HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1979.04.17 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA APRIL 17, 1979 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: BILLS: Warrants: $7,585.94 Special Fund: 581 .64 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1979 LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Suggested use of C.L.S.A. funds earned in 1978-1979. NEW BUSINESS: Budget requests for 1979-1980 ADJOURNMENT: NEXT BOARD MEETING SCHEDULED FOR MAY 15, 1979 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES MARCH 20, 1979 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hechinger at 4:30 P.M. on March 20, 1979. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Chairman Hechinger, Trustee DeMartini, Trustee Phelan, Trustee Weatherbe, Trustee Parsons Trustees Absent: None Also Present: Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian; Elain White, Representative of the A.A.U.W. - William Nagle, Representative to the System Advisory Board and Delegate to the Governor's Conference on Libraries. BILLS: Checks in the amount of $8,811.52 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee DeMartini , seconded by Trustee Phelan, and carried by those Trustees present. The Special Fund bills that totaled $620.52, were paid on a motion by Trustee Phelan, seconded by Trustee Parsons and carried. REPORT: Mr. William Nagle was present to give the Board a report of his experience at the California Governor's Conference. Mr. Nagle stated that they days were extremely busy and meetings productive and informative. Governor Brown did not attend the meeting but there was a good turnout despite that fact. The major concern of the meeting was adequate financial support for Libraries but a number of other issues were addressed. There was considerable discussion on minimum standards for Libraries as well as service to minority groups. It is the hope of the participants of the Library Governor's Conference that increased awareness of Library needs and services will be carried on at a local level as a result of the Conference. Trustee De Martini asked if there was anything discussed regarding security measures that other Libraries use. Mr. Nagle said that there was very little discussion on this issue, and nothing that "made the floor". Trustee De Martini commented that this surprised him because it is so improtant to the Library and that it had saved us a great deal of money in loss of books over the past year since Burlingame Library had it's security system installed. Librarian Bergsing congratulated Bill on his appointment as the Burlingame Representative to the Peninsula Library System Advisory Board and noted that Mr. Nagle was still "in the running" as a delegate to the White House Conference on Libraries and Information Services in Washington, D.C. in October. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Librarian Bergsing gave the Board of Trustees the 'survey forms' that were filled out by Patrons of the Easton Branch Library requesting different hours of service. She explained to the Board that they hadn't been tallied as there was no consistency to the hours requested. Patti Bergsing pointed out that Joy Molder is conducting training sessions for the staff to better serve the public. Her first staff meeting concerned proper telephone courtesy as well as "Patron-to-Staff" public relations. Her most recent meeting was titled "The Problem Patron" and centered around difficult situations with patrons who have problems. Several employees from other City Departments also attended the session. Trustee Phelan agreed that this was a good idea and that the Staff should be kept informed on how to deal with problem situations. CORRESPONDENCE: Trustee DeMartini read letters to the Board from the following people: Mrs. R. H. Van Doorn (in appreciation of the Reference Department) California Association of Library Trustees and Commissioners Chairman Hechinger questioned the function of the California Association of Library Trustees and wondered just how much activity the Trustees had that belonged to the association. Librarian Bergsing explained that for a while the association had been non-existant but it was now reorganizing and people were getting more involved. Eventuallyit should be a very useful orgainization. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Appointment of Burlingame's Representative to the Peninsula Library System Advisory Board: Librarian Bergsing officially advised the Board that Council had appointed Mr. William Nagle to the System Board. There is one representative from each of the eight Library jurisdictions in the County. Capital Improvemegts: Patti Bergsing gave a copy of the Capital Improvements requests to each of the Board members. She explained to them the reduced pressure backflow apparatus, the foundation and roof problems the Library is having. Discussion was held on the proposed Smoke Detector System and the Board members felt that this would be very beneficial to the Library in the event that there should ever be a fire. NEW BUSINESS Option for use of $21400.00 membership fee to P.L.S, waived for this year: Librarian Bergsing recommended that the Board use the money to purchase 35,000 security tags for the books, since this request had been deleted from this year's budget. Trustee DeMartini thought this was an excellent idea as the system probably saved us considerable money in the past year that we have had it. A motion was made to purchase the security tags by Trustee DeMartini , seconded by Trustee Phelan and carried unanimously. Options for the use of C.L.S.A. funds earned in 1978-1979: Librarian Bergsing suggested that these funds could be used to develop and implement a plan for some reorganization of public service areas and replacement of worn out equipment. Specifically she mentioned the possibility of working with a Library building consultant from the State Library or hiring an outside consultant for two or three thousand dollars. In the long run she felt it would save the City money. She pointed out the following problems regarding current operations: Lack of visual communication between the Circulation Desk, the Reference Desk and the Children's Department. The continuing problems with the existing intercom system and the high cost of repairs. The constant difficulty at the Circulation Desk becuase all three outside phone lines ring in there, and the staff is trying to forward calls throughout the building while waiting on the public at the same time. The Circulation machines are no longer being manufactured and the current machines are worn out and should be replaced within the next couple of years. To change over to another manual system would be about $4,000.00 but long range, the Baord might want to investigate the possibility of installing a computerized system. This could cost about $25,000.00 to convert the holdings to machine readable form and another $25,000.00 to $50,000.00 for installation. Mrs. Bergsing did not think Burlingame should or could afford to do it alone, but it might be more feasible and considerably cheaper if it could be developed with the other Libraries in P.L.S.. She pointed out that the bound periodical collection was running out of space and backfiles on microfilm needed to be considered as well as cooperative retention and storage with the P.L.S. Libraries. If any changes are made in the phone, intercom and circulation systems, then the Circulation Desk may need to be redesigned or replaced. The current index tables are defective and need to be substantially redesigned or replaced. Regarding the possibility of adding a few more open hours of service at the Easton Branch Library, Trustee DeMartini did not feel that it should be considered at all. He emphasized that the 1980-1981 budget is only one budget away and that we should think about our priorities. He felt that Librarian Bergsing should start getting comparative prices on various circulation systems at this time, taking into consideration the possible options she had given the Board to choose from. Trustee Weatherbe did not agree, and felt that a few additional hours of Branch operation should be considered. In regards to possible furniture purchases; Trustee DeMartini suggested that we check into Libraries that have already closed and are getting rid of their furniture and fixtures at reasonable prices. He said that we might be able to utilize some of these things and price could be right. Chairman Hechinger requested that we get some kind of information regarding the "Computerized Circulation Systems". After