HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - TSP - 2008.06.121. CALL TO ORDER MRITNIM11 June 12, 2008 7:00 p.m. — Council Chambers 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —May 8, 2008 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Persons in the audience may speak on any item on the agenda or any other matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State -Local Agency Open Meeting Law) prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Speakers are requested to fill out a "Request To Speak" card located on the table by the door and hand it to staff. The Commission Chairperson may limit speakers to three minutes each. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 8. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION ITEMS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF 8.1 Traffic Engineer's Report 8.1.1 Commission Appeals Process —Distribution of Final Version 8.2 Traffic Sergeant's Report 8.2.1 Selective Enforcement List —Report 8.3 Commissioners' Comments and Concerns 8.3.1 Traffic &Parking Technology Seminar Series —Discussion 8.3.2 Miscellaneous Comments and Concerns 9. COMMUNICATIONS Report by Staff or Commissioners of citizen concerns or complaints regarding traffic, safety and parking issues that are within the Commission's jurisdiction. 9.1 Letter from Rudy Horak on computerized parking meter devices in Redwood City 9.2 Communication from Marci Benson to Commission regarding pedestrian safety at Devereux and Bernal. 10. COMMISSION &COMMITTEC: REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee 10.2 Miscellaneous Reports 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11.1 Taxicab Permit Program 11.2 Discussion of pedestrian safety at Devereux and Bernal 12. ADJOURNMENT Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the TrafFic, Safety and Parking Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Engineering Counter at City Hall located at 501 Primrose Road during normal business hours. -2- MINUTES -ITEM 5 The City of Burlingame CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Unapproved Thursday, May 8, 2008 Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: Visitors: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Dan Conway, Chair Michael Bohnert, Vice Chair Jerry McDonnell Stephen Warden Mark Noworolski Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Sgt. Dean Williams, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Pat Gray, 1616 Adeline Drive Meeting called to order at 6:58 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 4 of 5 Commissioners present. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ,►�CTiL 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion: To accept the minutes of March 8, 2007 as submitted. M/S/C: Warden/Bohnert ; 4/0/1 Page 1 of 4 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Pat Gray from the Green Ribbon Task Force expressed the need for public transportation and suggested that the shuttle service be re -assessed due to non-existent ridership and to reinstitute the overnight parking ordinance. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Commission Appeals Process Chair Conway sought comments from the Commission on the final draft version of the Commission's Appeals Procedure document. There were no comments and the Commission was satisfied with the final draft. Motion: Approve the Appeals Process as presented. M/S/C: Warden, Bohnert; 4/0/1 8. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION ITEMS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF 8.1 Traffic Engineer's Report 8.1.1 In -pavement Illuminated Crosswalks —Verbal Report Mr. Chou reported that an inated Highland Avenue &California solar powered lights across manufacturing and receipt of months out. illumcrosswalk was being considered at Drive. This installation would be approximately 18 four lanes. Installation would be pending the materials, which he believed to be two to three 8.1.2 Bellevue Avenue/California Drive Intersection —Verbal Report Mr. Chou provided a feasibility report from DKS Associates on potential traffic re- design of the area to improve both traffic and pedestrian safety. He reviewed the report findings which were three potential design modifications: 1. Full traffic signalization 2. Full roundabout design 3. Half/partial roundabout design Mr. Chou stated that each design alternative had its positive and negative attributes. He added that at least the City had some designs to look into further when funding becomes available. Page 2 of 4 8.2 Traffic Sergeant's Report 8.2.1 Selective Enforcement List —Verbal Report Sergeant Williams provided the Commission with the Selected Enforcement List, and went through certain items on the list with the Commission. 8.3 Commissioners' Comments and Concerns 8. 3.1 Traffic &Parking Technology Seminar Series —Discussion Chair Conway stated that the seminars could be an opportunity to promote the Shuttle Service and Bike Path program. Chair Conway then opened the floor for public discussion. Pat Gray suggested conducting a survey of opinion regarding transportation in the town. Discussion occurred as to how to get a better turnout for future series. It was determined that the location should be Council Chambers or the Lane Room. Additional topics could be shuttle service and B/PAC projects. Commissioner Bohnert stated that he would coordinate the date with the representative of the Sustainable San Mateo County Organization for a presentation sometime late in June. 8.3.2 Miscellaneous Comments and Concerns ►[Trli'� 9. COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Warden acknowledged that the trailer on Edgehill Drive was finally off the street after 1 '/ years. Commissioner Warden brought to the attention of the Commission that the illuminated crosswalk northbound California Drive by Stacks is out. Mr. Chou said that staff was aware and was ordering the parts. Commissioner Warden stated that Autohaus Exec has more cars out there for sale. Commissioner Warden provided the Commission with his current address. Commissioner McDonnell provided an email communication from Pat Gray regarding overnight parking for the record and will forward a copy to the Commissioners. Commissioner Bohnert sought status of the lit crosswalk at Broadway. 