HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1979.01.16 BURLINGAHE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES JANUARY 16, 1979 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hechinger at 4:30 P.M. on the above given date. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Parsons, Trustee Phelan, Trustee Weatherbe Trustees Absent: Trustee DeMartini, absent due to illness Also Present: Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian Mrs. Kristine Cannon, Member of Citizen's Committee Alfred Escoffier, Reference Department Head BILLS: Checks in the amount of $7,156.72 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Phelan, seconded by Trustee Weatherbe, and carried by those Trustees present. Special Fund bills totaling $977.44 were paid on a motion by Trustee Parsons, seconded by Trustee Phelan, and carried. Chairman Hechinger expressed his appreciation to the Board for the lovely plant given to him during his recent illness. MINUTES: The minutes of the December 19, 1978 meeting were approved and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Discussion was held regarding the actions taken in the reduction of hours, personnel, materials, etc. at the Easton Branch Library. Librarian Bergsing also explained other plans that were in the process of being reviewed for further cutbacks. She will keep the Board informed as the Branch activities begin to be monitored. She will be asking for Board decisions on all changes of policy regarding the Branch. The Board was impressed with the Reference Department report of projects and accomplishments for 1978. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Easton Drive Branch: This item of business was discussed in length during the review of the Librarian's Report. C.L.S.A.: Librarian Bergsing reported that the C.L.S.A. survey had been completed; and according to her figures, the Burlingame Library should receive $12,045.30 in reimbursement funds for the first six months. Special Fund Savings Account: Librarian Bergsing reported on the information compiled regarding the opening of a savings account with part of the money in the Special Fund, which is presently in a checking account that does not bear interest on the balance. The Librarian reported that we had checked into two banks and two savings and loans; and thought the two best options were: Bank of America and Northern California Savings. The advantage at Bank of America was that there is no minimum balance to maintain and our present checking account was located with them now. On the other hand, Northern California Savings offered a higher interest rate. Both banks offer the service of money transfer by telephone. After discussion, Trustee Weatherbe moved that a balance of approximately $1200 be maintained in the Bank of America checking account ue interest at the rate of 54%. The motion was seconded by Trustee Phelan and the remainder of the Special Fund be put in a savings account at Northern California Savings to accr and unanimously carried by those Trustees present. abo Regional, State sWhite LhibrarianConference explained theChaidetailsrman candgreportedron theuprelimdinaryls of the conferences. meeting held in Millbrae on January 27th and discussion was held. NEWB_ US_ INESS: None At the conclusion of the meetinq, Mrs. Kristine Cannon asked how the being done conaa sample monitored at the Branch. Librarian Bergsingrliedd that counted.it was his was being done basis and that patrons in the library at a given on a daily basis. MThe Li brarianeere explaineabout d anstatistics therewasaveryhigh correlationsbetween to patron traffic. circulation statistics and patron traffic; where nthere patronrtraffic. Heration finals questions for a particular day, there was a definite rise in p concerned C•L.S.A. funds and how bethes ands would atthissPime, andethabrtheafundplhadenothat the use of these yet been received. She hoped that they might arrive in February but it could be as late as April. of the study by the following The Board discussed the study of the San Mateo Public Library done by Hughes-Heiss. e Librarian reported that she would be able to obtain a copyfor week and would let the Trustees she know and nded the haveMatcopCityaCoubcilfineethngrat which thisu ustudy Weatherbe rep was presented and expressed her views. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 P.M. with the next meeting scheduled for February 20, 1979. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB:jt