HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1979.06.19 Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees Agenda June 19th, 1979 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: BILLS : Warrants : $ 24, 503 . 84 Special Fund : $ 1 , 313. 60 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MAY 15th, 1979: LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE : Letter to Mayor Amstrup UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Update on 1979-1980 Budget NEW BUSINESS : Financial Status of the City. ADJOURNMENT: NEXT BOARD MEETING SCHEDULED FOR JULY 17th, 1979 at 4 : 30 PM. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES MAY 15, 1979 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hechinger at 4:35 P.M. on the 15th of May, 1979. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Phelan, Trustee Weatherbe, Trustee Parsons Trustees Absent: Trustee DeMartini, excused, due to an illness in his family Also Present: Mrs. Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian BILLS: Checks in the amount of $10,384.14 were ordered paid on a motion made by Trustee Pheland, seconded by Trustee Weatherbe, and carried by those Trustees present. Special Fund Bills totaling $2,333.36 were paid on a motion made by Trustee Phelan, seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. MINUTES: The minutes of the April 17th, 1979 meeting were read, approved, and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: There was discussion regarding the Librarian's Report. Chairman Hechinger asked Mrs. Molder if she had any more applications for volunteers for the Summer Reading Club. Mrs. Molder stated that the Library had recieved four or five applications so far which would be enough to cover the reporting hours for the children at the Branch Library. Trustee Weatherbe commented that she wanted to commend the Staff on the talks that they had been giving to various groups and said they were doing an excellent job. Budget 1979-1980: Librarian Bergsing explained the new system of accounting that the Finance Director is going to use this year in order to comply with the new Governmental Accounting Standards. The Board thought this was informative and did request that Librarian Bergsing inform them of the date that the Library's budget might be brought forward to Council for approval. Mrs. Bergsing told them that she would definately let them know when she found out. Traffic Count at the Easton Branch Library: Mrs. Bergsing advised the Board that there were two methods of counting the traffic at the Branch this month because the "mat" counter had been installed to count people coming and going from the Library rather than a sample count every hour on the half hour. She further explained that next month it will only be one method which will be consistantly used every day. She hoped it would provide a more accurate record. Foundation Repairs: Chairman Hechinger questioned whether or not the repairs that were being done by W.L. Bipes Company would be enough to successfully fix the water leaks in the foundation. Mrs. Bergsing said that hopefully this would "do the trick". If this didn't prove to be satisfactory that more extensive work would have to be done which would involve removing the landscaping, etc., and running somewhere in the neighborhood of $5,000.00 in addition to what we've already paid them. Circulation System: Librarian Bergsing told the Board that the representative from Gaylord Brothers had been to the Library to give a slide show demonstration on April 20th. The Board informed her that they would like to attend a similar showing to become more familiar with a computerized circulation system. Librarian Bergsing said she would try to set up an appointment with their representative the next time he is in the area which should be either June or July. Office Equipment: Mrs. Bergsing thanked the Board for purchasing the office equipment that was needed in the Library. Clarion/P.L.S. Advisory Board: Mrs. Bergsing said that she would see to it that the next issue of the California Library Association's newsletter get handed out at the Board meetings. She will give the Board a list of the members of the P.L.S. Advisory Board members as soon as she gets word on who they are other thatlBurlingame's representative Mr. William Nagle. The Board agreed that Mr. Nagle should have a standing Clarion/P.L.S. Advisory Board