HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - TSP - 2008.08.141. CALL TO ORDER AGENDA Au_qust 14, 2008 7:00 p.m. — Council Chambers 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 4.1 Proclamation for outgoing Commissioner Steve Warden 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —June 12, 2008 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Persons in the audience may speak on any item on the agenda or any other matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State -Local Agency Open Meeting Law) prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Speakers are requested to fill out a "Request To Speak" card located on the table by the door and hand it to staff. The Commission Chairperson may limit speakers to three minutes each. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Devereux/Bernal -Discussion of pedestrian safety 8. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION ITEMS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF 8.1 Traffic Engineer's Report 8.2 Traff ic Sergeant's Report 8.2.1 Selective Enforcement List —Report 8.2 .2 Taxicab Permit Program —Verbal Report 8.3 Commissioners' Comments and Concerns 8.3.1 Traffic &Parking Technology Seminar Series —Discussion 8.3.2 Miscellaneous Comments and Concerns Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission - Agenda August 14, 2008 Page 2 9. COMMUNICATIONS Report by Staff or Commissioners of citizen concerns or complaints regarding traffic, safety and parking issues that are within the Commission's jurisdiction. 10. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee 10.2 Miscellaneous Reports 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 12. ADJOURNMENT Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Engineering Counter at City Hall located at 501 Primrose Road during normal business hours. -2- MINUTES -ITEM 5 The City of Burlingame CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Unapproved Thursday, June 12, 2008 Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Dan Conway, Chair Michael Bohnert, Vice Chair Jerry McDonnell Mark Noworolski Stephen Warden None Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Sgt. Dean Williams, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Visitors: Rudy Horak, 1332 Edgehill Drive Farris Horak, 1332 Edgehill Drive 1. CALL TO ORDER. 6:59 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 5 of 5 Commissioners present. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i� 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion: To accept the minutes of May 8, 2008 as submitted. M/S/C: Warden/Bohnert ; 4/0/1 (Noworolski 7:06 pm) 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Horak suggested that the City consider the use of 2 -wheel or 3 -wheel standup Parking Enforcement vehicles as a way to reduce vehicle costs such as the City of Los Altos. In addition to cost savings, these vehicles offer zero pollution. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS None. 8. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION ITEMS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF 8.1 Traffic Engineer's Report 8.1.1 Commission Appeals Process — Distribution of Final Version Mr. Chou distributed the final version of the Commission Appeal Process policy for the record. 8.2 Traffic Sergeant's Report 8.2.1 Selective Enforcement List —Report Sergeant Williams distributed the current Selective Enforcement list and reviewed the results. Sergeant Williams reported that the Residential Parking Permit Pilot Program launched on June 2, 2008 for the Bellevue/Occidental areas. He stated that, to date, five permits have been issued. Flyers were distributed to residents in the affected areas. Sergeant Williams will provide a sample placard at the next meeting. Discussion occurred regarding the number of vehicular accidents at Ray Drive and EI Camino Real intersection. Mr. Chou said that options to consider would need consultation with Caltrans since this intersection was within their jurisdiction. Some possible options were introduced such as signal phasing and timing changes. Mr. Chou said that he would meet with Caltrans and will report back. 8.3 Commissioners' Comments and Concerns 8,3.1 Traffic. RParking -I"hnology Seminar Series —Discussion Chair Conway reported that due to schedule conflicts a seminar date could not be set for last month and suggested that asub-committee be formed to coordinate future seminars. Chair Conway and Commissioners Bohnert would serve on the sub -committee. 8.3.2 Miscellaneous Comments and Concerns Commissioner Warden requested Mr. Chou advise Caltrans that the 45° green arrow on southbound EI Camino Real and Broadway does not exist. Commissioner Warden suggested that the City have a ribbon cutt ing kickoff for the opening of the pedestrian crossing over Broadway. Commissioner Warden recommended that the idea of raising parking meter rates on Broadway no longer be explored in light of the current economy. Mr. Chou stated that staff had a brief discussion and also came to the same conclusion. Commissioner Warden reported that Bridges Tire &Wheel located at California Drive and Carmelita Avenue has been running an air hose across Carmelita from one shop to its other with both sidewalks marked with orange cones. Mr. Chou stated that Code Enforcement Office Sue Harris and he visited the site and was informed that PG&E was not providing power to one building; and, that the business owner was having difficulty getting PG&E out to the site. It was also noted that Bridges Tire & Wheel is also parking customer vehicles on the surrounding streets causing congestion. Commissioner Warden stated that this issue has come up in the past with various automobile related businesses and stated the need to draft an ordinance to address the amount of parking necessary that businesses should provide to adequately run their business. Commissioner Warden will collaborate with Chair Conway and will draft a letter from the Commission to Council with the recommendation. 