HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1950ORDINANCE NO. 1950 WHEREAS, the City has received requests to amend portions of Chapter 13.52 to better reflect current conditions; and WHEREAS, the City's bicycle regulations were adopted over eighty years ago and last substantively amended in 1975; and WHEREAS, the amendments to the bicycle ordinance have been reviewed by City staff, interested members of the public, and both the Traffic Safety and Parking Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Councilfirst introduced and held a public hearing on proposed amendments to Chapter 13.52 at its March 5, 2018 meeting, at which time Council directed that certain additional revisions be made which are incorporated below; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIry OF BURLINGAME DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 : Burlingame Municipal Code Chapter 13.52 Bicycles is hereby amended as follows (deletions denoted as strikethrough text and additions as underlined text): 43-g{O+ieense-requi+e4 "Bieyele" means any deviee upen whieh a persen may ride whieh is prepelled by human p which has lvheels at least twenty (20) inehes in diameter and a frame size @ It is unlavvful fer any person te eperate er use a bi€yele prepelled l,Yhelly AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BURL]NGAME AMENDING CHAPTER {3.52 OF THE BURLINGAME i'UNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, subsequent changes in both state law and recognized best practices relating to bicycle use necessitate revision of the City's bicycle regulations; and DIVISION 1: 13.52.015 Police exempt. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to a member of the police department while operating a bicycle in the course and scope of his or her duties. MiceEse, Upen written apBlieatien and paynent ef the lieense fee speeified' the ieense f€fi6d{}f+hfee13}Jeafs+ th€ date of issuan6er e{ nr rhlin hiahruarro in rha ni+rr av^6^+ 66 harain a+hanlica a^ -i$^A taoAl 13,52,030 tieense plates anC registratien eards Reeerds, The eity shall previde sueh lieense indieia as may be supplied by the State Bepartment ef M6ter Vehi6les-whi6Hi6ense indkia shalt bear a uniarra liaanea numhar l+ ahall ha tha u{rrhr af +ha nnliaa lla^-rtm6^+ +^ ieensee I naria;l af rralir,li+rr af +ha liaanca na+ifiaatian +h-+ +ha hiarrala na Hr€750 ffiip= It shall be the duty ef every persen whe sells er transfers ewnership ef i€e theretofere issued te the seller as lieensee; and giving the name and fer a transfer sf the registratien ef sueh biGyele within ten (10) days after '13,52.060 Re^ort of purehases and sales by bi6ycle dealers, It shall be the duty ef all persene; firms er eer^eratiens engaged in the The feregeing reBerts-shall be made te the peliee department within 13,52,060 Netiee ef lest er stelen bieyeles, ln ease any bieyele is lest er stelen; the ewner er persen in eentrel 13,52,080 Removing or mutilating licenses, It is snlavvful fer any persen to willfully er malieieusly remeve; defaee; previaea; newever; ({€75)) 13,52,090 ticense fee Fee fer replacing lest lieense indi€ia, The liGense fee fer the registratien-of each biGyele shall be one dellar whieh shall be fer a peried ef three (3) years; exeept that a fee ef fifty eents 13.52.'100 Keeping to right-Two abreast-Riding on sidewalks. publi6 plaee in the G (b) Anv oerson operatino a bicvcle uoon a roadwav of a hiohwav. which hiohwav carries traffic in one direction only and has two or more marked traffic lanes, may ride as near the left-hand curb or edqe of that roadway as Dracticable. (d) lt is unlawful for anv oerson to ride or operate a bicvcle on the sidewalk in anv of the business districts of the c itv.and no bi cvcl shall be ooerated on the sidewalk in any of the residential districts whe4 a4pl!/hele the sidewalk is beinq used bv pedestrians. Bicvcles on sidewalks shall be walked in anv business district or in anv resr dential district when oedestrians are oresent. (a) Anv person ooeratino a bicvcle upon a roadwav at a sDeed less than the normal speed of traffc movino in the same direction at that time shall ride as close as practicable to the riqht-hand curb or edoe of the roadwav exceot under anv of the followino situations: (1) When overtakino and oassino another bicvcle. oedestrian. or vehicle proceedinq in the same direclion. (2) When oreparino for a left turn at an intersection or into a orivate road or drivewav. (3) When reasonablv necessarv to avoid conditions (includino. but not limited to. fixed or movino obiects. vehicles. bicvcles. oedestrians. animals. surface hazards. or substandard width lanes) that make it unsafe to continue