Continued: standing invitation to attend the Board meetings in order to report to them on the activities of the Advisory Board. Friend's of the Burlingame Public Library: It was unanimously agreed that the Friend's had a most successful booksale this time. It was the best they have ever done. A letter to Mrs. Mary Lang was signed by Chairman Hechinger, commending the Friend's on a great job well done. Mrs. Bergsing reported on the amount of the C.L.S.A. fund this year. She told the Board that the last payment for this year should be approximately $8,000.00 for reimbursement for the direct loans. She explained further that there are four payments made each year and the total for this year would more than likely be about $29,000.00 . Trustee Weatherbe asked how the Hillsborough contract was progressing. Mrs. Bergsing told her that she is going to contact Mr. Bob Davidson who is Hillsborough's City Manager, regarding the renewal of the contract to serve Hillsborough residents. She is going to contact him early in June. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Unfinished business was discussed in conjection with the Librarian's Report. ,NEW BUSINESS: New Business was discussed in conjection with the Librarian's Report also. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M. on a motion by Trustee Phelan, seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. The next meeting is scheduled for June 19th, 1979 at 4:30 P.M.. Trustee Parsons asked to be excused from the next meeting due to a vacation schedule. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing C lerk of the Board PMB/j g BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES LIBRARIAN' S REPORT JUNE 19th, 1979 Budget 1979-1980: The City Council had a brief tour of the Library on Saturday morning, June 9th. We showed the Council some of the items we had requested in the Capital Improvement portion of the budget . The majority of the session, however, was an update on the current financial status of the City by the City Finance Director. Mr . Hechinger attended and he and I will give you a summary at your meeting. The next step in the budget process will be a meeting between the individual department heads and the Councilman assigned to each department . In the Library ' s case, that will be Bill Crosby . I think this will be scheduled sometime in the next couple of weeks. After this process is complete, the Mayor is tentatively anticipating one study session and one regular public meeting devoted to the budget . There was no definite indication whether these meetings would be scheduled in July or August , but I ' ll let you know as soon as we hear . Re-Appointment of Library Trustee: , At the Council meeting of May 21st , 1979 , _ Mr. Ben Hechinger was re- appointed to his sixth term as a Library Trustee. Congratulations Ben ! ! �.. It ' s great to be able to count on your knowledge and experience for another three years. Hillsborough Contract : The City Manager of Hillsborough wishes to continue the contract arrangement with Burlingame and San Mateo on a month-to-month basis at least until January. At that time he and the Council are hoping to have a tax override election. Depending on the outcome of the vote, Hillsbor- ough either will be in a postion to enter into a long term agreement again or ------ who knows ! C. L. S . A. Reimbursements : The following is a summary of the C. L. S.A. reimbursements received by Burlingame Public Library for the fiscal year 1978-1979; lst Quarter = $5, 598. 00 Circulation 748. 06 Interlibrary Loans $6, 346. 06 Total lst Quarter 2nd Quarter = $4, 856 . 80 Circulation 833 . 94 Interlibrary Loans $5, 690. 74 Total 2nd Quarter �. 3rd Quarter = $6, 848 . 40 Circulation 1 , 139. 04 Interlibrary Loans $7, 987 . 44 Total 3rd Quarter BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES LIBRARIAN' S REPORT CONTINUED, PAGE 2 JUNE 19th, 1979 C. L. S . A. Reimbursements Continued : 4th Quarter = $8 , 335. 60 Circulation 1 , 200. 06 Interlibrary Loans $9, 535. 66 Total 4th Quarter Grand total for all 4 quarters : $29, 559. 