HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 2007.08.21 :'►URLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY EBUR`►"SAME 1 Board of Trustees Agenda -(Revised Agenda) _ August 21, 2007—5.30pm �e P 480 Primrose Road—Library Conference Room SUGGESTED ACTION I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. WARRANTS & SPECIAL FUND Approval IV. MINUTES Approval Library Board of Trustees' Minutes July 17, 2007 V. CORRESPONDENCE AND INFORMATION Information A. CALTAC Nomination Form - FYI B. Why Library Lions? VI. FROM THE FLOOR (Public Comments) 'riI. REPORTS A. City Librarian's Report—Escoffier Information VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Bronze Lions Public Art Discussion/Decision B. Employee Achievement Awards Task Force (Attachment) Discussion/Appointment IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Board Meeting Schedule Changes (Attachment) Discussion/Approval B. Hillsborough Contract (Attachment) Information C. Joint Meeting with Council: -Agenda Building (Attachment) Discussion X. ANNOUNCEMENTS XI. ADJOURNMENT Adjourn BURL NO-AME Board of Trustees Minutes July 17, 2007 I. Call to Order President Toft called the meeting to order at 5:30pm. II. Roll Call Trustees Present: Nancy Brock, Bruce Carlton, Deborah Griffith, Katie McCormack, Pat Toft Staff Present: Al Escoffier, City Librarian Sidney Poland, Recorder III. Warrants and Special Funds The Trustees unanimously approved the Warrants. M/S/C (McCormack/Brock) IV. Minutes The Trustees unanimously approved the minutes for the June 19, 2007 meeting. M/S/C (McCormack/Carlton) V. Correspondence and Attachments -- A. June 2007 Statistics The Trustees reviewed the statistics which show a 4% decrease in circulation at the main library and a 13% increase at the Easton Library. B. ALA: Libraries Transform Communities The City Librarian provided the Trustees with a publication he received at the American Library Association Conference entitled "Libraries Transform Communities" with an introduction by Leslie Burger, ALA President. Ms. Berger noted the operational changes that libraries have experienced over the last 10 years, as a result of the Technology Revolution and encouraged Librarians to continue raising the profile of their libraries by providing new programs and services, building and/or renovating library buildings, and by marketing its services through constant communication with the community. C. Trustee Account The City Librarian advised the Trustees that the leases for the Xerox copy machines have expired and he is in the process of negotiating a new lease contract with Ricoh for 3 new copy machines. Ricoh has offered the library better cost effective lease terms than Xerox. VI. From the Floor - No one from the public attended. 480 Primrose Road-Burlingame•California 94010-4083 Phone(650)558-7474'Fax(650)342-6295`www.burlingame.org/library VII. Reports A. City Librarian's Report - Highlight of Report 1 Family Fun Nights - Family Fun Nights for the month of June had a total attendance of 379. The programs will continue throughout July ending with two performances by Magic Dan. 2. Adult Summer Programs - Patrons have been enjoying Thursday night mystery movies with a total attendance of 150. The last movie in the program series will be "Raiders of the Lost Ark" on July 26th. 3. One Book One Community - Seventy-five programs are planned by the Peninsula Library System for the One Book One Community event featuring Isabel Allende. The City Librarian has written grant proposals to Silicon Valley Community Foundation and to Target Corporation to help defray the cost of these programs. 4. Spanish Language Collection - De La Rosa & Company gave $5,000 towards the purchase of Spanish books for children. A special children's program was held on July 10th specifically to acknowledge this gift. Juan Sanchez was the featured performer and Jesus Neava, Finance Director for the City, read a story to the children. Representatives from De La Rosa attended the event. B. Foundation The Foundation Board will'not meet again until September 13th. The Foundation is sponsoring the adult and children summer programs. VIII. Unfinished Business A. PLS System Advisory Board Selection Trustee Brock agreed to serve a two year term on the Peninsula Library System Advisory Board. The City Librarian will send documentation of this appointment to the City Council for its approval. B. Library Centennial Task Force Trustee Toft and Trustee McCormack will serve on the Library Centennial Task force along with Susan May and Regina Neu from the Foundation Board. These 4 committee members will take the lead in selecting the events for the Library Centennial. Library Trustees, Library staff and Foundation Board members will help execute these events. Library Board of Trustee Minutes 2 July 17,2007 IX. New Business A. Election of Officers Trustee