HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1976.12.21 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT December 21, 1976 ACTIVITY: The 37% increase in total reference activity over November 1975 is the single largest increase noted. November 1975 was 1,810 and November 1976 was 2,480. Of this, 1976 reference requests were 1,819 as compared to 1,205 in 1975. Total interlibrary loans both incoming and outgoing were 661 in 1976 as compared to 605 in 1975. The circulation increased 2.2% over November 1975. TRAFFIC: Due to our counter problem, the traffic count was measured for November 15th to December 15th and was 29,516. This is probably high for this period. Total deposit with City Treasurer was $2,035.34 as compared with $1,481.48 in November 1975. If this keeps up, we will meet our budget estimates. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT: In addition to the weekly pre-school story hours and McKinley School's first grade's monthly visit to the library, there were a number of other programs this month. For Children's Book Week, there was a magic show with Ken Mata, a young amateur magician, performing. About 100 children and adults attended. A series of tours for the Burlingame High School's remedial reading program were given and attended a Bay Area Young Meeting where adult books for young adults were discussed. REFERENCE: Burlingame Poetry Conspiracy: Mr. Wicliffe has begun preliminary planning for the first meeting of poetry reading group to be held in the Community Room in December. Local poets are encouraged to read poetry at the proposed monthly meetings. Christmas Book Gift Suggestions Bibliography: Mr. Escoffier compiled this biblio- graphy of gift suggestions for Chirstmas covering some 15 titles. It includes both adult and juvenile titles. Art Prints: Thirteen additional art prints have been added to the library's collection from the resources of the Freinds of the Library. " The new prints are currently on display in the Reference Room and will be available for circulation December 15, 1976. Reference Room Clocks: Two beautiful wall clocks were purchased for the Reference Department from the resources of the Friends of the Library. This need is now fulfilled and greatly appreciated. 3`.2_'li111yame Jaycees Gift: The Audio-Visual Department received a $100.00 check from the Burlingame Jaycees to purchase contemporary recordings, especially locally pro- duced albums of popular music, jazz, etc. We are grateful for this generous gift. MINUTES OF THE BURLINGAME LIBRARY BOARD November 16, 1976 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of the Burlingame Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairman Lynes at 5:00 P.M. on the above given date. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Cohendet, Trustee DeMartini, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Lynes, Trustee Phelan Trustees Absent: None BILLS: Warrants in the amount of $9,439.20 and Special Fund bills totaling $167.44 were paid on a motion by Trustee Cohendet, seconded by Trustee Phelan, and carried. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of October 19, 1976 were approved and ordered filed. Trustee Hechinger reported that he attended the Friend s of the Library Pot Luck Dinner and meeting held on November 5th. He brought the Library Board up-to-date on the activities of the Friends and commented that it was an enjoyable evening. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Discussion was held on the activities of the Children's Department and the number of Peninsula Library System patrons registered at our library. CORRESPONDENCE:, Vice Chairman Phelan read a letter from Mrs. Rosemary Wilkinson, President of the Friends of the Library. The letter was in response to the invitation from the Library Board to have a Friend attend their meetings. Mrs. Wilkinson replied that a Friend would be appointed at their next meeting in compliance with the invitation. She also feld it a great gesture of cordiality which could only result in furthering the promotion and goodwill of the Library. