HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1979.11.20 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA NOVEMBER 20th , 1979 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: BILLS : Warrants : $6,323.04 Special Fund: $1,002.42 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 16th , 1979 ; LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE: UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Further Update on Capital Improvements NEW BUSINESS : Report on P.L.S . Advisory Board. Mr , William Nagle ADJOURNMENT: NEXT BOARD MEETING SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 18th , 1979 at 4 ; 30 pm. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES OCTOBER 16th, 1979 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman DeMartini on October 16th, 1979 at 4:30 pm. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Chairman DeMartini, Trustee Weatherbe and Trustee Parsons Trustee Absent: Trustee Hechinger Also Present: Mrs. Kristine Cannon, Representing A.A.U.W.; Mrs. Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian. BILLS: Checks in the amount of $5,071.97 were ordered paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons, seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. Special Fund bills in the amount of $567.05 were paid on a motion by Trustee Parsons, seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of September 18th, 1979, were approved as written and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Reorganization of the Public Service Areas: Librarian Bergsing reported that Mr. Escoffier had drawn up several alternative plans for reorganization of the public service areas in the Library. One or two have definate possibilities and during the next few weeks she will discuss them with key staff personnel. She stated that she would have a further report at the next Board meeting. G.R.C. Study: During discussion of the Governmental Research Council Study of automated circulation systems, Trustee Parsons asked if other libraries were interested in automated circulation. Mrs. Bergsing replied that five of the eight libraries in the Peninsula Library System had expressed at least pre- liminary interest, and most agreed that a cooperative effort would be the most efficient, and effective way to proceed. The study should be completed by March 31st, 1980. Terms of Commissioners: Discussion was held on the limitation of terms of commissioners as recently approved by the City Council. There were questions regarding when a term began and ended, appointments to fill unexpired terms and whether or not Trustee Weatherbe had been appointed to fill Edith Cohendet's unexpired term. Mrs. Bergsing stated the Council had asked the City Attorney to draft a resolution establishing guidelines for commission appointments and when this was approved she would have copies made for the Board members. C.L.A. Convention: The California Library Association Converence in San Francisco on December 8th through the 12th, was discussed. Mrs. Bergsing stated that a number of meetings had been scheduled specifically for the Trustees. She expressed the hope that some members of the commission might be able to attend. Summer Reading Club Volunteers Program: Mrs. Bergsing gave a brief summary of the excellent report on the Volunteers Program prepared by Mrs. Susan Reiterman. In general, response was favorable both from the point of view of the volunteers and the staff. The majority of the volunteers preferred a program similar to the Summer Reading Club, which had a beginning and an end , rather than a year round commitment. CORRESPONDENCE: Chairman DeMartini read a letter to the Board members from the American Association of the University of Women, introducing Mrs. Kristine Cannon as their representative at the Board meetings. Chairman DeMartini expressed welcome to Mrs. Cannon. He also acknowledged the receipt of the Planning Commission minutes of their meeting of October 10th, 1979 and asked that they be sent to the Reference Department for public information. NEW BUSINESS: No new business. Chairman DeMartini and the other Board members expressed concern that a new Trustee had not yet been appointed and asked Mrs. Bergsing to check on the status of the appointment. Mrs. Bergsing acknowledged that she would do so. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 pm with the next meeting scheduled for November 20th, 1979 at 4:30 pm. - Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board P B/jag i i BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES LIBRARIAN' S REPORT NOVEMBER 20th, 1979 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS : Plans are progressing on the possible rearrangement of the Reference Department but it will be another month, at least , before we have some definite options to present to you . The bids on the roof repairs are due on November 14th , so I should have something definite to report to you at your meeting. Mr . Vining, the Fire Protection Engineer is working on the specifications for the Smoke Detection System . The R.L. I .N . terminal was due a week ago , and still has not arrived. Maybe it will come in time for your meeting . We had the phone line installed so we are ready to go when it does appear . As you can see , we are progessing, but slowly . TERMS OF OFFICE OF COMMISSIONERS : The City Council has moved to clarify some of the regulations regarding Commissioners terms since they voted to limit them to two terms per commission . The City Attorney is preparing a resolution and as soon as the Council approves it , I ' ll see that you all have copies . NEW TRUSTEE : Mr . William Nagle was appointed to the Library Board by the City Council at their study meeting of November 7th , 1979 . Bill will be filling Genevieve Phelan ' s term which expires on June 30th, 1980 . Under the new guidelines, Bill will then be eligible for reappointment to fill two full three year terms . I know you are all as pleased with the appointment as the staff and I are, and join us in welcoming him to the Board . P. L.S . ADVISORY BOARD: Bill Nagle will give •you a report on the activities of the Advisory Board at your meeting. As you know, Bill has been Burlingame ' s representative on that Board . Since Bill ' s promotion , the Council should move soon to appoint someone to take his place. The Advisory Board will be meeting here '-in February. EMPLOYEE MANUAL: Mrs . Molder has completed an Employee ' s Manual to answer questions not found or fully explained in the Civil Service Regulations , and to put into writing some basic performance standards . She did an excellent job of covering all the major areas of concern . I ' ll have copies to give you next Tuesday . AREA CIVIL DEFENSE AND DISASTER COUNCIL MEETING : In case you read in the local papers about Supervisor Fitzgerald ' s proposal to combine additional City-County services , one of them being libraries, I am enclosing a. copy of the minutes of the meeting when it was discussed . It is true that a Joint Exercise of Powers agreement does exist BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES . LIBRARIAN' S REPORT NOVEMBER 20th, 1979 PAGE 2: AREA CIVIL DEFENSE AND DISASTER COUNCIL MEETING CONTINUED: establishing P.L.S . , but each jurisdiction retains autonomy over its own Library services . It is also true that two studies are currently underway to study the feasibility of a computerized circulation system and a technical processing center for all or most of the libraries in P.L.S . However, since these studies have not been completed it is still too early to state whether these cooperative ventures might save money and/or improve services. It is also unclear about how much control each City would retain, and the impact on Burlingame 's current Library service. I have a great many reservations about Supervisor Fitzgerald's suggestion, and I believe Councilman Mangini does as well . However , I ' ll keep you advised if there is further discussion. MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR P.L.S . : The P.L.S . Board of Directors is meeting on November 15th, and one of the major items for discussion will be proposed membership fees for 1980-1981. For a number of years each of the eight jurisdictions has paid $2,400 .00 annually to support the system. Now it appears that we need to raise more money to support the current operating level , and we need to consider a more equitable schedule for the fees . Several options have been proposed including the Civil Defense formula (assessed valuation and population) . I ' ll report the outcome of the meeting to you on Tuesday . FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: The Friends of the Library made $2 ,400. 