HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1980.03.18 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY L BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA MARCH 18th, 1980 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: Demonstration of Sysdac Charging Machine- John Moore, Brodart Company. BILLS : Checks : $7, 311 .99 Special Fund: 303.54 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 19th, 1980 : LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE : None UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Capital Improvements 1980-1985. NEW BUSINESS : Instructions for preparation of '1980-1981 Operating Budget. Attendance at Commissioners Dinner . Changing date of next Board meeting to April 'Wd'1980 . ADJOURNMENT: NEXT BOARD MEETING SCHEDULED FOR: PB/Jg BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES FEBRUARY 19th, 1980 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of February 19th, 1980 was called to order by Chairman June Weatherbe at 4:30 pm. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Chairman Weatherbe, Trustees Hechinger, Fricke and Parsons. Trustees Absent: Trustee Nagle, excused for vacation. Also Present: Mrs. Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian & Mrs. Kristine Cannon, Representing A.A.U.W. BILLS: Checks in the amount of $14,602.41 were ordered paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons, seconded by Trustee Fricke and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $1,203.18 were ordered paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons, seconded by Trustee Fricke and carried. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of January 15th, 1980 were approved as written and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Librarian's Report was discussed in conjunction with Unfinished Business. CORRESPONDENCE: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Capital Improvements 1980-1985: Librarian Bergsing distributed the Capital Improvement project proposals for 1980-19T5-. Most of the items will be carry-overs from this year. Some may even be started and completed before the end of this fiscal year (1979-1980) . However, since the timetable is uncertain, she recommended moving the programs forward into the next fiscal year (1980-1981) . The reorganization of the public service areas is still in the planning stages. After further consultation with the engineer designing the specifications for the smoke detection system, another $6,000.00 has been added to the original estimate for this system. Building maintenance includes both old and new requests for funds. After the roof repairs are completed this spring, approximately $6,000.00 will remain in this years allocation for maintenance. Hopefully, the repairs on the foundation leaks can be undertaken and completed within this amount. The delay has been caused by trying to get a diagnosis of the problem so that an accurate cost estimate can be obtained. This may not be accomplished this spring, so Mrs. Bergsing suggested that these repairs be included again in next years requests. New maintenance projects include interior painting to cover graffiti and stains from the roof leaks; steam cleaning the carpets; replacing panels on elevator door and installing new light fixtures in the workroom area. Since all the estimates have not yet been recieved, there may be some variations in the costs submitted to the City Manager. The Librarian will report any changes to the Board at their March meeting. Discussion followed. NEW BUSINESS: Microfilm/Microfiche Conversion Funds: Librarian Bergsing reported that the $2,400.00 allocated for the 1979-1980 membership fee in P.L.S. had been waived again. She recommended that the money be added to the $5,000.00 that is allocated for the conversion of periodicals to microfilm/microfiche and that the Library purchase on microfilm the past 3 years of the San Francisco Chronicle and its indexes. The cost would be about $2,800.00 plus tax. She noted that the indexes