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Civil Service Appointment of Miss Christine Dassoff: On a motion by Trustee Hechinger, seconded by Trustee DeMartini, Miss Christine Dassoff was appointed Civil Service status retroactive to November 1, 1976. Miss Dassoff is filling a Library Assistant II opening in the Cataloging Department and placed very high in the Civil Service examination for this position. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M. with the next meeting scheduled for December 21, 1976. Respectfully submi ted, George P ul Lechich Clerk of the Board Ca.?,ibouia. L.ibtaty Association ConbeAenee Deeembetc 2-6, 1976 Ptobabty the most woxth white eon6enenee that I have attended. I was .indeed sotvcy that Mts. Phetan was itt an- unable to go, espeei.a ty ars she takers such exee tent notes and peAhaps the mote so because the ptogtams weAe a tea ring expettience updating us ,in the tate�st state-wide pians and ,intAoducing those ob us to many new .ideas both .in the exhibits and meetings. Pott ins ranee, the 4 test speakeA, Ken Winslow, on Video Ptogtamming gave a most exeettent summary ob the state ob the att. I teaeized that w.cth the advent ob teasonabt y pticed ced video ptayeu that ptobabt y the .e ibtaty should be ptepat ing to handtie the new tapes and dit6ct6 which ate neatcey wear-p)=4 as against J&agite phonogtrr ph tecotds. Another ptog, m which wound have been most ent ighten ing bot Ttustees was a "Joint PteseNtation on the Ptoposed CaZibatnia. Libtcatcy SeAvicets Hans". Ib this -lC_: is adopted by the LegizZatute, out system would be adequatety b.inaneed and we L,.s a ",yet Zende&" wound stand to be tenumetated bot, not only out .loans to P.L.S. patrons, but bot out tebeAenee setv.icn as we- t. This exptanation gavethe membetr6 a ,much bettetr. back Lound bot casting their votes at the membett- sh.ip mewing on Ptanday. A gte_,t numbeh o ustees attended the Ttustees ChapteA Business Meeting which tasted btom 2:00 t%tro 5:00 P.M. Abtetr much setrious discussion conceAning the otga n_za ion n�t��cedcve, ere., those ptezent eteeted Hetbent Latham, ob Chula i V i6ta, Ch.aptetr t?3ident, a2ang with whet abb ieetcs. They aP�sa set up a $5.00 memb��s ;,cp bee in atdetr to have bunds to covet postage, etc. Many ob those ptes ent joined. Petrhaps some ob the many events would have stLued you to become mote conscious ob ti.bka,ty and community needs in this changing woAtd. Geotge Paul Lech.ich Libta,tj_an GPL:jq Cati4oAnia Libturtr.y A.63ociati,on Co n�eAenee DeeembeA 2-6, 1976 The Annua.e Con6v enee o6 the Cati.SoAnia Li,bnatcy As.6oeiat:i.on wa,6 heed at the Mat tiott Hotee in Loz Angetes on DeeembeA 2nd to 6th, 1976. In my opinion, the major izsun o6 the convention weAe: 1 . The agAeemetit on what teg-cstati.on to pAopose to the State Legistatutce in 1977 6oA 4ututze �und.ing o6 pubti.e ti,bAaAy sy,6tems in Cati 6mn,i.a. 2. The poz.6 ibt e ceAt i6 icat i.on o g t i katLi.anz. 3. The po 3.6.ibiiity o� buit d.i.ng eaueh taddetus .6o t i.bAaAy abs �stants might prLog tens to pto�e66.ionot btatuS without the M.L.S. 4. Stat";' deveeopmezt, in-zeAv,iee tAa,ining and continuing education. Some o6 the bezzteh meetings: 1. How to Cope A v„y ba6,ic, pAact-i.cae appAoach to what 6.inance o66icexs, city manages and cou�:^.iJA took 6oA in a budget. Advice and sugge,6ti.on6 on how L.ibAatcy Bontd,s and ach�ini6ttratot 6 can ,i,mpAove thew chances og having their budget Aeque,st6 approved. 