HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1980.01.15 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA JANUARY 15th, 1980 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: BILLS : Warrants : 4, 373.55 Special Fund : $579. 48 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 18th, 1979 : LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE : Letter dated December 21st , 1979 from Mr. Dikran Kazanjian Letter dated December 22nd, 1979 from Mr. Charles Buonora UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Presentation and placement of plaque in honor of Col . Norberg C UI) U*F+N3-8i�RD BUSINESS : Election of Officers= Statement of Economic Interests- Membership of Trustees in C.L.A.- Board of Trustees Policy Manual ,T , Capital Improvements 1980-1985 - Date 980-1985Date for Tour of Library by new Board members ,. Demonstration of RLIN ADJOURNMENT: NEXT BOARD MEETING SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 19th, 1980 AT 4 : 30pm. PB/jg BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES DECEMBER 18th, 1979 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of December 18th, 1979 was called to order by Chairman DeMartini at 4:30 pm. ROLL CALL: TRUSTEES PRESENT: Chairman DeMartini, Trustee Nagle, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Weatherbe and Trustee Parsons TRUSTEES ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Mrs. Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian Mrs. Kristine Cannon, Representing A.A.U.W. BILLS: Checks in the amount of $21,516.40 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Weatherbe, seconded by Trustee Nagle, and carried by those Trustees present. Special fund bills totaling $1,678.52 were paid on a motion by Trustee Nagle, seconded by Trustee Hechinger and carried. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of November 20th, 1979 were approved as written and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Since Mrs. Bergsing was called out of town, the Librarian's Report was written by the Assistant City Librarian, Mrs. Joy Molder. Chairman DeMartini compliments Mrs. Molder on the excellence and brevity of her report. There were no questions regarding the report, but Trustees Parsons and Weatherbe each gave brief reports on the California Library Association Conference they attended on December 8th. Trustee Weatherbe outlined some of the topics discussed at the Trustees meeting including long range planning for libraries, involvement in the budget process, analyzing the community in relationship to library services, and various methods of introducing newcomers to the library. Discussion followed. Trustee Weatherbe suggested a workshop to introduce library patrons to the correct operation of the various audio-visual machines in the Reference Department. Discussion followed. Trustee Parsons shared the pamphlets, brochures, samples and other reading materials she had received at the Conference. Both Trustees expressed thanks to the City for reimbursing them for the Conference Registration Fees. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Discussion was held on whether or not to request additional hours for the Easton Drive Branch. After reviewing the uncertainties surrounding future City revenues and expenditure limitations, it was decided to wait until the budget process to ask for added hours at the Branch. P.L.S. Advisory Board: Librarian Bergsing announced that the City Council had appointed a new representative to the P.L.S. Advisory Board to replace Bill Nagle. The new representative is Mr. William Penn Foote, also an attorney. The Board was pleased that the Council had acted so quickly. P.L.S.: Librarian Bergsing reported on the System Board meeting that she had attended that morning. The P.L.S. Board agreed in general terms on a formula for assessing membership fees for the System that will include a base fee plus a per capita charge. The exact amount will be determined, at the January beeting but it will be approximately $4,000 for Burlingame. She also reported on the three L.S.C.A. grants that the System is requesting for 1980-1981. One will be to support the Bibliographic Center at the County, another will be to continue converting the Union File into machine readable form. and the third will be to plan and conduct a publicity campaign to increase public awareness of library services. The P.L.S. Board reviewed copies of a study that was done to determine the feasibility of establishing a consolidated technical processing center for the System. The major conclusion was that such a center would probably not offer substantial savings in either cost or time, if it followed its current operational