HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 2007.09.11 :'URLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY rBURLINGAME Board of Trustees Agenda -(Revised Agenda) _ September 11, 2007—5.30pm �. 480 Primrose Road—Library Conference Room c ' 'BR SUGGESTED ACTION I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. WARRANTS & SPECIAL FUND Approval IV. MINUTES Approval Library Board of Trustees' Minutes August 21, 2007 V. CORRESPONDENCE AND INFORMATION Information A. News From the Capitol (State Budget Passes) B. Letter to Nancy Brock C. PLS Advisory Board/New Employee Orientation D. July 2007 Statistics VI. FROM THE FLOOR (Public Comments) VII. REPORTS A. City Librarian's Report—Escoffier Information VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Employee Awards Dinner Discussion Library Reorganization Status Discussion Proposed Agenda for Joint Council Meeting Discussion/Decision 1) Library Board Issues 2) Increase Service Hours 3) Hillsborough Contract IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Holidays - 2008-2009 (Attachment) Discussion/Approval X. ANNOUNCEMENTS XI. ADJOURNMENT Adjourn BURU NOAME vim E&I'M law, Board of Trustees Minutes August 21, 2007 I. Call to Order Secretary Carlton called the meeting to order at 5:30pm. II. Roll Call Trustees Present: Nancy Brock, Bruce Carlton, Deborah Griffith (by phone), Katie McCormack, Pat Toft Staff Present: Al Escoffier, City Librarian Sidney Poland, Recorder III. Warrants and Special Funds The Trustees unanimously approved the Warrants. M/S/C (McCormack/Brock) Trustee McCormack inquired about the payment of$100,000 listed on page 2 of the warrants. The City Librarian advised the Trustees that this fee is the Burlingame Library's annual computer and membership fees to the Peninsula Library System. IV. Minutes The Trustees unanimously approved the minutes for the July 17, 2007 meeting. M/S/C (McCormack/Brock) V. Correspondence and Attachments Correspondence was reviewed: VI. From the Floor - No one from the public attended. VII. Reports A. City Librarian's Report — Highlight of Report 1 "Harry Potter" Pre-Release Party - Wizards, sorcerers and Harry Potter characters welcomed almost 300 children and parents to the library's Harry Potter pre-release event. Children and their parents participated in bingo, Harry Potter trivia, crafts, tarot card reading, fortune telling, and star gazing. Magic Dan closed the evening with a special Harry _ Potter magic show. Children and their parents followed Magic Dan and Police Chief Van Etten over to Books, Inc. to pick up their copies of the last book in the Harry Potter series. 48o Primrose Road Burlingame•California 940ro-4o83 Phone(650)558-7474'Fax(650)342-6295•www.burlingame.org/library 2. One Book One Community - Seventy-five programs are planned by the Peninsula Library System for the One Book One Community event featuring Isabel Allende. The Silicon Valley Community Foundation has advised the City Librarian that it would not provide-funding for this event. The PLS "One Book" committee will ask libraries and corporations to assist with funding. Trustee Griffith suggested promoting this event on the public TV station. Other promotional ideas were to submit an article for the local daily newspapers and/or run an ad, find out if Books Inc. would include the program in their monthly publication of coming author events and notify high schools of the October 11th program featuring Isabel Allende. 3. Pilot "WorldCat" Project The "WorldCat" pilot project is ready for its six week trial. After this time, library staff will evaluate its effectiveness. Another option being explored is "open source" software. VIII. Unfinished Business A. Bronze Lions Public Art The Trustees unanimously supported the motion of Trustee Griffith to reaffirm their decision to move forward with the purchase of the two bronze lion sculptures in recognition of the Library's 100 years _ in 2009 and the City's Centennial celebrations in 2007-2008. M/S/C (Griffith/Carlton) B. Employee Achievement Award Trustee Carlton and Trustee Toft will serve on the Employee Achievement Award committee. Nominations for the employee award will be given to staff the week of October lst with a return request date of November 1 st. The award dinner will be held December 2nd at the Doubletree Hotel. IX. New Business A. Library Board Schedule Dates The Trustees unanimously approved the following meeting schedule recommended by the City Librarian for the remainder of the year 2007. M/S/C (McCormack/Toft) • October 1st - Joint Meeting with City Council 6-7pm • October 16th - Trustee Meeting 5:30pm • November 13th - Trustee Meeting 5:30pm • December 2nd - Staff Recognition Dinner 6pm • December Trustee