Griffith was nominated to serve as President of the Trustees and Trustee Carlton was nominated to serve as Secretary from July 2007 to June 2008. The Trustees unanimously voted to accept Trustee McCormack's motion to approve the Slate of Officers as presented. M/S/C (McCormack/Brock) B. Change in September Trustee Meeting Date The Trustees unanimously voted to approve the motion of Trustee Toft to change the September meeting date from September 18, 2007 to September 11, 2007. M/S/C (Toft/Griffith) Trustee Brock noted that she will not be able to attend the September meeting. C. Bronze Lions - Public Art 1. Preliminary Discussion - The Trustees discussed the City Librarian's recommendation to purchase 2 bronze lion sculptures with funds from the Duncan Trust Fund, earmarked for "Fine Arts". The lions would be installed on the pedestals located on the left and right of the front porch of the main library. 2. Trustee Action - The Trustees unanimously �-- agreed to move forward with the purchase of the lion sculptures for the Centennial celebration. M/S/C (Toft/McCormack) 3. Procedure - In accordance with the requirements of the City's "Art in Public Places Policy", the City Librarian will submit the necessary documentation for review to the City Council. X. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:35pm. M/S/C (Toft/Griffith) The next meeting of the Library Trustees will be held August 21, 2007at 5:30pm in the Library Conference Room. Respectfully Submitted, Alf�ea x. scokr ,City Librarian L Library Board of Trustee Minutes 3 July 17,2007 Page 1 of 2 Escoffier, Al From: owner-calix@listproc.sjsu.edu on behalf of KTDyer@aol.com Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 7:01 PM To: calix@listproc.sjsu.edu; CALTAC@yahoogroups.com Cc: KTDyer@aol.com Subject: [CALIX:7033] Re: CALTAC Award Time! Please share this posting. This form can be printed out and used. Better yet, please go to www.caltac.orq and click on the "Awards" link to print out the one-page form there. Please note: If you have nominated someone for a CALTAC award, and that person did not receive the award but has continued to contribute, please consider nominating the same deserving person again! CALTAC Award Nomination Form California Association of Library Trustees and Commissioners Have you an unsung hero in your library? Use this form to nominate that person for a CALTAC award. Attach no more than 6 pages (3 double-sided) and no less than three (3) pages to support your nomination telling us how the nominee made a difference to your library and library board. These pages may be letters of recommendation and press clippings. Items may be reduced in size, but must be legible. Send the form and related information to Yu-Lan Chou by September 6, 2007 (address below). The persons or organizations chosen to receive recognition will be honored at the CALTAC luncheon, Sunday, October 28, 2007 held during the annual conference of the California Library Association, this year in Long Beach, CA. Eligibility Requirements: • Some of the services provided by the nominees must have occurred within the past two years. • Individuals making nominations must be current/paid members of CALTAC • Current CALTAC board members are ineligible to nominate or to be nominated during their terms of office. • Each nomination must be on a separate form. Photocopies of the form are accepted. CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES AND COMMISSIONERS 2007 AWARDS NOMINATION FORM Categories:Please circle the category for which the nomination is being made: 1. Trustee, Commissioner, or System Advisory Board Member for outstanding service to a local library or system.Any Trustee,Commissioner or System Advisory Board member,past or present,is eligible with the exception of current CALTAC Board members. 2. Librarian for outstanding work with a Board of Trustees or Commission. 7/30/2007 Page 2 of 2 3. Newspaper,Radio Stations, or Television Channel for outstanding media coverage or special services to libraries. 4. Business, Community Organization, or Individual making a significant financial or in-kind contribution "1 to a library or library program. 5. Elected Local, State, or Federal Oficial from California for special support or promotion for legislation to benefit libraries and/or library services. 