HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1977.01.18 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA January 18, 1977 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: BILLS: Warrants: $6,244.61 Special Fund: $80.66 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 21 , 1976. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE: OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: Book Security Systems: Disposing of Extra Chairs, Shelving, etc. ADJOURNMENT: NEXT BOARD MEETING SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 15, 1977. MINUTES OF THE BURLINGAME LIBRARY BOARD December 21, 1976 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of the Burlinga Library Borad of Trustees was called to order by Chairman Lynes at 5:05 P.M. on the above given date. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Lynes Trustees Absent: Trustee Phelan, excused, family business Trustee DeMartini, excused, business Also Present: Mrs. June Weatherbe, Vice President, Friends of the Library BILLS: Warrants totaling $8,830.40 were paid on a motion by Trustee Hechinger, seconded by Trustee Cohendet, and carried by those Trustees present. Special Fund bills in the amount of $675.30 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Cohendet, seconded by Trustee Hechinger, and carried by those Trustees present. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of November 16, 1976 were approved and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Discussion was held on the traffic count and of the inferior mats that have prevented an accurate traffic count. Chairman Lynes commented on the report of the gifts from the Friends of the Library and the donation from the Burlingame Jaycees. Chairman Lynes will ask Vice Chairman/Secretary Phelan to write letters to the above groups to express the Board's appreciation. California Library Assocation Conference: The Librarian expressed his disappointment that the Trustees could not attend the C.L.A. Conference as this year's programs did much to bring everyone up to date on new library systems, legislation, etc. He felt it was a very informative experience since there are so many new and changing things in the library field. CORRESPONDENCE: A letter was received from Mr. DAvid Larson, 1216 Cortez, Burlingame, endorsing Mrs. Patricia Bergsing as a successor in the event Librarian Lechich retires. A letter addressed to Mr. Alfred Escoffier was read to the Board. This letter accompanied the $100 donation to the audio visual department for the addition of recordings to our collection. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Book Detection System: The Librarian reported that the City Council has approved the funds for a book detection system for our library. He reported that he is researching the expense and the various defferent systems at this time and will report his findings to the Board. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M. with the next meeting scheduled for January 18, 1977. Respectfully subm'tted`" C+ j eorgePaul Lechich Clerk of the Board GPL:jq LIBRARIAN'S REPORT January 18, 1977 CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT: The last groups of Burlingame High School students came for a tour of the library and brief book talks. The teachers felt it was a positive experience and plan to return next semester. Mrs. Barbara Rowe, Branch Librarian, Miss Janet Coshow, Children's Department Page, Bliss Louisa Geralds, and Miss Joan Riordan, Children's Librarian, presented a puppet show and a mime to "The Night Before Christmas" at the Burlingame Recreation Department's Winter Faire. The Christmas trees at the Main Library's Children's Room and the Easton Branch were made available by the Burlingame Lions Club and were enjoyed by all . REFERENCE DEPARTMENT: California Pamphlet File: Mr. Al Escoffier is now making additions to our local information vertical file. It is being brought up to date and many newspaper clippings of historical importance are being added. In addition, several subject heading folders will be added to the Ready Reference File for items of special importance. New Cassettes: Approximately 20 casettes have been added to the audio visual collection recently. All are classical music of various artists and styles. We will gradually be adding more of these items as demand is steadily increasing. All cassettes are fully cataloged and processed, and are integrated into the regular cassette collection. San Francisco Symphony Selections: Many of the San Francisco Symphony musical selections for the 1976-77 season which are in print are now available at our library. This service has proved popular and later this month, selections from the S.F. Ballet's musical selections will be added to the collection. New Art Prints: Additional art prints were received this month and have been processed for circulation. These handsome new additions were a gift of the Friends of the Library. Winter Faire: Members of the library staff helped to man the library booth at the annual Burlingame Recreation Department Winter Faire which was held on December 11 and 12. Mr. Owen Rascoe, P.L.S. Outreach Coordinator, proved popular with