00 at their October booksale. It was another outstanding success , thanks to all the hard working volunteers. At the Friends Board meeting on November 8th, they approved funds for the following : Permanent puppets for the Children 's Department ; Carrying cases for the Art Prints; A subscription for a quarterly book review pamphlet for the public; One plant for the Circulation Desks at each Library. Projects they are planning include, assisting the Burlingame Historical Society with the dedication of a plaque to Colonel Norberg; attending a program on "Friends Day at the C.L.A. Convention in December in San Francisco" ; meeting of the P.L.S . Advisory Board in February; a tour of Filoli in April ; and the Spring book sale in May. Alice Fricke is doing a terrific job as President . She is generating a great deal of enthusiasm. USE OF THE LIBRARY: Overall statistics were very strong for October, with overall reference activity up 160 over the same month last year . Interlibrary loan activity was the highest ever , with 192 items borrowed, up 297o over last year, and 183 items lent , up 57% over last October . This reflects a 430 increase in workload for the interlibrary loan function over the same time period last year. ' 'eference activity shows an increase of 22%, to date, for the calendar year 979 over calendar year 1978 . The The circulation is up 120 overall and up 11 . 880 at the !,Jain Library. The Branch is down 23% which is not bad considering the hours have been cut 50m. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES LIBRARIAN' S REPORT NOVEMBER 20th, 1979 PAGE 3 : �— PERSONNEL: Joan Thodas , who has worked in the Circulation Department since 1974 has resigned effective November 30th. Mrs. Joan Giampaoli has been hired to fill both the clerical and circulation desk duties of airs . Thodas . Mrs . Giampaoli has been an active member of the Friends of the Burlingame Public Library. We welcome her to our staff . STAFF DEVELOPMENT: On October 29th , five members of the Reference staff toured the San Mateo Foundation Library, 1204 Burlingame Avenue . Janet Hoffman , the coordinator of the Library and Bill Sommerville , Executive Director of the Foundation , introduced our group to the materials and services available to the public via this unique library . The library contains a number of expensive and unique services for those seeking grant money . Librarians were encouraged to send patrons to the Foundation library . Joy Bolder chaired the newly formed P.L.S . Staff Development Committee meeting on October 25th. She was asked by the P .L. S . Board to have the Committee draw up a list of staff development priorities for P .L.S . The Committee has drawn up a formal proposal to the Board for specific projects to meet communication and training needs in the System. Mrs . Molder was also elected to chair the Committee for the fiscal year 1979-1980 . t.- Mrs . Molder has recently been invited to be a member of two Library Administration and Management Association ( LAMA) committees , Statistics Committee and Staff Development Committee . LAMA is a division of the American Library Association . CHILDREN' S DEPARTMENT : The highlight of the month of October was our Halloween puppet show. Joy Molder narrated the puppet play, 'Jack O' Lantern'; Barbara Rowe and Barbara Lazarus were the puppeteers . About one hundred children and parents attended the program. Children ' s Book Week was November 12th through the 18th . The Library celebrated the event with two special programs . At the Branch on Tuesday, November 13th , Joan Leach discussed books for the three to five year olds with the pre-school mothers, while their children listened to stories by Joy Molder. On Wednesday , November 14th, in the Community Room, local Cartoonist , Al Wiseman spoke on the art of cartooning and drew cartoons for the children . Mr . Wiseman donated his time and about 60 enthusiastic children and adults were in the audience . OUTREACH : Joy Molder spoke to a group of 25 Burlingame High School students about the career of Librarianship on Thursday , October 18th. Mr . Brown , the Burlingame High School Career Center Director , has organized a series of talks for students concerning various career opportunities . He draws his speakers from people employed in Burlingame so that the students may easily make contact with the speaker at a later date . PATRON TRAFFIC - BRANCH MONDAY, OCTOBER 8th CLOSED HOLIDAY - COLUMBUS DAY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9th 168 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10th 132 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11th 73 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13th 79 MONDAY, OCTOBER 15th 118 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16th 146 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17th 66 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th NO COUNT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th 61 MONDAY, OCTOBER 22nd 109 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd 115 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24th 114 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th 95 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th 56 MONDAY, OCTOBER 29th 94 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30th 146 �s WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31st 84 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1st 79 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd 63 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH October 1979 `\ Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 73.5 Pamela Stamnes and Betty Hallock 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 9 B. Hours contributed 33 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 26 B. Number of visits made 28 C. Items circulated 234 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials visits / Attendance / circulated A. Bavview Cony. Hospital 2(PLS) 50 17 B. Burlingame Hacienda 3(PLS) 32 -- C. Burlingame Retirement Inn 1(PLS) 3 4 D. Hillhaven Conv. Hospital 2(PLS) 47 -- E. Marian Convent 1(BPL) -- 27 F. 5. Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons 158 B. Visits made 37 C. Items circulated 282 Comments/ac tivi ties: A meeting of volunteers was held on October 11 to bid good-bye to Betty Hallock as our volunteer coordinator, and to welcome Pamela Stamnes as her replacement. The meeting was well-attended and two retiring volunteers were honored while two new volunteers were introduced to the group. Dan Horne has eliminated making four separate visits a month at Bayview Conv. Hospital and will consolidate his visits to two separate floors of patients there. Outreach volunteer Virginia Kraemer will begin to do ,art work specifically for the outreach program beginning with Thanksgiving bookmarTcs For s u - n patrons. Sue Reiterman SIAIISIIcS FUK OCTOBER 1979 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction 11 ,224 473 Child, Non-Fiction 1 ,282 360 Adult, Fiction 8,985 1 ,032 `-- Child, Fiction2,427 696 TOTAL: 23,918 TOTAL:-2,561 Periodicals: 1 ,46.6 _328 Pamphlets (Inc] . Maps & Sm. Press: 351 1 TOTAL: 1 ,817 TOTAL: 329 Moving Pictures: - _ -0- Audiorecordings (Inc] . Rec. & Cass.) 786 -0- Art Prints: 34 -0- Equipment Loaned: 23 -0- Slides: -0- -0- TOTAL: --T9-,r4- TOTAL: -0- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 26,629 + 2,890 = 29,519 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION: 1978 Circulation 25,962 1979 Circulation 29,519 12.05 Inc. Average Daily Circulation, Main, 1978 838 Main,1. 1979 951 11 .88 % Inc. Average Daily Circulation, Branch, 1978 170 Branch, 1979 131 22.94 o Dec. REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 2,505 ILL Borrowed: 183 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 192 REF. ACTIVITY 2,880 ILL Total : 375 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF Sept . 