HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1977.07.19 BURLINGAME LIBRARY BOARD AGENDA �- July 19, 1977 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: Trustee Lynes, Vacation PRESENTATION: Checkpoint Security System by Mr. Jim Gaffney and Ms. Bea Mignosi BILLS: Warrants: $12,287.28 Special Fund: $1 ,107.93 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JUNE 28, 1977. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: �.. Disposal of Old Furniture, Shelving, etc. : Beginning Study for Establishing Library's Goals, Objectives and Priorities: San Mateo County Library System Capital Improvement Study: Repairing Cement Surface of Wheelchair Ramp: Conflict of Interest Code: NEW BUSINESS: Election of New Officers for 1977-1978: Policy Regarding Pets in the Library: Individual Library Employees Giving Brief Presentations to the Board: Burlingame Avenue Area Parking Study: New Accrual/Encumbrance Budgeting Procedure: ADJOURNMENT: NEXT BOARD MEETING SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 16, 1977. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES June 28, 1977 CALL TO ORDER: Meeting postponed from regular date of June 21, 1977 due to lack of a quorum. The meeting was called to order at 2:00 P.M. on June 28, 1977 by Vice Chairman Phelan. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee DeMartini, Trusee Hechinger, Trustee Phelan Trustees Absent: Trustee Cohendet, excused, business trip Trustee Lynes, excused, business commitment PRESENTATION: Presentation by the Checkpoint Security System was postponed and rescheduled for the meeting of July 19, 1977. BILLS: Warrants in the amount of $12,369.44 and Special Fund bills totaling $886.23 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Hechinger, seconded by Trustee DeMartini, and carried by those Trustees present. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of May 17, 1977 were approved with the correction that Trustee Cohendet was mistakenly designated as Vice Chairman/Secretary. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Discussion was held on the report concerning Councilman Crosby's review of the library budget request for 1977-78 with special reference regarding the handling of the $20,000 Hillsborough Contingency Fund. The Librarian stated that she would keep the Board informed of the procedure to be set up for charges to the contingency fund. The Librarian reported that Senate Bill 792 - Californi Library Services Act has recently passed the Senate and will be introduced to the Assembly when they reconvene in the Fall. Vice Chairman Phelan asked if the Burlingame Lions Club were still supporting the children's Summer Reading Club. Librarian Bergsing reported that the Burlingame Lions Club has stated that they will continue to support all the current activities and programs at the library. In addition, she mentioned several other activites that are under consideration in connection with the Lions' Eye Foundation. CORRESPONDENCE: A copy of a letter to the Burlingame City Council was read to the Board. Ms. Esther Harris expressed her enjoyment of the Opera Lunches held at the Library in connection with the Burlingame Civic Arts Council. A letter from the Peninsula Stamp Club was read and accompanied by a check for $100.00 as an expression of their gratitude for the use of the Community Room. Librarian Bergsing in her acknowledgement of the generous donation reported that the funds will be used to either purchase special materials or to defray costs associated with maintenance of the Community Room. NEW BUSINESS: Appointment of Mrs. Joy Molder as Assistant Librarian effective June 1 , 1977: On a motion by Trustee DeMartini, seconded by Trustee Hechinger, Mrs. Molder was so appointed effective June 1, 1977. Motion was carried by those Trustees present. Appointment of Mr. Alfred Escoffier as Librarian III, Head of Reference, effective July 1, 1977: Mr. Escoffier was so appointed on a motion by Trustee DeMartini, seconded by Trustee Hechinger, and carried. Disposal of Old Furniture, Shelving, etc.: The Librarian stated taht a request was made to the City Manager asking approval to dispose of surplus furniture, shelving, etc. by giving other