HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 11362/17 /78 Paloma Avenue, Laguna Avenue, Chula Vista Avenue, Carolan Avenue and Rollins Road within two hundred feet of the centerline of Broadway. .l3.04.040 Coach. Any motor bus, motor coach, trackless trolley or passenger stage used as a colmon carrier of passengers. .l3.04.050 Conrnerc i a I Busi ness or Residence Districts. '13 . 04. 060 Counci I . The City Council of the City of Burlingame. 13.04.070 Cu rb. The lateral boundary of the roadway whether such curb be marked as curbing, construction, or not so marked; the word 'curb' as herein used shall not include the line dividing the roadway of a street from parking strips in the center of a street, nor from tracks or rights-of-way of public utility companies. 13.04.080 Divisional Isl and. or A deliniated/raised island located in the roadway and separating opposing or conflicting streams of traffic. .l3.04.090 Freisht. Property, goods or merchandise carried for hire or picked up or delivered as a part of the comnercial use of a vehicle by the owner or operator thereof. .l3.04.100 Holidays. Hithin the meaning of this tit1e, holidays are the first day of January, the third l'londay of February, the last Monday of May, the fourth day of July, the first Monday of September, the eleventh day of November, the fourth Thursday in November and the twenty-fifth day of December. If the first day of January, the fourth day of Ju1y, -2- Those certain districts, zones of the City as defined and delimited in Title 25 of this Code. Business district shall include cormercial district. 2/17 /78 -3- the eleventh day of llovember, or the twenty-fifth day of December fal'ls upon a Sunday, the l4onday following is a holiday. 13.04. I l0 Loading Zone. The space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or unloading of passengers or freight. .l3.04. I20 0fficial Time Standard. l.lhenever certain hours are named herein they shall mean standard time or daylight savinq time as may be in cument use in this city. 13.04. I 30 Parkinq Meter. A mechanical device installed within or upon the curb,sidewalk ar: pav ment irrnediateiy adjacent to a parking space for the purpose of controlling the period of time of occupancy of such parking meter space by any vehi cl e. ,l3.04. .l40 Passenqer Loadi n Zone. The space adjacent to a curb reserved for" the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or unload.ing of passengers. I3.04. I50 Pol ice 0fficer. Every member of the poiice Department of this city, or any person authorized to direct or regulate traffic or to make arrest for violations of traffic regulations. I 3.04. I 60 Stop. Compl ete cessation of movernent. I3.04..l70 Vehicle Code. The Vehicle Code of the State of California.,, section 2. chapter 13.08 of said code is amended to read as foirows: ,.CHAPTER 'I3 . 08 ENFORCEMENT AND OBEDIENCE TO TRAFFIC REGULATIONS I3.08.0I0 Authority of police and Fire Department 0ffi ci al s. 0fficers of the Porice Department and such officers as are assigned by the chief of pol ice are hereby authorized to direct a1 l traffic by voice, hand,audible or other signal in conformance w'ith traffic laws, except that in the event of a fire or other emergency or to expedite traffic or to safeguard pedestrians, officers of the Police Department or members of the Fire Department may direct traffic as conditions may require notwithstanding the provisions to the contrary contained in this title or the Vehicle Code. I3.08.020 Perso ns 0ther Than 0fficials Shall i'lot Direct Traffic. No person other than an officer of the Pol ice Department or members of the Fire Deoartment or a person authorized by the Chief of Pol ice or a person authorized by 1aw shalI direct or attempt to direct traffic by voice, hand or other signal , except that persons may operate, when and as herein provided, any mechanical pushbutton s'igna'l erected by order of the city engineer. 13.C8.030 Obedience to Police or Authorized 0fficers. No person shall fail or refuse to comply with or to perform any act forbidden by any 1awfu1 order, signal , or direction of a traffic or police officer, or a member of the Fire Department' or a person authorized by the Chief of Pol ice or by 1aw. I3.08.040 Traffic Begqlqlion! ApplJ le !eI! Riding Bicy cl es or Animal s. Every person riding a bicycle or riding or driving an animal upon a highway has all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by this title, except those provisions which by their very nature can have no application. ,l3.C8.050 Obstruction or Interference with Pol ice or Authorized Offi cers. []o person shall interfere with or obstruct in any way any police officers or other officers or employee of this City in their enforce- ment of the provisions of this title. The removal , obliteration or concealment of any chalk mark or other distinguishing marks used.by any police officer or other empl oyee or officer of this city in connection -4- with the enforcement of the parking regulations of this title shall, if done for the purpose of evading the provisions of this title' constitute such interference or obstruction. I3.08.060 Publ ic Emp I oyees to Obey Traffic Requl ati ons. The provisions of this title shall appl.y to the operator of any vehicle owned by or used in the service of the United States Govern- ment, this state or any county or city, and it shall be unlawful for an;r said operator to violate any of the provisions of this title except as otherwise permitted in this title or by the Vehicie Code. 'l3.08.070 Exemption of Certain Vehicles. (a) The provisions of this title regulating the operation, parking and standing of vehicles shall not apoly to vehicles operated by the Police or Fire Department, any public ambulance or any public utility vehicle or any private ambulance, which public utility vehicle or private ambulance has qualified as an authorized emergenc-v vehicle, when any vehicle mentioned in this section is operated in the rnanner specified by the Vehicle Code in response to an emergency ca1 l. (b) The foregoing exemptions shall not, however, relieve the operator of any such vehicle from obl igation to exercise due care for the safety of others or the consequences of his willful disregard of the safety of others. (c) The provisions of this title regulating the parking or standing of vehicles shall not apply to any vehicle of a c'ity depart- ment or public utility while necessarily engaqed in city business or any vehicle owned or operated by the United States