HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1976.10.19 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY AGENDA October 19, 1976 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: BILLS: Warrants: $9,716.95 Special Fund,: $514.63 MINUTES OF TIME MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21 , 1976. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE: OLD BUSINESS: California Library Association Convention: NEW BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: NEXT BOARD MEETING SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 16, 1976. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD September 21 , 1976 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of the Burlingame Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairman Lynes at 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Cohendet, Trustee DeMartini, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Lynes, Trustee Phelan Trustees Absent: None Also Present: Ms. Karen Petterson, Journalist, Boutique/Villager BILLS: Warrants in the amount of $11,463.49 and Special Fund bills totaling $655.01 were paid on a motion by Trustee Cohendet, seconded by Trustee DeMartini, and carried. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of August 17, 1976 were approved and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Chairman Lynes stated that congratulations were in order for Mrs. Patricia Bergsing's appoint- ment to the Board of Directors of the Public Library Executives of Central California. Trustee Cohendet commented that the autograph party in honor of Dorothy Giberson's new book was very successful. Librarian Lechich reported that some 200 people attended the affair and approximately 75 copies of her book were sold and personally autographed. CORRESPONDENCE: A letter was received from Mr. Gordon D. Forbes, 2451 Easton Drive, Burlingame, expressing his congratulations on the selection of our new Branch Librarian, Mrs. Barbara Rowe. He stated that he and his neighbors were very pleased to have Mrs. Rowe as the new librarian. OLD BUSINESS: Air Conditioning: The Librarian reported that the project is in progress and that the City Council agreed to go ahead with the recommendations. Discussion was held and the Trustees voiced their concerns of future reliability of the system after the modifications and repairs were completed. 1976-1977 Fiscal Year Budget: Librarian Lechich informed the Board that the City Council had passed the budget minus the additional position requested for the CETA employee. NEW BUSINESS: C.L.A. Convention: The Librarian advised the Board of the California Library Association Convention to be held in Southern California during December. They were informed that $275 has been budgeted for this purpose. Trustees interested in attending will make their reserva- tions and advise the Librarian. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 P.M. with the next meeting scheduled for October 19, 1976. Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board GPL:jq i LIBRARIAN'S REPORT October 19, 1976 CIRCULATION: Circulation decreased 3.6% over the month of September 1975, however, the month of September 1976 showed a 12% increase over the same month of 1974. CITY TREASURY DEPOSITS: This month, we deposited $2,503.20 fines and fees to our account with the City Treasurer. This is $1 ,029.87 more than September 1975. If this keeps up, we will more than exceed our estimate. AIR CONDITIONING: The small cooling unit has been installed in the reference office and everyone is happy (remarkable) . The changes in the air conditioning in the Community Room will be done just before Thanksgiving as this was the only time that the room was not scheduled. The make-up air grills in the staff and California rooms should be installed next week. Other items are in process. AUTHORS AND ILLUSTRATORS FESTIVAL: The third Children's Authors and Illustrators Festival was held on Thursday, October 7th. Approximately 250 to 300 people attended the reception held in the Children's Room. Books by the authors and illustrators were available for purchase and autographed. Refreshments were served compliments of the Friends of the Library. The illustrators captivated the children with hand-sketched cartoons which the children were given to keep as a souvenier. The festival was again a huge