HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1977.11.15 i BURLINGAME LIBRARY BOARD AGENDA Nobember 15, 1977, 4:30 P.M. TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: BILLS: Warrants: $8,759.44 Special Fund: $521 .61 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 18, 1977 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Capital Improvement Program 1978 - 1983 Fines and Fees Annual Report NEW BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: NEXT BOARD MEETING SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 20, 1977 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES October 18, 1977 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Vice Chairman DeMartini at 4:30 P.M. on October 18, 1977. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee DeMartini, Trustee Lynes, Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Phelan Trustees Absent: Trustee Hechinger (excused by Board for business). Also Present: Elaine White, guest BILLS: . Warrants in the amount of $7,038.11 were approved for payment on a motion by Trustee Lynes, se- conded by Trustee Phelan, and carried by those Trustees present. Special Fund bills totaling $598.04 were paid on a motion by Trustee Lynes, seconded by Trustee Phelan. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of September 20, 1977 were approved and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: California Library Association Convention: Trustee Cohendet inquired about reservations for the convention and what the costs would be to attend for one day. There was some comment about the high charge for the luncheon. Mrs. Bergsing asked any Board members interested in going to let her know. Conflict of Interest Code: The form was discussed briefly. Those Trustees who had not completed the statement said they planned to do so before the end of the month. San Mateo County Library Study: There was a brief discussion about the San Mateo County Library Study and its implications for Burlingame. Personnel: Trustee DeMartini suggested that it would be very worthwhile for the Board to have a closer relationship with the library staff. He also expressed the desire to have all new staff members introduced to the Board. Mrs. Bergsing stated that the suggestion had been made by sev- eral staff members that the Trustees be invited on brief tours of each of the departments of the library as a part of their regular Board Meetings. Everyone agreed this was a good idea, and Librarian Bergsing said that the Reference Department would plan a short tour and some demonstra- tions of equipment for the December Board Meeting. The Trustees were also pleased with the idea of scheduling one of their future board meetings at the Easton Branch Library. Easton Branch Monthly Report for September, 1977: Trustee Phelan commented on the library's orientation program for students and how necessary it is for students to know how to use the library. Book Sale: The Board congratulated Elaine White and Friends of the Library on the marvelous job they did on the book sale. CORRESPONDENCE: Acknowledged the Minutes of the Planning Commission. Read a thank you note from Janice Quon. Library Board Minutes October 18, 1977 Page Two UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Library Security System: After discussion of the Librarian's Report on the Security System, the Board agreed with the conclusions and recommendations. Trustee Lynes moved that the Li- brary purchase and install the Gaylord/Magnavox security system. The motion was seconded by Trustee Cohendet and passed unanimously. Mrs. Bergsing reported that Trustee Hechinger had read the report prior to his trip and also concurred in the decision. The Librarian was autho- rized to proceed to order the system with a January or February installation date in mind. Mrs. Bergsing stated that C.E.T.A. personnel will be used to tag the books with assistance from students during the Christmas holidays. Burlingame Avenue Area Parking Study: Librarian Bergsing reported that she had attended the meeting of the Parking Commission on October 13 and expressed the concerns of the Library re- garding long term parking on Douglas and Bellevue. However, in spite of this and the objections of several other people in the audience, the Commission voted three to two to recommend the change to the City Council. Mrs. Bergsing suggested that when the item comes before the Coun- cil maybe one or more Board members could attend to present the library's point of view. Trus- tee