his origami demonstration. Senior Citizen's Club of Peninsula Temple Sholom: On Decmeber 15th, Mr. Warren Wickliffe, Reference Librarian, gave a book talk to this group of approximately 50 persons. The first part of the talk consisted of describing many of the services our library offers, then he described the books he had brought, which were selected on the basis of Jewish interest. After the talk, there was a short question-and-answer period. Burlingame Poetry Conspiracy: December 19th was the first meeting of this group. Six poets read their work, and there was discussion during the reading period. The audience numbered 25 to 30 people. The Community Room has been reserved for the third Sunday of every month through July, 1977 for the readings. Librarian's Report January 18, 1977 Page Two CIRCULATION: Circulation decreased 11 .3% over that of December 1975. The circulation of December 1973 was slightly lower. We were open 252 days as compared to 272 days in December 1975. This may account for the drop. Reference activity was also down 16 from 1975. Registration: We have 19,028 registered patrons and 5,418 Peninsula Library System patrons. This is the highest yet. Fines and Fees: They are continuing to run ahead of last year--December 1976 deposits were $474 more than December 1975. STATISTICS FOR DECEMBER 1976 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH 3ooks, Adult Non-Fiction 9,726 778 �-- Child Non-Fiction 830 386 Adult Fiction 6,756 1,682 Child Fiction 1,184 578 TOTAL BOOKS. . . . . . . . . 18,496. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 3,424 Periodicals 1,281 475 Pamphlets 169 1 Maps 4 - Games 1 5 Subtotal. . . . . . . . . . . . 19,951. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,905 Phonograph Records 880 - Slides 72 - Art Prints 38 - Cassettes 65 - Films 71 - Equipment Loaned 14 - TOTAL CIRCULATION-. . . . .21 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -3,905 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION, BRANCH & MAIN. ,996 (1975 Circ: 27,832 - 11.3% decrease) Average Daily Circ. , Main: 827`. .24 Average Daily Circ. , Branch: 163 TOTAL DAILY CIRC. AVERAGE. . . . . . . . 990 -------- TRAFFIC: TRAFFIC: Main Library Estimate 21,915+ aily: 859+ TRAFFIC COUNT AT BRANCH OT AILABLE REFERENCE STATISTICS: A/V USE TALLY: "eference Requests Total: 1,438 ILL Activity Incoming: 273 Microfilm Use: 1 ILL Activity Outgoing: 320 A/V Equipment Use: 88 GRAND TOTAL REF. ACTIVITY: 2,031 ILL Activity Total: 593 Total A/V Use: 89 REGISTRATIONS: ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership - 11/30/76 15,800 3,203 19,003 PLS PATRONS Additions - December 1976 236 36 272 TO DATE: 5,418 Withdrawals - December 1976 211 36 247 Increase of: . 38 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS - 12/31/76 15,825 3,203 19,028 ACCESSIONS & WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF CAN- GRAND TOTAL AS 11/31/76 ADDED CELLED OF 12/3.1/76 Adult Non-Fiction 126,115 444 132 216,427 Child Non-Fiction 17,304 65 138 17,231 Y.A. Non-Fiction 3,081 5 3 3,083 Adult Fiction 44,066 150 7 44,209 Child Fiction 3,016 92 134 12,974 Y.A. Fiction 2.,479 14 1 2,492 206,061 770 415 206,416 Net Increase in Book Stock: 355 Included in above figures: 75 gift books and 519 new books Pamphlets Added: 255 Maps Added: 0 Pamphlets Discarded: 9 Maps Discarded: 0 TOTAL. . 14,648 TOTAL. ... . . . . . . . . 1,087 . . . . . . . . . . . . . RECORDINGS: AS OF 11/30/76 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF 12/31/76 78's 501 0 0 501 33's 3,759 19 0 3.778 Cassettes 344 20 0 364 TOTALS: 4,604 39 0 4,643 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER: MAIN: $2,320.24 BRANCH: 11a_nti TOTAL: t.t 1 i Vr nu tii-rvrs:z� BUDGET EX.PE`;DITURE LIBRARY FUND ACCOUNT NU'.dBER 03-750 JANUARY 1977 THIS TO BUDGET MONTH DATE ALLOW. BALANCE S-1 & 3 Salaries $357,194 11 Office Expense 130.51 1,918.46 4,500 2,581.54 12 Special Departmental Expense 800.29 2,023.69 3,100 1,076.31 12_1 Books and Maps 1,748.72 31,610.53 61,675 30,064.47 112.1A1,140.73 2_lA Records and Cassettes -0- 3,000 1859.27 12.2 Periodicals 795.95 .'5,597.74 6,700 1,102.26 12.3 Binding 285.20 952.05 2,750 1,797.95 12.4 Cataloging 196.00 1,404.82 3,032 1,627.18 13 Small Tools and Equipment -0 118.87 300 181.13 16 Communications 112.07 1,014.41 2,080 1,065.59 17 Utilities 1,057.73 7,213'92 12,800 5,586.08 Z9 Maint. of Bldgs. and Grounds 85.68 1,282.84 4,500 _ 3,217.16 l �a t4aint. of Equipment -0- 137.80 750 612.20 20.1 Operations of Equipment 17.21 99.85 200 100.15 21 Prof. and Special Services -0- 2,400.00 2,400 -0- 22 Other Contractual Services 910.00 6,370.00 910 (5,460.00) 23 Insurance and Surety Bonds -0- -0- 2,000 2,000.00 24 Dues and Subscriptions 105.25 183.25 340 156.75 -0- 43.80 500 456.20 25 Travel 25.1 Conf. & Mtgs. - Librarian -0- 287.07 300 12.93 290.22 350 59.78 25.2 Conf. & Mtgs. - Personnel -0- 7.07 275 267.93 25.3 Conf. & Mtgs. - Trustees -0- -0- 300 300.00 26 Training & Safety Program -0 _ 29 Other Charges -0- -0- 100 100.00 933.00 933 -0 Capital Outlay -0 TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 6,244.61 65,030.12 $113,795 48,764.88 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES $470,989