city departments first choice on what they could use and the balance of the surplus to be sold by silent auction to other libraries and the public. The Board agreed that this was a good plan and more discussion will be hald at the next meeting. Begqnning Study for Establishing Library's Goals, Objectives and Priorities: Tabled San Mateo' County Library System Capital Improvement Study: Tabled Repairing Cement Surface of Wheelchair Ramp: Tabled Conflict of Interest Code: The Librarian distributed copies of a letter from the City Attorney along with the Conflict of Interest Code. As all members of the Board were not present, dis- cussion was tabled to the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 P.M. with the next Board meeting scheduled for July 19, 1977. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing ;/ / Clerk of the Board PMB:jq LIBRARIAN'S REPORT July 19, 1977 BUDGET: At the City Council Study Session on Wednesday, July 13th, the Library Budget was reviewed. Attached to this report, you will find the letter containing Vice-Mayor Croby's recommendation to the Council . After some discussion, the Council agreed to Mr. Crosby's recommendation, and the suggested cuts in service hours were restored. Therefore, the Main and Branch libraries will be operating on the same schedules as they have during these past many years. It was extremely gratifying in these tight fiscal times to hear again the Council 's understanding and concern for the need to continue to provide quality library service to the citizens of Burlingame. HILLSBOROUGH CONTINGENCY FUND: At the same study session, the Hillsborough Contingency Fund was discussed. Attached is my request to Mr. Schwalm regarding the need for some extra personnel because of the additional workload we are experiencing as a result of the contract with Hills- borough. After some discussion, the Council authorized expenditure of the $725.00 for the extra help. Also attached is the Librarian's memo of July 14 to Mr. Schwalm regarding our concerns about procedures and methods for handling the Contingency Fund. We are awaiting a reply. As of Friday, July 15, we have processed the following Hillsborough applications: 424 - New Hillsborough Patrons 84 - Former Hillsborough Card-holders 29 - Burlingame Property Owners Living in Hillsborough Total . . . . .537 ($867.50 - Total Refunds to Date) REMODELING OF CALIFORNIA AND BOARD ROOMS: The painting of the two rooms has been completed and the new carpet has been laid. The new Board table is on order, the shutters should be installed about August lst, and the new locked bookcases should be here in September or October. We also have to complete the installation of the beams around the light fixtures. The City Librarian plans to move to the upstairs office within the next week. EMERGENCY PLAN IN CASE OF POWER BLACKOUTS: The Pacific Gas & Electric Company has alerted us that there is a possibility of rolling power blackouts this summer. The library staff is now developing an emergency plan should the need arise. BOOTH AT THE SAN MATEO COUNTY FAIR: Burlingame's Day at the San Mateo County Fair will be Saturday, July 30. Again this year, library staff members will be participating by managing a booth designed by the Peninsula Library System. The booth will be located in the Community Building. Librarian's Report July 19, 1977 Page Two REFERENCE DEPARTMENT: P.L.S. Cooperative Book Selection Meeting: Mr. Escoffier led the June 15th meeting of this group in a discussion of the means of cooperatively selecting materials. Policy statements and subject specialties will be published in a directory to be forthcoming. Mr. Escoffier also attended the San Mateo County Juvenile Book Selection meeting, June 16th, to discuss cooperative selection in juvenile materials. Large Type Selection Committee: Mr. Escoffier attended a discussion on June 29th of methods for cooperative selection of large-type materials. The group suggested that the LOVE Committee members participate in the process. Cooperative buying was discussed length, but a specific plan for implementation was tabled until more input can be sought from the P.L.S. Library Directors . CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT: Prior to the start of summer school , Ms. Rowe and Mrs. Leach met with Ms. Earl ene Billing, Director of Curriculum/Instruction and Mrs. Kay Herbst, Principal for the summer schools . The purpose of this meeting was to discuss what services the library could provide to the schools during the summer. Letters were sent by the district informing the teachers that they could make arrangements for class visits to the library or have the librarians come to their classes to give book talks or tell stories, etc. As a result, over forty books were sent to Burlingame Intermediate School and Mrs. Leach visited their Reading Enrichment classes and spoke about the books that were sent. She also visited Franklin School where she gave a books presentation to over 200 children (seven separate classes) and told them how to get library cards. The summer programs have started. Over seventy-five children have joined the Summer Reading Club at the Main Library. During the week of July 11-15, Mrs. Leach has been attending a class at the University of California on excellence in children's literature. Five well-known children's authors have spoken about the creative spirit in regards to children's literature. Insight has been gained about their works specifically and other authors generally. It has been a most enlightening experience and provided a renewed enthusiasm for children's books. TO: Mr. Charles F. Schwalm, City Manager `�- FROM: Patricia M. Bergsing, City Librarian DATE: July 14, 1977 RE: Hillsborough Contingency Fund After the City Council study session last night, it seems apparent to me that we still have not completely resolved the policies, procedures or ramifications of the "Hillsborough Contingency Fund" . Frankly, I think we may have created an "administrative nightmare" which could easily cost the City thousands of dollars to administer a $20,000 fund. Problems. Questions. Concerns. Comments. 1 . I don' t believe we are in reality dealing with "a contingency fund" as such. Once the contract with Hillsborough was signed, we were no longer talking about an event which might occur, but an event which had, in fact, taken place. 2. Both Mr. Lechich and I , independently and without consulting each other, estimated that to the best of our professional opinions, it would cost approximately $25,000 to serve an additional 2,000 to 3,000 library patrons. `- While to some extent, those figures may be estimates, they are not unsubstantiated wild guesses. We may be soft in our figures from about $15,000 up, but I doubt very much that we will have any difficulty justifying expenses up to that point. 3. I am concerned from discussion at the Study Session, that some of the Council may be under the impression that we may not need the majority of these funds. We will , if we have any commitment to maintain our current level of service to the citizens of Burlingame as well as Hillsborough. 4. Expenses to date: July 14, 1977 Refunds: $867.50 Borrowers Cards : 252.59 Salaries - L.A. I: 725.00 Total : $1 ,845.09 *Have ordered another 1 ,000 cards @ $119.00 5. We have already kept track of the following hours of time spent on Hillsborough applications from July 1 through July 13. Library Assistant III 42 hrs. @ $6.53 = $274.26 Accumulated E-Time Library Assistant II 13 hrs. @ $5.50 = 71 .50 Student Assistant 16 hrs. @ $2.30 = 36.80 Total $382.56 May any of these hours be deducted from the "Contingency Fund"? If so, how? Mr. Charles F. Schwalm July 14, 1977 Page Two 6. How do we handle current bills? Forward them to you, the Finance Director, etc.? What procedure do we follow? 7. Are we going to seek permission from Council before we expend money on any item? If not, do I seek permission from you? If so, what procedure do you wish followed? 8. How are we going to pay salaries? For example, if a Library Assistant I works six hours in one day, 4 hours of which is on Hillsborough related matters and the other two hours is on processing books, are you setting up a separate payroll to pay for the four hours of Hillsborough time, and we will pay for the other two hours of time from the regular Library budget? 