DeMartini stated that it should be "on the record" that the Board was opposed to the recommendation of the Parking Commission. NEW BUSINESS: Capital Improvement Program 1978 - 1983: The memo from the City Finance Director regarding the five year capital improvement program was read and discussed. Mrs. Bergsing stated that the staff would have a report ready for discussion at the November Board meeting. In addition the Board agreed they would come prepared with their recommendations for possible capital projects. Overdue Fines: Mrs. Elaine White, the Friends Booksale Chairman, and a patron of the library for seventeen years, indicated that she would like to discuss the lU per day charge for over- due books, and raised the questions of whether it was to bring in added revenues, or to hasten the return of books. She felt it was'a punishment and caused bad public relations for the li- brary. She further noted that other libraries in the system only charged 5Q per day for over- due books and that it was a relatively easy matter to circumvent paying the fines by returning the books to another library. The Board asked the Librarian for additional facts regarding the fines. She reported that the charge was increased to 10Q per day on April 1, 1976, and for the prior year 1974-1975 approx- imately $11,000 was collected; in 1975-1976 $13,000 and 1976-1977, $16,000. Two other libraries in the Peninsula Library System charge 10¢ per day, San Mateo County and Menlo Park, and they also have a three-week loan period. Trustee Lynes inquired if the higher fines related to faster return of books, since all the Board agreed that was the reason for the higher charge. Mrs. Bergsing replied that she would have a more complete report at the next Board meeting, but a quick survey of overdues sent, indicated the library was sending about the same number as before and to many of the same people. In other words, the higher fee did not seem to be changing the pattern very much. Part of the problem is that since San Mateo City Library charges 5¢ per day, books can easily be returned there. Also, many overdue books are returned in the outside book boxes and it is dif- ficult to collect the fines later. The Board agreed that when the fines were raised they had thought the entire system was going to standardize its fees and loan periods. Trustee DeMartini asked for a comparision of the different fines and lending policies of each of the Peninsula Library System Libraries for the November Board meeting. The suggestion was made that the Burlingame Trustees might send a letter to the P.L.S. Board asking them to reconsider establishing uniform rules throughout the system. The matter was tabled until further material could be provided for discussion at the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 P.M. with the next Board meeting scheduled for November 15, 1977, at 4:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, .�- Patricia M. Bergsing � u0-, 06 Clerk of the Board � � LIBRARIAN'S REPORT November 15, 1977 FINES AND FEES Enclosed, per your request, is a comparison of the different fine schedules and loan periods of the P.L.S. libraries. Also included is a comparison of our fine statistics during the six month period immediately prior to our charging higher fines and a similar six month period a year later. I have also includ- ed a letter from one of our staff members that I do not believe was brought to your attention when the higher fees were approved. SECURITY SYSTEM The order has been placed for the Gaylord/Magnavox Security System. As Trustee DeMartini suggested the company was approached about a reduction in cost be- cause this library will be one of the first installations on the West Coast. The salesman agreed to a $500.00 reduction in price because of this and if we agreed to installing the system in mid December immediately following the Cali- fornia Library Association Convention. At that time, their installation en- gineer• will be in the Bay Area and it will both expedite the installation and save them transportation costs if he doesn' t have to come back out again in January or February. We agreed, and we hope to receive the tags and begin affixing them to the books during the Thanksgiving holidays. SERVICE TO HILLSBOROUGH Attached is the monthly report on service to Hillsborough. As you see, we are continuing to add new library patrons and the circulation and reference ser- vices have now increased -to 10% of our total . Also included, is a compilation of our expenses to