HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - TSP - 2011.04.14BURL TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION AGENDA April 14, 2011 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -March 10, 2011 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Persons in the audience may speak on any item on the agenda or any other matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State -Local Agency Open Meeting Law) prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Speakers are requested to fill out a "Request To Speak" card located on the table by the door and hand it to staff. The Commission Chairperson may limit speakers to three minutes each. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Commission Appeals Policy —Discussion of authority of Commission to establish policy 7.2 Pedestrian Corridors —Discussion and update on Adeline/Cortez, Oak Grove/Ansel, and ECR sidewalks 8. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION ITEMS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF 8.1 Engineer's Report —Report and update on various construction work in Howard Avenue area 8.2 Traffic Sergeant's Report -General/Selective Traffic Enforcement Report 8.3 Commissioners' Comments and Concerns 9. COMMUNICATIONS Report by Staff or Commissioners of citizen concerns or complaints regarding traffic, safety and parking issues that are within the Commission's jurisdiction. 10. COMMISSION &COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (B/PAC) Committee meets 5:30PM in Conference Roam B before each TSPC meeting. 10.2 Website/Communications Subcommitt ee 10.3 Devereux Drive/Lincoln School Traffic Flow Subcommittee 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS regarding any item on this agenda Dates for discussion to be determined later by Staff or Commissioners. 11.1 Electric Vehicle Charging Station Presentation (May) 11.2 Trousdale Drive Traffic (May) 11.3 Burlingame Avenue 2 -Hour Parking Evaluation (Pending date) 11.4 Burlingame Avenue/Downtown Parking Study (Pending date) 12. ADJOURNMENT Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Engineering Counter at City Hall located at 501 Primrose Road during normal business hours. -2- MINUTES -ITEM 5 City or Burlingame CALIFORNIA 940103997 ww .burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Unapproved Thursday, March 10, 2011 Commissioners Present: Jeff Londer, Chair Laurie Simonson, Vice Chair Nicklas Akers Mark Noworolski Caroline Serrato Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Transportation Engineer, Public Works Corporal Chuck Witt, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Visitors: Ellis Rhoades, 1924 Devereux Janice Rhoades, 1924 Devereux Dennis Creedon, 2012 Devereux Eleanor Stephens, 1560 Balboa Way Kimbal Clark, 2019 Devereux James Silva, 1928 Devereux Cheryl Peterson, 1712 Devereux Laura Corey Dust, 1712 Devereux Eric Peterson, 1712 Devereux Diane Garber, 47 14th Ave, San Francisco Gery Button, 1925 Devereux Charles Bona, 1550 Bernal Ave Tom Reed, 1804 Devereux Amjad Harif, 2000 Ray Drive Pat Giorni, 1445 Balboa Joanie Brongini, 2015 Devereux Laura Palacio, 1904 Devereux Bob Palacio, 1904 Devereux Paola Lancellotti, 1544 Bernal Ave Deanna Kroetx, 1416 Columbus Ave 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 P.M. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG, 3. ROLL CALL. 5 of 5 Commissioners present. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT None 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion: To accept the minutes of February 10, 2011 with the following corrections: Staff title — Augustine Chou, Transportation Engineer Item 7.3 paragraph 2, "Chair Londer noted that there was a Council Goal Setting session this past Saturday and three of their goals related to this Commission were:". The 3`d goal being, "Publicize parking philosophy, distributes maps and improves signage directing drivers to parking lots. Adjournment: 9:53 p.m. M/S/C: Noworolski/Simonson; 3/0/2 (Commissioners Akers & Serrano abstained) 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Giorni publicly acknowledged the fine job former Chair Noworolski did during the past year and in presenting their report at the joint Council meeting. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Devereux Drive/Lincoln School Traffic Flow — Discussion to improve on traffic flow during school hours Commissioner Akers recused himself from the discussion. Mr. Chou presented a staff report which gave the background of this request, reviewed staff's observations and analysis and sought public comment and input. Mr. Chou also displayed a video clip link provided by the initial requestor which demonstrated the congestion. Ms. Garber, Principal of Lincoln Elementary School, spoke regarding various measures the school has taken to deal with drop off and pick up congestion. Chair Londer opened the floor for public comment Residents Ellis Rhoades, Laura Dust, Gery Dutton, Cheryl Peterson, James Silva, Eric Peterson, Tom Reed, Bob Palacio, Charles Bona, Pat Giorni, and Kimbal Clark all spoke regarding the traffic congestion, speeding and behavior of inconsiderate drivers. Some solutions offered by the residents were a turnout for drop off and pick up, signage that does not allow vehicles to turn onto Devereux during certain times, grade level assigned designations for drop off and pickup, enforcement of the white zone in front of the school and participation in Safe Routes to School. These residents were not in favor of making Devereux a one-way street. Discussion occurred amongst the Commissioners. Commissioners thanked the public for attending this meeting and bringing forth various ideas. Commissioner Serrano and Chair Londer expressed that a one-way street was not the solution. Commissioner Noworolski requested clarification from the principal regarding construction impacts. Ms. Garber felt there were minimal impacts to the traffic/parking due to construction. Resident AI Chamber stated he felt construction has impacted the congestion and that he supports a one-way street for Devereux. A subcommittee was formed to develop detailed working plan. Commissioner Noworolski and Serrano volunteered to serve on the subcommittee. The subcommittee will meet with school staff and interested parents and residents. 