HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - TSP - 2009.06.11June 919 2009 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -May 14, 2009 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Persons in the audience may speak on any item on the agenda or any other matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State -Local Agency Open Meeting Law) prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Speakers are requested to fill out a "Request To Speak" card located on the table by the door and hand it to staff. The Commission Chairperson may limit speakers to three minutes each. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 City Parking Lot X —Conversion to free parking to pay parking 7.2 Myrtle Road — 2 -hour parking limits 7.3 City Lot H —Conversion from free parking to pay parking R,1 Traffic EnginPer'c Repnrt 8.1.1 City Parking Lot C "Green Project" Reconfiguration —Verbal Report 8.1.2 California Drive Signal Controller Upgrade Project —Verbal Report 8.1.3 Bayshore Highway Signal Interconnect Project —Verbal Report 8.1.4 US101 Auxiliary Lane Project —Verbal Report 8.2 Traff ic Sergeant's Report 8.2.1 Selective Enforcement Report Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission - Agenda June 11, 2009 Page 2 8.3 Commissioners' Comments and Concerns 8. 3.1 Miscellaneous Comments and Concerns 9. COMMUNICATIONS Report by Staff or Commissioners of citizen concerns or complaints regarding traffic, safety and parking issues that are within the Commission's jurisdiction. 10. COMMISSION &COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (B/PAC) 10.2 Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) 10.3 Website/Communications Subcommittee 10.4 Neighborhood Parking Working Group 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Dates for discussion to be determined later by Staff or Commissioners. 11.1 City Parking Lot Q —Possible lot re -configuration 11.2 Radar Speed Trailer —Future discussions about City procurement and use 12. ADJOURNMENT Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Engineering Counter at City Hall located at 501 Primrose Road during normal business hours. -2- MINUTES -ITEM 5 CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Unapproved Thursday, May 14, 2009 Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Michael Bohnert, Mark Noworolski, Jeff Londer Caroline Serrato Jerry McDonnell Chair Vice -Chair Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Sgt. Dons Shepley, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Visitors: Laurie Friedman, 1237 Capuchino Avenue #1 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 .m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. Sof 5 Commissioners present. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (;hair Bohnert read a proclamation acknowledging former Commissioner Dan Conway for his years of service to the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission. 5. APPROVAL OF iviiNU T ES - Motion: To accept the minutes of April 9, 2009 as submitted. M/S/C: Bohnert , Londer; 3/0/2 (McDonnell and Serrato absent) 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Friedman brought to the Commission her concern regarding the traffic and parking problems on Capuchino Avenue. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Capuchino Avenue — On street parking conditions Mr. Chou reported that he received communication from Ms. Friedman of which Sergeant Shepley has since replied to since his initial receipt of her communication. Mr. Chou made no recommendations at this time due to the need for further discussion with staff and amongst Commissioners. Chair Bohnert recommended that a Burlingame Neighborhood Parking Working Group be formed to address these types of concerns with Police and Engineering staff. Chair Bohnert and Commissioner Noworolski volunteered for this group. 7.2 Gilbreth Road — On street parking limit changes Mr. Chou presented a staff report that sought concurrence from the Commission to recommend to City Council to change the on -street parking restriction along Gilbreth Road between Mahler and Cowan Roads. The recommendation would include the removal of the 4 -hour parking — 8 am to 6 pm restriction on the east side. Motion: Recommend to City Council for a change of the on -street parking restriction along Gilbreth Road between Mahler and Cowan Roads — removal of the 4 -hour parking — 8am to 6 pm restriction on the east side. Follow up monitoring will occur to check for compliance and a staff report will be sent back to this Commission to report on the effectiveness of this change. M/S/C: Bohnert/Londer; 3/012 (McDonnell and Serrato absent) 8. