HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1980.01.15 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES JANUARY 15th, 1980 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of January 15th, 1980 was called to order by acting Chairman June Weatherbe at 4:30pm. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Acting Chairman Weatherbe, Trustees Hechinger, Nagle, Parsons and Fricke. All of the Board members welcomed Alice Fricke as the new member of the Board. Trustees Absent: None Also Present: None BILLS: Checks in the amount of $4,373.55 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Parsons, seconded by Trustee Hechinger and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $579.48 were ordered paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons, seconded by Trustee Hechinger and carried. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of December 18th, 1979 were approved as written and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: No discussion. CORRESPONDENCE: Librarian Bergsing read a letter from Mr. Dikran Kazajian dated December 21st, 1979 and a letter from Mr. Charles Buonora dated December 22nd, 1979, in which they both expressed their appreciation to the Reference staff and thanked them for their courteous and helpful service. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: PRESENTATION AND PLACEMENT OF PLAQUE IN HONOR OF COLONEL NORBERG: Trustee Fricke reported to the Board members that there will be a dedication of the bronze plaque in memory of Colonel Norberg on Sunday, January 27th, 1980 at 2:00pm, and distributed invitations to all present. Librarian Bergsing requested that the Trustees give some thought as to where the plaque should be mounted. Brief discussion followed. NEW BUSINESS: R.L.I .N. DEMONSTRATION: Librarian Bergsing requested that the order of Business be changed so that the Trustees could see a demonstration of the R.L.I .N. terminal before the computer was shut down for the night. The Trustees assembled in the Technical Services Department where Mrs. Thomas gave them a brief explanation of the data base and searched several specific titles on the terminal so everyone could see how it operated. There were a number of questions and some discussion. Everyone seemed pleased with the scope of the information available and the speed and efficiency of the new operation. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Trustee Weatherbe asked for nominations for officers of the Board for the remainder of the fiscal year through June 1980) . CHAIRMAN: Trustee Hechinger nominated Trustee Weatherbe for Chairman, seconded by Trustee Parsons and carried unanimously. SECRETARY: Trustee Hechinger nominated Trustee Parsons for Secretary, seconded by Trustee Nagle and carried unanimously. MEMBERSHIP OF TRUSTEES IN C.L.A.: Librarian Bergsing asked the Board to consider membership in the California Library Association for each of the Trustees. She stressed the importance of the Trustees keeping informed about developments in the State regarding libraries. Trustee Hechinger inquired about a resurging interest in Trustees on the part of C.L.A. Librarian Bergsing replied "yes" that a separate Trustees section had recently been created, and that they were planning one or two training workshops for the Trustees that she felt would be beneficial . The dues are $15.00 per year per Trustee. After further discussion about the importance of the memberships in serving the best interests of the Library, Trustee Nagle moved, and Trustee Parsons seconded that the dues be paid for the 1980 year, for each Trustee, out of the special fund. It passed unanimously. BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY MANUAL: Librarian Bergsing circulated a "policy manual" that she had recently recived from the Eugene Public Library in Oregon. She asked if the Board was interested in having a similiar manual for Burlingame. After discussion, the general concensus seemed to be that Burlingame did not need a manual . At least, there was no need for such a detailed manual particularly regarding policies and procedures directly relating to the Library's operations. However, there was some interest and concern regarding the role of the Trustees, and the need for a general statement regarding the mission, purpose and goals of the Library. Both Trustees Nagle and Fricke offered to help in preparing such a statement. It was agreed to table the matter until a leter date and give Librarian Bergsing an opportunity to as�eFrle some possible materials for inclusion and to suggest some specific methods for proceeding. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 1980-1985: Librarian Bergsing informed the Board that the Capital Improvement Budget forms for 1960-19d5 had been received from the Finance Director. They are due back to the City Manager in early March so there will be time for further discussion at the February meeting. However, she asked if any of the Trustees had any suggestions to let her know during the month. In general, the'Finance Director had suggested "holding the line" and highlighting needed maintenance projects rather than seeking to develop new projects. At the moment, it appears that the Library may need only to re-submit the previously approved requests for reorganization of the Public Service areas, and the Circulation System. However, she pointed out that a number of new roof leaks as well as leaks in the foundation had appeared during the last storm, so it might be necessary to ask for further repairs in those areas. DATE OF TOUR OF LIBRARY BY NEW BOARD MEMBERS: This was discussed after the meeting, and the date of January 25th, 1980, at :30pm was set for the tour of the Library by Trustees Fricke and Nagle. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of January 15th, 1980, was adjourned at 6:05pm, with the next meeting scheduled for February 19th, 1980 at 4:30pm. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jag