2. Loeae Gover;vnent Remgani.zation and .ct6 Impti.eationz Jot Pubtie L.ibteatci.es An i ntelre.s�,ng and chatleng,ing dis eusz i.o n by a County Manag ear., a PAo 4 ezz oA o , btic ..'.:�ni6t cation, and a County L kat i.an about the euAAent ttend oA Aeotgar zing county and city depaAtment,6 .into sub-agencies iso that nexeA &^r~Ltment heads tepotrt dineetey to city and county managetUS. Thin t rend taus d;A cu s s ed with tetat i.on to itz .impti cations CoA t i,bAatr i.es. 1=eweA and 4,eveA tibAakian�s aAe Aepont.ing dixectly to the County oA City Manager, but instead atce Aepotrtc.ng to an assistant. 3. 36AGm the Out6ide: Tough PAose 6Aom Tough PAots.” Th is meeting was a stimuZating pane.e o6 out6tanding hpeake 6 discussing what',s wAong with cmAent pubtic t ibAatcy sehvice and suggestions about what we can do to :impAove. The apeaketrs .included a newspapeh cotumn.i�st, a .t,i.bAa,ty speciati,6t 6Aom Peat, Mvaack, M-itehet and Company, the PAe6.ident o' GAot i.eA Edueationa e CoApoAa tion, a Counc twoman 6Aom Long Beach, and a ,speciaWt in Communi,cation,6 6Aom U.S.C. Pa,b,,L G a i"'I. Beig.6i.,q A/mi,stant Libtca ian PMB:jq l CALUMNIA LIBRARY ASSN COIZERENCE I December 2-6, 1976 I found the 78th annual conference 'he best e2r. Some of the highlights for me follow. Public Relations- "Between Gung Hoism and ' It Can't Be Done' Edward Gazelle, retired Arco public relations executive. t:!r. Gazelle spoke of the importance of setting the library's objectives for publicity, of mapping out strategies for reaching those objectives. An important point liras made that public relations : should not be isolated in one individual or office, but that it is the on-going job of the library--every smile at the circulation desk is FR. Audio Visual- Ad-:inistrators Look at irtedia. An overview of administrative decisions involving media. The importance of non-print materials 1,1e-re discussed especially in light of the statistic that only � ; g= oricans get their inforiation from print. Basically an _deg Swapping meeting--ideas for handling various types of A-V L..-.;•. ra,.�___ls, coordination of interlibrary loan of such materials, the i:;co=ta^ce of involving all staff in. A-V activities. Audio Visual- Pr=due=<<? A/V for Library FR. An excellent ho.,i-to-do-it session centered on how to create a slide presentation for libra_.t publicity for less than 530. A detailled packet of infor ,align was included. Our project for the neer year! Staff De,�.�lop^_3-t Tr-kshop- ��ianagement Viewpoint. A fascinating discussion of the portance of staff development as a cosL.-effective Tana=�e-'e tool. The speaker, an organizational development specialist for Occidental Life, emphasized the importance or staff in any organization-they are your most im-portae: resollrce. Job enrichment for the individual to develop him as both employee and person was also discussed. The private sector obviously has much to teach those of us in public service! Peer Evaluation- This meeting delt with the problems involved in peer evaluation. Although aimed at college and university librarians, Burlingaime's recent experiment with such evaluation in the Reference Dept made this meeting more meaningful to me. The structure of colleges and universities makes the system work well with faculty, but there are problems when applied to librarians. Librarians must of necessity vlork more closely together, frequently in a team. Peer evaluation in this context if done completely truthfully might lead to negative feelings which might in turn make team .•iork difficult. Thefour person pan21 was about split in its feelings on the subject. The n2:`I Ui" 7�i:)1_C /.1iG f �' STATISTICS FOR NOVEMBER 1976 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH -)ks, Adult Non-Fiction 11,115 1,014 Child Non-Fiction 1,200 498 Adult Fiction 7,417 2,025 Child Fiction 1,699 746 TOTAL BOOKS. . . . . . . . . 