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION ITEMS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF 8.1 Traffic Engineer's Report 8.1.1 City Lot X —Update Mr. Chou provided a rudimentary cost estimate for City Parking Lot X. As discussed in the previous TSPC meetings, staff determined that converting Lot X from a free to fee-based parking would no longer be considered at this time. Discussion occurred as to whether or not fee-based parking should no longer be considered. Chair Bohnert asked that this item be put on next month's agenda for furt her discussion based on the new information provided on the cost estimate. California Drive Signal Controller Upgrade Project —Verbal Report Mr. Chou report ed that the signal pole foundations have been prepared; and, that staff and the contractor are now awaiting the delivery of the materials. He said it was anticipated that by mid-June the project materials would arrive and be installed. 8.1.3 Bayshore Highway Signal Interconnect Project —Verbal Report Mr. Chou reported that bids were received and were high due to confusion about the specifications. He said that staff would be asking that all the bids be rejected, the specifications modified and have the project go out for re -bidding. 8. 1.4 US 101 Auxiliary Lane Project Mr. Chou reported that during the next five nights, Caltrans would be closing the freeway to accommodate the demolition of the remaining Peninsula Avenue overpass structure. 8.2 Traffic Sergeant's Report 8.2.1 Selective Enforcement Report Sergeant Shepley provided an update on the fatal collision on Howard Avenue. Sergeant Shepley reported that Red Flex became active April 22, 2009 and there have been approximately 3 to 4 violations per day. Commissioner Noworolski requested that part of Sergeant Shepley's future reporting to include broad numbers for parking citation revenue and parking revenue by geographical areas. 9. COMMUNICATIONS None. 10. COMMISSIC)IV � COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee Chair Bohnert report ed that the B/PAC met earlier this evening. The highlight of the meeting was approximately 40 people attended the Family Fun Bike Ride and 22 people had ice cream at Preston's. He said the Family Fun Bike Ride would be a monthly event and that the next one was scheduled for June 13th at 10:00 am. He added that the group is seeking volunteers to help with crosswalk monitoring. 10.2 Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) Commissioner L.onder reported that the committee met on April 30th unbeknownst to him. Commissioner Londer was informed that there might be another meeting but said that the committee has "pretty much wrapped up". 10.3 Website/Communications Subcommittee Due to the absence of Commissioner McDonnell this item will be added to next month's agenda. Chair Bohnert noted that Commissioner McDonnell will give a brief intro presentation next month. Chair Bohnert introduced a new agenda item 10.4 - Neighborhood Parking Working Group. Commissioner Louder reported that the Green Ribbon Task Force will be wrapping up next month. He added that a new citizens group has been formed named. Burlingame Green. 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11.1 City Parking Lot C —Lot reconfiguration as "Green Project" 11.2 City Lot H —Conversion from free parking to pay parking 11.3 Myrtle Road — 2 -hour parking limits 11.4 City Parking Lot Q —Possible lot reconfiguration 11.5 Radar Speed Trailer —Future discussions about City procurement and use 12.ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m. I I iiiiii TO: Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission DATE: June 4, 2009 FROM: Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer SUBJECT: Item 7.1 —City Lot X Parking Meeting Date: June 11, 2009 RECOMMENDATION: Concur with staff not to consider conversion of City Lot X from free parking to pay parking at this time. DISCUSSION: This item was previously brought before the Commission in April and May of this year. At those meetings, staff asked for both public and Commission comment and input regarding consideration to convert Lot X from free parking to pay parking. A parking study was conducted to evaluate parking occupancy. The results showed that occupancy ranged from an 80% high to 49% throughout the course of a typical day. Furthermore, staff determined that the majority of the users actually used the lot to attend recreational activities such as Rec Center classes, or use of the playground, Washington Park, and the tennis courts. Staff conducted a cost and revenue analysis which showed that under ideal conditions, if the lot were to become a pay lot, the City could potentially collect up to $16,800 annually. However, staff does not believe that this revenue goal can be reached because, as stated in previous reports, this projection is based on full occupancy of the lot year-round. Realistically, staff anticipates that occupancy will fall below the current level -low of 49%. Additionally, staff believes that a segment of the current parkers will shift their parking habits to surrounding neighborhood streets where there are no parking fees. This will further impact the already congested on -street parking situation in the area. Staff believes that in this current economic situation, converting the lot at this time may be viewed as a negative move by the City to increase revenue. More importantly, this action could also be construed as an indirect wav to penalize the public for using City/public sponsored activities. Page 1 of 1 S:W Public Works Directory\TSP Commission\Staff Reports\200916-11-09 SR -7.1 lot X.doc .. 