HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 044-2012RESOLUTION NO. 44-2012 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE BURLINGAME BAYFRONT SPECIFIC PLAN RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Burlingame that: WHEREAS, on April 5, 2004, the City Council adopted the Burlingame Bayfront Specific Plan, an amendment to the General Plan, after two years of study and community meetings and on August 21, 2006, the City Council amended the Bayfront Specific Plan to clarify land use designations and design guidelines; and WHEREAS, an application has been submitted for development of an 18.13 acre site located at 300 Airport Boulevard to construct 767,000 square feet of new uses consisting of an office/life science campus. As a part of that application, requests have been made to amend the goals and policies, land use plan and design guidelines of the Bayfront Specific Plan as they relate to the Anza Point North area of the Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, A Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) has been prepared and certified as completed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as reflecting the independent judgment and analysis of the City and the CEQA findings have been adopted as required, all as more particularly set forth in City Council Resolution No. 43-2012 adopted prior to this ordinance, which evaluates, among other things, the significant and potentially significant impacts of the development, the cumulative impacts of the development, the alternatives to the proposed Project and the significant and unavoidable impacts and includes a statement of Overriding Considerations setting forth, on balance, how the benefits of the Project outweigh the significant unavoidable impacts; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame, after proceedings duly and regularly held as provided by law, did on May 14, 2012, make a recommendation to the City Council to approve the amendments to the goals and policies, land use designations and design guidelines of the Bayfront Specific Plan as an amendment to the General Plan and ordered it to be transmitted to the City Council for further proceedings as required by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after this public hearing, and after due consideration of the minutes and recommendations of the Planning Commission, and acceptance of the Final EIR prepared for the Project, finds that based on the significant contributions made to the community in the form of public improvements to the infrastructure, the bay trail and the roadway system, the proposed increase in the floor area ratio within the Anza Point North area is justified, and the amendments to the Bayfront Specific Plan should be adopted as an amendment to the General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, it is RESOLVED and ORDERED by this City Council that The City Council has reviewed and considered the documents constituting the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) and received testimony regarding the FEIR at public hearings. The FEIR contains additions, clarifications, modifications and other information in its Responses to Comments on the Draft EIR, and such additions, clarifications, modifications and other information are not significant new information as that term is defined under CEQA. On the basis of the FEIR documents and comments received and addressed by this Council, it is hereby found that the City Council has reviewed and considered the FEIR and hereby ncorporates by reference the provisions of Resolution No. 43-2012 certifying the FEIR and adopting findings. City Council Resolution 300 Airport Boulevard - Amendments to the Bayfront Specific Plan Amendment to the General Plan The amendments to the Goals and Policies, Land Use Designations and Design Guidelines of the Bayfront Specific Plan, as shown on the attached Exhibit A, are hereby adopted. Findings for such amendments to the Bayfront Specific Plan are as set forth by the City Council at its June 18, 2012 meeting and in this Resolution. R I, Mary Ellen Kearney, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 181h day of June, 2012 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: BAYLOCK, BROWNRIGG, DEAL, KEIGHRAN, NAGEL NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE S:IBurlingame PointlCC Reports -Ordinances & ResolutionslAmend Bayfront PIanICC Reso.Bayfront PIan.Amend. doc EXHIBIT A PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE BAYFRONT SPECIFIC PLAN Chapter II - Goals and Development Policies: Amend Goal G-5 on Page 11-5 to read as follows: GOAL G: Based on the unique environmental characteristics of each subarea, create a unified identity for the Bayfront Area through design. G-1. Inner Bayshore Area: Create a mixed district of industry and business with pedestrian - oriented buildings and streetscape with focused nodes of activity. G-2. Shoreline Area: Better relate development to both the street and to the Bay F view corridors from and across Bayshore Highway and create gateways at key locations. G-3. Anza Extension: Enhance the quality of the community -oriented open space