10. COMMISSION &CMUM TTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee Mr. Chou reported that they did not really meet this month. He said that meeting, they would be looking at ideas for the Carolan Avenue bike path for a TDA grant application cycle in December. 10.2 Miscellaneous Reports None. 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS at the next Ian route Chair Conway noted Gene London's idea of parking medallions at the airport and an update on Traffic Seminar series. Mr. Chou may have two stop sign requests pending studies and warrants. 12.ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m. Page 4 of 4 Illam TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION APPEALS PROCESS The Chair will announce the rights of appeal of the decision as established by the Commission following a final decision. Persons interested in appealing a Commission decision should contact the Public Works —Engineering Department the next business day to make sure that the appeal process, any fees, and time requirements are understood. II. Appeals Process Back To Commission A. Appeals from the Public —Any determination and/or decision made by the Commission shall stand for a period of six months. There shall be a six- month moratorium on appeals for that particular matter, and the Commission will not entertain any requests directly from the public for appeals on that particular matter for the six-month period after the initial determination of the matter. At the end of the six-month period, any person may present an appeal and request for a review from the Commission. B. Reviews from the Commission —Any Commission member may request that a previously acted -on matter be revisited for review. 1. A Commissioner may request, at a subsequent regular meeting, that a matter be reviewed by the entire Commission based on new or changing evidence that may have a direct bearing on the matter and the determination voted on at the previous meeting. A vote will then be taken on whether to approve the revisiting of the matter and have it placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. 2. The Commission Chair has the authority to have a matter placed directly on a subsequent agenda for the next regular meeting. A vote will then be taken on whether to approve the revisiting of the matter and have it placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. 3. In either situations described above in Section B-1 and B-2, if the six-month time period is applicable, after being reviewed and denied, the original matter will be subject to a new six-month time period. -1- Approved on May 8, 2008 III. Appeals Process To City Council A. After a determination and decision by the Commission, appeal the Commission decision to the City Council. A filed by the end of the next City Council meeting to the Clerk. The following must be submitted in order for t effective: 1. The appeal must be in writing. any person may n appeal must be office of the City he appeal to be 2. It must be submitted to both the Public Works —Engineering Department and to the office of the City Clerk. 3. A required fee must be included to the submission to the City Clerk. The fee amount shall be determined by the City's Fee Schedule. (If a request for review or an appeal is presented or advocated by a Commissioner or staff, no fees are required.) B. At its next regular meeting following the appeal or the suspension by the council, or at any meeting thereafter to which the matter may be continued, the council shall conduct a hearing thereon. After having held such hearing, the council shall make and file its order determining the matter and may approve, disapprove or modify the order of the commission. -2- Approved on May 8, 2008 COMMUNICATIONS -ITEM 9.1 -- �- z�� J / /�- ploo � M OL 14) 1s is ��' Q Ota � �' e'er 10 114 14 77 e, V610 5 PC - �(� ®ally Newswednesday, Apri130, 2008 3 IF I I IF{®SAL. Woo rr ges F1.m +1 rr Co. I I IF r IF IF Ai C IF I ln es... FM .I Un IF_ r VP PNbre- rons. Y 6 � M U 1 q iFIR parki Icer rate s�zlIlk a >4414, Y� i 1 c" w 1 1 . BY SHAUN B15KUko y � DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER 4 "yIlk21 P+ p..'4.1+ Redwood City's computerizedparka g _ 'IF r -IF meters soon will be eating 11 fewer coins and, night.u�FFd:�',ini turning off two hours earlier every �� { i E quell sho ers irus1. tra �� In an effort tog PP �I ' theclty tion with the year old machines, j t IF i ht a roved several e.k ,�� council Monday nig PP. s { x wntown P 3, y -s ace changes to the do . P g the hours o- meters, including shortenin s z -a" fi r Of enforcement .Instead ;of operating k h m onday.thfougli �r s from 10 a.m. torg .P Mi i v s it a r Saturday, the meters will stop collecting at 6 p.m: Parking is free on Sundays y % x } r {tA IF tem -- The meters' variable prng sys . �. which charges motorists between 25 and 4 Konstandinos Goumenidis / E2ai6yeays d ending on where " 75 cents `an hour; eP so no b ace ari<ing meter prior they park will also be chang one has to IF 1 pay more than 50 cents an hour Sanj Dutta of Palo Alto inserts some cash in the pad Y sp rates and times go intoeffect . to visiting the Century 20 movie