Meeting cancelled Library Board of Trustee Minutes 2 August 21,2007 B. Hillsborough Contract The City Librarian noted that the per capita increase in the current Hillsborough Contract for the year 2007-2008 is based on the per capita average for all libraries. This year the average per capita rate is $64.56 which is an 11% increase over last year's per capita rate of$56.97. According to the terms of the contract, Burlingame serves 2/3 of Hillsborough and San Mateo serves 1/3. The Trustees voiced a concern that the per capita rate for Hillsborough residents does not reflect the total level of service benefits provided by Burlingame and Hillsborough. Trustee McCormack requested that the Hillsborough Contract be placed on the agenda for the meeting with the City Council on October 1st. C. Joint Meeting with Council The City Librarian prepared a list of issues that the Trustees had either discussed or acted upon during the past year to be used as a guide to select topics for the joint meeting agenda. Trustee McCormack felt that a Foundation member should be present to discuss future fund raising events and/or projects. The City Librarian was requested to ask the council members if they had issues the Trustees should be prepared to discuss. D. Library Reorganization - Duncan Trust Request The Trustees unanimously approved the motion of Trustee Toft to authorize the City Librarian to request $35,000 from the Duncan Trust to hire Norcal'to move the biography, fiction and mystery collections to a different location and provide additional children's seating and updated signage. M/S/C (Toft/McCormack) X. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:40pm. M/S/C (Carlton/Griffith) The next meeting of the Library Trustees will be held September 11, 2007at 5:30pm in the Library Conference Room. Respectfully Submitted, Alfred H. Escoffier City Librarian Library Board of Trustee Minutes 3 August 21,2007 Escoffier, Al From: owner-calix@listproc.sjsu.edu on behalf of Susan Negreen [snegreen@cla-net.org] Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 4:55 PM To: calix@listproc.sjsu.edu Subject: [CALIX:7147] News from the Capitol August 21, 2007 TO: CLA Members/Systems/ Network Contacts FROM: Mike Dillon, CLA Lobbyist Christina Dillon, CLA Lobbyist RE: News From the Capitol STATE BUDGET FINALLY PASSES This afternoon, the Senate passed the State Budget and accompanying "trailer bills" that were previously passed by the Assembly on July 20th. Late yesterday, Senate and Assembly leaders met with the Governor in hopes of reaching an accord, and then both Houses scheduled and rescheduled Floor Sessions until 10:00 p.m. last night. This morning, an agreement was reached on a number of pending details, which paved the way for Senate Republican Minority Leader, Dick Ackerman, to provide the 27th necessary vote for passage. In casting his vote, he was joined by the 25 Democrats, and Republican Senator Abel Maldonado, who earlier committed to voting for the Budget. As one long-time consultant commented to us this afternoon, "Rarely has passage of a Budget been postponed for so long over so few differences." The Budget and corresponding "trailer bills" are now on their way to the Governor for action. You will recall that the Budget contains a $1 million augmentation for the Public Library Foundation (PLF), which would bring the baseline figure for the fund up to $22.3 million. However, as a condition of the Budget's passage, the Senate Republicans have asked Governor Schwarzenegger to use his so-called "blue pencil" to veto up to $700 million in additional spending in the Budget bill. We will keep you posted as to the status of the PLF once the Governor acts. -----------------------------------------------------------------c a I i x-+ Views expressed on CALIX are the opinion of the sender and do not necessarily reflect the position of the California Library Association. How to get off CALIX: Subscribers are strongly encouraged to keep abreast of CLA and California library news via this mailing list. To sign off from the list, send email to listproc@listproc.sjsu.edu with the following request: SIGNOFF CALIX or UNSUBSCRIBE CALIX in the body of the message. Make sure your subject line is blank and nothing other than the command is in the body of the message. -----------------------------------------------------------------calix-- i Peninsula Library System September 23, 2007 Nancy Brock 2117 Carmelita Avenue Burlingame, CA 94010 Dear Nancy, On behalf of the PLS Administrative Library Council, I would like to welcome you as Burlingame's new representative to Peninsula Library System Advisory Board (SAB). The next meeting will be Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at