facilities and services while connecting them to the larger open space network with trails and pedestrian paths. G-4. Anza Area: Continue to build on the existing character and design of the area and enhance and visually connect the Anza and Burlingame Lagoons and San Francisco Bay, G-5. Anza Point: Recognize that the Anza Point Area offers a unique opportunity for Burlingame given its location and development potential. Create a structure of streets, walks and open space to organize a mixed-use or corporate campus district of development that takes advantage of the area's unique opportunity, visibility Highway and its proximity to Sanchez Channel and San Francisco Bay frontage to provide additional employment base close to existing residential areas in the vicinity, prominent gateway to the City from the southern vantage point and to draw residents and visitors to the shoreline. G-6. Develop common design elements which unify the Subareas, particularly within the public right -of --way. Chapter III —Land Use: Amend the description and land use designations for the Anza Point area on Pages II -9 through III -ll as follows: 5. Anza Point Located aY the easterly most end of the Bayfront Planning Area, Anza Point is the gateway to the Burlingame bayfront. Bounded by Sanchez Channel on the west and San Francisco Bay on the north and east, US 101 completes the southern edge. In this area Airport Boulevard turns east next to US 101 at the City boundary and enters unincorporated San Mateo County and San Mateo County's Coyote Point Park Recreation Area. The portion of San Francisco Bay immediately outboard of the Anza Point Area is used by sail boarders. This area is also used for water -oriented recreation facilities and provides connection to land bound recreational and educational activities at Coyote Point Park. A portion of the Anza Point Area is developed, and the remainder is vacan t. There is one recreation area, Fisherman's Park, a San Mateo County facility, located in the area. The developed portion of the Anza Point Area facing US 101 was built on the first fill laid in the 1960's and is located in the area of Lang and Beach Roads at the south end of Anza Point Area. The City boundary crosses the -1- Lang Road/Airport Boulevard intersection, and creates the potential for a gateway entrance into the Bayfront Planning Area. The properties along Lang Road face US 101 and are fully developed in one and two story warehouse type buildings. On Beach Road there is one vacant property, but generally the type of development is the same as on Lang Road. The predominant land use is warehouse/office with potential for light industrial/manufacturing uses such as product research and development and biotech. Because of the power tower structures which traverse the center of the block between Lang and Beach Roads on a PG and B easement, much of the area cannot be built on; however, in some circumstances the area under the power lines can be used for parking. The appropriate land uses and densities for this portion of the Anza Point Area are: Recreation -related Retail 5,000 SF or less Warehouse/Office 0.5 FAR Office 0.6 FAR Light Industrial/Manufacturing 0.5 FAR The remainder of the Anna Point Area to the North is not developed. This area offers a unique opportunity for Burlingame given its location adjacent to the Bay and Sanchez Channel and visibilitv from Highway, and the unusual development opportunity provided by the size of the two prominent underused sites in the areaArea. Because of the lot sizes and visibility, this area is alse- provides an attractive location for a corporate campus development for emerging manufacturing research and development uses such as biotech or corporate office tenants, which would promote Burlingame's status as a mid -peninsula business destination and provide a source of jobs close to existing housing to the west of Highway 1 a provides great opportunity for visitor oriented uses located on Burlingame's Bayfront area. The appropriate uses for this northern part of the Anza Point Area include visitor -oriented and employee attracting land uses at densities such as: Hotel, including extended stay 85 rooms/acre Office UL.X1.0 FAR Restaurants, destination 0.15 FAR Commercial Recreation 8:5-1.0 FAR Manufacturing/Research and Development 93- 10 FAR -2- „ Burlingame Bayfront 1 11,{ F Specific Flan Anza Point Area r i L;_._. . Land Use Plan - �` �° • '� Waterfront Commercial �zif . 