discussion, the Board decided that they would like to think about the various proposals until their meeting in April. At that time they would consider what recommendations they might forward to the City Council about possible uses of the C.L.S.A. funds. Establishing a Petty Cash Bank Account: Librarian Bergsing explained to the Board that the City wanted to set up a "Petty Cash Account" in addition to the one we already have, in the form of a checking account in the amount of $250.00 to pay for small amount items in lieu of a "computer check" that is issued by the City. The motion was moved by Trustee Phelan, seconded by Trustee DeMartini and carried. ADJOURNMENT:The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM with the next meeting scheduled for April 17, 1979 at 4:30. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg LIBRARIAN' S REPORT April 17, 1979 PROPOSED BUDGET 1979-1980: We have almost completed preparation of the budget for next year. I will have it ready to present to you at your April meeting. The timetable is as follows: April 27th - Department budget request to City Manager May 7 to May 18 - Department Heads meet with City Manager June 4 - Proposed budget to City Council June - August - Budget review and hearings This schedule may change depending on legislation (or lack thereof) from Sacramento. WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE: Mr. William Nagle was chosen as an alternate delegate to the White House Conference on Libraries and Information Services. He was chosen by written ballot of all the delegates attending the Governor' s Conference in Sacramento in March. It is the direct result of Bill ' s outstanding ablilities as demonstrated at the Conference. It is an honor both for him and for Burlingame, especially considering that several thousand people participated in the Regional and State Conferences and only 31 delegates and 13 alternatives were allocated to California for the National Conferences. RENTAL COLLECTION: The Rental Collection of Best-Sellers is almost at a break-even point. Beginning in November with an $800.00 gift from the Friends, the Library has spent $690.00 on books and received $622.00 in rental fees. , In another month or .two, the deposits should begin to exceed the expenditures. This has happened much more quickly than we anticipated, and it is largely due to the expertise of Joan Riordan Leach who has assumed responsibility for the selection of the books. If anyone mentions the collection to you please be sure and emphasize that everything in the collection is duplicated in our regular collection. A few misunderstandings have arisen over this point. G.R.C. LIBRARY STUDY: The Governmental Research Council of San Mateo County has finally received enough funding to begin the study of public libraries in this County. I discussed this study with you last October when they originally hoped to begin the project. The aim is to investigate the collections, buildings, services, funding and organizational structure of the individual libraries and the Peninsula Library System with the purpose of making recommeda- tions for greater sharing of resources, more efficient and economical operations, and the possible alternative sources of funds. The Peninsula Library System is also conducting an anlysis of current selection, cataloging, and processing procedures' and costs with the hope of developing recommendations for cheaper, more cost effective methods. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT: March was a lively month! Overall statistics reflect a 35% increase in all reference transactions over March of 1978. Interlibrary loan transactions are likewise up, with .65 transactions more this month than last. Non-resident use of interlibrary loan services was approximately 50% for the month, the highest it has ever been. In preparation for the compilation of the 1979-1980 budget, a reference workload study was prepared. The report showed a consistant rise in reference transactions for the current LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: April 17, 1979 Page 2: REFERENCE DEPARTMENT CONTINUED: year. Each month in 1979 has shown a 30% increase over last year. In addition, a slump in interlibrary loan transactions was noted, due to the effects of Proposition 13. PERSONNEL: Sue