success. FALL BOOK SALE: The Book Sale, October 15th, 16th, 17th, was a rousing success. The Friends of the Library made over $2,550.00 for the Treasury to purchase things for the library. Mrs. Elaine White, this year' s Book Sale Chairman, and her hard-working committee are to be congratulated. One of the projects under consideration by the Friends is a refurbishing of the California Room. It will be discussed at the Friends Pot Luck Dinner on Friday evening, November 5th. All the Library Board members are invited. STATISTICS FOR SEPTEMBER 1976 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books, Adult Non-Fiction 8,909 1,124 Child Non-Fiction 768 496 Adult Fiction 8,051 2,184 Child Fiction 1,731 1,042 TOTAL BOOKS. . . . . . . . . 19,459. . . .. . .. . . . . .. ... . .4,846 Periodicals 1,242 648 Pamphlets 125 9 Maps 6 _ Games 5 5 Subtotal. . . . . . . . . . 20,837, _ „ . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .5,508 Phonograph Records 915 _ Slides - _ Art Prints 29 _ Cassettes 39 _ Films 73 _ Equipment Loaned 9 1 TOTAL CIRCULATION. . . . . . 21,90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,509 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION, BRANCH & MAIN. . :. 27,41 • ( 197.5 Circ: 28,366 - 3.6% Decrease) Average Daily Circ. , Main: 859 Average Daily Circ. , Branch: 230 TOTAL DAILY CIRC. AVERAGE. . . . . . . .1,089 TRAFFIC: TRAFFIC COUNT AT MAIN LIBRARY NOT AVAILABLE - ERROR IN COUNTER TRAFFIC COUNT AT BRANCH LIBRARY NOT AVAILABLE REFERENCE STATISTICS: A/V USE TALLY: Reference Requests Total: 1,584 ILL Activity Incoming: 310 Microfilm Use: 3 ILL Activity Outgoing: 335 A/V Equipment Use: 102 `l AND TOTAL REF. ACTIVITY: 2,229 ILL Activity Total: 645 Total A/V Use: 105 REGISTRATIONS: ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership - 8/31/76 15,690 3,242 18,932 PLS PATRONS Additions - September 1976 369 54 423 TO DATE: 5,268 Withdrawals - September 1976 328 54 382 Increase of: 47 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS - 9/30/76 15,731 3,242 18,973 ACCESSIONS & WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF CAN- GRAND TOTAL AS 8/31/76 ADDED CELLED OF 9/30/76 Adult Non-Fiction 125,105 330 171 125,264 Child Non-Fiction 17,318 52 13 17,357 Y.A. Non-Fiction 3,081 2 1 3,082 Adult Fiction 43,664 176 52 43,788 Child Fiction 12,984 12 46 12,950 Y.A. Fiction 2,443 6 1 2,448 204,595 204,889 Net Increase in Book Stock: 294 Included in above figures: 46 gift books and 301new books Pamphlets Added: 11 Maps Added: ^ Pamphlets Discarded: 8 Maps Discarded: 8 TOTAL. . TOTAL. . RECORDINGS: AS OF 8/31/76 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF 9/30/76 78's 501 0 0 501 33's 3,698 31 0 3,729 Cassettes 330 0 0 330 TOTALS: 4,529 31 0 4,560 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER: MAIN: $2,368.63 BRANCH: 134.57 TOTAL: $2,503.20-'-, CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPE-NDITURE LIBRARY FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER 03-750 OCTOBER 1976 THIS TO BUDGET MONTH DATE ALLOW. BALANCE L S-1 & 3 Salaries $357,194 11 Office Expense 492.23 702.88 4,500 3,797.12 12 Special Departmental Expense 45.39 824.27 3,100 2,275.73 12.1 Books and Maps 6,242.76 20,381.95 61,675 41,293.05 12.1A Records and Cassettes 208.85 916.82 3,000 2,083.78 12.2 Periodicals 81.79 4,407.77 6,700 2,292.23 12.3 Binding -0- 345.80 2,750 2,404.20 12.4 Cataloging 181.47 771.03 3,032 2,260.97 13 Small Tools and Equipment 24.91 118.87 300 181.13 16 Communications 118.78 564.02 2,080 1,515.98 . 17 Utilities 1,128.85 4,172.14 12,800 8,627.86 Maint. of Bldgs. and Grounds 161.47 841.17 4,500 3,658.83 20 Maint. of Equipment 40.00 40.00 750 710.00 20.1 Operations of Equipment 1.90 82.64 200 117.36 21 Prof. and Special Services -0- 2,400.00 2,400 -0- 22 Other Contractual Services 910.00 3,640.00 910 (2,730.00) 23 Insurance and Surety Bonds -0- -0- 2,000 2,000.00 24 Dues and Subscriptions -0- 38.00 340 302.00 25 Travel 43.80 43.80 500 456.20 25.1 Conf. & Mtgs. - Librarian -0- -0- 300 300.00 25.2 Conf. & Mtgs. - Personnel 34.75 34.75 350 315.25 25.3 Conf. & Mtgs. - Trustees -0- -0- 275 275.00 26 Training & Safety Program -0- -0- 300 300.00 29 Other Charges -0- -0- 100 100.00 Capital Outlay -0- 190.00 933 743.00 TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 9,716.95 40,515.91 $113,795 73,279.09 10TAL AFTER SALARIES $470,989