HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1980.06.17 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA JUNE 17th, 1980 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: BILLS : Checks: $16 , 153. 15 Special Fund: $3,403 . 09 MINUTES OF THE 11EETING OF MAY 2.0th , 1980 : LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: CORRESnONDENCE : None UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Budget Status Report Foundation Repairs NEW BUSINESS : Computerized Circulation System ADJOURN11ENT: Next Board meeting scheduled for July 15th, 1980 at 4 : 30 pm. KUKLINUAMt YUDLII, LIt5KHKY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MAY 20th, 1980 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of May 20th, 1980 was called to order by Chairman Weatherbe at 4:30 pm. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Chairman Weatherbe, Trustee Fricke, Trustee Nagle and Trustee Hechinger. Trustee Absent: Trustee Parsons, excused due to illness. BILLS: Checks in the amount of $13,551.30 were ordered paid on a motion made by Chairman Weatherbe, seconded by Trustee Fricke and carried by those Trustees present. Special Fund bills totaling $125.46 were paid on a motion introduced by Trustee Nagle and seconded by Trustee Weatherbe. The motion was carried by those present. MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of April 23rd, 1980 were approved as written and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The City Librarian reported on the status of the Library's budget requests and on her meeting with the City Manager and the Finance Director. She also reported on the discussion at the same meeting regarding re-negotiating the Hillsborough Contract. She has not yet heard from Mr. Schwalm about his contacting Bob Davidson, but she will keep the Board informed. Discussion followed on various aspects on the agreement with Hillsborough both past and present. Librarian Bergsing reported that the Smoke Detection System specifications had finally been completed and were in the hands of Bill Flowerday of the Burlingame Fire Department and the City's Engineering Department. They are to review the plans, make any changes, and resolve any unanswered questions before sending the project out for bid. She is hopeful that they system can be completed before the end of summer. Mrs. Bergsing distributed flyers from the Children's Department about up coming programs and reported that the Children's Librarian, Mrs. Leach had borrowed various puppets from the County Library for a special puppet show in June. The Board members expressed pleasure over the programs. After a brief discussion on personnel changes, Chairman Weatherbe agreed to contact Secretary, Trustee Parsons to draft a letter to Bill Van Niekerken congratulating him on his full-time position and to wish him good luck. CORRESPONDENCE: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Trustee Alice Fricke gave a report on the DaVinci Reception and Programs and on the recent booksale, on behalf of the Friends of the Library. She was disappointed that there weren't more in attendance at the DaVinci Reception because it is such an interesting exhibit. She expressed the hope that people will get in to see it before it moves on to another location. The booksale, she reported, was an overshelming success. She said that along will all of the work, there was a lot of ,fun that went on also. She expressed her thanks to all who did their part. Roof Repairs: The roof repairs have been completed, inspected, siqned-off and submitted for payment. Librarian Bergsing said they did an outstanding job, and hopefully there will be no more leaks. Library Emergency Plan: Librarian Bergsing distributed the "Burlingame Public Library Emergency Plan" to each Board member. She explained each page in detail and stated how pleased she was with the job that Cecil Williams of the Office of Emergency Services in Burlingame, had done. She reported that there are going to be two follow-up meetings, one for the entire staff and one for Department Heads and Supervisors to make sure everyone knows how to put the plan into action in the event of a real emergency. NEW BUSINESS: Librarian Bergsing presented a number of items to the Board for approval, to be purchased out the the Special Fund account for the Library. They included a Copy Machine for the Branch; a Slipping Truck for the Circulation Department at the Main Library; Periodical Cases; a Cassette Browser; a Microfiche Desk Stand; an Information Center Display Rack; a Paperback Rack; a Paper Cutter; a Record Bin' Record Bin Dividers; and an Adding Machine. After discussion on each item individually, the Board members approved these purchases on a motion made by Trustee Hechinger, seconded by Trustee Nagle and passed unanimously by those Board members present. Alice Fricke acknowledged a letter from Hern Enterprises regarding the Friends purchasing "Burlingame Bucks Inflation" coupon books. She and the Board aareed that the Friends were not in a position to back a commercial endeavor such as this one. Alice agreed to writed to Mr. Hern and thank him for thinking of them, but to tell him that they are not interested at this time. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm with the next Board meeting scheduled for June 17th, 1980 at 4:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jag BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES LIBRARIAN'S REPORT JUNE 17th, 1980 STATUS OF THE LIBRARY BUDGET: I will try to report on this at your meeting, and its likely that I may have talked with all of you by phone before then . I am meeting with Councilman Crosby on Thursday, June 12th to discuss the Library Budget , and at the moment there is a strong possibility that the City Council will review the Library Budget at their regular meeting on Monday, June 16th. I ' ll let you know. FOUNDATION REPAIRS : There may be further developments on the foundation leaks by next Tuesday. The current status is that we had the two foundation leaks sealed at the back and side of the building. The one on the side of the building appears to be fixed, but the one at the back of the building is still leaking. The Contractor has been notified and he should be back to take a look at it this week sometime. The leak in the Community Room