Reiterman and Betty Hallock attended a workshop "Motivation and Retention of Volunteers" sponsored by the Volunteer Bureau of San Mateo County on March 29th. These staff members are responsible for the volunteer program at Burlingame Public Library. They are currently working on the recruitment, selection and scheduling of volunteers for the children' s summer reading club. We hope to staff the Main and Easton Branch Libraries with individuals to listen to children's oral reports on the books they read. We have hired a CSM student, Elizabeth Wool ] , to work approximately 10 hours a week. Lisa is provided to us throught the Youth Employment Program (YEP) with is a federal program to employ students from low income families. We' re pleased to have the extra assistance of Lisa. Sue Ridgeway, Library Assistant I , resigned effective March 23rd: Sue was a part-time employee whose primary responsibilities were the Main Circulation Desk. She has taken a full-time position in the East Bay. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT: On Tuesday, March 13th, the primary grades from McKinley School visited the Library. They were read stories and then chose books to take back to the classroom. Pre-school story hours continued at the Branch on Tuesday mornings through March. There was a school-age Spring program on Wednesday, April 11th at the Main Library at 3:30. The children were told stories and did a craft project. PROGRAMS: On April -13th, Mrs. Reiterman presented a book talk to the Burlingame Women' s Club at their noon meeting. On March 22nd, the Burlingame Writer's Club designated Warren Wickliffe as an honorary member. The Club has a limited membership of women writers and has designated only one other man as an honorary member. Congratulations Warren! On April 26th, Mrs. Bergsing will give a talk on "Book Selection" to the same Writers Club. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: The Friends of the Library are hard at work getting ready for their Spring Book Sale on May 4th, 5th and 6th. The Chairman of this year's sale is Jackie Gray. It already appears that it will be as successful as ever. EXHIBITS: `.. National Library Week (April 1-7) ; Beermaking; Flower Design; Bernice Brownson Paintings ; Sweet Adelines (Singing Group) . MONTHLY REPORT MONTH March 1979 Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 57 3/4 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 11 B. Hours; contributed " :; 68 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 28 B. Number of visits made 64 C. Items circulated 271 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials visits / Attendance / circulated A. Bavview Cony. Hoso. 2(BPL) 4(PLS) 84 13 B. Burlinaa-e Hacienda 1 (pt ;) 11 -- %: ` C. Bur 1 i nca,me P-`_i remen.t Inn 1 PLS -- 12 D. Hillhaven Hosp. 2(PLS) 34 -_ E. Marion ^onvent 1 (BPL) - 19 F. 5. Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons 157 B. Visits rade 75 C. Items circulated X15 Comments/activities: Two new shut-in patrons were added th i s month; one is temporarily homebound and the -other is permanently disabled. i Sue Rei terman EASTON BRANCH LIBRARY PATRON COUNT Dally Hourly Date and Day Hours: 2:30 3:30 4:30 5:30 6:30 7:30 Total Average Monday, 3/12/79 6 8 6 5 4 2 31 5. 16 Tuesday, 3/13/79 7 11 15 11 10 8 62 10.33 Wednesday, 3/14/79 3 6 4 7 20 5.00 Thursday, 3/15/79 2 5 7 14 4.66 Monday, 3/19/79 8 9 12 7 5 3 45 7.50 Tuesday, 3/20/79 5 16 22 11 6 4 64 10.67 Wednesday, 3/21/79 2 20 12 7 41 10.25 Thursday, 3/22/79 3 7 9 19 6.33 Monday, 3/26/79 7 5 13 9 7 41 6.. Tuesday, 3/27/79 10 7 11 8 5 41 6.83 Wednesday, 3/28/79 4 13 9 2 28 7.00 Thursday, 3/29/79 8 6 8 22 7.33 Monday, 4/02/79 9 12 9 6 7 43 7. 17 Tuesday, 4/03/79 6 18 14 7 5 50 8.33 Wednesday, 4/04/79 4 3 6 3 16 4.00 Thursday, 4/05/79 5 6 5 16 5.33 Totals: 89 152 162 83 49 17 552 Hourly Average: 5.56 9.50 10. 13 6.92 6. 13 2. 13 CITY OF BURI:INGAME BUDGET STATUS REPORL._____- -----___-. 3*31m79 _ 2$ 12 MONTH Y-T-D Y-T-D CUR MO UNEXPENPED WNENC X ACCT OESCRIPTI'ON— _pPPROP•-- E8TIMaTE __._ ACTUaI; ACTUAL_-_YARIANCE__QALANCE _-.ENCUMBERED---BALANCE __$AL_ LIBRARY 750010 SALARIES 232#501 1741375 1711898 191053 2#477 604403--0-60#609 26 750013 PARTrTIME 1441008 108,009 1054414 12#220 2#595 38#594 0 381594 27 750110 OFFICE EXPENSE ._ 5#940 4#455 41747 632✓ ------ --- ___ 2920 _.14193 0— 1#193'x_ '20 - 750120 SPECIAL CEPARTMENTAL EXPENSE 4#830 31627 3x182 5�� 445 11448 0 5,648✓ .34 750121 BOCKS AND MARS 67#298 50,472 281475 #4645✓ 21#997 381$23 0 381823✓ 58 `_-_- 750122 PERICDICAL9 __ -- --- .