Postal Service while in use for the collection, transportation or de1 ivery of United States mail. I3.08.080 Report of Damag e to Certain Property. (a) The operator of a vehicle or the person in charge of any animal involved in any accident resulting in damage to any property -5- publicly owned or owned by a public utility, including but not limited to any fire hydrant, parking meter, lighting post, telephone pole, electric light or power pole, or resulting in damage to any tree, traffic control device or other property of a iike nature Iocated in or along any street, shall within twenty-four (24) hours after such accident make a written report of such accident to the Police Department of this City. (o) Every such report shall state the time when and the place where the accident took p1ace, the name and address of the person owning, and of the person operating or in charge of, such vehicle or animal , the Iicense number of every such vehicle, and shall briefly describe the property damage in such accident. (c) The operator of any vehicle or person in charge of any animal involved in an accident shall not be subject to the require- ments or penalties of this section if and during the time he is ph_vsically incapable of making a report, but in such event he shall make a report as required in subdivision (a) within twenty-four (24) hours after regaining ability to make such report. ,l3.08.090 When Vehicles Ma.y be Removed from Streets. Any po1 ice officer may reflove or cause to be removed: (a) Any vehicle that has been parked or left standing upon a street or highway for seventy-two (72) or more consecutive hours. (b) Any vehicle which is parked or Ieft standing upon a street or highway between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. when such parking or standing is prohibited by ordinance or resolution of this City and signs are posted giving notice of such removal. (c) Any vehicle which is parked or left standing upon a street or highway where the use of such street or highway or a portion thereof is necessary for the cleaning, repair or construction of the street or highway or for the installation -6- of underground utilities or where the use of the street or highway or any portion thereof .is authorized for a purpose other than the nonnal flow of traffic, or where the use of the street or highway or any portion thereof is necessary for the movefient of equipment, articles or structures of unusual size, and the parking of such vehicle would prohibit or interfere with such use or movement; provided that signs giving notice that such vehicle may be removed are erected or placed at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the removal . 13.08.100 Authority of Poiice in C rowds. At places where Iarge numbers of people and vehicles are to gather or have gathered, nothing in this title shall be construed to prevent any police officer from prohibiting any person from parking any vehicle upon or using any street or sidewalk, or from prohibiting any pedestrian from using any street or sidewalk, and said poiice officer shali have authority to direct the parking of vehicles in any reasonable manner, way or direction, and it is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person to fail to promp y obey the said pol ice officer,s order, signal or connmand, regardless of any other provision of this ti e. Section 3.Chaoter 13.12 of said Code is hereby amended to read as fol I ows: ,'CHAPTER 13.I2 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, SIGNALS AND MARKINGS 13.12.010 Authori to InstalI Traff ic Control Dev ces , s qns a r rngs. (a) The city engineer shall have the power and duty to place and maintain or cause to be praced and maintained officiar traffic contror devices, signs and markings when and as required to make effective the provisions of this ti e. He shall also install and maintain traffic signals as directed by the Council. -7- (b) Whenever the Vehicle Code requires for the effectiveness of any provision thereof that traffic control devices be installed to give not.ice to the pubiic of the application of such law, the city engineer is hereby authorized to install or cause to be in- stalled the necessary devices subject to any limitations or restric- tions set forth in the law applicable thereto. (c) The city engineer may a] so place and maintain, or cause to be placed and and maintained, such additional traffic control devices, signs and markings as he may deem necessary or proper to regulate traffic or to guide or warn traffic, but he shall make such determination only upon the basis of traffic engineering principles and traffic investi- gations and in accordance with such standards, limitations and rules as may be set forth in this title or as may be deterrnined by ordinance or resolution of the Council. He shall be custodian of all records regarding traffic control , including special surveys. 13.12.020 Traffic Control Signs Required for Enforcement Purposes. No provision of the Vehicle Code or of this title for which signs are required shall be enforced against an alleged violator unless approoriate legible signs are in place giving notice of such provisions of the traffic I aws. ,l3.12.030 0bedience to Traffic Control Devices, Signs and l'larkings. The operator of any vehicle shail obey authorized signs, markings and traffic control devices placed in accordance with this title unless otherwise directed by a police officer or other authorized person subject to the exceptions granted the operator of an authorized emergency vehicle when responCing to emergency calls. 13. l2 .040 Traffic Control Device s: Hours of Operati on. The city engineer shal l determine the hours and days during which any traffic control device shall be in operation or be in effect, except in those cases where such hours or days are specified in this ti tl e. 13.12.050 Unauthorized Paintinq of Curbs. lio person, unless authorized by this City, shall paint any street or curb surface. " Section 4.Chapter 13.16 is arnended to read as follows: "CHAPTER I3.'I 6 DRIVING RULES Authority to Place Re stri cted Turn Siqnal s. The city engineer is hereby authorized to determine those inter- sections at which drivers of vehicles shall not make a right, left or U turn, and shall piace proper signs at such intersections. The rnaking of such turns may be prohibited between certain hours of any day and permitted at other hours, in which event the same shall be p1 ainly indicated on the signs, or they may be removed when such turns are permi tted. ,l3.