the PLS Office, 2471 Flores Street, San Mateo, CA 94010 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Your copy of the Advisory Board Manual will mailed to you very soon and staff will also routinely be sending you the agendas and minutes of all future System Advisory Board meetings, and other pertinent information to keep you well informed on Peninsula Library System activities. You are also invited to attend, at your convenience, the Administrative Council meetings, held every other month. You will receive the agendas and minutes for these meetings at least a week in advance of the scheduled meeting date. 1 hope your SAB association will be as rewarding for you as it will be for Peninsula Library System. Sincerely, Gail McPartland Assistant Director, Services GM/kak cc: Al Escoffier, Director NI— Burlingame Public Library 2471 Flores Street San Mateo CA 94403 Tel 650-349-5538 Fax 650-349-5089 Peninsula Library System Annual System Advisory Board/ New Employee Orientation. Who should attend? All PLS SAB Members and new employees of PLS member libraries. Also, if you're a more seasoned employee who hasn't attended a PLS Orientation but would like to learn more about the Peninsula Library System we encourage you to attend. Where is it? The Peninsula Library System's Headquarters at 32 West 25th Avenue, Suite 204. Street and public parking is available nearby. Also, parking is available at the Church parking lot on 25th and Hacienda. When is it? Wednesday, September 18, 2007 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.. Why should I attend? To learn about the Peninsula Library System and the services it provides to its member libraries. PLS Managers will present informative briefings. How do I register? Please register online at: http://evanced.cali fa.org_/pls/lib/eventcalendar.asp Or email Kathy Krause at: krause@plsinfo.org. Please include your name, library / organization, and job title in your email. Space is limited; please register as soon as possible KAK 8/23/07 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2007 Patron Statistical Classes -New Adds Registered Borrowers Previous month's total #Added Total Registered Burlingame Adults 22,206 142 22,348 Burlingame Children 6,517 49 6,566 Hillsborough Adults 3,250 19 3,269 Hillsborough Children 1,815 19 1,834 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 2,386 22 2,408 Totals 36,174 251 36,425 Circulation Activity Main Easton Branch Adult Print Materials 15,084 1,013 Children's Print Materials 10,137 2,150 Audio/Visual Materials 11,102 1,546 Circulation Totals This month total Main 49,544 This month previous year 52,856 6.0% decrease This month total Branch 5,122 This month previous year 4,664 10.0 % increase This month Grand Total 54,666 This month previous year 57,520 5.0% decrease Patrons Items % of Circulation Main 5,305 21,250 58% Easton 620 2,786 59% Reference Activity Inter Library Loans Questions Lent 3,804 Reference 3,018 Borrowed 2,301 Children's 1,693 TOTAL 6,105 Lower Level 2,416 Branch 840 TOTAL 7,967 Collections Main Titles Volumes Main Titles Added Branch Volumes Added Adult Non-Fiction 360 241 6 Children's Non-Fiction 3 0 0 YA Non-Fiction 0 0 0 Adult Fiction 461 359 47 Children's Fiction 309 209 77 YA Fiction 195 144 2 DVD Fiction Adult 1 0 0 DVD Fiction JUV 0 0 0 DVD Fiction YA 0 0 0 DVD Non-Fiction Adult 92 91 0 DVD Non Fiction JUV 0 0 0 DVD Non-Fiction YA 0 0 0 BCKD Adult 0 0 0 Children's BKCD 0 0 0 YA BKCD 0 0 0 :D Music Adult 0 0 0 CD Music JUV 0 0 0 CD Music YA 0 0 0 Totals 1,421 1,044 132 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2007 PAGE 2 Fines and Fees Main $7,185.53 Branch* 502.98 Total $7,688.51 Main and Easton Deposits Trustee Special Fund Photocopies/SAM (Main) $1,145.45 Photocopies/SAM (Branch) 31.55 Total Branch and Main $1,177.00 Estimated User Traffic Main 36,793 Daily Average Main 1,227 Estimated User Traffic Branch 3,593 Daily Average Easton 144 Total User Traffic 40,386 Total Daily Average 1,371 Community Room Adult TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 10 Attendance 405* *Art Show held July 20th-July 22nd. Adult Library Programs Attendance Lectures, Film Series etc. 1 182 (165 movie series) (17) Author Book Groups 1 15 Children's and Young Adult Programs Attendance Main Pre-school Story Time 12 454 Toddler Story Time 7 403 Total Story Time 19 Total Story Time Attendance 857 Class Visits (Elementary) 3 113 Preschool Outreach Visits 2 70 Total Class Visits 5 Total Class Visits Attendance 183 Special Programs(Family Fun Nights) Attendance Total 676 Voice of the Wood 117 Juan Sanchez Rainbow of Sons 123 P&T Puppet Theater 143 Magic Dan 153 Magic Dan 140 Harry Potter Extravaganza 284 Special Programs Total 924 Easton