----___-_— 7#450 .____-- 51589 . _ —._.61101 ...— ---865✓. 512'!_14349_. 0 }1349✓ 18 750123 BINOING 24850 2#14,* 988186,/_j,- 1 15 4 ✓1 1#$62 0 1$862 65 - 750124 CATALOGING 3#032 2,277 11436 332v 841 14596 .0 11596✓ D3 t— 750125 RECORDS AND CASSETTES 30610 2#709 21392 3291/ 317 1#218 0 11218✓ 34 750130 SMALL TOOLS b EQUIPMENT 225 171 23 - - 0,/' 148 202 0 202 90 750160 COMMUNICATIONS 2t,232 1#674 11305 134✓ 369 927 0 927' 42 .750170 UTILITIES _ _161522 121393 _ 9.#429 __11220v.. - 2#964 74093 -_ 0 71C93✓ 43 750190 BUILDINGSSGRGJNOS MAINTENANCE 51170 3#879 24165 392v —11714 3`005 0 11005✓ 18 750200 EQUIPMENT MAlhTE'NANCE 866 648 162 442✓: 486 704 0 704✓ 81 750201 EQUIP MAINT-4UCIO VISUAL 250____ 189 _ _ 149 _ IS✓ _40 1Q1 0._ _ 01, 40 750202 EQUIP MAINI-SECURITY SYSTEM 240 180 333 0✓ 153m 936 0 93'l 4 750210 PROFESSIONAL $ SPECIAL SERVICE '2 400 1#800 0 0✓ 1#800 21600 0 244Co✓100 -_--750240 DUES S SUBSCRIPTIONS — 217 _ L125 .��__ _. 0✓ —_ 37_ _ 92_ 0 52✓ 42 _ 750250 TRAVEL 300 228 92 13✓ 133 208 0 2081 65 �{ 750251 CONFERENCE b 'MTCSOLIBRARIAN 250 189 205 0✓ 160 46 0 46V i8 J� _750290 OTHER CHARGES . _75 _.. . . 54 - -- bs ---- 0✓ 14� ---7 0 — 7✓_- 10_ 750800 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,000 30000 21573 OZ —427 Oz7 0 427✓ 14 asa��+� TOTAL LIBRARY 5031266 378#219 341#261 401084 36#958 162#905 0 1621005 X32 f STATISTICS FOR MARCH 1979 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction 13,015 443 Child, Non-Fiction 1 ,787 321 Adult, Fiction 9, 88 1 .028 `-- Child, Fiction 2,243 TOTAL: 26,933 TOTAL: 2,286 Periodicals: . 1,59+ 370 Pamphlets (Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 344 1 TOTAL: 1 ,938 TOTAL: 371 Moving Pictures: -�-- Audiorecordings (Inti . Rec. S Cass.) 1 ,318 -0- Art Prints: too -0- Equipment Loaned: 24 -0- Slides: -0- -0- TOTAL: 1 ,421 TOTAL:` -o- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 30,292 + 2,657 = 32,949_) Total 1978 Circulation: 32,630 .96 Average Daily Circulation, Main Library: 1 ,045 11 % Increase Average Daily Circulation, Branch Library: 156 26 % Decrease REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 2,956 ILL Borrowed: 153 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 191 REF. ACTIVITY 3,30 ILL Total : 344 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF Feb. 28th, 1979 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 18,466 377 314 18,529 DATE: 7,051 Children: 3,093 45 50 3,088 Increase of 110 Hillsborough: 2,738 85 -0 2,823 Other Non-Res. Patrons 373 2 85 290 TOTAL: __2_1U6 7 0 509 449 24,730 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Additions Withdrawals AS OF: VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 132,397 - 96,907 279 - 194 44o - 321 132,236 - 96,780 Child, Non-Fic: 17,672 - 13,598 79 - 57* 20 - 8 17,731 - 13,647 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,228 - N.A. 11 - N.A. 5 - N.A. 3,234 - N.A. Adult, Fiction: 46,854 -= 39,526 191 - 115 50 - 14 4.6,995 - 39,627 'Child, Fiction: 13;280 - 9,491 51 - 35 45 - 1.7 13,2 - 9,509 Y.A. , Fiction: -2,6j]- - N.A. 8 N.A. 35 - N.A. 2,04 - N.A. TOTAL: 2-16,062 159,522 61g - 4o1 595 - 360 216,086 - 159,563 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 272 MAPS ADDED: 44 PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 385 MAPS DISCARDED: -O- TOTAL: 16,731 TOTAL: 1 ,214 RECORDINGS: AS OF: February 28th ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: March 31st, 1979 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc's: 4,679 / 3,886 22 / 20 -0- / -0- 4,701 / 3,906 Cassettes: 514 / 400 4 / 3 -0- / -0- 51 403 TOTAL: 5,193 / 4,286 26 / 23 -O- / -0- 5,219 / 4,309 _ DE' '7; ITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 1 ,808. 15 �-- BRANCH: 83.05 TOTAL: 1 ,891 .20,, ` MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ 31 .50. TOTAL: 1 ,922.70 t SPECIAL FUND APRIL 1979 CHECKING ACCOUNT: DATE DEPOSITS WITHDRAWALS BALANCE 4/1/79 959.61 4/12/79 244.35 4/17/79 581 .64 622.32 SAVINGS ACCOUNT: 3/20/79 8,849.75 3/21/79 214.55 3/24/79 47.76 Quarterly Interest 3/30/79 295.95 4/05/79 220.05 4/i7/79 9,628.06