90 We have now received all four quarterly checks. P.L. S. Advisory Board: The first meeting of the P.L.S. Advisory Board was held on May 17th, 1979. All the newly appointed Advisory Board members were present as well as the Directors of the eight libraries in P. L. S . The majority of the meeting was devoted to information and background on the System and to organizational matters. Charlotte Drucker of San Mateo was elected Chairman , and the members decided who would serve one-year terms and who would serve two . Bill Nagle is going to serve for one year . Their next meeting is scheduled for September . Friends of the Burlingame Public Library : At their program and business meeting on June'6th, 1979, the Friends approved the purchase for the Library of a "Microfilm Reader/Printer" and a "Microfiche Reader/Printer" . Together these- two machines will cost approximately $4, 000. 00, and will make it possible for the Library to begin converting some of its periodical backfiles to film or fiche. This becomes increasingly important as space runs out and binding costs increase. Personnel/Staff Development : A Page test was held on Thursday, May 24th, 1979, to provide the Library with additional names of students interested in part-time work. Thirty students took the test as did approximately thirty-five students in January. It is a pleasure to know that Burlingame Public Library is able. to attract students to the Library to fill vital Page jobs. Al Escoffier led the Staff Development session in May for the Burlingame Public Library staff on "Library Systems and Services" . He was assisted by Joan Larson, the P . L S . Reference Coordinator . Together they presented a picture of the various systems to which Burlingame Public Library belongs, their source of funding, and the benefits to the Burlingame Public Library. It was an excellent program. The Staff Development sessions will resume in October after Summer vacations are over. Mrs. Reiterman led a tour of the Library for "English As A Second Language" students on May 16th, 1979. This was an introductory tour for the young people, most of whom had not been in the Burlingame Library ever. The students were encouraged to get library cards and use the library to assist them with their studies at Burlingame High School . ` On June 24th, 1979, Mrs . Reiterman attended a workshop sponsored . by the Volunteer Bureau on techniques for interviewing prospective volunteers . Two speakers led the group in exercises designed to improve communication skills in dealing with applicants for volunteer positions. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT CONTINUED, PAGE 3 JUNE 19th, 1979 Personnel/Staff Development Continued : Mr. Escoffier attended the C.L.A. Forum meeting on May 19th, 1979 in San Jose. This was also the organizational meeting of the C . L.A. Bay Area. Chapter. Mr. Escoffier was elected President of the Chapter for the year 1979-1980. There will be several program meetings throughout the year. Projects currently proceeding under the leadership of the Assistant City Librarian are: The reorganization and planning for change of personnel at the Branch Library beginning on July 1st , 1979; A new employee manual for the staff ; A new Page manual , for the Page staff only; A Corrective Discipline Manual , for Supervisors; weeding techniques for subject selectors. Children ' s Department : Plans for the Summer Reading Club have been completed. Grades one through five 'in all the Burlingame schools have been visited . Information about the Club has appeared in various P.T.A. and/or school newsletters and articles have been sent to the local newspapers. The theme this year is "The Summer of the Detective" . The Club starts the week of June 25th and lasts through August 17th, for a total of eight weeks . There will be a party on Wednesday, August 22nd, for all the children who complete the Club. As in the past , all' the expenses are being paid for by the Burlingame Lion ' s Club. The art work was done by Tom Carey. A training session is being planned for June 20th, at 10 : 00 AM for all employees and volunteers who will be participating in the Summer Reading Club. Volunteers will hear stories at the Branch from 2 : 00-5 : 00 PM, Monday ' s through Thursday ' s . Volunteers and employees will hear stories at the Main Library Monday through Friday , 10: 00 AM to 5 : 00 PIM. Thirteen people have volunteered their services for the 8-week period. Another service organization , the Rotary Club, has donated to the Children ' s room, two sets of Boy Scout Merit Badge Books. This is a welcome gift as our set was dated and purchase of new copies was imminent . Easton Branch Library : The Pre-School Winter-Spring