date. PARKING The Traffic Safety and Parking Commission is still considering its recommen- dation to Council concerning the long term parking proposals of the Traffic Engineers. I ' ll keep you advised about when and in what final form that re- port goes to the Council . CALIFORNIA ROOM Progress is slow. Theoretically the locked book cases were shipped November 7. Still haven't heard. The new Board table has reached the finishing process and should be ready for the December board meeting. COMPARATIVE STATISTICS Attached, for your interest and information, is a report of comparative sta- tistics on the eight libraries in the Peninsula Library System. If you have any questions or comments , please let me know. Librarian's Report November 15, 1977 Page Two - PERSONNEL Applications for the upcoming Library Assistant II exam were received through Friday, November 4, at City Hall . The date of November 19th has been set for the written portion of the exam. The written portion will be composed of the exam compiled by Mrs. Molder and byself from the resources of the California State Cooperative Personnel Services. We feel this exam will measure skills needed to perform library work better than the test previously used.. WORKSHOP AND MEETING AND OTHER ACTIVITIES Mrs. Molder and Mr. Escoffier attended a morning workshop Wednesday, Nov. 8, in Daly City, on "Medical Reference for the Public Library" . This workshop was sponsored by the Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library Service, which is a major resource in the State of California for medical interlibrary loan. Due to the volume of medical questions and patron needs , the workshop proved very valuable. The PLS Cooperative Selection Committee met October 19th to draft periodical selection and retention policies for the system. Mr. Escoffier led the group in a brainstorming session and subsequent policy discussions. A draft of the policy is being typed for further refinement. On November 16, Sue Reiterman will attend a day-long program on audiovisual automation sponsored by the California State Library. The program is to in- clude topics such as A/V subject headings, cataloging of A/V materials. On the evening of November 17, Mrs. Reiterman will discuss outreach activities with Jane Irby's library technology class at College of San Mateo. On October 20, Sue Reiterman participated in the BARC workshop on graphics for the non-artist at SFPL. The intent of the program was to arm librarians with some strategies in the battle to get attention with inexpensive materials. Mr. Escoffier, Mr. Wickliffe and Mrs. Bergsing attended the Burlingame Writer's Club Annual Tea in honor of the many members of the group who have recently published. One of the authors, Kay Anderson, currently has her latest book I AND THOU IN THE HERE AND NOW, on display in the library. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT REPORT October was a very busy month for the Reference staff both in terms of questions answered and in terms of special projects. October statistics show a very strong increase in Reference and Interlibrary Loan usage. Interlibrary loan statistics show a 22% increase over last October, while walk-in Reference has remained about the same. Lora Shank continued with the Reference Collections Update Project. To date 000-300 have been completed. This project involves selecting reference books which are candidates for discarding; updating; circulation; and reference storage. Librarian's Report November 15, 1977 Page Three Mr. Escoffier compiled a digest of the new Copyright Law, combining the law itself along with articles on its interpretation and implementation. The L digest will act as source material for patron inquiries , as well as staff implementation. The implementation plan is to eventually include signs for the copy machines, new forms for interlibrary loan copywork, and a record- keeping system for interlibrary loan. Target date for implementation will be January 1 , 1978. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT School visits to Crocker Intermediate have begun. The plan is to visit each English class starting with the eighth grades, to give book talks , tell them how they can obtain library cards and inform them about the services which are available at the Burlingame Public Library. Five of the eighth grade classes have been visited comprising approximately 130 students. North School has also been visited. It is a kindergarden through fifth grade school , and each class was told how to obtain Burlingame Public Library cards and was shown some of the new titles in the collection. The visits included eight classes for a total of 200 children. St. Catherine's first grade, McKinley' s first grades and a fourth grade are coming to the library on a regular monthly basis. There visits include reading aloud and then checking out books. Our Halloween program held on October 27th was very successful . We had a fild strip entitled "Woggle of Witches" , showed the movie "Insomia" and concluded with a skit called "Humbug Witch" . Victoria Landauer, our CETA .employee, played the little witch and I narrated the skit. About 150 children attended the pro- gram. November 14th through 20th is Children's Book Week. During that week and for the rest of the month we are taking our puppet show to the various schools. Our special school age program for November will be the movie "Cricket in Times Square" which will be shown on the 23rd at 4:15 P.M. EASTON BRANCH Busy, busy month. Circulation averaged 231 . Regular story hour sessions re- sumed twice a week. Both the Presbyterian Nursery School and the Peninsula Early Learning Center will be coming once a month for story hours. Two groups from Roosevelt School walked down to the library to do background research for their election of school officers. Mrs. Rowe visited two classes at OLA to give book talks and library instruc- tion. She also visited the fourth grade class at Hoover. OPERA LUNCH A very successful fall series of Opera Lunches was just completed in the Library's Community Room. Attendance continued to climb, and they were aver- aging around 150 or more people per concert. Another series has been scheduled for June. L.. Librarian's Report November 15, 1977 Page Four D. H. LAWRENCE The Friends of the Library are sponsoring a special program on "The England of D. H. Lawrence on Wednesday evening, November 16 at 7:30 P.M. in the Com- munity Room. We are hoping for a good sized audience to hear Christopher and Patricia Newton. CHRISTMAS PARTY A general staff meeting was held on November 3, and at that time the con- census of the group was not to have a Christmas party this year. The primary reason was that our staff has grown too large to fit comfortable in a private home, and many people did' t feel that having a party in the library was very festive. Instead, a committee has been formed with Barbara Rowe as chairman, to plan for a St. Patrick' s Day Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner at the Rec- reation Center on Sunday evening, March 12. The Board of Trustees will be invited more formally at a later date, but we hope you all can come. DECEMBER BOARD MEETING The December Board Meeting will begin at 4:30 P.M. with a brief tour of the Reference Department and a .demonstration of the teletype and an on-line com- puter search from the Community Information File. Fine Schedule - Loan Period - Renewals / Peninsula Library System Library Loan Period* Renewal** Fines per da Maximum Fine ' . . Records Books _ _ Records _BooksRecords Books Records ' BG 2 wk 1 wk 2 wk no Ad 10¢ 15¢ Ad 3.00 3.00 J 5¢ J 2.00 $ DC 2 wk o7-wk 2 wk Z wk 5¢ 5¢ cost cost item item Ad 10¢ MP 3 wk 3 wk 3 wk no cost cost J 5¢ 10¢ item Ad 5¢ RC 3 wk 2 wk 3 wk ,2.4--wk 10¢ old 2.50 3.50 s. Ad 5¢ Ad 1 .00 SB 3 wk 3 wk no limit no limit i 5¢ 4 1 .00 J .50 SMCO 3 wk 3 wk no limit varies Ad l0¢ Ad 2.00 E 10¢ i 2.00 5¢ J l...----_-.-. J 00 Ad 5¢ Ad 2.00 i SMPL 2 wk 2 wk automatic no 5¢ 2.00 2 wk J 3¢ J 1 .00 t Ad 5¢ 5¢ Ad 1 .50 SSF 2 wk a wk ? wk no f 1 .50 - .1 J 2¢ j .75 * All libraries circulate new fiction 7 da - no renewal ** All lir lies - no renewal if material is on request/rese 1 'Vol, �t cC.M�ARATIVS STATISTICS Oct 75 - Mar 76 Oct 76 - Mar 77 Notices - total sent : 3478 Notices - total sent : 3361 Fins statements - ZotFr'sent : 600 1 Fine statements - """""" t6t9r sent : 895 i Salary paid - typist L r Salary paid - typist a. rudy Camp $547.67 j Paula McConi.he $672.30 PLS for collection - Joan Thodas (L.A.) PLS for collection - Joan Thodas (L.A.) �-- accounts sent 35i accounts sent 104 'tune spent per a/c 1/2 hr Itime spent per a/c 1/2 hr rate per hr. $4.61 ; rate per hr. $5.50 35 x $2.30 : $80.50 104 x $2.75 : $286.00 Credit Bureau - Joan Thodas (L.A.) Credit Bureau - Joan Thodas (L.A.) accounts sent 74 accounts sent 153 time spent per a/c 1/2 hr time spent per a/c 1/2 hr rate par hr. $4.61 i rate per hour $4.61 74 x $2.30 : $171.20 Ii 153 x $2.75 : $420.75 i t Combined Salaries: 547.67 Combined Salaries: 672.30 80.50 