1 TO: Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission DATE: June 4, 2009 FROM: Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer SUBJECT: Item 7.2 — Myrtle Road 2 -hr Parking Meeting Date: June 11, 2009 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Commission continue to gather public input and comment on whether to consider a time limit for on -street parking along the 100 block of Myrtle Road. DISCUSSION: The 100 block of Myrtle Road is situated between Howard Avenue and Bayswater Avenue. The west side of the street abuts the Caltrain right-of4ay, which is comprised of the railroad tracks and an area used for new car storage by a local auto dealership. The east side of the street is made up of a mix of independent auto repair shops and two to three residential units. The City received a request to examine the feasibility of designing some portion of the street for limited time parking. The purpose of the request is to see if shorter -term parking may be made available for the businesses during working hours. Staff believes that the best approach to addressing this request is to have the Commission hold one or more public meetings with the neighborhood stakeholders to work cooperatively for a solution that addresses a majority of the neighborhood needs. S:W Public Works Directory\TSP Commission\Staff Reports\2009\6-11-09 SR -7.2 Myrtle Rd.doc PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Tel:(650) 558-7230 Fax:(650) 685-9310 CORPORATION YARD Te1:(650) 558-7670 7:00 p.m., Thursday, June 11, 2009 City Hall, Council Chambers, 501 Primrose Road The City of Burlingame is considering implementation of some type of parking restriction along the 100 block of Myrtle Road. This may include 2 -hour or 4 -hour parking on the west side or both sides of the street. This item will be introduced as a Discussion Item at the next Traffic Safety and Parking Commission meeting on June 11, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. in Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Council Chambers. The Commission iS Seeking pGblir inpi �t nn this rnatter, Attendees will be given the opportunity to speak and comment on their concerns. Based on public and staff input, the Commission may choose to discuss and/or act on this request at this meeting. If you are unable to attend this meeting, you may submit your written comments to: Traffic Safety &Parking Commission 501 Primrose Road Burlingame, CA 94010 Your written comments will be submitted to the Commission. All written comment should be submitted before Wednesday, June 10, 2009. If you have any questions or need additional information about this notice, please call or email Mr. Augustine Chou at 650-558-7236, achou _burlingame.org . S:\A Public Works Directory \TSP Commission\Public Notices\Public Notice Myrtle Rd Parking.wpd NOTICE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A R R• ALONG 2wHOURPARKING THE 100 BLOCK OF MYRTLE D 7:00 p.m., Thursday, June 11, 2009 City Hall, Council Chambers, 501 Primrose Road The City of Burlingame is considering implementation of some type of parking restriction along the 100 block of Myrtle Road. This may include 2 -hour or 4 -hour parking on the west side or both sides of the street. This item will be introduced as a Discussion Item at the next Traffic Safety and Parking Commission meeting on June 11, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. in Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Council Chambers. The Commission iS Seeking pGblir inpi �t nn this rnatter, Attendees will be given the opportunity to speak and comment on their concerns. Based on public and staff input, the Commission may choose to discuss and/or act on this request at this meeting. If you are unable to attend this meeting, you may submit your written comments to: Traffic Safety &Parking Commission 501 Primrose Road Burlingame, CA 94010 Your written comments will be submitted to the Commission. All written comment should be submitted before Wednesday, June 10, 2009. If you have any questions or need additional information about this notice, please call or email Mr. Augustine Chou at 650-558-7236, achou _burlingame.org . S:\A Public Works Directory \TSP Commission\Public Notices\Public Notice Myrtle Rd