17 4Rk OFFk F telt, ✓/ € xJ2e'.hM m9�hu3 TLC F” �t i � 3 �� �iilgi 0.5518 03 FAR 4 a dF_tail JA]2FQr pa: MI33t Sanhan.tac=a BY r t U S 10tLee LILY>, _. _.. if L Figure III -6 —Anza Point Land Use Map Airport Boulevard, atwo-lane arterial, provides the major access to and through the Anza Point Area. Built as a haul road when the area was filled, Airport Boulevard makes two 90 degree turns, one at the entrance to the City and one between the two vacant parcels to connect to the three lane bridge over Sanchez Creek. Future development of the area requires that Airport Boulevard be realigned at these two "comers" to improve the safety and operation of the roadway. In addition, a new local street system may be created to serve new development. In designing the new street alignments, emphasis should be given to a design which keeps the roadways away from the Bay edges. This is less important for Sanchez Channel. Because it is the major arterial for more than half the development in the Bayfront Planning Area and the easterly connection to US 101 (at Peninsula Avenue in an Mateo County), Airport Boulevard in the Anza Point Area should be improved to four lanes in the places where it is now two or three lanes. When the auxiliary lanes are added to US 101 between Third Avenue in San Mateo and the Anza Boulevard north bound on-off ramp, the Peninsula Avenue north bound off -on ramps will be relocated on to Airport Boulevard south of the City boundary. This off ramp should be properly sized to handle the projected volume of traffic from the Bayfront Planning Area. Water is a dominant feature of the Anza Point Area. For this reason the Bay Trail is import ant to pedestrian circulation as well as to local recreation. Presently the Bay Trail crosses Sanchez Creek over a pedestrian/bicycle bridge at the junction of Burlingame Lagoon and the south end of Sanchez Channel; from this point the trail should follow the east side of Sanchez Channel across Airport Boulevard to the San Francisco Bay edge at the north end of the Anza Area and along the north edge to Fisherman's Park. At the south end of Fisherman's Park the Bay Trail should connect to the existing trail built by the City along the top of the seawall which extends south to the City line. At the City line the Bay Trail should connect to the trail system in Coyote Point Park. With new development, sidewalks should be provided along all street frontages; and bicycle lanes should be included in the future design of Airport Boulevard. -3- Because of its exposed and windy location and the wind dependent recreation use of the adjacent bay waters at Coyote Point Park, future development, including landscaping, in the Anza Point Area should be designed in lower buildings, lustered owu to meet Community Wind Standards set out in this plan to minimize impacts to wind patterns in adjacent Bay waters, and to protect interior; preteeted sheltered open spaces available to the public and suitable for passive uses. These interior open spaces should be arranged to provide visual access and physical connection to the Bay Trail system and its varied recreational opportunities. Less concern should be placed on protecting view corridors from the street to the bay in this area than in the adjacent Anza Area. Development projects in this area shall comply with. Design Guidelines as outlined in Chapter V, with the primary goal of creating a structure of streets, walks and open space to organize a corporate campus or mixed-use district of development that takes advantage of its proximity to Sanchez Channel and San Francisco Bay frontage. Refer to the Design Guidelines for the height restrictions for different portions of the Anza Point Area. Chapter IV —Traffic and Circulation 1. Amend Figure IV -1 —Circulation Map on Page IV -2 to reflect proposed Airport Boulevard Realignment -4- 2. Amend Figure IV -2 — Bicycle and Pedestrian Circulation on Page IV4 to reflect bicycle route on proposed Airport Boulevard Realignment r a� ,: r , t " i F - ZIf ;g �1 1 \ Qa _� m III IL"fieTnII f �Q (D 1 11QNI a i V iS Z LL 0 6 ¢ LU CO� O. ��/��/yy /V� o ail t ,If �/�t CO N W U m� f ' l Kf�'*.t cc h i 9 jr% W at /If 4 r ` � a mLU` ' away ai nna Cz� t O o m 1 N /�?rt Tii o f m m Q m m C , �n in 'S lIfIm=> omo ¢ o ,fi0 O 0 y, 00 z a a n: �g is V r / lav f�%� ILI i i � yIf elIf -5- Chapter V — Design Guidelines 1. Amend the Goal for the Anza Point Area on Page V-5 and V-26 to read as follows: Goal: To create a structure of streets, walks and open space to organize a corporate campus or mixed-use district of development that takes advantage of its proximity to Sanchez Channel and San Francisco Bay frontage. 2. Replace the Illustration on Page V-26 showing now the Desigu Guidelines, Bay Trail Improvements and Community Wind Standards would work together in the northern portion of the Anza Point Subarea as follows: Anza Point Features .:.t (krnxtiuwS mF,ln Gti(!O spew airtaa� F#sung 9aY Twit +�... Proposed 11'21 ,00 ocwm open Soace A cess Nod s v1 `qui. CattwaY-��ierp Mak N*w SJf.t'rA necvo6 pude Ntro � 10# �t lJ �(I4t d hnd E _ 4f«V7 t7 ettrq T � ;� y Anza Point Features .:.t (krnxtiuwS mF,ln Gti(!O spew airtaa� F#sung 9aY Twit +�... Proposed 11'21 ,00 ocwm open Soace A cess Nod s v1 `qui. CattwaY-��ierp Mak N*w SJf.t'rA necvo6 pude 10# ,� Sf 9 eapnl y..vem_nts 3Y-oRin+rmo nix,Ry lNbd St d.ir�.tww:.du kMJ tYimr)rFx° 3. Replace the Illustration on Page V-27 with the following illustration showing how area might be developed in compliance with the design guidelines: eight and Shape of Buildings Determined by Applying Community WlndStandards and Wind Tunnel Testing AIRPORT Bay Landscaping 13 �� along Channel {)q I w Bay Trail &Landscaping a P.