Nursery School and an adult art class from San Mateo Adult School. The class came to view and hear about children's book illustrators and illustrations. Pre-school story hour will continue through April 14th. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT: America Film Series: The continuing series "America" with Alistair Cooke began February 3rd. The 13-part series is being shown Tuesday evenings through April 27th, at 7:30 P.M. , in the Main Library Community Room. The attendance so far has ranged from 25-35 people per evening. Cooperative Information Network Exchange Program: Our library is participating in an exchange of personnel with other libraries again this year. This unique program allows members of our reference staff an opportunity to share ideas and learn new techniques. Peninsula Library System Survey: A survey of non-resident use was conducted. from February 17th through March lst. The results of this survey will be ready soon. STATISTICS FOR FEBRUARY 1976 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH ks, Adult Non-Fiction 10,715 1.229 Child Non-Fiction 1,662 593 Adult Fiction 8,236 1,885 Child Fiction 2,028 -87 TOTAL BOOKS. . . . . . . . . 22,641 . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . . . 4,585 Periodicals 1,2.88 648 Pamphlets 201 65 Maps 5 Games 5 Subtotal. . . . . . . . . . . . 24,14G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,305 Phonograph Records 999 - Slides - Art Prints 25 Cassettes 45 - Films 104 - Equipment Loaned 10 -1- TOTAL CIRCULATION. . . . . . . 25,32. . . . . . . . . 5,306 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION, BRANCH & MAIN. . .': 39_,0.,629 ( 1975 Circ: 31,654 = 3.3% Decrease) X3 2 Average Daily Circ. , Main: 993 Average Daily Circ. , Branch: 231 TOTAL DAILY CIRC. AVERAGE. . . . .. . . l 224 TRAFFIC• TRAFFIC COUNT AT MIAN LIBRARY NOT AVAILABLE -- COUNTER PADS STICKING TRAFFIC COUNT AT BRANCH LIBRARY NOT AVAILABLE REFERENCE STATISTICS: A/V USE TALLY: Terence Requests Total: 1,724 ILL Activity Incoming: 330 Microfilm Use: 3 ILL Activity Outgoing: 306 A/V Equipment Use: 125 GRA11D TOTAL REF. ACTIVITY: 2,360 ILL Activity Total: 636 Total A/V Use: 128 REGISTRATIONS: ADULT CHILD TOTAL 15,648 3,318 18,966 PLS PATRONS Membership 1/31/76 TO DATE: 4,716 Additions - February 1976 334 51 385 366 Increase of: 85 Withdrawals - February 1976 311 55 8 985 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS - 2/29/76 .. 3 314 ACCESSIONS & WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF CAN- GRAND TOTAL AS 1/31/76 ADDED CELLED OF 2/29/76 Adult Non-Fiction 122,662 445 104 123,003 Child Non-fiction 16,938 79 26 16,991 Y.A. Non-Fiction 3,000 1 1 3,000 Adult Fiction 43,017, 106 2 43,121 Child Fiction 12,641 76 55 12,662 Y.A. Fiction 2,413 7 0 2,420 200,671 714 188 201,197 Net Increase in Book Stock: 526 Included in above figures: 91 gift books and 381 new books Pamphlets Added: 240 Maps Added: 0 • • • . . Discarded: 0 Maps Pamphlets Discarded: 3 .1,043 TOTAL. . . . . 13,408 TOTAL. . RECORDINGS: AS ADDED DISCARDED AS OF 2/29/76 78's 501 0 0 501 33's 3,547 30 0 3,577 Cassettes 306 15 0 321 TOTALS: 4,354 45 0 4,399 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER: MAIN: $1,409.25 BRANCH: f X62 TOTAL: `$1,530.87 CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE LIBRARY FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER 03-750 MARCH 1976 THIS TO BUDGET \� MONTH DATE ALLOW. BALANCE S-1 & 3 Salaries 11 Office Expense 282.73 3,163.65 4,368 1,204.35 12 Special Departmental Expense 83.03 1,374.20 2,970 1,595.80 12.1 Books and Maps 4,737.25 42,248.77 54,500 12,251.23 12.1A Records and Cassettes 242.47 2,299.80 2,000 (299.80) 12.2 Periodicals 1.00 5,831.34 6,500 668.66 12.3 Binding 102.20 