Parking.wpd TO: Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission DATE: June 4, 2009 FROM: Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer SUBJECT: Item 7.3 —City Lot H Parking Meeting Date: June 11, 2009 RECOMMENDATION: Concur with staff to recommend to the City Council the conversion of City Parking Lot H from free parking to pay parking. DISCUSSION: City Lot H is located on EI Camino Real between Ralston Avenue and Burlingame Avenue. The lot is currently free and experiences 100% occupancy on almost every typical weekday. The lot is used by business and office employees in the Burlingame Avenue downtown business district. The lot is considered peripheral to the central business core of downtown, but is currently the only lot in the peripheral area that is free. Other peripheral parking lots such as Lot G, F, O, and N have parking fees of $1.00 for 10 -hour parking. It is the recommendation of staff to the City Council that Lot H be converted to a pay lot in line with the other peripheral lots listed above. If approved, staff also plans to install a paybox in the lot similar to the ones currently used in the other lots. It is anticipated that lot occupancy will drop slightly from the current 100% as a result of implementing a $1.00 parking fee. However, even with a projected occupancy rate of 85% (72 spaces out of a total of 85 spaces), the projected revenue could be approximately $14,000 annually. Also, unlike the situation with City Lot X by Washington Park, this lot serves the business interests in the Burlingame Avenue downtown business districts and not publicly or City sponsored civic activities. Page 1 of 1 S:\A Public Works Directory\TSP Commission\Staff Reports\2009\6-11-09 SR -7.3 Lot H.doc S:W Public Works Directory\TSP Commission\Staff Reports\2009\6-11-09 SR -7.3 Lot H.doc PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Tel:(650) 558-7230 Fax: (650) 685-9310 IOWA W210044,11 •- CORPORATION YARD Tel:(650) 5584670 TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MEETING 7:00 p.m., Thursday, June 11, 2009 City Hall, Council Chambers, 501 Primrose Road The City is considering to convert City Lot H from FREE parking to $1 per day, 10- hrs per day PAyparking. This item will be introduced as a Discussion Item at the next Traffic Safety and Parking Commission meeting on June 11, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. in Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Council Chambers. The Commission is seeking public input on this matter. Att endees will be given the nppnrti�nity to speak and comment on their concerns. Based on public and staff input, the Commission may choose to discuss and/or act on this request at this meeting. If you are unable to attend this meeting, you may submit your written comments to: Traffic Safety &Parking Commission 501 Primrose Road Burlingame, CA 94010 Your written comments will be submitt ed to the Commission. All written comment should be submitted before Wednesday, June 10, 2009. If you have any questions or need additional information about this notice, please call or email Mr. Augustine Chou at 650-558-7236, achouCa�burlingame.org . S:\A Public Works Directory\TSP Commission\Public Notices\Public Notice Lot H Parking.wpd NOTICE DISCUSSPUBLIC MEETING TO CONVERTING O FROM FREE PARKING TO PAY PARKING TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MEETING 7:00 p.m., Thursday, June 11, 2009 City Hall, Council Chambers, 501 Primrose Road The City is considering to convert City Lot H from FREE parking to $1 per day, 10- hrs per day PAyparking. This item will be introduced as a Discussion Item at the next Traffic Safety and Parking Commission meeting on June 11, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. in Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Council Chambers. The Commission is seeking public input on this matter. Att endees will be given the nppnrti�nity to speak and comment on their concerns. Based on public and staff input, the Commission may choose to discuss and/or act on this request at this meeting. If you are unable to attend this meeting, you may submit your written comments to: Traffic Safety &Parking Commission 501 Primrose Road Burlingame, CA 94010 Your written comments will be submitt ed to the Commission. All written comment should be submitted before Wednesday, June 10, 2009. If you have any questions or need additional information about this notice, please call or email Mr. Augustine Chou at 650-558-7236, achouCa�burlingame.org . S:\A Public Works Directory\TSP Commission\Public Notices\Public Notice Lot H Parking.wpd a 0 N n a c M a �c d 3 a� L M a� � a Q� aro CD co; t0 N ami Co co CU� Q) 69 -`fl a CO L O O C) d 0 '� (/�� p) 00 wqm W6 W69- NN J «= W 1= cu WD J= N U Z 0 = 0 L NIL y 0 w Q c od O O L O N O X� co v CD L i O r Q C' D LC) O 0 0 %IOU WU� oOUo o y ol 12 a�VD,