6. Individual who is not,and never has been,a Trustee,Commissioner,or System Advisory Board member,and does not fit into the other categories,for outstanding or volunteer service to a library. Individual or organization being nominated: Name: Address: City, State,Zip Phone: E-mail: CALTAC member making the nomination: Name: Address: City, State,Zip Phone/Fax: Library/Library System: --� E-mail: Nomination Materials (NOTE:Items postmarked after September 6,2007 will be ineligible for consideration.) • A one-page letter of nomination must be attached,clearly stating why the nominee is worthy of recognition. • It is essential that supporting materials be submitted as described above.In fairness to all nominees,nominations will not be considered unless these guidelines are followed. Please return this form and all nomination materials by September 6,2007 to: Yu-Lan Chou Innovative Interfaces Inc. 5850 Shellmound Way Emeryville, CAA 94608 Phone: (408)416-1314(cell) E-mail:yulan chou@vahoo.com Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com. 7/30/2007 Burlingame Public Library Why Literary Lions? Lions have always been linked to humans in a magical way. We seem to share a mystical bond with them in consciousness throughout time. The bond is reflected in all major civilizations. What is this mystery that ties lions and humanity together? It is certainly immortalized in the use of the Sphinx in ancient Egypt, which was a female figure with the body of a lion, the breast and head of a woman, and eagle's wings. Each of the major cultures that have influenced modern civilization, have had rich lion mythologies. In the Egypt, Sekmet, whose name means "mighty powerful one", is the fire goddess whose flames consume enemies. While she is feared for her destructive power, she is also associated with healing. She awakens within us the will and energy we need to meet the challenges of our time. Lions appear frequently during Biblical passages. They also appear in ancient Palestinian, Assyrian and Sumerian art, though they have been extinct in the Middle East since 12th century A.D. Hindu mythology of the goddess of Durga pictures Durga riding on a lion. She is the fierce aspect of Shakti, the Great Mother, and comes to restore order in the world. Lions in the Judeo/Christian tradition are illustrated by the 7 Hebrew words for lion. In a mystical sense, the lion can be a symbol for the spiritual light. There is also a curious belief among the ancients that the lion sleeps with his eyes open and for this reason was chosen as a symbol of vigilance. The figure of a lion placed on either side of doors or gateways is an emblem of guardianship. Lion symbology throughout the ages helps explain how lions as sphinxes were used to guard the hiding places and secret repositories of ancient wisdom waiting for man to receive the higher truth. Our "Literary Lions", are a Centennial gift from the Library Board of Trustees through the Duncan Trust. As such they join with the symbols of Science, History, Art, Philosophy and Knowledge represented on the original sculptured panel above the library's main entrance, created in 1931 by architect Col. E. L. Norberg. �- What better place to find truth than the public library! ITEM: VIII.B. Library Board of Trustees August 21, 2007 Item: Employee Achievement Awards Task Force Recommendation: Form a task force of 2 Trustees to serve on the Employee Achievement Award Committee. Background: The Employee Achievement Award has been given at the Staff Recognition Dinner each year for the past 7 years. Staff will distribute the forms on October 1st, with a due date of November 1St. The Board Task Force then meets and selects the employees to receive the award. The Task Force obtains certificates for those to be honored, along with a check for $ 100.00 each from the Trustees Special Fund. Budget Impact: $ 300.00 ITEM: IX.A. Library Board of Trustees July 30, 2007 Item: Library Board Schedule Changes Recommendation: It is recommended that the Library Board meeting be adjusted to the following schedule for the remainder of this calendar year and posted as changed according to city standards. Background: Due to vacations and other busy times, the following schedule is recommended: • September Meeting: September 11th (previously approved) • October 1: Joint Meeting with City Council, 6-7 PM • October 16 Meeting as scheduled • November Meeting: November 13th instead of November 20th December 2nd, Staff Recognition Dinner, 6 PM • December Meeting: Canceled Per Capita Support of Peninsula Library System Libraries Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Revised July 24,2007 Jurisdiction Budget Population Served Per Capita Burlingame $ 3,559,816 36,801 $ 96.73 South SF $ 4,797,880 62,614 $ 76.63 Redwood City $ 6,167,279 77,025 $ 80.07 SM County $ 18,430,824 278,388 $ 66.20 Menlo Park $ 1,877,924 30,750 $ 61.07 San Mateo City $ 5,760,488 99,217 $ 58.06 San Bruno $ 1,957,790 42,145 $ 46.45 Daly City $ 3,321,584 106,160 $ 31.28 `- Per Capita Average for all Libraries $ 64.56 Per Capita Average for all Libraries, 2005-2006 $ 56.97 Increase in Per Capita Average for 2006-2007 $ 7.59 Hillsborough Per Capita rate to be based on $ 64.56 Note: Budgets are direct from the libraries; population served is from the California Population served report, August 2007. See payment calculation page. Alfred H. Escoffier City Librarian July 31, 2007 ITEM: IX. C. Library Board of Trustees August 21, 2007 Item: Joint Meeting with City Council, October 1, 2007, 6 PM Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board review the past year's accomplishments with the Council and request any support for future programs. Background: The City Council holds joint meetings with most of the Boards and Commissions each year. These meetings are generally one hour and provide an informal dialog between Council and Board members. There is usually not a set agenda, but the Board might want to make a list of"talking points" for the meeting. Attached is a list of accomplishments for the last year, as well as a list of unfunded items. Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees Library Board Issues 2006-2007 July 2006 • Added Friday evening service hours from 5 PM-7 PM, with City Council approval • Received word that State subvention for resource sharing was increased by $ 7 million, or a 30% increase; though this measure has never been fully funded by the legislature • Added "Novelist" database as a gift from Trustee Griffith • Approved revised Collection Development policy for Children and Teen collections • Approved Memorial leaf for O.E.E. Anderson Trust donation August 2006 • Proclamation for "One Book, One Community" • Nancy Brock appointed Trustee by City Council • Burlingame Library Foundation develops Strategic Plan for �.. fundraising for library programs • San Mateo Public Library re-opens September 2006 • Met with then-Assemblyman Leland Yee's assistant regarding library legislation • Approved Library Holidays for 2007 calendar • Quarterly review of Trustee Fund October 2006 • Set plans for Employee Achievement Awards in December • Set plans for Staff Recognition Dinner • Approved purchase of two new stainless steel outdoor Book Drops from Trustee fund • Donation of funds to Washington Parish Library, Louisiana, destroyed by Hurricane Katrina (Donation from Alex Veech) • Approved installation of bronze plaque for Lions Club donation of flag pole at Easton Branch • Reviewed City Librarian's Insurance valuation of$ 14M on collections required by the City Attorney • Attended "One Book" Khaled Hosseini event t 1 November 2006 • Approved revised Patron Behavior Policy �- • Approved Park & Recreation Commission recommendation for potential replacement tree for Easton eucalyptus removal December 2006 • Held Staff Recognition Dinner and gave 3 Employee Achievement Awards (Event co-sponsored by the Board and the Foundation) January 2007 • Reviewed Easton Tree "Tom the Tree" situation. • Issued a Frequently Asked Questions document • Reviewed Library "Unfunded" library budget items • Discussed Library accomplishments for 2006-2007 • Reviewed proposed library goals for 2007-2008 • Reviewed potential effects of 10% budget reduction at request of City Manager • Attended annual City Budget session • Attended Poetry Month event: 40 Children read their own poetry February 2007 • Reviewed plans for National Endowment Grant for "BIG READ" • Accepted "Honor Board" status from CALTAC (California Trustees and Commissioners) • Prohibited access to the library for a problem patron for 60 days March 2007 • City Librarian reported that Isabel Allende and Michael Krasny have accepted his offer to be our featured speakers at the "One Book" reading initiative for 2007 • Attended Commissioner's Dinner • Reviewed plans for Foundation Author's Luncheon April 2007 • Quarterly review of Trustee Fund • Reviewed Centennial plans for essay and poetry contest with Trustee Toft • Reviewed City Librarian's testimony before the California State Assembly Education Committee regarding "Live Homework Help" • Attended 5 BIG READ events held at Burlingame Library, including closing event with former child actress Mary Badham 2 • Reviewed staff report regarding potential of joint programming with Villa Montalvo May 2007 • Attended Foundation Author's Luncheon fund-raiser ($ 10,000) featuring former Senator Jackie Speier "This is not the Life I ordered" • Reviewed replacement flooring in back hall and stair area • Funded Staff Recognition initiative for 2007 from Trustees Fund • Appointed task force for Library Centennial in October 2009: Katie McCormack, Pat Toft and Foundation Board members Susan May and Regina Neu • Trustee Brock attended Library Issues Breakfast with Mayor Terry Nagel June 2007 • Discussed feasibility of a Library Cafe on the public terrace; • Reviewed conceptual plans by Group 4 Architecture • Directed City Librarian to do a study of other cafes and their costs, profit margins, etc. • Approved Unattended Children's Policy for safety of children in the library • Discussed feasibility of installation of Burlingame Mural owned �- by Burlingame Historical Society • Discussed "Harry Potter" pre-release party, July 20, 2007 • Reviewed statistics of library usage Compiled July 31, 2007 3