were available at half-price until the end of February and this represented a considerable savings. A lengthy discussion followed, in which a number of other ideas and options were considered. Trustee Fricke then moved that the Library purchase the Chronicle and the Indexes with the P.L.S. membership fee plus approximately $400.00 from the microfilm/fiche budget allocation. The motion was seconded by Trustee Parsons and carried by a vote of three ayes. Trustee Hechinger abstained. Demonstration of the Sysdac Charging System: Librarian Bergsing very briefly demonstrated the Bro-Dart Sysdac Charging Machine for the Board members. She also pointed out the two machines from Gaylord Brothers that had been demonstrated at another meeting. She stated that she hoped to have the Bro-Dart representative at the March meeting to give them a detailed demonstration of the Sysdac machine. She plans to present a complete proposal with costs and recommendations to the Board within the next few months. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of February 19th, 1980 was adjourned at 6:25 pm with the next regularly scheduled meeting for March 18th, 1980 at 4:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jag LIBRARIAN' S REPORT MARCH 18th, 1980 BOARD OF TRUSTEES BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 1980-1985 : Attached to this report are the completed Capital Improvement projects as submitted to the City on March 7th. They are essentially the same as those discussed at your February meeting with some changes in the estimates for the maintenance items. OPERATING BUDGET 1980-1981: I am enclosing a copy of the Finance Director ' s Budget Instructions for 1980-1981 . We have just received the forms and started working on the figures. I am asking in the agenda that you consider postponing your April meeting one week to give us more time to prepare the budget requests . EMERGENCY PLAN: Mr . Cecil Williams of the "Office of Emergency Services" is developing a very specific plan for the Library to follow in case of an emergency . He has spent several days here learning the idiosyncrasies of the building, meeting with the staff, designing a floor plan with exit routes clearly marked, etc . I am very enthusiastic about what he has done so far, and as soon as it is completed, I ' ll see that you have copies . He also intends to have a training session with the staff and a test drill . C.L.A .S .S . Consultant : On February 29th, Mr . Michael Breuer from C.L.A .S .S . spent three hours here discussing possible ideas for rearranging the public service and technical processing areas of the Library. His background and expertise is primarily in technical processing, and he reviewed with Mrs . Thomas her ideas for rearranging the work areas in her department . In general terms, he felt they were feasible . Three hours of "free" consultation is available annually from C.L.A.S .S . which is why we took advantage of his services . He had several interesting suggestions regarding the public service areas which the staff and I are currently studying. PROPOSITION 119" or JARVIS II : I am attaching an article from the March issue of "California Journal" which gives a good summary of the issues facing voters in June on the Jarvis initiative to cut personal income taxes in half . The P .L.S . Advisory Board is making plans for a County-wide public information meeting on the effects the passage of Jarvis II may have on libraries . The meeting will be held at 7: 30 pm on April 23rd at the San Mateo City Hall , 330 West 20th Avenue. They are also preparing publicity material such as posters , bookmarks , & press releases. A telephone network is being planned perhaps with the ,,-- ooperation of "Friends" groups. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT MARCH 18th, 1980 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE 2 : ROOF REPAIRS : �- The first week in March the repair of the reading room and browsing room roofs finally began . If all goes as planned, everything should be completed by the end of the month. The worst part is already finished. We continued to have a fairly substantial leak above the 700 stacks but the roofing company thinks they have fixed this now. We may have to wait for the next rain to find out . FOUNDATION REPAIRS : We have tentatively located the causes of two of the three foundation leaks. We are going to try caulking these areas and see if that will solve the problem. The Community Room is still a major concern. The roofing company is going to help us run a water test in that area to see if we can determine where the water is coming in. I ' ll let you know the results . BURLINGAME HISTORICAL SOCIETY: I met briefly with tris . Martha Rosman , the current archivist for the Burlingame Historical Society, regarding the housing of their printed materials. They are looking for a place to store the maps, books, clippings, scrapbooks , etc. that they have acquired. We discussed several options including a storage cabinet in the "Friends" sorting room. They are considering writing a grant proposal to the San Mateo Foundation seeking funds to catalog- their collection . Everything is still very tentative but it would be advantageous if the materials could be stored someplace where interested individuals could have access to them. BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION: The Beautification Commission recently presented the Library with the scrapbook of the Beautification awards they have presented from 1971 to date. It is a very attractive pictorial record of the winners, and we are pleased to add it to our local history collection . SYSTEM NEWS : The System Director, Jane Light, has begun publication of a bi-monthly newsletter to improve communications within P.L.S . I am enclosing Volume I , #1, which will give you a good update on the various System projects and programs. PERSONNEL: Ginny Rollett , Library Assistant II , resigned effective March 7th, to take a full-time position with S .P . Communications in Burlingame. Her new job will be to -set-up a technical library for the company. Ginny will be missed. She helped in the transition at the Branch Library when the hours were reduced and personnel changes took place. Mrs. Susan Reiterman begins her maternity leave on March 17th. Her '- -expected return date is September 15th . Mrs . Penni Vogel, who has recently moved here from Michigan, has been hired as a temporary, part-time Reference Librarian I to help fill in Susan' s hours . LIBRARIAN' S REPORT MARCH 18th, 1980 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE 3: PROGRAMS/BOOKLISTS : Mr. Wickliffe was a luncheon guest and speaker at the St . Matthew 's School in San Mateo. He critiqued papers submitted by members of a class in creative writing at the school . Mr . Wickliffe continues his work with the Peninsula Poets. Joan Leach presented a program for the Burlingame Newcomers Club on new adult fiction titles. Her remarks were enthusiastically received. Mrs. Lyle Stinson, who is visiting Burlingame from Ontario , Canada, attended two sessions of the Branch Book Chat group led by Mrs. Rowe . She enjoyed it very much and said she would return home and urge her Library to begin such a group. Mrs . Rowe continues with the Branch Book Chats on a weekly basis . In conjuction with a workshop given by P.L.S . , Mr. Escoffier has compiled 4 new bibliographies on literature and literary criticism. The lists are annotated and include call numbers. All books listed are in our collection . The lists include : Literary Periodicals; A Quick Reference Guide to Literary Bibliography; Guides to Literary Criticism; Literary Criticism, National and Regional . Also compiled is a guide to the use of the card catalog for finding literary criticism. Literary criticism is a common request from high school and college students , and these lists should assist with such requests . ,,-- Mr. Escoffier also compiled. an annotated list of book on Chinese Art in the Burlingame Public Library. The list was used in