Story Times &Special Programs Attendance Questions Easton Preschool 3 117 Reference 840 Toddler 4 169 Total Programs 7 Total Attendance 286 ;lass Visits (elementary) 1 Attendance 8 otal Class Visits 1 Total Attendance 8 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2007 PAGE 3 Summer Reading Programs Adult Summer Reading Club Completion of Program 68 Staff& patrons registered 26 _ Youth Summer Reading Clubs (Easton & Main) Read-to-Me-Club 131 Elementary Age Club 474 Teen Clubs 144 Youth SRC Totals 749 Easton Internet Usage User Sessions 1 568 Main Internet User Sessions Hour, Half Hour, & Express Childrens Total 10,677 358 11,035 July Outreach Statistics Active 19 Semi Active 9 Total Outreach Patrons 28 Deliveries 27 Pick Ups 0 Books 93 Paperbacks 25 Audio Books 14 Music CD's 0 DVD's 19 Magazines 11 Total Library Materials 162 BURL NOAME City Librarian's Report September 11, 2007 Main Library Reorganization Following years of planning, including a re-writing of our collection development policy two years ago, we have reorganized the main library. Some of the highlights are: a. All non-fiction, including biography on the Lower Level b. More space for mysteries on the Upper Level c. More space for fiction and seating, as well as marketing gondolas on the Upper Level d. Move of the adult foreign language materials to the Upper Level New signage and "you are here" directories will be installed in the coming weeks. Bronze Lions Ordered The Trustees Centennial gift to the community, a pair of bronze lions for the pedestals on the front porch, has been ordered. We expect them to arrive in the coming weeks. Following installation, the Board may wish to have an official presentation to the City Council and the citizens. Pilot "WorldCat" Project for Online Catalog in Process We have implemented the beta test of the OCLC WorldCat product in our PLS libraries. This test will be for a period of 60 days. There will then be extensive evaluation of the test. This software fits somewhat like a template over our existing online library catalog and allows it to function more like search engines such as Google.corn. It should take you directly to the title you are searching for, with the library in which you are searching being listed first. If this template type of solution doesn't assist us sufficiently, we are simultaneously exploring "open source" software which allows for more customization. This is being very successfully used in Ann Arbor, Michigan; Kings County, Washington; and much of the state of Georgia, called "Georgia Pines." These national projects may show greater promise for PLS. 480 Primrose Road-Burlingame-California 94010-4083 1 Phone(650)558-7474-Fax(650)342-6295-www.burlingame.org/library Hillsborough Contract Discussion The Hillsborough Library Service.contract has been updated for fiscal 2006=2007. The current contract has been in force since 2003; however we have had some sort of contract for library service with Hillsborough since 1976. The per capita average for PLS libraries is: $ 64.56. This is an 11% increase over last year. The Board expressed some concerns about increasing the cost to Hillsborough users to be more in keeping with the level of service provided by San Mateo and Burlingame. The City Manager suggested this be a discussion item on the Joint City Council/Library Board meeting on October 1St. Upcoming Events: • 20 September, Foundation Board Meeting, 5:30 PM • 1 October, Joint Council/Library Board Meeting, 6 PM • 4, 5, 6,7 October, Foundation Book Sale • 6 October, Centennial Event: Bridge of Friendship Community Picnic, Washington Park • 7 October, Centennial Scavenger Hunt • 8 October, Columbus Day Closure • 11 October, Isabel Allende in Conversation with Michael Krasny, San Mateo Performing Arts Center, 7:30 PM _ • 16 October, Library Board Meeting, 5:30 PM • 26-29 October, California Library Association Conference, Sacramento Alfred H. Escoffier City Librarian August 27, 2007 2 Proposed `- Burlingame Public Library Library Closure Schedule 2008 Date Day Observed Hours Jan 1 Tuesday New Year's Day Closed Jan 15 Monday Martin Luther King, Jr. Closed Feb 18 Monday President's Day Closed Mar 23 Sunday Spring Sunday Closure Closed May 25 Sunday Closed Closed May 26 Monday Memorial Day Closed July 4 Friday Independence Day Closed Aug 31 Sunday Closed Closed Sep 1 Monday Labor Day Closed Oct 13 Monday Columbus Day Closed Nov 11 Tuesday Veteran's Day Closed Nov 26 Wednesday Reduced hours Close 5 PM Nov 27 Thursday Thanksgiving Day Closed Nov 28 Friday City Holiday Closed Dec 24 Wednesday Christmas Eve Closed Dec 25 Thursday Christmas Day Closed Dec 31 Wednesday New Year's Eve Closed Jan 1 Thursday New Year's Day Closed Rev.August 10, 2007