pattern. However, if the System instead of the County ran the center, and it became an interlibrary automation facility to accomplish both cooperative technical processing and data base production, it might offer more benefits to system members. Mrs. Bergsing has a copy of the full report if any of the Board wants to read it. There was discussion following her report. Resignation of Chairman DeMartini: Trustee Weatherbe, Secretary of the Board, read a letter of resignation from Chairman DeMartini . Trustee Nagle extended a special thank you to Mr. DeMartini on behalf of the other Board members and the Citizens of Burlingame for devoting so much time and effort to the Commission during his 18 years of service. The Board expressed regret at losing his experience ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of the December 18th, 1979 meeting was adjourned at 5:25 pm, with the next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 15th, 1980 at 4:30 pm. Immediately following adjournment, the Board members received a demonstration of the new Minolta Microfilydfische Reader/Printer which was purchased by the Friends. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jag BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES LIBRARIAN 'S REPORT JANUARY 15th, 1980 APPOINTMENT OF NEW BOARD MEMBER On Monday, January 7th, 1980, the City Council appointed Mrs. Alice Fricke as a member of the Library Board of Trustees. She replaces Trustee DeMartini , who resigned on December 31st , 1979 because he is no longer a resident of the City of Burlingame. Mrs . Fricke is well-known to the staff as a Library user and a very effective and hard working member of the Friends of the Library. The staff joins the Board in welcoming her as our newest Trustee. NORBERG PLAQUE On Sunday, January 27th, at 2 :00 pm in the Community Room, the Friends of the Library and the Burlingame Historical Society are hosting the dedication of a historical plaque in honor of Col . Ernest L. Norberg. A reception will follow the ceremony which will include remarks by Mayor Amstrup. tars . Norberg and her family are planning to attend. We are hoping for a good turnout and that the Trustees will be able to attend. P. L. S . MEMBERSHIP FEE At a special meeting of the P .L.S . Board on January 3rd, the following formula was approved for assessing membership fees for P.L.S . : A base rate of $2, 000, per library plus . 058 cents per capita. The per capita rate can be adjusted when the final budget is approved for 1980-1981 , but as it currently stands based on 27,600 population for Burlingame, our fee will be $3,600 for next year . This is an increase of $1 ,200 over previous years but less than we anticipated that it might be. Since membership in the system added almost $30, 000 to the Library ' s revenue last year, in addition to all the other resources it provided, it may be the best bargain in town. L.S.C.A. GRANTS I 'm enclosing the summary sheets for the three L.S .C:A. Grants that P.L.S . is requesting for 1980-1981 . I mentioned these at last month ' s meeting. If you have questions or want more details,: we can discuss them at .the meeting, or I have copies of the complete proposals . BECKER STUDY The study to determine the feasibility of establishing a consolidated technical processing center for P.L.S . , (that we discussed briefly last month) yielded these interesting statistics : 27. 77, of all books acquired by the eight libraries in P.L.S . are unique to one library. 14 . 5% can be found in 2 libraries 11 . 3% can be found in 3 libraries 10. 7% can be found in 4 libraries 12 .6% can be found in 5 libraries 12 .6% can be found in 6 libraries 8. 87o can be found in 7 libraries 1..97o can be found in 8 libraries Obviously , there is even less duplication of materials that we had previously estimated. The same report included a statistical profile of the eight P .L.S . BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT JANUARY 15th, 1980 �3ecker Study Continued : libraries ,and I 'm enclosing a copy, because I thought you might like to see how Burlingame compares . P.L.S . ADVISORY BOARD Bill Nagle and I will be meeting with Mr. Penn Foote on January 16th to discuss the P.L.S. Advisory Board. The Board will be meeting at the San Bruno Library on January 17th . The Advisory Board will be meeting here on February 21st and I hope some of you will plan to attend. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT December capped a busy year of recovery from Post-Proposition 13 transaction levels . Some areas recovered dramatically , such as business at the Reference Desk, others more modestly such as interlibrary loan transactions . Reference Desk transactions were up a solid 207o over calendar year 1978. Total trans- actions numbered 28 , 131 . The average monthly transactions were 2 , 344 , up from 1, 875. Interlibrary loan transactions rallied month by month as the year progressed, with Items Borrowed down only 97o, and Items Lent up 70. This illustrates that our Items Lent to other libraries has not recovered as quickly from Post-Proposition 13 levels, as has Items Borrowed for our users . COLLECTIONS Items received recently and of special interest : Atlas of California : This is a beautifully printed, large format volume which compiles an enormous amount of details in graphic form. Three principal sections cover historical and cultural geography, economic systems and the natural environment . The California water Atlas : This is a comprehensive, and useful atlas of water in the Golden State. Published by the State , this atlas uses a number of dramatic photographic techniques to illustrate waterways , natural water storage, etc. Several Pages processed 16 , 000 books with security tags over the Christmas holiday. Retrospective tagging was done in a •v ariety of areas which include sections of the 300 ' s , 5001x , 6001s , 800 's and 900 ' s . Retrospective tagging over the past two years has been very productive. The heaviest used areas of the Library have now been tagged. OUTREACH/PROGRAMMING Susan Reiterman is currently working on a set of guidelines for use of volunteers in the Library. Pamela Stamnes and Mrs . Reiterman will be developing a policy for Burlingame Public Library which will clarify the responsibility of the Library staff to the volunteer. We expect to produce a ;et of program materials such as application forms , work assignment forms, etc. , 'to accompany and reflect the written policy . BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES LIBRARIAN' S REPORT JANUARY 15th, 1980 STAFF DEVELOPMENT Eight full-time members of the staff have been enrolled in CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitiation) courses sponsored and taught by the American Red Cross . These classes are approved by the City and the skills learned should serve Burlingame Public Library in emergency situations with patrons. The staff enrolled for March and April classes are Barbara Rowe , Judy Gladysz, Barbara Lazarus, Joan Leach, Helen `yard, Al Escoffier, Joy Molder, and Patti Bergsing. BRANCH PATRON COUNT Monday, Deeembeh 3nLd 105 Tuesday, Deeembet 4th 89 Wednesday, Deeembe/,L 5th 73 ThuAzday, DecembeA 6th 109 Sa twtda y, Deeemb etc. 8th 5 Monday, DeeembeA 10th 123 Tuesday, December. 11th. 165 Wednesday, December 12th 153 Thuuday, December. 13th 79 Satutcday, December 15th 72 Monday, Deeembec 17th 85 Tuesday, December. 18th 82 Wednesday, Deeembez 19th 115 ThuAzday, Deeembeh 20th 52 Satu day, December. 22nd 32 Monday, December. 24th C.Cased - ChAE6tmca Eve Tuesday, DeeembeL 25th Cto.6ed - Chtc"tmals Day �-- Wedneday, Deeembet 26th 106 Thuuday, December. 27th 75 Satutcday, Deeembec 29th 58 SPECIAL FUND CHECKING ACCOUNT Balance 6oAwatcd 6tcom Decembm 18th., 1979: 755. 89 December 20th, Depnit 192.00 Jakivatcy and, Deposit 311 .50 Januatcy 10th, Depo6,, t 231 . 85 January 15th, W thdtc.awa 2z (579.48) Januatc.y 15th, 1980, Ba,eance FoAwand to Febtcuatcy: 911. 76 SPECIAL FUND SAVINGS ACCOUNT Balance 4otuuatcd 6tcom Decembetc 18th, 1979: 7, 392. 15 DecembeA 27th, 1979: Intetcat 4wtc the last quaLtetc: 99. 25 NovembeA 27th; 1979: Deposit 246.00 Balance FoAwaAd to Febtcucucy 1980: 7, 737.40 -IRCULATION MAIN BRANCH _5 Adult, Non-Fiction 9,526 383 Child, Non-Fiction 1 ,084 217 Adult , Fiction 7, 198 743 Child, Fiction 1115 _�3$L TOTAL: 19,560 _ TOTAL:--L,72-9- Periodicals: 1,649 257 Pamphlets ( Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 330 -0- TOTAL: 1,979_ TOTAL: 257 loving Pictures: -0- � Audiorecordings (Incl . Rec. & Cass.) 908 -0- Art Prints: 34 -0- Equipment Loaned: 12 -0- Slides: -0- -0- TOTAL: 1 ,000 TOTAL: -0- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 22,539 + 1,06--- �24,525 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION: 1978 Circulation 25,014 1979 Circulation 24,525 1 .95 %Decreas Average Daily Circulation, Main, 1978 834 Main, 1979 867 3.81 Increas Average Daily Circulation, Branch, 1978 117 Branch, 1979 99.__ 15 .38 %Decreas REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 2,027 ILL Borrowed: 134 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 1h5 REF. ACTIVITY= ILL Total : _299 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF Nov. 30, 1979_ ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 18,476 _236 201 18,511 DATE: -]-,,600 Children: 2,986 •46 35 2.997 Increase of 64 Hillsborough: 3,314 52 O__.