session wound up with a special program presented by "Varda, of The Circus Box" . Dressed as a clown, she and her puppet friends kept the children enthralled. One of our regularly visiting nursery school classes was invited to attend and so they had a nice group of 28 children. Barbara Rowe was invited to attend the Burlingame-Hillsborough New- comers Book Club Division Luncheon on May 21st , 1979. She enjoys talking to this group as they are so interested in books and are always checking out almost every book she talks about . There were 18 ladies in attendance. Mrs. Rowe also visited Sister Marie ' s class at Our Lady of Angels to talk about good books for Summer reading. Ten students didn ' t want to wait until Summer and checked out the books right then . The traffic counter at the Branch seems to be working reasonably well . I am attaching the figures from May 1st , through June 7th. (There BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES LIBRARIAN' S REPORT CONTINUED, PAGE 4 JUNE 19th, 1979 Easton Branch Library Continued: are a few days when the count was "overlooked" ! ) Exhibits: The following exhibits were on display in May; Sir Francis Drake Voyage, Summer School Sessions, San Francisco Symphony, Korean Art , Concours d'Elegance, Lake Tahoe and Consumer Protection. r �— Euston Branch Library Patron Count Tuesday, May 1st No Count Wednesday, May 2nd 107 Thursday, May 3rd 77 Monday, May 7th 194 Tuesday, May 8th 159 Wednesday, May 9th 109 Thursday, May 10th No Count Monday, May 14th 167 Tuesday, May 15th 150 Wednesday, May 16th 98 Thursday, May 17th 37 Monday, May 21st 168 Tuesday, May 22nd 70 Wednesday, May 23rd No Count Thursday, May 24th No Count Monday, May 28th Closed for Memorial Day Tuesday , May 29th 219 �.. Wednesday, May 30th 138 Thursday, May 31st 59 Monday, June 4th 220 Tuesday, June 5th 148 Wednesday, June 6th 95 Thursday, June 7th 58 CIRCULATION MA I N Mal 1 y' 9 BRANCH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction 12,163 552 Child, Non-Fiction 1,331 305 Adult, Fiction 8,994 1,126 Child, Fiction 1,822 326 TOTAL: 24,310 TOTAL: 2,309 Periodicals: 1,376 410 Pamphlets (Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 476 -0- TOTAL: 1,852 TOTAL: 410 Moving Pictures: 1 26 -0- Audiorecordings (Incl . Rec. & Cass.) 1,071 -0- Art Prints: 44 -0- Equipment Loaned: 15 -0- Slides: -0- -0- TOTAL: 1,156 TOTAL• -0- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 27,37s + 2,719 _ 30,037 Total 1978 Circulation: 31,348 % Average Daily Circulation, Main Library: 975 4.25 % Increase Average Daily Circulation, Branch Library:/,) 151 16.1 % Decrease REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 2,577 ILL Borrowed: 132 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 143 REF. ACTIVITY 2852 ILL Total : 275 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF April 30, 1979 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 18,578 406 418 -18,5.66 DATE: 7,203 Children: 3,070 45 76 3,039 Increase of 83 Hillsborough: 2,902 56 -0- 2,958 ' Obwer Non-Res. Patrons 285 -0- 69 216 TOTAL: 24,835 507 563 24,779 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: AS OF: April 30th VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. . 132,336-96,871 370 - 37) 770 - 7n5 772,SaFi - 97,037 Child, Non-Fic: 17,643-13,652 47 - 37 2 - -0- 17,688- 13,689 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,236- N.A. 5 - N.A. -0- - N.A. 3,241 - N.A. Adult, Fiction: 47,014-39,653 156 - 87 33 - 4 •47,137 - 39,736 Child, Fiction: 13,287- 9,508 51 - 18 13 -0-. 13,325 - 9,526 Y.A. , Fiction: 2.571- N.A. 16 N.A. -0- - N.A. 2,587 - N.A. TOTAL: 216,087-159,684 645 - 413 218 - 109 216,514-259,988 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 250 MAPS ADDED: ?3 PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 301 MAPS DISCARDED: 8 TOTAL: 16,686 TOTAL: 1,229 RECORDINGS: AS OF: April 30, 1979 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: May 31st, 1979 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS % TITLES Disc's: 4,731 / 3,934 57 / 49 -0- / -0- 4,788 / 3,983 Cassettes: 19 / 404 3 / 3 39 / 17 483 / 390 TOTAL: 5,250 / 4,338 60 / 52 39 / 17 5,271 / 4,373 DEPOSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: -_1 ,877, 74 BRANCH: --58.64 TOTAL: 1,936.38 MI LITItIG ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ -0- TOTAL: -0- rJ r CITY OF BURLINGAME _ SUDGET STATUS REPORT 5.31.79 2a UNENC DESCRIPTION 3APPROP,_ ESTIMATE ACTUALACTUAL_-, VARIANCE BALANCEENCUMBERED BALANCE BAL UNEXPENDED _ � _ ISI ACCT _ .