�d�SSClad BEACH ROAD _ . LANG ROAD Example of how area might be developed in compliance with the design guidelines for the Northern portion of the Anza Point subarea, 7- 4. Amend the Design Guidelines for the Anza Point Area for Building/Street Relationships on Page V-28 as follows: Building/Street Relationships To create a consistent and attractive streetscape, buildings should be located relatively close to the street, with attractively landscaped front setbacks. In addition: • Building entries should face the street, and should be easily identifiable and driveways should be consolidated. • Taller Building should be located at the entry corners adjacent to the channel. • Buildings that are setback from the street should have attractively landscaped plazas leading to the main building entry. • Curb cuts should be limited to ease pedestrian/vehicular conflict. • Businesses should have a consistent, t'� �' average landscaped front setback of at least 10 feet. • Seating areas should be encouraged in central sheltered areas, • Design should acknowledge the importance of both the street and the Bay. 5. Amend the Design Guidelines for the Anza Point Area for View Corridors on Page V- 31 as follows: View Corridors View comdors to San Francisco Bay are important and should be maintained and enhanced. Additionally: • View corridors to the Bay or Bay Trail should be incorporated in the design of pedestrian plazas, interior to wind sheltered groupings of buildings. • Continuous public access improvements should be installed and maintained in accordance with BCDC guidelines. • View corridors may be framed by buildings but should extend to open water or Bay Trail. • Any new development should respect existing view corridors. • Because much of the Anza Point area is now vacant, view corridors of the Bay and Bay Trail should be coordinated across properties and respected as the entire area develops. •The minimum width of the open space between buildings should equal the height building o at least �Buildings shall be spaced so as to maintain and enhance view corridors to and of the Bay. 6. Amend the Design Guidelines for the Anza Point Area for Building Design on Page V- 33 as follows: Building Design Building facades should animate the street, providing visual interest to passers-by. Additionally: Buildings should have entries directly accessible and visible fr om the street with auto access to the rear. • Buildings along shore should orient toward the Bay as well as the street. -8- • Entries should be marked by architectural features such as projecting overhands, special lighting, awnings and signage that emphasize their importance. • Building facades should be designed to have a rhythm and pattern and should be articulated as an expression of the building use. • The use of reflective or dark-finted glass should be discouraged, especially at the ground level, because it creates an effect which lacks the visual interest of clear window openings. • Building facades should be articulated with a building base, body and roof or parapet edge. • All street and Bay frontages of a building should be designed with the same level of care and integrity. • Exterior building materials and finishes should convey a sense of integrity, permanence and durability, rather than applique. • Buildings should be lower and designed to be sensitive to the wind environment both in nearby San Francisco Bay and adjacent to the structure. • Buildings should be clustered around protected open spaces which connect visually to the Bay Trail and nearby parking. • Vacant land should be developed with a unified character to establish both a sense of entry to the City and the Bayfront Area and a unique sense of place at Anza Point. • Buildings should be designed with parking internalized and shot 4 have interior ^ n.q to provide parking in a manner that maximizes bayfront and adjacent open space to provide pion -and otherwise provide open spaces sheltered from the wind. • Building heights should be staggered as shown on the Anza Point Features map on Page SAP V-26, adjusted to meet the community wind standards, with buildings along the Bay edge facing Coyote Point Recreation Area and taller buildings behind. • All building heights shall comply with the zoning and be evaluated based on wind impacts on the Bay and Coyote Point Recreation Area, and adjacent undeveloped parcels. -9- Chapter VI — Development Framework and Community Standards 1. Replace Figure VI -4 on Page VI -7 with map showing current zoning districts: Anza Point Wind Standards —Amend the Community Standards for Wind Impacts for the Anza Point Area on Page VI -16 as follows: • Because the area is surrounded by water on three sides, wind considerations should take precedence over bay views in placing ofbuildings. R,,;'a;^�-� ��,,.,,ia r.o'�n ��� ��a clustered toThe design, height and location should minimize the impacts on wind speed. 10- Chapter VII — Plan Implementation: Amend the description of existing zoning on Page VII -I as follows: Zoning • • 91 MIN i be amended in or o implement the directions established by the plan. Fef example, new peff04:4RRHipp, H -41d qi#k, developmenl; overlay zones within afea.s will have to be established to cas s regulations for new land uses, net iiew pfesei4 in the area may need to bedevelopedFigure V1-4 shows zonin districts established for the Plan area, 11-