-l6.020 S i qnal Controlled Inter sections - Right Turns. (a) f{o driver of a vehicle shall rnake a right turn against a red or stop signal at any intersection which is sign posted giving notice of such restriction as hereinafter provided in this section. (b) The city engineer shal 1 post appropriate signs giving effect to this section where he determines that the making of right turns against traffic signal "stop" indication would seriously interfere with the safe and orderly flow of traffic. .l3.16.030 Driving Through Funeral Procession. llo operator of any vehicle shall drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral procession or a parade, provided that such vehicles are conspicuously so designated. The directing of al1 vehicles and traffic on any street over which such funeral pro- cession or parade wishes to pass sha11 be subject to the orders of the Pol i ce Department. -9- .l3..l6.040 Cl inqi nq to l.lovi n q Veh i cl e. No person shall attach himself with his hands, or catch on, or hold on to with his hands or by other means, to any moving vehicle or train for the purpose of receiving motive power therefrom. I3.16.050 Cormercial Vehi cl es Usi ng Private Dri vewa.ys. No person sha11 operate or drive a corrnercial vehicle in, on or across any private driveway approach or sidewalk area or the driveway itself without the consent of the owner or occupant of the property if a sign or markings are in place indicating that the use of such driveway is prohibited. .l3. I 6.060 Riding or Drivin g on Sidewalk. I'lo person sha11 ride, drive, propel , or cause to be prope.l led any vehicle or animal across or upon any sidewalk, excepting over permanently constructed driveways; when it is necessary for any terporary purpose to drive a loaded vehicle across a sidewalk, written permission shall be previously obtained from the City Engineer. Any protective device required by the City Engineer shall not be permitted to remain upon such sidewal k area during the hours from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. 'l3.,l6.070 New Pavement and Markin qs. No person shall ride or drive any animal or any vehicle over or across any newly made pavement or freshly painted markings in any street when a barrier sign, cone manker or other warning device is in place warning persons not to drive over or across such pave_ ment or marking, or when any such device is in place indicating that the street or any portion thereof is closed, ,l3.16.080 0bedience to Barriers and S I qns. No person, publ ic uti'l ity or department in the City sha11 erect or place any barrier or sign on any street unless of a type -10- approved by the city engineer, or disobey the instructions, remove, tamper with or destroy any barrier or sign lawfully placed upon any street by any person, public utility or by any departnent of this ci ty. 13.16.090 llo Entrance Into Intersection That Would Obstruct Traffi c. No operator of any vehicle shall enter any intersection or a marked crosswalk unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection or crosswalk to accornmodate the vehicle he.is operating without obstructing the passage of other vehicles or pedestrians, notwithstanding any traffic control signal indication to proceed. .l3. I6. 'l00 Advertising Vehicles. No person shaI1 operate or drive any vehicle used primarily for advertising purposes or any advertising vehicle equipped with a sound amplifying or loud speaking device upon any street or alley at any times unless with the oermission of the City Council. l3.l6.l l0 Emerqin q from AI ley. D ri veway or Buildinq. The driver of a vehicle emerging from an alley, driveway or building shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or into the sidewalk area extending across any alley way or driveway. " Section 5.Chapter .13.18 is hereby added to said Code to read as fol I ows : .,CHAPTER I3.18 PEDESTRIAN REGULATIONS 13.,l8.0] 0 Citv En ineer to Establish Marked Crosswalks. (a) fne city engineer shall establ .ish, des.ignate and maintain crosswalks b"v appropriate devices, marks or lines upon the surface of the roadway at intersections, and at other locations, subject to the limi_ tations contained in (b) of this section, where he determines that there is particular hazard to pedestrians crossing the roadway. -11- (b) Crosswalks may be establ ished within any block which is more than four hundred (400) feet in'l ength. Such a crosswalk shal 1 be Iocated as nearly as practicable to mid-block. (c) fne city engineer may place signs at or adjacent to an intersection in respect to any unmarked crosswalk directing that pedestrians shall not cross in the crosswalk so indicated. 13.18.020 When Pedestrians Must Use Crosswalks. llo pedestrian shall cross a roadway other than b.y a crosswalk in a central traffic district or in an-v business district. t3.l 8.030 Pedestrians to 0bey SPecial Pedestrian Traffic Siqnal s. Pedestrians shal 1 obey the indication of special traffic signals installed for pedestrians oniy and shalI disregard the indication of a vehicular traffic signal at any location where special pedestrian traffic signals are in place." Section 6. Chapter 13.32 of said Code is hereby amended to read as fol I ows: .l3.32.0.10 App I i cati on of Requl ati ons . (a) The provisions of this title prohibiting the stopping' standing or parking of a vehicle shail appl-v at all times or at those times herein specified, except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid confl ict with other traffic olin compliance with the directions of a po1 ice officer or official traffic control device. (b) The provisions of this title imposing a time limit on standing or parking shall not relieve any person from the duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions of the Vehicle Code or the ordinances of this city prohibiting or limit'ing the standing or parking of vehicles in specified places or at specified times. .,CHAPTER I3.32 STOPPING, STANDING AND PARKING -12- 2/17 /78 -13- 13.3?.020 Extended Parkinq Penni ts. The city engineer may issue cards, meter covers, or appropriate indicia to allow contractors and tradesmen to park beyond the time periods herein specified or without operation of parking meters. A fee may be established in lieu of park'ing meter fees and a deposit shall be established to insure the return of any indicia. 