9. COMMUNICATIONS 9.1 Letter from Rudy Horak on computerized parking meter devices in Redwood City Chair Conway noted the article on Redwood City meter changes, which was provided by Or. Horak. Commissioner Noworolski commented that the multi -space meters have been very successful in many cities; however, Redwood City has had some problems with their vendor. 9.2 Communication from Marci Benson to Commission regarding pedestrian safety at Devereux and Bernai Chair c;onvvay stated that an email was received from Marci Benson regarding Bernal and Devereaux Street safety. Commissioner Warden left Ms. Benson a voicemail advising her that her concern would be on the agenda for this evening and that he had replied to her email. Chair Conway suggested that warrants be run on this area in September. Commissioner Warden will communicate this to Ms. Benson. 10. COMMISSION &COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee Commissioner Bohnert reported that B/PAC met and discussed how the pedestrian overcrossing at Broadway would connect to Carolan Avenue. The committee also brainstormed on bike routes on Carolan Avenue and narrowed it down to three different plans. 10.2 Miscellaneous Reports Chair Conway reported that the Centennial Gala was a great event. 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11.1 Taxicab Permit Program Mr. Chou reported that former Commissioner Gene Condon was approached by local taxi companies regarding the number of illegal "gypsy" cabs operating in the city. Commissioner Warden requested that fellow commissioners take some time and observe these unlicensed cabs which are regularly staged by the alleyway north of Sizzler Restaurant on Bayshore Highway. Sergeant Williams stated that licensed cabs can be identified by a sticker displayed on the rear window on the lower right corner. 11.2 Discussion of pedestrian safety at Devereux and Bernal 12.ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m. TO: Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission DATE: August 11, 2008 FROM: Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer SUBJECT: Item 7.1 — Devereux/Bernal Discussion of Pedestrian Safety Meeting Date: August 14, 2008 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Commission concur with the staff action to use radar speed monitoring units and police enforcement based on engineering calculations of optimum enforcement times. DISCUSSION: For a five month period in 2005, from February to May, the City conducted extensive evaluations on similar requests by residents regarding speeding in the Devereux Drive/Bernal Avenue/Ray Drive area. As part of the requests, the City evaluated the use of stop signs at the intersections of Devereux/Ray and Ray/Quesada. In each study, the results demonstrated that stop signs were not warranted. This was due to the lack of collisions at these intersections, and the lack of observed and/or recorded problems which would indicate the existence of vehicular conflicts. Staff did, however, install numerous other measures to enhance pedestrian safety at each location. • Highlighted pedestrian/school crosswalks and warning signs on Devereux at t_incoln School. • Centerline markings at the Devereux/Bernal intersection. • Centerline markings at the Devereux/Ray intersection. • Advanced warning signs on Devereux before Bernal and Quesada. • Advanced warning signs on Quesada before Ray Drive. • Crosswalk across Monte Corvino at Ray Drive. ® Crosswalks at the Ray/Quesada intersection. Additionally, staff has conducted spot radar speed surveys on Ray Drive and Devereux Drive to determine the existence of a frequent and regular speeding problem. The results have shown that vehicle speeds have typically been with the 15-30 mph range, with only isolated occurrences of speeds above those limits. Staff recommends that a new set of speed studies be conducted in September, or late August, during the beginning of school. This is expected to establish if the'speed information has changed noticeably from 2005. Staff also recommends that, when possible, engineering and police staff will coordinate to have police patrol vehicles and traffic enforcement personnel be noticeably parked on Devereux, Bernal, Ray, or Quesada for brief periods (10-15 minutes) to serve as a visual deterrent and reminder to inattentive or rushing drivers. The "police presence" measure would be conducted during the times identified by engineering staff as the times when most violations might occur. Finally, staff is in the process of procuring portable radar speed display signs. The purpose of these signs will be to serve as visual reminders for the drivers traveling above the speed limit. Page 1 of 1 S:1A Public Works Directory\TSP CommissionlStaff Reports\20081TSPC Staff Report -Item 7.1 Davereux.doc