9. How does restoring the $7,277.00 in proposed service cuts effect the Contingency - Fund? What does deducting it from the Contingency Fund mean? Are we supposed to forward some of our utility bills and time cards to you for payment? What figures are we now showing in those accounts in the regular Library budget and in the Contingency Fund? Possible solutions or suggestions : `.. 1 . I strongly urge that administration of these funds be returned to the Library as regular budget items with the exception of approximately $2,000 to cover the refunds. We would much prefer that these be handled by City Hall . 2. We intend to account for every single expense we possibly can that is related to Hillsborough, regardless of whether or not they are paid for from the "Contingency Fund" or the regular Library budget and whether or not you handle that fund or we do. We believe that is the only way the City can successfully re-negotiate another contract. I suggest some kind of monthly status report to you itemizing those expenses. 3. Finally, it is my firm belief that this is a departmental matter, most efficiently and effectively administered at this level . I have attached a copy of our first cost estimate to serve Hillsborough and a revised and reduced cost estimate to stay within the $20,000 proposed fund. PMB:J9 w+n......r.r w..w..M� ..w....wn....w...w..,._r-.+-...... ..n.«...«..,«...«.s.w...._.w•.r....»...._..........r.✓......r._.....w..ww....r� r+.+.mow.+.-w.............r._...w. .Twwf.+.T�r�..SYN....—rY..w.•wrwr...+w.wwww.uw».......«r�..ry w.. _ _ .+rr l)cr)rari:ntent/1):lvisan: I)etaarlmeut Number: 03-750 } `}17-78 11tahlo(: REVISED AND REDUCED - July 1977 xr JW��Y ESTIMATED COSTS TO SERVE HILLSBOROUGI•I RESIDENTS 1977-78 PERSONNEL: Half-time - Librarian I - Additional Reteronee services, adult and Juvenile 15 Yirs/wk. - Library Assistant II - To process additional interlibrary loans, $3,911 reserves and added copies of new books 15 hrs/wk. _ Library Assistant I - Additional clerical time in Circulation $3,552 Department to process refunds, new borro;•rer's cards, overdues, bills, etc. $13,651 OPERATING EXPENSES: t Office Expense Increased printing and postage $300 12 - Special Departmental Expense - Increased borrowez's cards, supplies; . $400 forms, processing materials 12.1 - Books and Maps - Added copies of new boons $x,000 12.4 - Cataloging - Added cataloging costs $300 i 12. 5 - Records' and Cassettes - Additional copies of records and cassettes $30b 12.6 - Refunds to Hillsborough cardholders $2,000 $6,300 $19,951 TOTAL cIT o BUrRUNGiYl'`. �gAT.O J... L�t� �.tf�r .af ��zrlixr���tQ SAN MATEO COUNTY CITY HALL- 501 PRIMROSE ROAD TEL:C415) 342-8931 BURLINGAME,CALIFORNIA 94010 CITY COUNCIL A. C. •BUD•• HARRISON, MAYOR WILLIAM J, CROSBY,VICE-MAYOR July 13, 1977 IRVING S.AMSTRUP VICTOR A. MANGINI R. D. MARTIN Mr. Iry Amstrup, Budget Chairman City of Burlingame I have reviewed the library.budget very carefully with Patti Bergsing and have noted the various cuts and deletions made by her. It appears -to be a fairly bare—bone type of budget with a 2.69; overall increase which includes a 6p raise for miscellaneous employees. With the City serving a large portion of Hillsborough under the new agreement, it is difficult to project just what the needs will be until some experience is obtained. Mr. Schvialra has suggested that a contingency fund of $2U,000 be provided to take care of any expenses of this -new service. This leaves a balance of 04,000 from the Hillsborough fee which will go into the general fund. Ars. Bergsing was asked to reduce the budget further and the only thing she could come up with was a reduction of opening hours. With the closing of the branch and main for certain hours, a saving of $75277 can be realized on personnel and utility savings. I think for the small amount of money involved (Sa7,277)the justification for the cutting of services to our citizens and to Hillsborough is not there. Our library has always had a reputation of giving the finest service, so I recommend that the cut in service be restored and the service be continued as is. William J. Cosby Vice t-yor VIJC:p TO: Mr. Charles F. Scn,;ial n, City Manager FP0;,1: Patricia M. Bergsi ng, City Librarian DATE: July 5, 1977 P,E: Hillsborough