21,431. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,283 Periodicals 1,374 621 Pamphlets 291 11 Maps - - Games 11 �10 Subtotal. . . . . . . . . . . . 23,107. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,925 Phonograph Records 1,144 - Slides - - Art Prints 42 - Cassettes 84 - Films 76 - Equipment Loaned 7 - TC Ah CIRCULATION. . . . . . .24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,925 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION, BRANCH & MAIN. . .29,385 1975 Circ: 28,759 - 2.2% increase) Average Daily Circ. , :Iain: 90 Average Daily Circ. , Branch: 197 TOTAL DAILY CIRC. AVERAGn. . . . . . . .1,103 TRAFFIC: TRAFFIC: Main Library ------ 29,516 TRAFFIC COUNT AT BRANCH LIBRAR LABLE REFERENCE STATISTICS: A/V USE TALLY: Reference Reauests Total: 1,819 ILL Activity Incoming: 269 Microfilm Use: ILL Activity Outgoing: 392 A/V Equipment Use: 100 `*MAND TOTAL REF. -C_IVITY: 2,480 ILL Activity Total: 661 Total A/V Use: 100 REGISTRATIONS: ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership - 10/31/76 15,710 3,206 18,916 PLS PATRONS Additions - November 1976 356 58 414 TO DATE: 5,380 Withdrawals - November 1976 266 61 327 Increase of: 45 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS - 11/30/76 15,800 3,203 19,003 ACCESSIONS & WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF CAN- GRAND TOTAL AS, 10/31/76 ADDED CELLED OF 11/30/76 Adult Non-Fiction 125,708 690 283 126,115 Child Non-Fiction 17,366 27 89 17,304 Y.A. �Tr>n-Fiction 3,088 8 15 3,081 Adult Fiction 43,923 . 172 29 44,066 Child Fiction 13,004 36 24 3,016 Y.A. Fiction 2,466 14 1 2.479 205,555 947 441 206,061 Net Increase in Book Stock: 506 Included in above figures: 82 gift books and 556 new books Pamphlets Added: 99 Maps Added: 45 Pamphlets Discarded: 16 Maps Discarded: 10 T07 - 14,402 - TOTAL. 1,087 _ RECORDINGS: AS OF 10/31/76 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF II-/30/7Fi 78's 501 0 0 501 33's 3,750 9 0 3,759 Cassettes 330 14 0 344 TOTALS: 4,581 23 0 4,604 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER: MAIN: $1,922.27 BRANCH: 113,07 TOTAL: $2,035.34 �'� - 411i VK DUL11-' -L-,4% e"1 i BUDGET EXPENDITURE LIBRARY FUND ACCOUNT LTU143- ER 03-750 DECEMBER 1976 THIS TO BUDGET MONTH DATE ALLOW. BALANCE S-1 & 3 Salaries $357,194 11 Office Expense 725.07 1,787.95 4,500 2,712.05 12 Special Departmental Expense 172.60 1,223.40 3,100 1,876.60 12.1 Books and Maps 3,521.98 29,861.81 61,675 31,813.19 32.1A Records and Cassettes 67.84 1,140.73 3,000 1,859:27 12.2 Periodicals 209.88 .4,801.79 6,700 1,898.21 12.3 Bindinv 321.05 666.85 2,750 2,083.15 12.4 Cataloging 235.06 1,208.82 3,032 1,823.18 13 181 87 118. 300 . 13 Small Tools and Equipment -0- . 16 CoMmu.r., cations 151.02 902.34 2,080 1,177.66 17 Utilities 1,048.58 6,156.19 12,800 6,643.81 19 Maint. of Bldcs. and Grounds 57.71 1,197.16 41500 3,302.84 ' 1-20 Maint. of Eo--: went 77.00 137.80 750 612.20 20.1 Operations of Equipment -0- 82.64 200 117.36 21 Prof. and Special Services -0- 2,400.00 2,404 -0 22 Other Contractual Services 910.00 5,460.00 910 (4,550.00) 23 Insurance and Surety Bonds -0- -0- 2,000 2,000.00 24 Dues and Subscriptions 40.00 . 78.00 340 262.00 25 Travel -0- 43.80 500 456.20 25.1 Conf. & Mtgs. - Librarian 287.07 287.07 300 12.93_ 25.2 Conf. & Mtgs. - Personnel 255.47 290.22 350 59.78 25_3 Conf. & Mtgs. - Trustees 7.07 7.07 275 267.93 26 Training & Safety Program -0- _0_ 300 300.00 29 Other Charges -0- -0- 100 100.00 � Capital Outlay 743.00 933.00 933 -0 TOTAL BEFORE SALAR_ZES 8,830.40 58,785.51 $113,795 55,009.49 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES $470,989