conjunction with the Friends program on Chinese Ceramics . In addition, Mrs. Rowe is working on a booklist and display on Gardens in Art to accompany a program to be given by the Friends at the end of March . FRIEND' S GIFT: The Library has received 50 new art print cases, designed to protect our circulating art print collection from damage. Each print checked out to a patron will have an accompanying case. Prints will no longer be checked out without a case . This generous gift comes to the Library from the Friends. EXHIBITS : Exhibits for the month included: Valentine ' s Day; Congratulations to Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts on their respective anniversaries; Mr. Elmer Benton ' s Coin Collection; Chinese New Year; National Letter Writing Week. 'PB/j g SPECIAL FUND CHECKING ACCOUNT Balance forward from February 19th, 1980: 971 .63 February 21st Deposit: 298.40 February 28th Deposit: 303.05 March 6th Deposit: 342.45 March 13th Deposit: 289.71 March 18th Withdrawals: (303.54) Balance Forward to April : 1,901.70 SPECIAL FUND SAVINGS ACCOUNT Balance forward from February: 7 737.40 Balance forward to April : 7,737.40 �- No activity for February & March. CIRCULATION MAI N BRANCH February 1980 Books: Adult, Non-Fiction 10 782 510 Child, Non-Fiction 1. 570 390 Adult , Fiction 81P429 X968 Child, Fiction 2 46.5 _ 6- TOTAL: 23, 186 TOTAL:2 4� 14 Periodicals: 1 424 Pamphlets ( Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 313 -0- TOTAL: 1, 861 TOTAL: 424 Moving Pictures: 21 -0 Audiorecordings (Inc) . Rec. & Cass.) 950 -0- Art Prints: 30 -0- Equipment Loaned: g -0- Slides: 0- -0- TOTAL: 1,009 TOTAL: -0- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 26.056 + 2. 838 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION: 1979 Circulation 28,1951980 Circulation 28, 894` 2.42 % Inc. Average Daily Circulation, Main, 1979 1,069 Main, 1980 2 2.53 Dec. Average Daily Circulation, Branch, 1979' 181 Branch, 1980 157 13, 21 Dec. REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 2,558 ILL Borrowed: 132 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 215 REF. ACTIVITY 2,905 ILL Total : 347 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF 1/31/80 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 18, 525 321 299 18,547 DATE: 6,779 Children: 3,037 • 56 39 3,054 Increase of 47 Hillsborough: 31-439 65 -0- 3, 504 Other Non-Res. Patrons 219 -0- 144 _ 75 TOTAL: 25, 220 442 482 25, 18o _ ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date AS OF: 1131180 VOLUMES/TITLES- VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 134,657 - 98, 79Q 387 - 292 79 - 44 134,966 - 99,042 _ Child, Non-F i c: 17, 576 - 13, 840 35 - 25 24 - 9 171,587 - 13. 85_6 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3, 248 - 3, 065 10 - 7 1 - -0- 3.257 - 3,072_ Adult, Fiction: 48, 349 - 40, 557 130 90 11 - 3 48 468 - 40,644 Child, Fiction: 13, 262 - 9,522 9 - 7 51 . - 14 13,220 - 9,515_ Y.A. , Fiction: 2,645 - 2,261 7 - 4 4 - _ 3 2,648 - 2,262 TOTAL: 219. 737 _ 168,039 578 - 425 169 _ - 73 220, 146 -168, 391 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 252 MAPS ADDED: -0- PAf1PHLETS DISCARDED: 161 MAPS DISCARDED: 4 TOTAL: 17,434 TOTAL: 1253 _ RECORDINGS: AS OF: 1/31/80 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: 2/29/80 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 4,907 / 4, 112 _ 40 / 37 -0- / --7-0-- 4,94 / 4, 149 Cassettes: 508 / 414 12 / 11 -0- /_ -0 520 / 425 TOTAL: 5,415 / 4,526 52 / 48 _ -0- / -0 5,467 4,574 _ DEPOSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 1 .46MO. BRANCH: 53.60 TOTAL: 1_521 .60 .