Contingency Fund Attached please find invoice for $252.59 from Bro-Dart, Inc. This is for 2,000 new borrowers cards for Hillsborough to be deducted in some manner from- the.conEingency fund. In addition, we would like to request one half-time Library Assistant I for at least the next two months to process new Hillsborough library cards. On July- 1st and 2nd last .week, we received a little over 200 applications from Hillsborough residents. After careful study, vie are estimating (very con- sert:atively) that it -takes 5 minutes to process one application. Therefore, we can process 12 applications per hour or 96 appli- cations in one eight-hour day. This additional work load i's putting a great deal of pressure on our current-staff i _Because of the volume of- cards last week,-our circulation supervisor worked all day Saturday and another three hours on Sunday (after already. working all week} just to try and try up- -I.don't believe this should be necessary, but if we don't- keep up with our current applications we are going to run into other problems as well as falling further and further behind. Therefore, we would like- authorization' to spend $725.00 over the next two months to alleviate this problem. This will pay for a hal `-ti :e Library Assistant' I for eight weeks. ;tie .vi1I reassess our situation each .•jeek as the suTfiier progresses. If the volume of business continues at this pace, increases or decreases, vie will keep careful records and keep you informed. It may be necessary to adjust this amount up or down. PVB:jq TO: Mr. Charles F. Schwalm, City Manager FROM: Patricia M. Bergsing, City Librarian DATE: June 2, 1977 RE: Disposal of Old Furniture, Shelving, etc.- The library would lice to dispose of excess furniture,. shelving, etc. during the month of August. Tentatively, we are planning on setting up everything we wish to get rid of in the Library's Community Room. Then, we will send out word to all the departments in the City to see if they want anything. It would be free for city use. Then we will notify the general public, other libraries , etc. and allow anyone interested to place silent bids on the remaining items_ Toward the end of August, we will open the bids, and sell to the highest bidder. Anything remaining, we will give to Good Will or some other charity. Are there any legal questions involved in this procedure? Is there are any reason we cannot dispose of these items? Please advise. PB:jq cc: Jerome Coleman, City Attorney N1.. �- TO: Mr. Charles F. Schwalm, City Manager Mr. Thomas E. Moore, Traffic/Civil Engineer Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission FROM: Patricia M. Bergsing, City Librarian DATE: July 15, 1977 RE: Burlingame Avenue Area Parking Study After careful study of the long-term parking proposal prepared by the Traffic Engineer, Mr. Moore, I would like to express some concern about converting all of one side of Bellevue Avenue and Douglas Avenue to ten- hour parking. It is my recollection that there was some discussion several years ago regarding additional long-term parking in the lot adjacent to the library. At the time, the City Librarian, Mr. Lechich, pointed out the need for short-term parking near the .library because of .the amount of in-and-out use of this facility. We conducted a parking survey of our own at that time, and I believe those figures showed that from about 2:30 P.M. until 9:00 P.M. there was a very definite need for short-term parking near the library both in the lot and on the street. �- I realize the pressures for long-term parking, but I wonder if the first three or four stalls beyond the Bus Stop by the library on Bellevue, and the first three or four stalls on Douglas closest to the library and City Hall could remain free, two-hour parking to accommodate the come and go traffic at the library and City Hall . Would this seriously cripple the overall proposed parking plan? In addition, what impact will the new shops and offices being built at the corner of Chapin and Primrose have on short- term nearby parking? Patricia M. Bergsing / City Librarian / PMB:jq C I RCULIATION ') 14AIN BRANCH Books, Adult Non-Fiction 9.825 1,111 Child Non-Fiction 917 509 Adult Fiction 8,5Q4 2,483 Child Fiction 1,811 1,198 TOTAL BOOKS. . _ . . .21,057 . . . . . . . . ... . 