13.32.030 City Enqineer to Maintain No Stopping Zones and No Parkinq Areas. The city engineeLis hereby authorized to maintain, by appro- priate signs or by paintupon the curb surface, all no stooping zones, no parking areas, and restricted parking areas, as defined and described in thi s title. t^lhen said curb markings or signs are in place no operator of any vehicle shalI stop, stand or park such vehic.le adjacent to any such legible curb marking or sign in violation of any of the pro- visions of this ti tl e. I3.32.040 llo Parkin Areas. No operator of any vehicle shal 1 stop, stand, park or leave standing such vehicle in any of the following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the direction of a po1 ice officer or other authorized officer, or traffic sign or signal: (a) l,Jithin any divisional island unless authorized and clearly indicated with appropriate signs or markings. (b) In any area where the city engineer determines that the parking or stopping of a vehicle would constitute a traffic hazard or would endanger life or property, when such area is indicated by appropriate signs or by red paint upon the curb surface. (c) In any area established as a no parking area, when such area is indicated by appropriate signs or by red paint upon the curb surface. (d) Upon, along or across any railway track in such manner as to hinder, delay or obstruct the movement of any rail or l ight raii vehicie traveling upon such track. (e) In any area where the parking or stopping of any vehicle would constitute a traffic hazard or would endanger life or property. (f) 0n any street or highway where the use of such street or highway or a portion thereof is necessary for the cleaning, repair or construction of the street or highway or the installation of underground utilities, or where the use of the street or highway or any portion thereof is authorized for a purpose other than the normal flow of traffic,or where the use of the street or highway or any port'ion thereof is necessary for the movernent of equipment, articles or struc- tures of unusual size, and the parking of such vehicle would prohibit or interfere with such use or movement; provided that signs giving notice of such no parking are erected or placed at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the effec- tive time of such no parking. I3.32.050 Use of Streets for Stora e of Vehi cl es Prohibited. l{o person who owns or has possession, custody or control of any vehicle shali park such vehicle upon an,v street or alley for more than a consecutive period of seventy-two (72) hours. .l3.32.060 Parkinq for Demonstrati on. No operator of any vehicle shal 1 park said vehicle upon the right-of-way of any street or upon any pubiicly owned property in this city for the principal purpose of advertising or displaying it for sale or for selling merchandise from said vehicle, unless authorized by the City Counci I . -t4- 2/17 /78 -15- ,l3.32.070 0vernight Parking. (a) Permit required. It is unlawful for the owner or driver of any vehicle to park such vehicle upon any street or alley in the city between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. without a permit therefor. (b) Issuance of permit. In cases of hardship where the owners of vehicles cannot obtain suitable storage or parking facilities, permits for parking between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. may be issued by the chief of police. The application for a permit shall be signed by the applicant, shall state the make. model and license number of the vehicle and shall contain a statement of the necessity and reasons for the pennit. If, upon investigation, it is found that the necessity exists therefor and that the aoplicant has no reasonable means for night storage of the vehicle during the above stated hours, the chief of po1 ice shall issue the permit for an annual or semi-annual period, as the appiicant may request, based upon a calendar year. The fee for such permit shall be four dollars ($4.00) payable annually in advance, or two dollars ($2.00) payable semi-annually in advance, to the chief of pol i ce. The permit shall not be bansferable and shall be displayed on the left side window to the rear of the driver of the vehicle for which it is issued at all times during which the vehicle is parked upon the street between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. The chief of police shall revoke the permit when the necessity under which it was issued and the reasons therefor cease to exist, or may renew such permit if the hardship st.ill exists. (c)Exempti ons. The provisions of this section shall not apply to a cornmercial vehicle of any regularly l icensed business in a conmercial olindustrial zone or to public utility vehicles while on service or emergency ca11s, or to veh.icles of any regularly I'icensed physician when actual ly engaged in making professional ca1 Is. 13.32.080 Parkinq Adjacent to Schools. (a) The city engineer is hereby authorized to erect signs indicating no parking upon that side of any street adjacent to any school propert-y when such parking wou1d, in his opinion, interfere with traffic or create a hazardous situation. (b) When official signs are erected prohibiting parking upon that side of a street adjacent to any school property, no person shall park a vehicle in any such designated place. 13.32.090 Parking Prohibited on llarrow Streets. I3.32.I00 Parkin on Grades. No person shal) park or leave standing any vehicle unattended on a highway when upon any grade exceeding three percent (3%) without biocking the wheels of said vehicle by turning them against the curb or by other means. 13.32.-] I 0 Emergency Parkin q Si qns. (a) l,,lhenever the police chief or city engineer shall determ.ine that an emergency traffic congestion is likely to result from the holding of public or private assemblages, gatherings or functions, or for other reasons, the police chief or city engineer shalt have power and authority to order tefiDorar-y signs to be erected or posted indica- ting that the operation, parking or standing of vehicles is prohibited on such streets and alleys as the police chief or city engineer shail direct during the time such temporary signs are in place. Such signs -,l6- (a) The city engineer is hereby authorized to place signs or markings indicating no parking upon any street when the width of the roadway does not exceed twent-v (20) feet, or upon one side of a street as indicated by such signs or markings when the width of the roadway does not exceed thirty (30) feet. (b) l,lhen official signs or markings prohibiting parking are erected upon narrow streets as authorized herein, no person shall park a vehic'l e upon any such street in violation of any such sign or mark i ng . shall remain in place only during the existence of such emergency and the city engineer shall cause such signs to be removed promptly thereafter. (b) tlhen signs authorized by the provisions of this section are in place giving notice thereof, no person shall operate, park or stand any vehicle contrary to the directions and provisions of such signs. 