7.2 Commission Appeals Policy Document —Update, discussion and approval Mr. Chou presented a staff report recommending the Commission to review, discuss, modify and accept the Commission Appeals Policy which will then be consistent with other Commissions. Commissioner Akers questioned whether the Commission could establish time limits for aVV eals; and, whether that directive should come from Council, given the advisory role A TSPC. Commissioner Akers requested that this matter be clarified with the City Attorney. Motion: Accept the Staff Report Recommendation to adopt the Commission Appeals Policy, with the provision of the City Attorney's concurrence. M/S/C: Simonson, Serrano; 5/0/0 7.3 Pedestrian Corridors —Initial discussion to identify possible ways to improve pedestrian safety Mr. Chou stated that the Commission should start to identify the pedestrian corridors where pedestrian safety could be improved. Commissioner Akers noted some of the areas should include easy pedestrian access to Bart and crossing Oak Grove Avenue. Perhaps doing outreach via eNews seeking input from the community regarding their areas of concern pertaining to pedestrian access. Vice Chair Simonson mentioned that San Mateo is doing a pedestrian study. Commissioner Akers commented on the conon of sidewalks and requested that Mr. Chou report back with options, history, contacts and information as to what is required to get Caltrans involved to assess whether or not to pursue. 8. Staff Reports 8.1 Traffic Engineer's Report Mr. Chou reported back on the following items: Crosswalks in the Oak Grove Avenue area: Pedestrian counts were done at Ansel Avenue and also at Crossway Road. During the afternoon peak 2 -hour time block there were 7-12 pedestrians within a 15 -minute time period. These numbers justify crosswalks and staff will have the maintenance, sign/paint crews add marked crosswalks at all the intersections along Oak Grove Avenue between California Drive and EI Camino Real into their work schedule. Stop sign on Floribunda: Traffic counts were attempted for Floribunda at Primrose, where there currently is a yield sign. The counts were tampered with and recorded an excess of 350 cars per hour between 10 pm and 10 am. The counters and tubes were slightly relocated and a subsequent count resulted in the counter tubes being damaged. Another attempt will be made to gather a few days of good data in order to move forward on this matter. Foliage at Carmelita and Paloma: Staff worked with Code Enforcement and Parks Department. A letter was sent to the property owner to trim the bushes and trees. The property owner did not respond nor comply within the timeframe given. Parks Department will go out and do the work by the beginning of next week. The property owner will be billed for this service. Mr. Chou also reported to the Commission that the traffic signal at Broadway and California has been working quite well with the exception of this evening. There have been no further reports of the traffic signal experiencing red "lockups" or "ping-ponging" red -yellow -green signal lights. Commissioners Akers report ed that the installation of the school crossing sign at Adeline &Cortez failed to include the arrow sign as previously requested. Mr. Chou will follow up with the sign crew to determine if the fact that this is not a marked crosswalk had any bearing on the inclusion of arrow sign. 8.2 Traffic Sergeant's Report Corporal Witt reported that they are continuing selective enforcement on Oak Grove and recently added Winchester. Corporal Witt reported that they worked with Washington School during the past month and improved the parking situation during drop-off and pickup times. Devereux will also be included on the selective enforcement list. Corporal Witt reported that the Traffic Division applied fora $70k grant which if approved would give them some funding for speed enforcement, pedestrian safety enforcement, cell phone enforcement as well as a speed trailer. Commissioner Akers offered the support of the Commission in the Police Department's pursuit of grants, whether it's providing resolutions, writing letters, or mobilizing community support. 8.3 Commissioners' Comments and Concerns None. 9. COMMUNICATIONS None. 10.COMMISSION &COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory committee (B/PAC) Mr. Chou reported that B/PAC met earlier this evening and the committee was briefed on three projects in which the City would be applying for TDA grant funds. He stated that applications were due March 17, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. Mr. Chou explained that staff would be submitting applications for two bike route improvement projects and a pedestrian/bicycle improvement project for Burlingame Avenue. Further Commission and staff discussion was on defining and ensuring what the projects would entail. In the cases of the bike route improvement projects, the projects were described as Class II bike lanes or a combination of that and sharrows. Mr. Chou aIso urged interested parties to provide support letters which he could then attach with the applications. He stated that this request for support letters was also sent out via eNews in addition to contacting various other sources, such as bike groups. Mr. Chou added that ideally these letters should be received by his office by the end of day Tuesday, March 15, 2011. Commissioner Simonson mentioned that the two bike route projects were broken out as "West" and "East" projects, and gave a brief description of each project. 10.2 Website/Communications Subcommitt ee Mr. Chou reported that an email distribution list has been setup which is tspc ,burlingame.org. Forwarding rules to each Commissioner are still being established. There was discussion about whom the responder would be, the actual response, as well as maintaining Brown Act requirements. 10.3 Neighborhood Parking Working Group No report. 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11.1 Burlingame Avenue 2 -Hour Parking Evaluation (pending date) 11.2 Burlingame Avenue/Downtown Parking Study (pending date) 11.3 Trousdale Drive Traffic (April) 11.4 Electric Vehicle Charging Station Presentation (April) 12.ADJOURNMENT 9:31 p.m.