-- - _ LIBRARY 750010 SALARIES 232,501 213,125 210,494 19,323 2,631 -22,007 0-J22 007 4 750013 PART-TIME 144,008 132,011 129,319 12,266 2,692 14,689 0 14,689 10 750110 OFFICE EXPENSE_ 5,940- 5,445 5,021 113 424 919 0 919 15 750120 SPECIAL DEPARTMENTAL EXPENSE 4,830 4,433 3,559 70 874 1,271 0 1r271� 26 750121 BOOKS AND MAPS 67,298 61,688 38,034 5,928 23,654 29,264 0 29,264✓ 43 PERIODICALS750122 7,450_ 6,831 7 r 329 _52_ 497. �--122 0 122'x 2 r7501750124 CATAIOGING -`�- 3,032 2,783 2,177 310 3�b06 3,855 0 3�855� 28 I4 23 750125 RECORDS AND CASSETTES3,610_._3,311_ 2,990592 323 620 0 620 17 ;� 750130 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 225 209 26 0 183 199 6--- 199✓ 88--��: 750160 COMMUNICATIONS - 2,232 2,046 1,609 159 437 623 0 623v 28 j 750170 UTILITIES1x.,522 _ 5,024__ 0_ 51,024v' 30 4 750190 BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 5,170 4,741 4,409 2,088 332 761 0 76V' 15 750200 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 866 792 373 34 air 493 0 493v 57 750201 EQUIP MAINT-AUDIO VISUAL .__-- 250 231 175-- 23�_-T 56- -- 7S -_ 75 30 1 750202 EQUIP MAINT-SECURITY SYSTEM 240 220 333 0 113 93- 0 93--' * 750210 PROFESSIONAL & SPECIAL SERVICE 2,400 2,200 0 0 2,200 2,400 0 2,400v 100 !;41 750240 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS_-_ __ 217 �_.� .. 148 -- 213__ --13__ -_-._ 15----- 5 0 5 / 2 750250 TRAVEL 300 275 152 27 123 148 0 148'" 49 750251 CONFERENCE & MTGS-LIBRARIAN 250 231 205 0 27 46 0 46� 18 750290 OTHER CHARGES 75 66 93 25 27- 18- 0 _ 18r _ 6-6 - 750E00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3, 0 3,000 TOTAL LIBRARY 503,266 461,601 421,726 41,973 39,875 81,540 0 81,540 16 s5 p !.a ea ,Fs X65 -_.--------- -- __.__ I- / / J CITY OF BURLINGAME PROPOSED BUDGET 1979-80 Adopted Proposed Percent 1978-79 1979-80 Change General Operating Fund $7, 387, 311 $ 8,133,158 + 10. 1% Enterprise Funds 1, 899 , 645 2 , 133,561 + 12. 30 $9,286, 956 $10, 266, 719 + 10. 6% Capital Improvements $2, 745, 874 $ 5 , 032, 883 + 83. 3% MAJOR ISSUES o "Spirit of 13" • Water & Sewer rate increases ® Voter approval water revenue bonds e Police station and golf course financing SPECIFIC ITEMS FOR REVIEW - Convention and Tourist Bureau contract - Chamber of Commerce request - Zoning aide position - f - Health insurance increases - Capital Improvement program CITY OF BURLINGAME "FINANCI'AL STATUS" �-- 1978-79 Estimated General Fund balances to increase $800-900 , 000. Why? Revenues: Sales Tax + $120, 000 Hotel Tax + 117, 000 Investments + 170,000 Bailout + 60,000 $467, 000 Expenditures: $350-450, 000 underbudg et. Water & sewer funds - probably small net loss. 1979-80 Proposed General Fund budget up approximately $785, 000 or 10. 90 . Why? Employee salaries + fringes + $584, 000 + 10. 70NenKile �80000 U j0$Q99 ,50r Operating + 218,000 + 140 Capital outlay _ o _ (17, 000) - 10. 70 $785, 000 Water and Sewer Funds: Water + 6 . 3% S. F. Water Rate increase Sewer + 23. 0o Add fringe costs/contract increase Capital Improvements 1979-80: $5, 033, 000 New or remodeled Police Station $1,500, 000 Sewer Improvements 680, 000 Solids dewatering 1, 800, 000 Others (Page 115) 1, 053, 000 $5, 033, 000 Golf Course: Possible funding Existing funds $ 477, 000 Broadway Overpass project 290 , 000 Revenue sharing 220, 000 2nd year bailout 375 , 000 General fund 238, 000 $1, 600 , 000 ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS - 1978-79 BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT: $324 ,000 Broadway Overpass 52, 300 Washington Park Corp. Yd. 450, 000 Sewer Outfall $826, 300 OPERATING: Police - 4 Policemen $ 78, 000 Fire - 2 Firemen 38,500 Park - 2 Park Maintenance 31, 000 Water Purchases 50, 000 Park Summer Help 15, 000 Retirement 65,000 Park Aerial Lift 45, 000 Street Lighting 30, 000 Tourist Bureau 25, 000 Planning Salaries 10, 000 Insurance Damages 50 ,000 Library Building Repair 20, 000 Recreation Lighting 20, 000 Library Circulation System 50, 000 Health Insurance 40, 000 $567,500 I • i i r SPECIAL FUND JUNE 1979 CHECKING ACCOUNT: DATE DEPOSITS WITHDRAWALS BALANCE 5/15/79 Balance Forward: 785. 36 5/17/79 419. 95 5/25/79 277 . 05 5/31/79 190. 35 6/07/79 470. 10 6/14/79 222. 00 6/19/79 1, 313 . 60 1 , 051 . 21 SAVINGS ACCOUNT: ~- 5/15/79 Balance forward : 8, 128. 06 6/19/79 8, 128. 06