13.32.120 Taxicab Stands. (a) The city engineer shall establish taxicab stands and determine the I ocations thereof. (b) The curb surface within each taxicab stand shall be painted white and marked 'Taxicab Stand' in red lettering, or shall be designated by signs of a type and size approved by the city engineer. (c) No operator of any vehicie, other than a taxicab or automobile for hire, shall park said vehicle 'in such taxicab stand. 13.32..l30 Parking on City Property. (a) l,lhenever the city manager shal I determine that the orderly efficient conduct of the city's business requires that parking or standing of vehicies on parking facil ities maintained for city build- ings, city parks, or other such municipal operation, be prohibited, limited or restricted, the city manager shall have the power and authority to order signs to be erected or posted indicating that the parking of vehicles is thus prohibited, I imited or restricted. (b) when signs authorized by the provisions of this section are in place giving notice thereof, no person shal 1 park or stand any vehicle contrary to the directions or provisions of such signs. ,l3.32.'l40 Movinq Parked Vehicle to Avoid Parkin g Time Limi t. For the prrpose of the regulations contained in this title reiating to I imitations on stopping, standing and parking, any vehicle moved a distance of less than one-tenth (l/.l0) of a mile during the limited parking period shall be deemed to have remained stationary. A vehicle parked with the odometer obscured from view from without -17 - 2/17 /78 -18- the vehicle shall be presumed to have remained stationary. 13.32..l50 Repairinq or Greasing Vehicles on Public Streets. No person shall construct or cause to be constructed, repair or cause to be repaired, grease or cause to be greased, or dismantle or cause to be dismantled, any vehicle or any part thereof upon any public street in this city. Temporary emergency repairs may be made upon a publ ic street. 13.?2..l6C t,llashing or Poi i shi nq Vehicles. No person shail wash or cause to be washed, or po1 ish or cause to be polished, any vehicle or any part thereof upon any public street in this city when a charge is made for such service." Section 7.Chapter 13.36 of said Code is hereby amended to read as fol lows : 13.36 .01 0 ,.CHAPTER I3 . 36 PARKING LIMITATIONS No Parkinq at Any Time. It is unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to park such vehicle at any time on: I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ai rport Boul evard Arc Way, southwesterly side. Bayshore Boul evard Beach Road, cul -de-sac only Broadway, south side from Vancouver Avenue to EI Cami no Real California, east side from Ncrtil Lane to Oak Grove Avenue; east side from Sanchez A,renue to Murchison Drive Carolan Avenue, west side from Broadway to Oak Grove Avenue Chatham Road, at the north side intersection with Plymouth tJay Cortez Avenue, west side from Hillside Drive to Easton Dr.ive Donnel ly Avenue, north side. Easton Drive, from Cortez Avenue to El Camino Real El Cami no Rea I El Camino Real , ea;t scrvice road, east side from Trousdaie Bou'l evard to Murchason Drive Gilbreth Road, north side from Mjtten Road, south 200 feet Hatch Lane Laguna Avenue, east side from Broadway to Rhinette Avenue Lang Road, cul-de-sac and south side Rollins Road, east side from Humboldt Street to Marsten Road o 10.ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. t0/2/78 -,l9- Section .l3.36.020 No Parki nq Du rln Spec i fi ed Hou rs . It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to park the vehic.le on the following streets on the designated hours and days: i. Adrian Road, east side between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Sundays and holidays excepted Broadway, south side from Chula Vista Avenue t Califbrnia Drive between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 Sundays excepted; north side from Rollins Ro the Southern Pacific right-of-way between 4: o a.m., ad to 00 p.m 3 and 6:00 p.m., Sundays and holidays excepted Burlingame Avenue, north s'ide from El Camino Real to Occidental Avenue between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.; north side of Anita Road from Myrtle Road from B:00 a .m. to 6:00 p.m. California Drive, west side from Juanita Avenue to4 5. Carolan Avenue, east sid a.m. and 9:00 a.m., and 6:00 p.m. e, from Burlingame Avenue to Broadway between 4 etween 7 :00 00 p.m. and b 1 Oak Grove Avenue between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.; east side between Broadway and a point 225 feet southerly from the southeasterly r.ight-of-way line of Broadway from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Howard Avenue, north side, from El Camino Real to Crescent Avenue, between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. 'Sundays and holidays excepted Peninsula Avenue, north side from the Southern Pacific right-of-way to Humboldt Street, between B:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Sundays and hol.idays excepted Rhinette Avenue, south side, between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Rollins Road, west side from North Carolan Avenue to Broadway from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 P.m. 8 9 .13 .36.030 One Hour Parkinq It is unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to park such vehicle unless elsewhere in this title otherwise provided, for a period longer than one hour between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day, excepting Sundays and hol idays, upon any part of the folIowing streets or portions of streets: Broadway, between Rollins Road and the Southern Pacific right-of-way Buriingame Avenue, from California Drive to El Camino Real Ca'l ifornia Drive, from Burlingame Avenue to Howard Avenue Cal ifornia Drive, west side, from Douglas to Burlingame Avenue Chapin Avenue, north side, from Primrose Road to 205 feet east of El Camino Real Chapin Avenue, south side, from Primrose Road to 358 feet east of El Camino Real Caro.l an Avenue, east side, from Cadjllac l^lay to Broadway Donne)Iy Avenue, south s.ide, from Lorton Avenue to Primrose Road I 2 3 4 E 6 7 8 2. 