alonq the rioht-hand curb or edoe. subiect to the provisions of California Vehicle Code Section 21656. For purposes of this section. a 'substandard width lane" is a lane that is too narrow for a bicvcle and a vehicle to travel safelv side bv side within the lane. (4) When aporoachino a place where a rioht tum is authorized. (c) lt is unlaMul for two (2) or more bicvcles to travel abreast when motorized vehicle trafiic is present except when ridinq in a Class ll bike lane of at least seven feet wide with a three feet wide buffer. (e) lf any of the above provisions of this section become inconsistent with the California Vehicle Code due to subseouent amendments to that Code. the state law orovisions then in effect shall supersede the inconsistent provisions of this section. Bicycles designed and constructed to carry only one person shall not be used to carry any additional person or persons either on the handlebars thereof or elsewhere thereo n. unless eouioment that has been desioned and manufactured for transportation of additional oassenoers in a safe manner roperlv affixed to the bicvcle and is used as desi oned 13.52.120 Pulling other vehicle. 13.52.130 Obedience to traffic signs and signals-Signaling intention to turn, Every person riding and operating a bicycle shall obey all traffic signals and signs, and before making tums shall give the same signals as required of the operators of motor vehicles. 13.52.140 Lights at night. No rider of a bicycle shall ride the same at night without an adequate white headlight on the front thereof and a red light or red reflector on the rear, as required by the Vehicle Code of the state of California. 13.52.150 Parking in racks-lmpounding bicycles lying on sidewalks. The Citv petiee-Oepaame* shall provide and set up suitable racks adjacent to the curb or gutter at such places in the business districts of the city as may be deemed advisable for the parking of bicycles by persons who have occasion to stop temporarily in such districts. All bicycles found lying on the sidewalk may be taken up and impounded by the police department, from whence they may be recovered by proving property and obtaining an order from the chief of police or his or her desiqnee. I 3.52.1 60 lmpoundment of bicycles aad-srspensien-cfk for violations. I 3.52.1 I 0 One person only.i-@!!lqgls. Bicvcles shall onlv be allowed to oull another vehicle/trailer that has been manufaclured and desioned for transportation of additional passenoers or eouioment. ln order to comolv with this provision, anv vehicle/trailer must be orooerlv and safelv affixed to the bicvcle in a manner that is consistent with the manufacturer's instructions. Ne persen while riding any bieyele shall held en te er pull anether mevi+tg ven+e={reare6d€{-aa78) In addition to or in lieu of any other penalty to be imposed for the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, the court may prohibit the operation upon the streets, alleys and public places of the city for a period of not to exceed thirty (30) days, of the bicycle used in such violation, in which event the bicycle so used shall be impounded with the police department and retained there for the prohibited period. l+sueh-ease{he ewne/s lieense shall be suspended and his er her eard held fer the peried 13.52.180 Riding on park or playground Bicvcles ooerated on anv oath in anv Dublic park or pl round within the shall ield ht of wa wh the is bein used nedeqf rians. Bi ists shall o all nn<tari nark nr and s limits and mav be cited for failure to do so. lt is unlawful for a ny person to ride, drive or operate a bieyelq motorcycle or motor scooter in or on any public park or playground within the city. ('1911 Cede $ 1222,3; erd, 183; (19'19)) lf any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The Council declares that it would have adopted the Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, inespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. This Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in accordance with California Government Code Section 36933, published, and circulated in the City of Burlingame, and shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. DIVISION 2: DtvtstoN 3: Michael B Mayor l, Meaghan Hassel-Shearer, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a public hearing at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 19th day of March, 2018, and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 2nd day of April 2018, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers: BEACH, BROWNRIGG,LSON, KEIGHRAN, ORTIZ NOES: Councilmembers:VoL/€ ABSENT: Councilmembers: NOM€ Hassel-Shearer, City Clerk