5,301 Periodicals 1,464 689 Pamphlets 199 3 Maps 7 13 Games 11 5 Small D_ess 8 Subtotal. . . . . .. ..... 22,746-- - 6,011 Phonograph Records .... . . . .. . . . . . . - Slides 941 - Art Prints 116 -44 - Cassettes 68 -- Films 43 -- Equipment Loaned 5 - TOTAL CIRCULATION.. ._..:23 ..... . .. . .. .6,011 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION, BRANCH & MAIN.. .29,974 ( 1976 Circ: 31,295 _ 4.2% decrease} Average Daily Circ_, Main: 856 Average Daily Circ., Branch: 231 TOTAL DAILY CIRC. AVERAGE... ......1,� -_-.---TRAFFIC COUNT-'DI8CONTItq[IED R EP.t.ICE STATISTICS: A/V USE TALLY: Reference Requests Total- 1,765 ILL Activity Incoming: 319 Microfilm Use: 2 ILL Activity Outgoing: 365 A/V Equipment-Use: 99 rRAND TOTAL REF. ACTIVITY: 2,449 ILL Activity Total: 684 Total A/V Use: 101 �. �'GISTRATIONS: ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership - 5/31/77 1-959 3,128 19,087 PLS PATRONS Additions - June 1977 446 94 540 TO DATA.: 3,723 Withdrawals - June 1977 286 121 407 Increase of: , -37 TOTAL REGISTRATIOVS - 6/30/77 T6,TEJ 3,101 19,220 ACCESSIONS & WITHDRAWALS OF' BOOK STOCK: AS OF CAN- GRAND TOTAL AS 5/31/77 ADDED CELLED OF 6/30/77 Adult Non-Fiction 127,691 - 28, Child Non-Fiction 17,009 113 2 17,090 Y.A. Non-Fiction 3,153 19 7 3,165 Adult Fiction 44,743 162 32 44,873 Child Fiction 13,114 165 47 13,232 Y.A. Fiction 2,555 9 - 2,564 208,265 1,013 320 208,958 Net Increase in Book Stock: 693 Included in above figures: 49 gift books and 556 new books Par-mphlets Added: 393 Baps Added: Pamphlets Discarded: 11 naps Discarded- 0 TOTAL.._ . 16,802 TOTAL. . - RECORDINGS: AS OF 5/31/77 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF 6/30/77 78's 501 0 0 501 33's 3,905 49 0 3,954 Cassettes 405. 20 0 425 TOTALS: 4,811 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER- MAIN: $1,924.91 BP.Ai+CH TOTAL- $2�07 ' FUNDACCOUNT Pt'J;r3 R Q3-750 July (Accrual 1976-77) THIS - TO BUDGET _DATE ALLOW. ' B_ALAM $377,142 3 Salaries 1? Office Expense 252.59 4,746.21 4,500 (246.21) 12 Special Departnental Expense 76.97 3,164.23 3,100 (64.23) 12-1 Books and Maps 4,819.61 68,365.45 61,675 (6,690.45) 12_1_A Records and Cassettes 111.79 2,596.60 3,000 403.40 12_2 Periodicals 38.00 6,738.00 6,700 (38.00) 12.3 B;nd-ng -0- 2,852.83 2.,750- ,750 (102.83) 206.17 2,866.00 166.00 12.5 Cataloging - . 3,032 _ 13 Small Tools and Equi piment -0- 251.17 300 48.83 10 Cor;tunications 136.44 1,982.40 2,080 97.60 17 Utilities 1,157.69 14,397.62 12,800 (1,597.62) a 2.79 4,476.38 4;500 5.82 19 Maint. o.. Bldgs_ and Grounds maint_ o F Equipmen t Ise _p_ 383.65 750 384.15 192.90 7.10 20-1 Operations of Equipment -0- 200 21 Prof_ and Special Services -0- 2.400.00 2,400 •-0- 22 Other Contractual Services -0- 8,190.fl0. 910 . (7,280.00) 2,000.00 23 Insurance and Surety Bonds -0- 2,000 -0- 2, Dues and Subscriptions -0- 365.75 340 (25.75) 25Trav__el 5.85; 307.08 500 192.92 25-1 Conf_: & Mtgs_ - Librarian -0- 293.57 300 6.43 25.2 350 (.22) Conf_ & Mtgs_ - Personnel -0- 350.22 25-3 Coni- & Mtgs. - Trustees -0- 12.07 275 262.93 26Training & Safety Program -0- 9.00 303 291.00 29 Other Charges -0- 100 15.63 84.37 ` ' capital Outlay -0- 933.00 III{' 933 TOTAL B=:''O?.E SAL._k-RIES 6,807.90 127,958.50 $113,795 (14,163:50) $490,937 TOTAL A='s :Z SAT an-rES �suuut.� t�rtt{ui;unt Lr3RARY FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER 03-750 July 1977 THIS TO BUDGET MONTH DATE ALLOW. BALANCE N. - Salaries 11 Ofice Expense 886.98 12 Special Dept. Expense -0- 12.1 Books and Maps 1 ,172.27 12.2 Periodicals 3,040.03 12.3 Binding -0- 12.4 Cataloging -0- 12.5 Records & Cassettes -0- 13 Small Tools & Equip. -0- 16 Communications 17.01 17 Utilities -0- 19 r1aint. of BIdgs. & Gds. -0- 2' Maint. of Equip. -0- 20.1 Operations of Equip. 40.89 21 Prof. & Special Svcs. -0- 22 Other Contr. Svcs. -0- 23 Insurance & Surety Bonds -0- 24 Dues & Subscriptions 30.00 25 Travel -0- 25.1 Conf. & Mtgs. - Librarian -0- 25.2 Conf. & Mtgs. - Personnel -0- 25.3 Conf. & Mtgs. - Trustees -0- 26 Training & Safety Program 65.00 29 Other Charges -0- 80 Capital Outlay -0- T017AL BEFORE SALARIES 5,479.38 TOIAL AFTER SALARIES