6. 10/2/78 Highland Avenue, from Bayswater Avenue to Howard Avenue Howard Avenue, from Primrose to California Drive Lorton Avenue, from Bellevue Avenue to Howard AvenuePark Road, from Burlingame Avenue to Howard Avenue Primrose Road, from Floribunda Avenue to Howard AvenueSouth Lane, California Drive to Southern pacific right-of-way .rl, i 3. 'l3.040 Two Hour Parkinq. It is unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to park such vehic.le, unless elsewhere in this title otherrvise provided, for a longer period than two hours between the hours designated any day, excepting Sundays and hoiidays, upon any part of the following streets, or portions of streets: A. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. : o 10.Il. 12. 13. 14. I L 3 4 5 Bayswater Avenue from El Camino Real to park Road Bel I evue Avenue Burlingame Avenue from Myrtle to Carolan AvenueCalifornia Drive, west side, from Broadway to 300 feetsouth of Sanchez Avenue Capuchino Avenue: vrest side, from 450 feet north ofBroadway to 365 feet south of Broadway; east sjde,fron Lincoln Avenue to Carmelita Aven-ueCarmelita Avenue, south side, fr"om El Camino Real to Chul a Vi sta Avenue Carolan Avenue, west side, from Oak Grove Avenue to Bu 11 i ngame Avenue Chapin Avenue, from Chapin Lane to El Camino RealChula Vista Avenue: v{est side, from Broadway to 205feet south-of Broadway; east side, Broadwiy to Carmel i ta Avenue Doug l as Avenue East Lane, east side, from Burlingame Avenue to Howard Avenue El Camino Real service road between Dufferin Avenueand Trousdal e Dri ve Howard Avenue, south side, frorn Crescent Avenue toEI Camino Real. Juan i ta Avenue Laguna Avenue: west side, from Lincoln to Carmel ita;east side, from 480 feet north of Broadway to 330feet south of Broadway Lorton Avenue, from Bayiwater Avenue Mangnolia, tvest side, from Trousdale 0ccidental Avenue, from El Camino Rea Paloma Avenue: west side, from Lincol Avenue; east side, from 290 feet no280 feet south of Broadway Park Road, from Howard Avenue to El CPrimrose Road, frsn Howard Avenue toRalston Avenue, fron Occidental AvenuRhinette Avenue, north side 12. 13. t0. 11. 14. ls. ,l6. 17. 18. t9. 20. 21 . 22. ,? to Howard Avenue Drive to Pl aza Lane'l to Ral ston Avenue n Avenue to Carmel i tarth of Broadway to anri no Real El Camino Rea I e to El Cami no Rea'l -20- 6 7 o 9 2/17 /78 -21- B. 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.: Cannelita Avenue, north side, between Chula Vista Avenue and El Camino Real Magnol ia Avenue, east side I3.36.042 Four Hour Parki ng. It is unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to stop, stand or pank such vehicle for a period of more than four hours between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day, Sundays and hol idays excepted, on: El Camino Real east service road, west side, between Trousdale Drive and Murchison DriveCalifornia Dr.ive, west side, between Trousdale Drive and Murchi son Drive 13.36.043 Limited Parki nq. Green curb marking shall mean no standing or parking for 'longer than the designated period of time between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.rn. on any day except Sundays and holidays. When authorized signs, parking meters or curb markings are in place giving notice thereof, no operator of any vehicle shal1 stop, stand or park said vehicle adjacent to any such legible curb marking or sign or parking meter in v.iolation thereof. 'l3.36.044 Parkinq Paral I e l on 0ne-l,lay Streets. (a) Subject to other and more restrictive limitations, a vehicle may be stopped or parked within eighteen (lg) inches of the left_ hand curb facing in the direction of traffic movement upon any one-way street, unless signs are in place prohibiting such stopping or standi ng. (b) In the event a highway includes two or more separate roadways and traffic is restricted to one direction upon any such roadway, no person shall stand or park a vehicle upon the left-hand side of such one-way roadway unless signs are in p'lace permitting such standing or parki ng. I 2 I 2 2/17 /78 (c) The city engineer is authorized to determine when standing or parking shall be prohibited upon the left hand side of any one- way street or when standing or parking may be permitted upon the left hand side of any one-way roadway or a highway having two or more separate roadways, and shall erect signs giving notice thereof. (d) The requirement of parallel parking imposed by this section shall not app'ly in the event any conmercial vehic'le is actualiy engaged in the process of loading or unloading freight or goods, in which case such vehicle nray be backed up to the curb, provided that such vehicle does not extend beyond the center line of the street and does not block traffic thereby. 13.36.045 Diaqonai Park i n q. 0n any of the streets or portions of streets established as diagonal parking zones, when signs or pavement markings are in place indicating such diagonal parking, it shal I be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to park said vehicle except: (a) nt tne angle to the curb indicated by signs or pavement markings allotting space to parked vehicles and entirely within the limits of said a1 Iotted space; (b) t^lith the front wheel nearest the curb within six (6) 'i nches of said curb. The provisions of subsection (b) shali not apply when such vehicle is actual 1y engaged in the process of Ioading or unloading frei ght . 13.36.046 Parkinq Soace Marki n qs. When such parking space markings are placed on the highway, subject to other and more restrictive limitations, no vehicle shal 1 be stopped, ieft standing or parked other than within a single space unless the size or shape of such vehicle makes compliance impossible. No more than one vehicle may be parked within a single space. 10/2/78 -Z3a- 13.36.049 Muni c i pal Parki nq Lots It is unlawful for any person to park any vehicle on any property owned, possessed or maintained by the city as a public municipal parking lot for a period of time longer than may be fixed and determined by resolution or ordinance of the city council. No such ordinance or resolution shall become effect'ive prior to the installation of appropriate signs giving notice of the provisions of such resolution or ordinance. 