HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - CC - 2002.11.18BURLiNGA\4E CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Regular Meeting - Monday, November 18,2002 Page 1 of 1 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3, ROLL CALL 4. MINUTES - Regular meeting of November 4,2002 5. CEREMONIAL a. Rotation of Council Officers 6, PUBLIC COMMENTS - At this time, persons in the audience mav speak on anv item on the agenda or any other matter within the jurisdiction of the Council. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State local agency open meeting law) prohibits council fiom acting on any matter which is not on the agenda. It is the policy of council to refer such matters to staff for investigation and/or action. Speakers are requested to fill out a "request to speak" card located on the table by the door and hand it to staff. The Mayor may limit speakers to three minutes each. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Cancel December 16,2002 Council meeting and approve 2003 City Council meeting calendar 8. ADJOURNMENT NOTICE: Any auendees wishing accommodations for disabilities, please contact the City Clerk at (650) 558-1203 atleast24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the Agenda Packet is available for public review at the City Clerk's office, City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. belore the meeting and at the meeting, Visit the City's website at www.burlingame.org. Agendas and minutes are available at this site. NEXT MEETING - December 2,2002 7 CiA of Bwlingame CITY HALL - 5OI PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA 94OIO (650) 55&7200 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers Approval Action Approval Council Present: Council Absent: BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Unapproved Minutes Regular Meeting of November 4,2002 1. REGULAR MEETING CALLED TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at7.00 p.m.by Mayor Mary Janney. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Anne LeClaire. 3. ROLL CALL Baylock, Coffey, Galligan, Janney, O'Mahony None 4. MINUTES Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 21,2002 Council meeting and the October 29,2002 stndy meeting; seconded by Vice Mayor Coffey, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 5. CEREMONIAL A proclamation was issued to Will Holsinger recognizing his efforts for the "Unity in the Light" event. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Janney noted item 8f) was moved to item 6e). U. ADOPT ORDINANCE #1698 TO REDUCE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CIVIL SERVICE CO FROM (7) To FrvE (s) DHR Bell requested Council hold a public hearing to adopt Ordinance #1698 to reduce the membership of the Civil Service Commission from seven (7) members to five (5) members. Mayor Janney opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor and the hearing was closed. Burlingame City Council Unapproved Minutes 1 November 4, 2002 Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to adopt Ordinance #1698 to reduce the membership of the Civil Service Commission from seven (7) members to five (5) members; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor Janney requested CC Musso publish a summary of Ordinance#1698 at least 15 days before proposed adoption. b.PUBLIC HEARING O N PROPOSED 2OO3 ASSE SSMENTS FOR SAN MATEO COUNTY TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND RESOLUTION CONTINUING HEARING TO D 2.2002 ACM Becker requested Council adopt Resolution #120-2002 to continue the public hearing for the 2003 assessments for the San Mateo County Business Improvement District to December 2,2002. Mayor Janney opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor and the hearing was closed. Councilman Galligan made a motion to continue the public hearing for the 2003 assessments for the San Mateo County Business Improvement District to December 2,2002; seconded by Vice Mayor Coffey, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. c. APPEAL OF RE OUEST FOR DESIGN REVIEW. VARIANCES FOR SIDESETBAEI( AND FLOOR AREA RATIO,AND SPECIAL PERMITS FO R HEIGHT AND DECLINING HEIGHT ENVELOPE FOR A FIRST AND SECOND STORY ADDITION AT 1336 CARLOS AVENUE Councilman Galligan recused himself as he lives within 500 feet of 1336 Carlos Avenue. CP Monroe requested Council hold a public hearing and make a determination on the appeal of a request for design review, variances for a side setback and floor area ratio, and special permits for height and declining height envelope for a first and second story addition at 1336 Carlos Avenue. Mayor Janney opened the public hearing and Eric Johnson, property owner, represented the project. Following his presentation and discussion with council members regarding the side setbackadeclining height envelope and height requests Mayor Janney closed the public hearing. (p6 f- gOlfOt Vice Mayor Coffey noted the need to look at the size, layout and limitations caused by the niurowness of the existing house; felt that a good job was done of balancing the architectural integrity of the house with the applicant's needs. Vice Mayor Coffey moved to approve the project as submitted by resolution with the conditions in the staff report. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Janney. Mayor Janney called for a voice vote on the motion to approve. The motion failed with a voice vote2-2-l (Councilmembers O'Mahony and Baylock dissenting, Councilman Galligan abstaining). Councilwoman O'Mahony moved to deny the project without prejudice and send it back to the Planning Burlingame City Council Unapproved Minutes2 November 4, 2002 Commission noting that Council was not concerned with the side setback, special permit for height or declining height exception, but that the floor area request needs to be reduced by 100 to 150 SF. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. Mayor Janney called for a voice vote on the motion to deny without prejudice and send the application back to the Planning Commission for funher consideration and reduction of the floor area. The motion passed on a4-0-l (Councilman Galligan abstaining) voice vote. Councilman Galligan resumed his seat. d. APPEAL OF DENIAL OF MASTER SIGNAGE PROGRAM AND SIGN VARIANCES FOR SIGN ARE,A AND HEIGHT O N THE ARY FRONTAGE AT 380 LANG ROAD CP Monroe requested Council hold a public hearing and make a determination on the appeal of denial of master signage progrcm and sign variances for sign area and height on the secondary frontage at 380 Lang Road. Mayor Janney opened the public hearing and Mark Hudak, attorney, represented the project. Mike Spinelli, 1301 Mills Avenue, also spoke in support of the request. Council discussion included noting that if the action tonight is to be a determination on which is the primary frontage for signage on this site, the item would need to be continued since a determination was not noticed for tonight. Council also noted support for the finding of the Planning Commission that the proposed sign on the secondary frontage facing the freeway was just too big, more like a billboard, and noted that signage should be more like that on the Hayman property across the street. Vice Mayor Coffey moved to deny this application without prejudice and return it to the Planning Commission with the direction that the wall sign facing US 101 be redesigned with letters 2l inches tall except for the "f in California, which should be proportional to the 2l inch letters but consistent with the firm's logo, and that the symbol logo not exceed 36 inches in diameter and that the wall sign be raised to be a parapet sign appropriately located as determined by the Planning Commission. Councilwoman O'Mahony seconded the motion. Mayor Janney called for a voice vote on the motion to deny without prejudice and return the application to back to the Planning Commission with direction. The motion passed on a 5-0 voice vote. e.CONSIDER APPROV L OF RESOLUTION #119.2002 AND TO APPROVE LEASE OF PROPERTY AT 783 CALIFORNIA DRIVE FOR USE AS A TEEN CENTER PRD Schwartz recommended Council review and consider approval of the lease and amendment at783 California Drive for use as a teen center; noted Council has agreed with the Parks & Recreation Commission to form a fund-raising committee. If the lease is approved, the fund raising committee will begin meeting this weekend. One of the provisions asked to put back into the amendment was to give the City a trial period so that the fund-raising committee could research if there were funds available to continue the project for the entire two years of the lease and the subsequent options thereafter. The amendment has called for the contract to begin November l,2OO2 and to continue through the end of March 2003. The City would not be completing some of the major improvements at this time until funding for the full lease is available. The lease during the trial period would be cut in half, except November would be given at no cost. Burlingame City Council Unapproved Minutes J November 4,2002 Mayor Janney opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor and the hearing was closed. Vice Mayor Coffey made a motion to direct the City Manager to sign and approve the lease as amended; seconded by Councilman Galligan, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. 8. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS a. INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE THE PRO AT 350 BEA ROAD Cp Monroe requested Council introduce an ordinance to rezone the property at 350 Beach Road from C-4 Waterfront Commercial to O-M Office Manufacturing. Mayor Janney requested CC Musso read a summary of the proposed ordinance. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to waive further reading of the ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to introduce the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilman Galligan, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor Janney requested CC Musso publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least five days before proposed adoption. b.RE,MOVE AND IN CA Anderson requested Council introduce an Ordinance to amend Title 18 to remove certain references to PEX and CPVC pipe and fittings in certain water systems. Mayor Janney requested CC Musso read a summary of the proposed ordinance. Vice Mayor Coffey made a 1noiio1to waive further reading of the ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilman Galligan made a motion to introduce the proposed ordinance; seconded by Vice Mayor Coffey, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor Janney requested CC Musso publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least five days before Burlingame City Council Unapproved Minutes4 November 4, 2002 proposed adoption. c.INTRODUCE ORDINANCE TO CONTROL NUISANCES CREATED BY BIRDS IN AREAS.INCLUDING ON FEEDING OF AND BIRDS ON IC PROPERTY OR PROPERTY WITHOUT PERMISSION CA Anderson requested Council consider and discuss possible approaches to control nuisance created by birds in commercial areas, and if the Council wishes, introduce an ordinance that would control feeding of birds and animals on public or private property. Mayor Janney requested CC Musso read a summary of the proposed ordinance. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to waive further reading of the ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to introduce the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilman Galligan, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor Janney requested CC Musso publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least five days before proposed adoption. d. CONAUTSSION APPOINTMENTS ORAFFIC. SAFETY & PARIilNG _ 2: CIVIL SERVICE - 1) Councilman Galligan noted an interview was not conducted for the Civil Service Commission as the incumbent and only person who applied for the position was Doug Schwartz. Councilman Galligan made a motion to appoint Doug Schwartz; seconded by Vice Mayor Coffey. Councilwoman Baylock wanted to clariff that it was agreed that all commissioners who apply be interviewed and that there is no provision in the Resolution to waive the interview process. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Vice Mayor Coffey made a motion to appoint Russ Cohen to the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission; seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony, approved by voice vote, 4-1, with Councilman Galligan dissenting. Vice Mayor Coffey made a motion to appoint Steve Warden to the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission; seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. e. FIRST QUARTER BUDGET ST REPORT ACM Becker presented Council with a quarterly report on the status of the 2002103 budget. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR Item # 9d was removed from the consent calendar and will be brought to Council at the November 18,2002 meeting. a.APPROVE INCREASE IN THE REGISTRATION FEE FOR RECREATION CLASSES FROM $3.00 To $6.00 Burlingame City Council Unapproved Minutes 5 November 4,2002 P&R Director Schwartz recorrmended Council approve an increase in the registration fee for classes from $3.00 to $6.00. b. APPOINTMENT OF OF ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE SAN MATEO COUNTY TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BEGINNING WITH THE 2OO3 TERM CA Anderson recommended Council appoint members to an advisory board for the San Mateo County Tourism Business Improvement District beginning with the 2003 term. c.AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL ENCROACHMENT PERMIT AT 1427 CHAPIN AVENUE (BURLINGA!4E GARDEN CENTER) AND CITY P G LOT B-1 DPW Bagdon recommended Council approve the proposed amendment to the special encroachment permit for 1427 Chapin Avenue. d. APPROVAL TO CANCEL DECEMBER 16.CITY COUNCIL MEETING APPROVE THE 2OO3 CITY CO UNCIL CALENDAR CC Musso requested Council cancel the December 16,2002 City Council meeting and approve the 2003 City Council Calendar. e.ATTO IN AMICUS BARDEN VS. CITY OF Q92F.3 1073-9 CIR) AT O COST TO CITY CA Anderson requested Council authorize joinder in amicus curiae brief at no cost to the City in Barden vs. City of Sacramento, for which a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court is being prepared. f.CITY A IN IN JOSE CHRISTIAN VS. CIT OF MORGAN HILL (9 CIR. 02-15693) AT NO COST TO CITY CA Anderson requested Council authorize joinder in amicus curiae brief at no cost to the City in San Jose Christian College vs. City of Morgan Hill (9th Cir. 02-15693) at no cost to City. 9. COUNCIL REPORTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings they each attended on behalf of the City. 10. OLD BUSINESS Vice Mayor Coffey requested staff to find a method to track when the status of old or new business is discussed during a council meeting, possibly by listing them on the Crystal Ball. 11. NEW BUSINESS Burlingame City Council Unapproved Minutes6 November 4, 2002 Councilwoman Baylock noted she received a call from Jess Myres, AYSO, regarding not receiving a proclamation from the City for their donation for the synthetic field. CM Nantell noted that this was the San Mateo Union High School District's project and it would be appropriate for Mr. Myres to speak to them about a plaque being installed at the field. Councilman Galligan explained the agreernent surrounding the financial agteement for the synthetic field. The Burlingilme City Council contributed $660,000, the school district is paying S230,000 back to the City over a ten year period of time, $100,000 to the City by AYSO and the High School Boosters. *$)^r/ Mayor Janney commended the police department for all their hard;EedCthe previous weeks. Coucnilwoman O'Mahony requested a "sewer education brochure" be made available to all residents; CA Anderson noted he is working with ABAG on the most effective way to redistribute the brochure. 12. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Llbrary Board of Trustees, August 20 and September 17,2002; Traffic, Safety & Parking, October 10,2002; Parks & Recreation, October 17,2002; Planning, October 28,2002 b. Department Reports: Police, September 2002 13. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Janney adjourned the meeting at9:27 p.m. in honor of SergeantTom Marriscolo, a 30-year member of tire Burlingame Police Department, who will retire on November 10th. She also adjourned in memory of David Mortensen, husband of Do.ir, who passed away on November 3'd. Respectfully submitted, Ann T. Musso City Clerk Burlingame City Council Unapproved Minutes 7 November 4,2002 STAFF REPORT TO: DATE: FROM: AGENDA ITEM # 7a MTG. DATE tut8t02 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBMITTEI) BY October 30,2002 APPROVED Ann Musso, City Clerk 650-558-7203 suBJECr: Approval to Cancel December 16,2002 City Council Meeting and Approve 2003 City Council Calendar RECOMMENDATION: Cancel meeting of December 16,2002 Review, make changes if necessary and approve the city council calendar for 2003 O,E*tfut,zaj By 1. 2. J CITY OF BURLINGAME 2OO3 CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR City Council meetings are held on the first and third Monday of each month. When Monday is a holiday, the meeting is held on Tuesday or Wednesday. Study meetings are held as scheduled. Meetings begin at7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, and are open to the public. Regular Council meetings are televised live via Burlingame's Cable Channel 27. For more information, please view the City's website at www.burlingame.org or call the City Clerk at 650-558 -7203. REGULAR MEETINGS STUDY MEETINGS AND OTHER DATES January 6 Tuesday, January2t February 3 Tuesday, February 18 March 3 March 17 April T April2l May 5 May 19 June2 June 16 Ju'ly 7 July 2l (tentative) August 4 August 18 (tentative) September 2 September 15 October 6 October 20 Novernber 3 November 17 December I December 15 (tentative) Saturday, January 25 - Goal Session, 9:00 a.m. Lane Room, Burlingame Library Friday, March 7 Commissioner's Dinner Saturday, April 5 Joint PlanningiCouncil Meeting