1979 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: _ 18,464 396 403 18,457 DATE: 7,485 Children: 2,955 71 26 3,000 Increase of 69 �-' Hillsborough: 3, 196 66 -0- _ 3,262 Other Non-Res. Patrons 219 -0- -0- 219 TOTAL: 24,834 533 429 24,938 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date AS OF: Sept. ' 79 VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 133,626- 97,876 326 - 237 358 - 130 133,594 - 97,283 Child, Non-Fic: 17,534- 13,750 6 - 5 - 68 - 24 _17,472 - 13,731 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,207- 3,034 42 - 27 6 - 2 3,243' - 3,059 Adult, Fiction: 47,788- 40, 164 192 - 116 46 - 11 47,934 - 40,269 Child, Fiction: 13,436- 9,645 8 - 8 15 - 2 13,429 - 9,651 Y.A. , Fiction: 2,593- -2,246 48 - 6 6 - 1 2,635 - 2,251 TOTAL: 218j84-i66,719 622 - 3aq 49,9 - 170 21 R 3O 7=1UD,g44 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 262 MAPS ADDED: 33 PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 105 MAPS DISCARDED: 13 . TOTAL: 17, 141 TOTAL: 1 ,249 RECORDINGS: AS OF: Sept . 1979 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: October 31 , 1979 UNITS / - TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc's: 4,835 / 4,o42 28 / 28 -0- / -0- 4,863 / 4,070 Cassettes: 486 / 395 -0- / -0- -0- / -O- 486 / 395 TOTAL: 5,321 / 4,437 28 / 28 -0- / -0- 5,349 / 4,465 DEPOSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: $1 ,458.59 BRANCH: $ 58. 15 TOTAL: S1 ,5i6.74 MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ 171 .00 TOTAL: $1 ,687.74 TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 22 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 654 SPECIAL FUND REPORT NOVEMBER 20th, 1979 SPECIAL FUND CHECKING ACCOUNT: Withdrawals Deposits OCTOBER 16, 1979 BALANCE FORWARD FROM OCTOBER: $2,338.63 OCTOBER 18, 1979 DEPOSIT 235.40 OCTOBER 25, 1979 DEPOSIT 248.65 NOVEMBER 2, 1979 DEPOSIT 247.90 NOVEMBER 20, 1979 1 ,002.42 WITHDRAWAL NOVEMBER 20, 1979 BALANCE FORWARD TO DECEMBER: $2,068. 16 SPECIAL FUND SAVINGS ACCOUNT: Withdrawals Deposits OCTOBER 16, 1979 BALANCE FORWARD FROM OCTOBER: $6,850. 15 NOVEMBER 16, 1979 DEPOSIT 282.00 NOVEMBER 20, 1979 BALANCE FORWARD TO DECEMBER: $7,132. 15 j CITY OF -BURLINGAME .: --_-.__ ....__ _-----__ _-- _.----._.�---_---__-- --__BUDGET__IITATUS REPORT____ - --. .. 10-31-79 25 i 12 MONTH Y-T-D Y-T-D CUR MO UNEXPENDED UNENC Z ACCT DESCRIPTION T-� APPROP�_. ESTIMATE_ _ACT_UAL__ ACTUAL _ VARIANCEBALANCE. - E-NCUMBEREO BALANCE BAL LIBRARY - --- - -.- _ -- -- _ - - ^- -- - 750010 LIBRARY SALARIES 254,219 84,740--b-4,073-2 1-,140 667 1700,146 0 170.146 67 750013 LIBRARY PARTTIME 155,440 511812 48,363 12,387 3,449 107,077 0 107.017 69 _ 750110 LIBRARY-OFFICE EXPENSE6,134_ _2,044 3,903_ _1,961_1,859- 2,231 0 2,231✓ 36.__-__ 750120 SPEC DEPARTL EXPENSE , 5,213 1,736 1,681 1,125- 55 3,532 0 3,532✓ 68 750121 LIBRARY-BOOKS & MAPS 68,756 22,920 6,245 2x187 16,675 62,511 0 62,511! 91 750122 LIBRARY PERIODICALS _ 8x216 __-, _ , 3,899✓ 47, ' 2..740_ 4 317 60 1 577 3,899 0 _ _ 750123 LIBRARY - BINDING 7,850 2,616 164 0 2,452 7,686 0 7,686' 98 750124 LIBRARY -CATALOGING 110,532 3,844 145 27 3.700 11,388 0 11,388✓ 99 750125 LIBRARY-RECORDS L CASSETTES __.3,827___I,276 144 0 1,1323,683 0 3,683! 96 750130 LIBRARY-SMALL TOOLS i EQUIP 225 76 9_____ 4 67 _____ 216 0 2161 96 750160 LIBRARY - COMMUNICATIONS 2,444 816 499 345 317 1,945 0 1,945 80 750170 LIBRARY - UTILITIES _ ._._..___16,8225,608 _3x035_ _ 1_,004 21573 -_13,787 0 13,787✓ _82 750190 LIBRARY-MAINT BLDG R GROUNDS 5,787 10928 1,156 434 772 40,631 �- 0 4,631✓ 80 750200 LIBRARY-EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 866 288 91 65 197 775 0 775✓ 89 750201 LIBRARY-EQUIP MAINT-A.V. 350 ,__ ___0____O___ 116 0 0 116 350 0 350/ 1O0 750202 LIBRARY-EQUIP MAINT-SEC.SYSTEM 333 112 0 T 0 _ 112 333 0 . 333/ 100 750210 LIBRARY-PROF & SPECIAL SERVICE 2,400 800 0 0 800 2,400 0 2,400/ 100 750240 LIBRARY-DUE$ a SUH$CRIPTION3_i _ 223 76 _ 40 _ 0 36_ 183 0 183 82 J 750250 LIBRARY - TRAVEL 300 1100 40- 23 J 60 260 0 2b0 87 7502.51 LIB-CONF b MTGS-LIBRARIAN 150 52 72 72 20- 78 0 78' S2 750252 LIB-CONF t MTGS-STAFF 200 68 0 0 68 200 0 200' 100 750260 LIBRARY-TRAINING $ SAFETY--- --- 200 - 68 15 --_ --15 - - 53--.---- - 185 _- 0 185'' 93 - 750290 LIBRARY - OTHER CHARGES 75 24 0 0 24 75 0 75/ 100 TOTAL LIBRARY r S51562 183,860 `153,992 38!599 _- 29,868 397,570 - 0 397x570 72 J