13.36.050 l4ovins Vehicles in Munici pal Parkinq Lots. It is unlawful for any Derson to move a vehicle within a municipal parking lot so that it remains therein for a period of time in violation of Section .l3.36.049 hereof. Any vehicle observed at two or more parking spaces within such period of time and having an observed odometer change of less than l/10 mile, shall be presumed to have remained within said lot. A vehicle parked with the odometer obscured from view from without the vehicle shall be presumed to have remai ned stati onary. .l3.36.051 Litter and Refu se. It is unlawful to throw, place or deposit any trash, litter, paper or any refuse upon the pavement or in the landscaped area of any property owned, possessed or maintained by the city as a municipal parki ng I ot. .I3.36.052 Appl ication of 0ther C hapters. Al 1 provisions of this title, including but not limited to those regarding parking meters, stopp'ing,standing and parking vehicles, insofar as they are appljcable, shal'l apply to public off street parking lots owned or operated by the Cjty of Burl ingame. .l3.36.065 Parki nq of Heav y Vehjcles Prohibited in R Districts. No person shal1 park or store upon the public streets or private 10/2/78 -23b- fol I ows : property in any residential district, any vehicle exceeding 4,000 pounds gross vehicle weight and of the classes or types hereinafter set forth: l. Bus, excluding school bus 2. Dump truc k3. F lat bed truck 4. Truck tractor 5. Tank truck 6. Trans i t mix truck 7. Semi -trai I er 8. Trailer, excluding util ity trailers, trailer coaches and camp tra i I ers 9. Special mobi I e equipment 10. Special constructi on 11. Implements of husbandry Provided, however, that this sectjon shall not prohibit parking of such vehic.les by a licensed contractor, or of one such vehicle by an owner-builder for a period not to exceed thirty (30) continuous days, when such vehicle or vehicles are used during the course of land- scaping, grading, construction or repair of buildings or structures upon such propoerty pursuant to a valid building per it. All definit.ions of the California Vehicle Code shall apply. Trucks shall be deemed to be 'motor trucks' as therein defined. " Section 8.Chapter 13.38 if hereby added to said Code to read as ,,CHAPTER I3.38 STOPPING FOR LOADING OR UNLOADING .l3.38.0.l0 Authority to Establ ish Loadi ng Zones. (a) The city engineer is hereby authorized to determined and to mark zones and passenger loading zones as follows: At any place in the central traffic district or any bus i ness or commercial district. Elsewhere in front of the entrance to any piace of business or jn front of any ha11 or place used for the purpose of publ i c assembly. l 2 2/17 /78 ^24_ (b) In no event shall more than one-half of the total curb length in any block be reserved for 'loading zone purposes. I 3. 38.020 Curb Markin s to Indicate Sto in and Par nq Requ at ons. 13.38.030 Effect of Permission to L oad or Unl oad. (a) Permission herein granted to stop or stand a vehicle for purposes of loading or unloading of freight shall apply only to commercial vehicles as defined in vehicle code Section 260 and shall not extend beyond the time necessary therefor, and in no event for more than thirty (30) minutes. (a) The City Engineer is hereby authorized, subject to the provisions and 'l imitations of this ti e, to place, and when required herein shall place, the fo)lowing curb markings to indicate parking or standing regulations, and said curb markings shall have the meanings as herein set forth: I. Red shal I mean no stopping, standing or parking at anytime except as perm.itted by the Vehicle bode, ind exc"eptthat a bus may stop in a red zone marked or iigned as ; busstop. 2. Yellow shall mean no stopping, standing or parking at anytime between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00. p.m. oi any'day eicept Sirndaysand.holidays for any purpose othir than th; lo;ding b. rn_ -- roadtng 0f passengers or freight, provided that the loadingor.unloading of passengers shall not consuflme more than thiee(3) minutes, nor the loading or unloading of freight more thanthirty (30) mi nutes . 3. lJhite shall mean no stopping, standing or parking for anypurpose other than loading or unloading of passengers, oi forthe-purpose of depositing.mail in an adjacent maii boi, whichshal l not exceed three (3) minutes, and such restrictions shallapply between 8:00 a.m. and-6:00 p.m. of any day ercept iunJiysand holidays and except as follows: A. When such zone is in front of a hotel or in front ofa mailbox the restrictions shall appiy at alI times. B. When the City Engineer as authorized under this ordinancehas caused curb markings to be placed, no person shall stop,stand or.park a vehicle adjacent to any such iegible curbmarking in violation of any of the provisions oi this section. 2/17 /78 -25- (b) The loading or unloading of freight sha11 apply only to the pick-up or de'l ivery of freight in the ordinary course of business. (c) Permission herein granted to stop or park for purposes of loading or unloading passengers shall include the Ioading or un- loading of personal baggage, but shall not extend beyond the time necessary therefor and in no event for more than three (3) minutes. (d) tlithin the total time Iimits above specified the provisions of this section shall be enforced so as to accommodate necessary and reasonable loading or unloading, but without permitting abuse of the privileges hereby granted. 13.38.040 Standing for Load i n q or Unl oadinq Onl y. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any yellow loading zone for any purpose other than )oading or unloading passengers or freight as defined herein for such time as is per_ mitted in Section 13.38.030. I3.38.050 Standinq in passen qer Loadinq Zone. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any passenger loading zone for any purpose other than the Ioading or unloading of passengers for such time as is specified in Section 'l3.3g.030. 13.38.060 Standinq in A n.y Al I ey. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of persons or freight in any alley. ,l3.38.070 Coach Zones to be Establ i shed. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to establ .ish bus zones opposite curb space for the loading and unloading of buses 2/17 /78 -26- Section 9 Chapter i3.40 of said Code is hereby amended to read as fol I ows: .,CHAPTER 13.40 PARKING METERS I3.40.010 Parking MeteLzqnelqld E qq. The streets hereinafter descr.ibed are hereby defined and established as parking meter zones. The parking of vehicles upon such portions of said streets,and at such times as may be designated by resolution of the City Council, shall be control led, regulated and inspected with the aid of parking meters. (a) Broadway from El Camino Real to California Drive. (b) Chula Vista Avenue from Broadway to Carmelita Avenue. (c) Laguna Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to Carmelita Avenue. (d) Paloma Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to Carmelita Avenue. (e) Capuchino Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to Carmelita Avenue. (f) Cal ifornia Drive from Peninsula Avenue to Believue Avenue. (g) Donnelly Avenue from Primrose Road to Lorton Avenue. (h) Carolan Avenue from South Lane to North Lane. (i) South Lane from Carolan Avenue to Cal ifornia Drive. (j) Highland Avenue from Howard Avenue to Ca1 ifornia Drive. (k) Lorton Avenue from Howard Avenue to Bellevue Avenue. (1) Park Road from Howard Avenue to Bur'l ingame Avenue. (m) Primrose Road frorn Howard Avenue to Bellevue Avenue. (n) Howard Avenue from EI Camino Real to Highland Avenue (o) Bur.l ingame Avenue from El Camino Avenue to California Drive. The parking meter fees for the parking meter zones shall be one cent (ll) for each twelve (12) minutes of parking time. or common carriers of passengers and to determine the location thereof. " ?/17 /78 _27 _ 1 3 .40. 020 Manner of Installation. The city engineer shall cause parking meters to be installed and maintained in all parking meter zones. Parking meters shall be installed upon the curb or sidewalk area immediately adjacent to each parking space. Each meter shall be placed in such manner as to show or display by a sign or signal that the parking space adjacent thereto is or is not 'legal ly in use. Each parking meter shajl be set to display, after the opera- tional procedure has been completed, a sign or signal indicating Iegai parkings for that period of time conforming to the limit of parking time as indicated on the rneter. Each parking meter shall indicate the limit of parking time .in the parking space adjacent to the parking neter, and shall continue to operate from the time of the compietion of the operational procedure until the expiration of the time fixed as the parking limit or a portion thereof for the part of the street upon which said meter is placed. Each said meter shall also be so arranged that upon the expiration of said 1ega1 parking time it will indicate by a mechanical operation and by proper signal that the lawful parking period has expired. ,l3.40.030 Time of Operation of Parki nq Meters. The provisions of this title relating to the operation of parking meters shall be effective between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on every day except Sundays and holidays. .l3.40.040 0perationa.l Procedure to be Followed. Inrnediately after occupancy of a parking meter space, the operator of a vehicle shall deposit a coin of the United States in said parking meter and if necessary turn a crank, knob, or handle in accordance with the instructions posted on the face of the parking meter. 2/17 /78 -28- 'I 3 .40. 050 Parki n Meters and Park i n Ileter Standards ot to be Used for Certain Purposes. Ilo person shall attach anything to or allow a bicycle, nelrsrack or any other article or thing to lean against a parking meter or a parking meter standard vrjthout the approvai of the city engineer. I3.40.060 Unlawful to Extend Time Be nd Limi t. No person shall follow the operat'iona1 procedure or any part of the operationai procedure for the purpose of increasing or extending the parking time of any vehicle beyond the 1ega1 parking time which has been established for the parking space adjacent to which said parking meter is placed. .l3.40.070 Improper Use of Meter. No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter any defaced or bent coin, or any slug, device or metallic substitute for a coin of the United States, or deface, injure, tamper with. open or wi1ful1y break, destroy or impair the usefulness of an-v parki ng meter. 13.40.080 Deposit of Coins in Meter by Unauthorized Person. llo person other than the owner or operator of a vehicle shall deposit any coin in any parking meter without the knowledge or con- sent of said owner or operator of the vehicle using the parking space 'immediately adjacent to said meter. .l3.40.090 Corynerci a1 Vehicles Loading or Unloadinq Exempt for Th ffi Commercial vehicles may park in parkin_o zones to load or unload freiqht urithout depositing coins for a period not to exceed thirty (30) minutes. Should any truck or de1 ivery vehicle be parked longer than thirty (30) minutes, it shall be classed as a violation hereof and the regular penalty herein provided imposed. 2/17 /78 -29- Mayor 3.40..100 Unlawful to Park After Heter Time Has Expired. llo operator of any vehicle shall permit said vehicle to remain parked in any parking space during any time that the meter is showing a siqnal indicating that such space is illegally in use other than such time irrnediately after the originai occupancy as is necessary to operate the meter to show Iegal parking. I 3.40. I l0 Rulesof Evidence. The parking or standing of any motor vehicle in a parking space, at which space the parking meter displays the sign or signal indicat- ing i11ega1 parking, sha1 .l constitute a orima facie presumption that the vehicle has been parked or allowed to stand in such space for a period longer than permitted by this title. 13.40..l20 Use of Funds Collected. The specified coin or coins required to be deposited in parking meters as herein provided are hereb.y levied and assessed as fees to provide for the proper regulation and control of traffic upon the public streets, and also the cost of supervision and regulating the parking of vehicles in the parking meter zones hereby created, and to cover the cost of purchase, acquiring, installation, operation, maintenance, supervision, regulation and control of the parking meters herein described and to provide for off street parking. I 3 .40. I 30 Appl i catign of llher !!!pleE. i,lo section of th.is chapter shall be construed as permjtting any parking in violation of any other provision of this title." Section 10. This ordinance shalI be published as required by 1aw. / I, EVELYN H. HILL, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Citv Council held on the l8 day of Septemhpr ' 197& and was adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Counc'i l held on the Znd day of 0ct ber .l 978 by the following vote: AYES: C0UNCILMEN: Barton-Crosby-Mangini-Martin NOES: C0UNCILMEN: None ABSENT: C0UNCILMEN: Amstrup fity clerk7 - I - L, -30- -