theater in downtown Redwood City on Tuesday The new rat Like- a out if there's after the ordinance's secondieatling12 Aguirre -said she believes in'Ithe tea siFr de, wewet►llanner I r awe can st�1l see ly at the'next council meeting MaY behind meters, mainly to a have difficulty;" he said. What the changesI Fr IF woh't do: is ease soning rimes ots near4''st people the financial hit the city is taking from increase turnover m p PCouncil Member Ian Bain said me U,fficials estimate the to the' cinema Complex at Broadway the program• shorter hours should. pleaIF se businesses council: will . have .,to spend between and Middlefield Road. «Six o>clack is the: norm in terms of $700,000 and $1.2 million from t I . met er in erhface isave oica bersomet the and patrons addng meters normally stop opemt city's reserves the 'next four yeas screen is hard to read or that the old whenlhnk at'swhatpeopleareusedto, subsidize the parking program. - raetice of hunting for meters with time anding* -• °' Bain said CW Changs acting director of con?- p downtown develo went sF 10 IF , ces said that left has beenhalleb d eliminated. and resider r°limingthat having mumty P co which ness owner Tuesday 'afternoo grFor 1 under Its contract wrtlYAmP . > .r,r ,r r-„�,.be�ause of the machine arlcm is an rr es two garages .that 01 I shop sin 're hard to: get -used to,” 'said tWo more honrs but free p g manag FIJI,rr arkin thecitypaYs: Bey in Red- .`improvement, but some noted the pers:freevalWA . ip . g> eI. ar Patrick Hilliard who up the company about $600,000 per Y li Hayward. "I meters are still inconvenient Sou the Reducing the :hours IF 4 and rat IF parking meters means the city lose ab61iV150,000,uthe cl members said theyhope. will be worth the to seewhatwo� "w e were trying for the city- and the people downIF wood.Cztybutnow; ves think' it's a contrivance to grab me angel fang said the'prograut.� u�AAw.. shows it is not a moneymainng venture; ;sbest and the city is working vvlth the man u- .,ra, rn aiidress-lingering conceIF rns. Shin said she has gotten used machines. But 'Emerald Hills resident Mary Wallace has not. Asf ithiuk'"they're a : total nuisance," Wallace said, adding some unprintable comments' about the device as she pJunked in:a few coins. I IF Page 1 of 1 PW/ENG-Chou, Augustine From: scwarden50@aol.com Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 8:44 AM To: PW/ENG-Chou, Augustine; dan.conway@safeway.com; marcib@comcast.net Subject: Request to agendize item for June 12 TSP meeting Recently I was contacted by Marci Benson regarding some safety issues on the streets leading to and away from BIS, Lincoln and Franklin schools. Of particular concern was the intersection of Bernal and Deveraux. I spent some time looking at this intersection and the entire area and I think that there may be some opportunity for us to do some things that could lead to a much safer walk to and from the school for the kids and their parents. Please put this item on the agenda for June 12th as a discussion item. For your information and the record, I will forward to both of you the a -mails I received. Thanks. Steve Stay informed, get connected and more with AOL on your phone. 6/6/2008 Page 1 of 2 PW/ENG-Chou, Augustine From: scwarden50@aol.com Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 8:45 AM To: PW/ENG-Chou, Augustine; dan.conway@safeway.com Subject: Fwd: Bernal and Deveraux Street safety -----Original Message ----- From: Marci Benson <marcib@comcast.net> To: scwarden50@aol.com Sent: Thu, 22 May 2008 4:51 pm Subject: Re: Bernal and Deveraux Street safety Thank you for responding so quickly. The best times to see what I am referring to are 8:15-8:30 in the morning and 2:45-3:15 in the afternoon. Actually, just realized that Lincoln has early release tomorrow at 12, but it will probably still be crazy there at those times due to the other schools. My cell # is 650/863-1630. I'd be happy to try and meet you there, if you'd like. Thanks. Marci P.S. You'll note a house with construction to the garage. I heard, third hand, they were hit by a drunk BHS kid. On May 22, 2008, at 4:27 PM, scwarden50@aol.com wrote: I'll try to look at this intersection tomorrow and get back to you. If you would like to discuss it further or meet me at the area, please feel free to call me at 650-348- 7997. Steve Warden -----Original Message ----- From: Marci Benson <marcib cr,comcast.net> To: Marci Benson <marcib(a7comcast.net> Cc: sdamarto@,bsd.kl2.ca.us; mbohnert@,cashin.com; dconw�l l l o�hotmail.com; bubbal@rcn.com; jmarkn ��;mail.com; Steve Warden <scwarden50(a�aol.com> Sent: Thu, 22 May 2008 11:39 am Subject: Bernal and Deveraux Street safety To Whom it May Concern: As I am sure you are aware, there is a tremendous amount of traffic that drives down Bernal to get to and from Lincoln, BIS and Franklin. 6/6/2008 Page 2 of 2 The corner at Bernal and Devereux has a crosswalk, but no stop sign on Deveraux so in the morning and afternoon, when the kids are crossing there, the traffic is dangerous. People are simply in a hurry to get where they are going. It would be nice to have flashing school zone lights, a crossing guard or speed bumps. With safety precautions installed there, more people might be comfortable with their children riding or walking to and from school. Please address this corner and the safety hazards before a child gets hurt. Thanks. Marci Benson http://www. mapquest.com/maps/%581552-1599%SD+Bernal+Ave+Burlingame+CA+94010/#a/maps/I:: [1552-1599]+Bernal+Ave: Burlingame:CA:94010: U5:37.58705:-122.38035:street:/m::15:37.5875:- 122.380415:0::/io:0:::::f:EN:M:/e Stay informed, get connected and more with AOL on your hp one. Stay informed, get connected and more with AOL on your hp one. 6/6/2008