__ 3,366 Other Non-Res. Patrons 219 -0- _ -0- __ 219 TOTAL: 24,995 334 - 2 - X55_-o93 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date AS OF: Nov. 30, ' 79 VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 113,gI6 - 98, 192 427 330 9; - A8 134,268 - 98,E Child, Non-Fic: 17,514 - 13, 769 31 - 21 26 - 2 17,519 - 13,788 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,243 - 3,960 5 - 3 2 - 1 _ 3,24A - 3,(L Adult, Fiction: 48,096 - 40,353 118 - 74 _42= 4 48_,172 - 0-423 Child, Fiction: 13,437 - 93653 88 - 45 14 - -0- 13,511 9- Y Y.A. , Fiction: 2,641 - 2,257 3 - 2 3 - 2- 7641 - 2,25 TOTAL: 218,867 - 167,284 672 - 475 _182 - 77 21x,357 - 167 82 -Y--- -n- PAMPHLETS ADDED: 174 MAPS ADDED: PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: i8o MAPS DISCARDED: -0- TOTAL: 17,244 TOTAL: HT 1g RECORDINGS: AS OF: Nov. 30th-1g7ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: Dec. 31 , 1979 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 4,861 / 4,o69 41 / 40 _0- / -0- -4,9n2 / 4, 1n9__ Cassettes: 486 / 395 _ 2 / 2 -0- / =Q- 488 /T 397 TOTAL: 5,347 / 41464 43 / 42 =Q= / -nom DEPOSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 1 ,800.8 ___ BRANCH: 105.15 TOTAL: 1 ,906.01 - MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ 95.50 TOTAL: _ 2,001 .51 TOTAL MEETINGS HELD it PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE _ 316_._^ '---- CITY OF._SWRLINGAME BUDGET STATUS REPORT 12-31-79 25 12 MONTH Y-T-D Y-T-D CUR MO UNEXPENDED UNENC X ACCT DESCRIPTION APPROPe ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALANCE SAL LIBRARY 750010 LIBRARY SALARIES 254,219 1271110 126,353 21, 140 757 127,866 0 127,866 50 750013 LIQRARY PARTTIME 155,440 770718 71,858 11,666 5,860 830582 0 83,582 54 750110 LIORARY-OFFICE EXPENSE 6, 134 3,066 4,102 100. 10036-. 2,0320 2.#032-/ 33 750120 SPEC DEPARTL EXPENSE 5,213 20604 3,319 390 715- 10894 0 1,894 36 750121 LI4RARY-BOOKS & MAPS 68,756 34,380 22,155 13,810 12,225 46,601 0 460601- 68 750122 LI5RARY - PERIEDICALS 8,216 M 4,110 50597 1,047 ✓1,4$7-- 2,619 _ ... ._. 0 2,619 32 --- - ---- 750123 LIBRARY - SINGING 7,850 3,924 774 610 3, 150 7,076 0 7,076✓ 90 750124 LIORARY -CATALOGING 11,532 5,766 21786 20627 2,980 81746 0 8,746✓ 76 750125 LIQRARY-RECORDS d CASSETTES 3,827 10914 1,474 636 440 2,353 0 2,353✓ 61. 750130 LIBRARY-SMALL TOOLS S EQUIP 225 114 13 0 101 212 0 2121/ 94 . 750160 LIORARY - COMMUNICATIONS 2,444 1,224 832 240 392 1,612 0 1,612✓ 66 r 750170 LI$RARY - UTILITIES 16,822 8j412 4,948 999 3,464 11,874 0 110874✓ 71 ( 750190 LIORARY+MAINT SLD3 6 GROUNDS 50737 2,892 10818 415 1,074 30969 0 30969✓ 69 750200 LIBRARY-EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 866 432 117 0 315 749 0 749✓ 86 750201 LIORARY-EQUIP MAINT-A-V• 350 174 25 _ _ 8 ' 149 _ 325' 0 325v 93 750202 LIDRARY-EQUIP MAINT-SEC•SYSTEM 333 168 333 333 165- 0 0 0./ 0 750210 LI$RARY-PROF d SPECIA; SERVICE 2,400 10200 0 0 1,200 20400 0 21 40o 100 j 750240 LIURARY-DUES d SUBSCRIPTIONS 223 114 225 _ 185 . 111- _ 2- 0 _ 2.✓ s 780250 LIBRARY - TRAVEL 300 150 116 8 34 184 0 184" 61 750251 LIS-CONF S MTOS-LIBRARIAN 150 78 72 0 6 78 0 78✓ 52 75C252 LIS-CONF 6 MTGS-STAFF 200 _ 102 190 ._ _ 0 88- 10 0 10" 5 750260 LISRARYTTRAINING 3 SAFETY 200 102 15 0 87 185 0 185- 93 750290 LIURARY - OTHER CHARGES 75 36 0 0 36 75 0 75v 100 rr�r�r TOTAL LIBRARY _ 5510562 275,790 2471123 540213 - 280667 3040439 0 304,439 55 0 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH December 1979 Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 55 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 10 B. Hours contributed 30 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 24 B. Number of visits made 58 C. Items circulated 172 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials visits / Attendance / circulated A. Bayview Convalescent Hosp. 2(PLS) 67 16 B. Burlinqame Hacienda l (PLS) 9 -- ; ( C. Burlingame Retirement Inn l (BPL) -- 7 D. Hillhaven Convalescent Hosp. l (BPL) 2(PLS) 55 25 E. Marion Convent l (BPL) -- 18 F. 5. Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons 155 B. Visits made 66 C. Items circulated 238 Comments/activities: Outreach volunteers met twice as a group with Pamela Stamnes to make Christmas bookmarks. The attractive bookmarks were a great success with homebound patrons and volunteers enjoyed the activity. (copies attached) Pamela Stamnes sent Christmas greetings to volunteers along withaa humorous poem. (attached) . Two new patrons were added to our list of shut-ins receiving deliveries. Sue Reiterman attended a very useful program on volunteers at the Calif. Library Assoc. conference. Information gathered there will be used to help us develop a volunteer policy for BPL. Sue Reiterman