HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 2008.08.26 BURL NAME Library Board of Trustees Minutes August 26, 2008 I. Call to Order President Brock called the meeting to order at 5:30pm. H. Roll Call Trustees Present: Nancy Brock, Deborah Griffith, Katie McCormack, Pat Toft, Sandy Towle Staff Present: Al Escoffier, City Librarian Sidney Poland, Recorder III. Minutes of the July 15, 2008 Trustee Meeting The Trustees unanimously approved the July 15, 2008 minutes with the correction that President Brock opened the official meeting on this date. M/S/C (Griffith/Towle) IV. Budget Status and Special Fund At the request of City Finance Department, library invoices will be now be processed on weekly basis instead of monthly. Instead of the monthly Warrant Register, the Trustees will receive an "Accounts Paid `- Report" reflecting all weekly invoices paid from the City's General Fund. Financial reports on the Trustees Special Fund Revolving Fund and p p � g Duncan Trust Fund will continue to be provided to the Trustees quarterly. Allocations from the Trustees Special Fund are approved by the Trustees and recorded in the minutes. V. Correspondence and Attachments Library Bond Measure — On August 11, 2008, the Assembly Appropriations Committee dropped SB 1516 written by Senator Simitian in committee. Therefore the $4 billion library construction and renovation general obligation bond measure is dead for this year. The City Librarian encouraged the Trustees to talk or write to their legislative representatives Gene Mullin, Assemblymember of the 19th District, and State Senator Leland Yee requesting them to urge the legislature not to cut library funding for TBR and the Public Library Foundation. 480 Primrose Road•Burlingame•California 94010-4083 Phone(650)558-7474'Fax 0650)342-6295'www.burtingame.org/tibrdry VI. From the Floor - No one from the public attended. -� VII. Reports A.' City Librarian's-Report - Highlights 1. Summer Reading Programs for Adults and Children Summer reading programs showed an increase in participation of 15%. , The three children's programs had an enrollment of 510 and the adult programs a total of 317. Family Fun Nights and Family Movie Nights attracted 864 parents and children. Lincoln Scool had the largest student involvement; North Hillsborough School finished first among the Hillsborough schools. Library staff was most gratified that 21% of the students in the reading program were.from Hillsborough schools. 2. Status of Children's Room Mini-Renovation - Painting,of the children's room is completed. It.is possible that the project will incur a $4,280 shortfall due to the cost of scaffolding and increases in furniture upholstering. The Foundation approved $5,000 to cover the shortfall if necessary. 3. Easton Air Conditioning- Current summer weather conditions have resulted in temperatures as high as 90 degrees inside the Easton Library. Since excessive heat is a safety risk for staff, the City Attorney determined that Easton will be closed if -� the inside temperature reaches 89 degrees. Facilities estimated that an air-conditioning unit would cost $15,000 and probably would have to be funded from the Library budget. The Trustees discussed this issue and decided to contact their City Council counterpart and advise them of their concerns regarding the lack of air-conditioning at Easton. B. Foundation Report August Mailing--Tie Foundation sent out a mailer last week to approximatel�8 0 sidents in the 94010 zip code. The Foundation re ted this list for this specific mailing in the hopes of reaching ne . donors. The mailing brochure was also sent to previous donors outside the 94010 zip code. Library Board of Trustee Minutes August 26,2008 2 VIII. Unfinished Business �- A. City Council Counterparts - Trustee/Council counterparts are as follows: Council Member Library Trustee Terry Nagel Deborah Griffith Jerry Deal Sandy Towle Ann Keighran Nancy Brock Rosalie O' Mahony Pat Toft Cathy Baylock Katie McCormack B. Tri stee Education and Training Fund Policy, The Trustees reviewed the criteria and application form for the Trustees Education Fund which they created to provide staff with the opportunity to further enhance their library skills by attending workshops, conferences and classes. IX. New Business A. Requests from Foundation For 2009 - The City Librarian has requested funding in 3 specific areas: 1) Library Collections Budget at a cost of$45,000; 2) Programs for Adults and Children of all ages at a cost of$32,000; and 3) Library Shelving for the media collection at a cost of$30,000. The total cost requested from the Foundation is $107,000. B. Request for Funds from the Duncan Trust The City Librarian presented a draft proposal requesting $30,000 from the Duncan Trust Fund for the purpose of increasing and improving our media and print collection to the level of quality prior to the budget cuts of 2003. Trustee McCormack moved to approve the proposal with a modification that the request from the Duncan Fund be increased to $60,000. The motion carried unanimously. The City Librarian was directed to draft a request. M/S/C (McCormack/Griffith) C. Change in September Meeting Date The Trustees unanimously approved changing the September Trustee meeting date to September 16, 2008. D. Trustee Education Fund Requests The Trustees approved the requests of 4 staff members to attend the California Library Association Conference to be held in San Jose in November, 2008. M/S/C (Toft/McCormack) Library Board of Trustee Minutes August 26,2008 3 X. Announcements A. Confirmation of Trustee Dates - Meeting dates for the remainder of 2008 areas follows: 1) Tuesday October 21st; and 2) Tuesday November 18th. There will not be a Trustee meeting in December in lieu of the Employee Recognition Dinner. B. Council Meeting September 2, 2008 - Maryam Refahi will be presented with the 7 awards she received from the American Library Association. Trustee Griffith and Towle will attend. C. Centennial Invitation - The Trustees requested that the Lion's Club be iiivited to attend the event. D. Naming of the Lions -The Naming of the Lion Contest will close on Monday, September 15th. XI. Adjournment The Trustees' meeting was adjourned at 6:20prn. M/S/C (McCormack/Towle) Res ectfully Submi ed, Alfred H. Escoffie City Librarian --N Library Board of Trustee Minutes August 26,2008 4