2,200.14 2,258 57.86 12.4 Cataloging 132.31 1,541.59 2,350 808.41 13 Small Tools and Equipment 100.97 284.35 300 15.65 16 Communications 172.03 1,356.53 1,900 543.47 17 Utilities 937.28 7,712.99 10,790 3,077.01 Maint. of Bldgs. and Grounds 82.76 4,120.50 4,100 (20.50) 20 Maint. of Equipment 18.00 578.00 550 (28.00) 20.1 Operations of Equipment 8.10 41.02 200 158.98 21 Prof. and Special Services -0- 2,400.00 2,400 -0- 22 Other Contractual Services 910.00 7,462.00 10,5^0 3,038.00 23 Insurance and Surety Bonds -0._ -0- 21000 2,000.00 24 Dues and Subscriptions 10.00 270.25 325 54.75 25 Travel 16.26 104.11 500 395.89 .25.1 Conf. & Mtgs. - Librarian -0- 166.72 275 108.28 25.2 Conf. & Mtgs. - Personnel -0- 283.84 300 16.16 25.3 Conf. & Mtgs. - Trustees -0- 83.2' 250 166.75 26 Training & Safety Program -0- 75.00 300 225.00 29 Other Charges 25.00 37.66 100 62.34 `0 Capital Outlay -0- -0- 675 675.00 TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 7,861.39 83,635.71 110,411 26,775.29 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD February 17, 1976 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board was called to order by Chairman Cohendet at 5:00 P.M. on the above given date. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Cohendet, Trustee DeMartini, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Lynes, Trustee Phelan Trustees Absent: None Also Present: Mrs. Patricia M. Bergsing, Assistant City Librarian Mrs. Barbara Rowe, Easton Branch Librarian BILLS: - Warrants ILLS: `Warrants totaling $8,628.75 were paid on a motion by Trustee DeMartini, seconded by Trustee Hechinger, and carried. Special Funds bills in the amount of $1,087.34 were paid on a motion by Trustee DeMartini, seconded by Trustee Phelan. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of January 27, 1976 were approved and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Discussion was held on the decrease in circulation for the month of January. The Librarian explained that the comparison for January 1976 is made with the month of January 1975, and that January 1975's circulation was 19.4% above the statistics for January 1974. CORRESPONDENCE: None OLD BUSINESS: Raise in Price of Reserve Cards: After some discussion, it was moved by Trustee DeMartini, seconded by Trustee Lynes, that the price of reserve cards be raised to 15� per card, or 25C for two cards. This policy will go into effect immediately. Air Conditioning: The Librarian reported that the technician will be here next week to review some of his recommendations. The cost estimate will be submitted in next year's budget. Powers of the Library Board of Trustees: Librarian Lechich reported that he had sent two letters to the State Library regarding this matter, and will report to the Board upon their reply. Listing of Plant Assets: Mr. Ron Bierma, Finance Director, suggested that the Librarian �. contact the appraisal consultant and ask that the Library's list of plant assets be redone. Library Board Minutes February 17, 1976 Page Two NEW BUSINESS: Mrs. Barbara Rowe was introduced to the Board members and asked to tell the Board a little about herself. and how she was doing as the new Branch Librarian. She stated that it would take a little while to learn and the Branch had been busy, but she was very happy to be the new Branch Librarian. It was moved by Trustee Hechinger that Mrs. Barbara Rowe be appointed the Branch Librarian, with a retroactive appointment of February 2, 1976. The motion was seconded by Trustee Phelan, and carried. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 P.M. on a motion by Trustee Phelan with the next meeting scheduled for March 16, 1976. Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board GPL:jq