- EE(ING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ 90.00 TOTAL: 1,611 .60 TOTAL MEETINGS HELD _ 10 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE BRANCH PATRON COUNT FEBRUARY 1980 Friday, February 1 Closed Saturday, February 2nd 108 Monday, February 4th 121 Tuesday, February 5th 89 Wednesday , February 6th 90 Thursday, February 7th 134 Saturday, February 9th 92 Monday, February 11th 162 Tuesday, February 12th Closed - Holiday Wednesday, February 13th 143 Thursday, February 14th 93 Saturday, February 16th 84 Monday, February 18th Closed - Holiday Tuesday , February 19th 173 Wednesday, February 20th 118 Thursday, February 21st 104 Saturday, February 23rd 61 Monday, February 25th No count Tuesday , February 26th 79 ~" Wednesday, February 27th 119 Thursday, February 28th 98 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH February 1980_ t, Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 50 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 10 B. Hours contributed 32 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of- patrons 25 B. Number of visits made 32 C'. Items circulated 205 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials visits / Attendance circulated A. Bayview Conv. Hospital 1(PLS) 19 6 B. Burlingame Hacienda 2(PLS) 16 -- f C. Burlingame Retirement Inn 2(PLS) 38 16 D. Hillhaveh Conv. Hasp. 2(PLS) 44 -- ... E. Marian Convent 1(B .r.) -- 14 F. 5. Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons 142 B. Visits made 40 C. Items circulated 241 Comments/activities: Vo unteers have decided to make Easter bookmarks for shut-ins. Our winter volunteer meeting was held on February 8 in the California Room. Joan Leach presented a program on children's services at BPL which was enjoyed by all volunteers who attended. Joan was the first of various staff we hope to have attend our meetings and share information with volunteers. Dan Horne has started a new film program at Burlingame Retirement Inn and attendance was good. Hillhaven service may be temporarily interrupted because of a change in staff there. Sue Reiterman i. • � CITY OF HURLINGAME BUDGET STATUS REPORT l 29-E30 215 s 12 MONTH Y•1-0 Y+T-D CUR MU UNEXPENDED U�ENC �X 6 ACCT DESCRIPTION APPROP. ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALANCE HAL e r i LIBRARY - --- - -----__.-- 9. r 750010 LIBRARY SALARIES _.__-__ -_--.__ __254219_-__149:q80___ _1 b8,6�1Z "� 2t�189__._______�_.798 __��5r537 0—`:5"537-----34 750013 LIBRARY PARTTIME 155:440 103,6?_4 96,018 11.517 7,b06 59,422 0 x;9,422 38 750110 LIBRARY-OFFICE EXPENSE 6#134 4:088 4,411 258 323- 1#723 0 1#723'' 28 ` i 750120 LIBRARY-SPLCIAL DEPTL EXPENSE 5,213---- 3,472 3,572 --T�- 2Q --- 100 1.841 0 1,841V -35 750121 LIBRARY-BOOKS & MAPS 68#756 45:840 34,159 10#104 110681 340597 0 s4:597✓ 50 ; ; ,4,._ 750122 LIBRARY - PERIODICALS _._- 80216 50490- _60048 446 568- 2: 168 0 Z,16140,/ ?_6 750123 LIBRARY • BINDING 7,850 592.32 1406 -- _ 31 4,426 7x044 0­ 700,441, 90--�1i 750124 LI3RARY -CATALOGING 11,532 7,688 3#534 558 4# 154 7:998 0 ;7r99A- 69 7501?_5 LIBRARY-RECORDS R CASSETTES 3,827 2x552 2,909 870 357- 918 0 918 24 -- za . ~ 750130 CTBRARY-SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP - - 225 - 152 13 � D __-139 -212 -� 212.-__R4_ � � I 7501b0 LIBRARY - COMMUNICATIONS 2,444 1x632 trlg6 166 436 1x248 0 1x248V 5t -��•'� 750170 LIBRARY - UTILITIES 16,142? 11x216 70 2t48 Ir 125 3,968 9#574 0 9,574✓ 57 p__2+z� 750190 LIBRAkY-MAINT BLDG & GR0UND8 .._..,.__.__._5x787 3,8'56 ___2.,395_._. __ __":`433 -----------`1-i 461" .--3i 392----0­­ 3p3v1 59__­ 2-j 750200 LIBRARY-EUIJIPMENT MAINTENANCE 866 576 291 150 279 5b9 0 569✓ 66 {'<! 750201 LIBRARY-EQUIP MAItvT-A.V. 350 _ 71 ^^ 750202 LIHRARY-EQUIP MAINT-SEC.SYSTEM 232 101 76 131 249 0 249`___333 _ 2?4--3330�__._ 0-_-.— :1- 750210 LIBRARY-PROF K SPECIAL SERVICE 2.400 1,600 0 0 1fb00 20400 0 20400 100 ' 750240 LIBRARY-DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 223 1522 225 0 73- 2- 0 2A/ * tt� 750?50 LIBRARY RAVEL -- _. 300 " - -000 _ -- _ -2,7_- 1.0.3. -27i0 _ �3 ._._. 0_ 73✓.__?4-- F : 750251 LIB-CONF & MTGS-LIBRARIAN 150 104 97 25 7 53 0 53" 3S "I 750252 LIS-CONE & MTGS-STAFF200 136 ig0 0 54+ 10 0 to-, 5 - 750260 LIBRARY'TRAINING & SAFETY ._. ---c0"0-T_ ___.-f 34----- l 19 - - --� —17- -- 8j -- p ---- -- -81y-_- 750290 LIBRARY - OTHER CHARGES 75 48 25 25 23 50 0 50*' 67 *****+ TUTAL LIBRARY 551,562 367,720 332#406 470165 350314 2190156 0 219,156 40 { I i 5y{ !F 'I.. r i i