286.00 171.20 420.75 $799.37 $1379.05 i Burlingame Public Library 480 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME,CALIFORNIA 94oio "~ Librarian October 21, 1977 COMPARATIVE 3T ATI3TIC.3 FOR DELTEY�Tr:21iCI 3 50 Fina (6 month period} 104, Fine ITO IV,10ea: - I'Ioticas: October 1977- ?Harch 1976 October 1976- :arch 1977 Total sent: 3478 Total sent: 3361 Fine rills: Fine Bills: October 1975- Harch 1976 Gectober 1976- 111arc'_n 1977 Total sent: 600 i of a1. sent: 895 PL3 for Collection: PL3 for Collection: iline- Dacembsr 1975 June- Decembsr 1975 Amount sent: $837.37 Amount sent: $1480.08 r-,iunt returned 343.73 amount -P.'urned: 243.24 Still due: $4.83 .64 Still due: $1235.004 ?dumber of accounts sent: 35 duumber of accounts sent: 104 number of accounts rtd. 13 numbar of accounts rtd. 772, number of accounts due: 2- number of accounts due: 32 Credit 7-�sreau Credit Bureau June-December 1975 Jude-Decemba_r 1976 '}mount sent: $1.278.39 .mount sent: $2874.28 amount returned 690.98 -moui-it return-:-id.: 1715.19 Still due: $ 787.41 Still due: I1359 .Og ?umoar of accounts sent: 74 '-'Umber of _teccn,.nts sent: 153 number of accounts rtd. 41 number of acccurits rtdt- 85 number o.° accounts due: 33 ntu,lbar of accwints due: 63 ;t U March 24� 1976 Dear Mr. Lec'n ch Respecting both your opinion and the opinion and judgement of all the Library Board members, I feel a great personal need to reflect upon my feelings as a staff member with regard to raising fines now levied on overdue books. It is my experience that fines do not encourage patrons to return books within the prescribed limit of time and raising them would only serve to penealize the already conscientious borrower who occassionally extends J. that limit. The patron who habitually returns books long overdue has no intention of paying or is totally unimpressed with fines, minimum or maximum. No amount of fine is going to compensate for the cost of staff time involved in writing fine slips and sending overdue notices. Raising fines will only increase the work load involved in enforcing them and create much ill-feeling among the public we desire to serve. Alternates to raising fines that could reduce the expense of enforcing them and promote better public relations could be to eliminate fines or have a grace period or extend loan periods. I respectfully submit that you reconsider your position on this proposition. Sincerely, Dorothy m._zquerro c w SERVICE TO HILLSBOROUGH October, 1977 During the fourth month of the contract to service Hillsborough residents we have gathered the following usage statistics. Registered Borrowers - July 1 - October 31 , 1977 1 ,365 - New Hillsborough Patrons 230 - Former Fee Cards 88 - Former Property Owners 1 ,683 - Total Cards $1 ,795.75 - Total Refunds , July 1 - October 31 , 1977 Circulation Statistics - Hillsborough October 1 - 31 , 1977 Main Library Branch Library Total Adult Book Circulation 2,010 169 Total Periodical Circulation (Adult & Juvenile) 117 13 Total Juvenile Book Circulation 793 86 Total Record Circulation 39 - 2;959 268 Total Hillsborough Circulation: 3,227 - 10% of Total Library Circulation (31 ,397) Reserves - October 1 - 315 1977 469 - Total Reserves from all patrons 46 - Total Reserves from Hillsborough patrons - 9% Interlibrary Loan Requests - October 1 - 31 , 1977 422 - Total Outgoing Interlibrary Loan Requests 10 - Total Requests from Hillsborough - 2% Overdues Sent - October 1 - 31 , 1977 553 - Total Overdues sent to all Patrons - Main Library 63 - Total Overdues sent to Hillsborough Patrons - Main Library Use of Other Services - October 1 - 31 , 1977 4 - In-Library Use of Audio-Visual Equipment 45 - Hillsborough Children Attended Halloween Program, Children's Department, October 27, 1977 Children's Librarian visited North School and Crocker School , Hillsborough speaking to 330 children in 13 classes on securing a library cards and giving a brief talk. �... EXPENSES TO DATE DIRECTLY RELATED TO SERVING HILLSBOROUGH July 1 , 1977 - October 31 , 1977 Refunds $1 ,795.75 Supplies 466.71 Borrowers cards, applications Personnel Costs Reference Librarians 3,980.00 450 questions answered @ average cost of $5.00 per question Children's Librarian 379.13 Assistant Librarian 8.94 Library Assistant III 598.45 Head of Circulation Department Library Assistant I & II 817.79 Circulation Desk Assistants and Interlibrary Loan Clerk Student Assistants 120.37 Searching and sending overdue notices TOTAL $8,167.14 NON-RESIDE14T REFERENCE USAGE SURVEY RESULTS October 3 - October 16, 1977 A survey of non-resident library use was conducted from October 3 through October 16. It includes both the main and branch libraries, and the adult nad children's reference activity. The results of the survey follow. Total non-resident use of the reference services accounts for 37% of the total reference questions. Hillsborough usage is 10% of this amount. A similar survey was conducted at San Mateo Library. BGME DC ' HILLS/0TH MP SBPL SMCO SMPL SSF RCPL TOTAL PHONE IN* 162 0 24/4 0 9 47 36 ' 4 5 291 WALK IN 438 1 70/11 1 7 44 87 2 3 664 TPT^L 600 1 94/15 1 16 91 123 6 8 955 10% 9% 13% 37% O ltf t.1J111..J r Utc UU i UDEN CIRCU•LF:TION MAIN BRANCH Books, Adult Non-Fiction 10,439 1 ,122 Child Non-Fiction 1 ,117 592 Adult Fiction 8,228 2,551 Child Fiction 2,295 1 ,053 TOTAL BOOKS. . . . . . . . . 22,079. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .5,318 �,___riodicals 1 ,652 699 Pamphlets 254 1 Maps 12 - Ga.-nes 6 _ Snail P_ess 13 _ Subtotal. . . . . . . . . . . . 24,016. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .6,018 Phonograph Records 1 ,074 - Slides 20 - Art Prints 45 - Cassettes 112 _ Films 51 _ Equipment Loaned 61 _ TOTAL CIRCULATION. . . . . . . 25,379.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,018 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION, BRANCH & MAIN. 31 , ,, ( 1976 circ: 28,515 - 10% Increase Average Daily circ. , Main: 890---=�' Average Daily Circ. , Branch: 231 TC-'AL DAILY CIRC. .AVERAGE TRAFFIC CO:i',i';'..-BI4O@i� EU`� Ry ER,_,_ CL' STATISTICS: _- A/V USE TALLY: Reference Re(T_,ests Total: 1 ,869 ILL Activity Incoming: 343 Microfilm Use: 1 ILL Activity Outgoing: 515 A/V Equipment Use: 4 GRAND TOTAL REF. ACTIVITY: 2,727 ILL Activity Total: 858 Total A/V Use: 47 T:-1_-,-7'T ADULT CHILD TOTAL �_ienbership - 9/30/77 - 7 601 3,203 20,804 PLS PATRONS Additions - Oct. 1977 494 96 590 TO DATE: x,961 Withdrawals - Oct. 1977 _ 354 75 429 Increase Of: , 73 TOTAL REGISTR.'1TIO :S - 10/31/77 17,741 _ 3,224 20,965 ACCESSIONS & 1•7IT LRA;-TALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF CAN- GRAND TOTAL AS 9/30/77 ADDED CELLED _ OF10/31/77 Adult Non-Fiction 127,617 454 170 127,731 Child Non-Fiction 17,090 19 11 17,098 Y.A. Non-Fiction 3,176 7 4 3,179 Adult Fiction 45,240 _ 207 6 45,441 Child Fiction 13,182 58 7 13,233 Y.A. Fiction 2,581 5 1 2,585 Net Increase in Book stock: 381 208,885 750 199 209,266 Included in above figures: 77 gift books and 4'1 new books Pamphlets Added: 0 Maps Added: Pa.-phlets Discarded: _ 03 Maps Discarded: 0 TO TAI. . 1 6,5 H 5 TOTAL. . - - RECOPDItiGS_: AS OF 9/30177 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF1(1j'11 /77 78's 501 0 0 5'01 33 's 3,978 20 0 3,998 Cassettes 425 0 _Q 425 _ TOTALS_: 4,904 20 0 4,924 _ 1 ;:)SITED :rITH CITY TREASURER: MAIN: $1 ,551 .44 BRANCH: 147._1 TOTAL: �$1 ,698.62 CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE LIBRARY FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER 03-750 November 1977 _ THIS AUG. TO BUDGET MONTH ENC. DATE ALLOW. BALANCE Salaries 11 Office Expense 254.96 1 .08 2,951 .24 4,950 1 ,998.76 12 Special Dept. Expense 170.45 -0- 1 ,240.90 3,410 2,169.10 12.1 Books and Maps 5,483:-%L 35.90 65,375 . 12.2 Periodicals 207.97 3.65 3,327.68 6,800 3,472.32 12.3 Binding -0- -0- 461 .00 2,750 2,289.00 12.4 Cataloging 192.44 -0- 769.78 3,032 2,262.22 12.5 Records & Cassettes 102.42 -0- 461 .73 3,405 2,943.27 13 Small Tools & Equip. -0- -0- -O- 300 300.00 16 Communications 157.63 22.07 746.37 2,392 1 ,645.63 17 Utilities 1 ,255.50 596.86 5,088.04 17,280 12,191 .96 19 Maint. of Bl-dgs. & Gds. 642.03 125.38 1 ,483.86 4,700 3,216.14 Maint. of Equip. 64.09 -0- 133.09 787 653.91 20.1 Operations of Equip. -0- -O- 75.59 250 174.41 21 Prof. & Special Svcs. -0- -0- 2,400.00 2,400 -0- 22 Other Contr. Svcs. -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 23 Insurance & Sure.-y Bonds -0- -O- -0- 2,000 2,000.00 24 Dues & Subscriptions -0- -0- 78.00 430 352.00 25 Travel 37.88 18.15 100.43 500 399.57 25.1 Conf. & Mtgs. - Librarian 56.00 -0- 108.13 250 141 .87 25.2 Conf. & Mtgs. - Personnel 110.00 -0- 110.00 350 240.00 25.3 Conf. & Mtgs. - Trustees -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 26 Training & Safety Program 25.00 -O- 157.00 300 143.00 29 Other Charges -0- -0- 16.06 100 83.94 8n Capital Outlay -O- -0- -0- -0- -0- TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES -8 803.09 48,i75-68-' 121 ,761 81 ,585.32 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES '742,84 y61/11?119 j/, sj-1 ,r-