HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1977.12.20 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES December 20, 1977 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairman Hechinger at 4:30 P. M. on December 20, 1977. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Lynes, Trustee DeMartini, Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Phelan Trustees Absent: None TOUR OF REFERENCE DEPARTMENT: The first order of business was a tour of thekference and Audio Visual Department. Mr. Escoffier gave a general introduction to the department; and introduced Warren Wickliffe, Lora Shank and Sue Reiterman, who gave brief descriptions of their jobs and current projects. Dorothy Morris, the interlibrary loan clerk, gave a brief demonstration of a teletype request to the Bibliographic Center at San Mateo County Headquarters. BILLS: Warrants in the amount of $11,968.82 were approved for payment on a motion by Trustee Cohendet, seconded by Trustee Lynes, and carried by those trustees present. Special Fund bills totaling $8,657.88 were paid on a motion by Trustee DeMartini, seconded by Trustee Phelan. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of November 15, 1977 were approved and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Parkin : Trustee Cohendet expressed her concern again about the continuing problem of short- term parking around the library. She stated that she felt members of the Board should attend the next meeting of the Traffic, Safety, and Parking Commission if the long-term parking proposal for Bellevue and Douglas Avenues was on the agenda. The City Librarian said she would keep them informed and notify them about the time, place and agenda for the Commission's January meeting. Maintenance: Discussion was held on the roof leaks and the leaks in the walls from the current storms. Trustee DeMartini suggested that John Caldwell, the City's Building Inspector be con- sulted about the situation. Mrs. Bergsing expressed fear of dry rot to one of the walls if the leak could not be corrected soon. She stated she would contact Mr. Caldwell immediately for his opinion. Security System: Mrs. Bergsing stated that the new System had been installed and was functioning, but there were a number of problems to be ironed out. Specifically she pointed out that it had not been possible to install the screens as originally proposed, because the ramp and rug would have covered two air vents. In addition, the locking gate could not be used because of the lack of space between the front doors and the circulation desk. The formica on the screens came in a lighter color than anticipated, and Mrs. Bergsing accepted full responsibility for not specify- ing the color more clearly. However, she expressed some annoyance with the salesman for not ask- ing for clearer instructions regarding the color. The screens will be recovered locally in the darker color to match the library's decor. There may also be a need, eventually, to purchase another activate/deactivate unit, and the system will require some kind of theater posts and ropes to direct traffic. In summary, Trustee DeMartini suggested that the staff needed to work with the system for several months to see where the problems arose, before permanent changes were Library Board Minutes December 20, 1977 Page Two made and the engineer called back to adjust the system. Mrs. Bergsing complimented Mrs. Molder on the excellent training she had organized and con- ducted for the staff in the use of the system. Mrs. Molder explained to the Board the procedure the staff is to use if a patron tries to exit without checking out a book. Trustee DeMartini commented favorably on the approach and on the subdued tone of the buzzer. Mrs. Bergsing also reported that, so far, public response had been favorable, but regretful that it was necessary. Trustee DeMartini suggested that information on the system be available for the public, and Mrs. Bergsing stated that some information had been duplicated and was available. CORRESPONDENCE: Chairman Hechinger was complimented on his letter to the P.L.S. Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees of the other libraries in the System. He read two favorable replies from the Dir- ector of the San Mateo County Library System, Mr. Buckley, and from the Menlo Park Board of Trustees. Mrs. Bergsing reported that the entire matter of fines, fees and loan periods would be discussed at the P.L.S. Board meeting the next day and she would report on the outcome at the January meeting. There was discussion on the possible format and the agenda for the proposed Joint Meeting of all the Library Boards in the County. Mrs. Bergsing commented there were a number of issues of com- mon concern for all the Boards beside the standardization of fines. She suggested that the fines might be resolved by individual directors reporting back directly to their own Boards for action. However, the new state legislation supporting cooperative library systems could mean additional funds for Burlingame and the System as a whole. Also, if property tax reform is passed, this could have considerable impact on cities' taxing capabilities and this in turn would affect libraries. Trustee Cohendet suggested waiting for responses from more libraries before setting up a meeting date. Chairman Hechinger requested that the minutes show that a meeting date would be set at the January meeting. NEW BUSINESS: CALTAC: The City Librarian explained that CALTAC was the new Chapter in the California Library Association representing Trustees and Commissioners. She pointed out the questionnaire that had been completed and sent to the State Library regarding the duties and responsibilities of Trustees. She said a summary of the results of the survey would be released sometime in January. Service to Hillsborough: Trustee Lynes commented on the number of new borrowers from Hillsborough. There was some discussion regarding the increased use of the Library by Hillsborough residents. Availability of Burlingame Documents in Library: Trustee Lynes led a discussion on the availabil- ity of reports, studies and other documents of current interest in the library for the public. For example, originally the library had only one reference copy of the report on the Convention Center and Trustee Lynes thought the library should have one or two additional copies to circulate. The library's purpose is to serve the community and should be a source of information to the public in- cluding important documents from City Hall. There was discussion about which reports, studies etc. should be available at the library. All agreed that it probably would not be necessary to have every report generated by the City, but only the important ones sitrring public discussion and interest. Trustee Lynes moved "that the library request of the City Manager that more than one copy of im- portant public documents of major concern be issued to the library to allow for greater access to the public." The motion was seconded by Trustee DeMartini and passed unanimously. California Room: All the members of the Board commented favorably on the new Board table and locked book cases. Trustee DeMartini requested that a letter be sent to the Friends of the Library thank- ing them for the table. All agreed. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 P.M. with the next Board meeting scheduled for Jan. 17, 1978, at 4:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing, Clerk of the Board.