still remains a problem. We had two college boys from the Recreation Department dig a trench by the wall and under the wheelchair ramp. However, they ran into so many huge roots from the redwood tree that they couldn 't dig any further. I am waiting for the City Engineer and the Park Director to decide what we should do next . SMOKE DETECTION SYSTEM: We are finally making progress on the smoke detection system. The fire protection engineer, Mr. Vining, met with Mr. Kirkup, and two men from the Fire Department last week. The City ' s Engineering Department is now preparing the specifications to go out for bid. Hopefully, they may be ready to send them out by the week of June 16th. DISASTER SEMINAR: The end of May I attended a two-day seminar at Stanford University on disaster planning and prevention. It was one of the best conferences I have ever attended. They had the top experts in the Country as speakers, and they covered everything from salvaging books that have been damaged by water, smok and heat detection systems , environmental hazards such as humidity, light and temperature, insect damage, foundation and roof leaks. As you can see, it was as though the entire meeting had been planned to cover the problems of the Burlingame Library, APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS : A note has been sent to the Council to remind them that June Weatherbe and Bill Nagle 's terms are expiring on June 30th. The Council has also been notified that Mr . Penn Foote ' s term on the System Advisory Board has expired. He does not wish to be re-appointed, so the Council will need to make a new appointment in the next month or two. The Advisory Board will will not be meeting again until September. P.L.S . SYSTEM NEWS : At the last System Board of Directors meeting, the Advisory Board requested that the eight member libraries of P.L.S . address the problem of establishing some uniformity in loan periods, renewal policies and overdtie �VriiLU yr T-KU6TEES --- LIBRARIAN'S REPORT CONTINUED JUNE 17th, 1980 Page 2 : P.L.S . System News Continued : fines. They pointed out that since each library currently follo procedures, it is very confusing for the users and causes ws its own relations. Since this is something that I have been trying to public Board to consider for the past 10 y g het the Years vounteered committee that was formed. I hope that , Ilcanlbrin yo to serve on the recommendations before the end of the summer. g y°U some definite COMPUTERIZED CIRCULATION SYSTEM: The San Mateo County Library has tentatively received approval in the form of $200, 000. 00 from the Board of Supervisors to proceed with. a computerized circulation system. They have hired a consultant to draw up the specifications for the system, and they hope to go out to in the fall . On Tuesday, June 10th, the County Library hosted badsession me between the consultant and the key County library staff and invited all t other P.L.S. libraries to attend if they were interested. Six of the eight System libraries were represented. Only San Mateo and South San Franciscowere not there. It was an extremely interesting and informative morning. It appears that Mr. Mathews, the consultant , will need some indication from other P.L.S . libaries about whether or not they may be able to the County in the new circulation system. His specifications willn with g allow for greater computer capability if the workload is have largeto than the County and its branches. He thought he might be able to give (meaning each of the P.L.S. libraries) some tentative cost figure by the _ end of June. I ' d like to discuss this a little more with you at . your meetin CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT: € The theme this year for the Summer Reading Program is "dragons". Mrs . Leach called the program '!Passport to Dragonland". The children will receivE a passport , have their picture taken, receive a post card and button to commemorate their imaginary trip to Dragonland. ('Trades one through five in the Burlingame schools have been visited. P1 been distributed to the children . The Hillsborough sschooand lsohave alsos have notified of the program. Many thanks been .work and the Lions Club for go to Karen Bash who did the art providing the money for the printing. Pre-school story hour will be held during the summer. at , the Easton Drive Branch. It will 'begin on June 24th and continue until August every Tuesday morning from 10:00 - 10 : 30 am. 12th PERSONNEL: Marilyn Morrison- was a speaker for the Northern California S ecial L.' brary Association 's program on May 12th . This special p wide range of topics dealing with serials and program covered a has acquired outstanding knowledge of periodicals and lshe crecieveds . rilyn enthusiastic response to her talk. Al Escoffier presided at the Spring program of the California Library Association Bay Area Chapter. The program was held on May 30th at San Francisco Public Library, and included a video tape and White House Conference on Inforraation Service, held last pFall ianel nsLVassion on th The event was well-attended and marks a Washington . Bay Area Chapter, good starting point for the new 1V1LLi1VlTH1VlL" YUMAU LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES LIBRARIAN'S REPORT CONTINUED JUNE 17th, 1980 PAGE 3 : PERSONNEL CONTINUED: Wickliffe was one of the poets featured in a recent cover story in the Weekend section of the San Mateo Times , last week. Warren 's work with Peninsula Poets was discussed. MAY 1980 BRANCH PATRON COUNT The following days are the only days that the people counter was in working condition . We are currently having a problem with it but hope to get if cleared up in short order. I Thursday, May 1st : Saturday, May 3rd: 71 Monday, May 5th : 55 Tuesday, May 6th : 104 146 ' Wednesday, May 7th : 116 SPECIAL :FUND CHECKING ACCOUNT Balance forward from May : 2 , 877. 8.5 May 22nd Deposit 250 . 55 May 29th Deposit 247. 70 June 5th Deposit 275 . 20 June 12th Deposit 238 . 90 June 17th Withdrawals (3 ,403 . 09) Balance forward to July : 487.1-1 SPECIAL FUND S AVI NC=S ACCOUNT Balance forward from May : 8 103 . 61 No Activity Balance forward to July : 8 , 103 . 61 hk• I bra CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction 12;624 484 Child, Non-Fiction 1,499 366 Adult, Fiction 8.552 1T085 Child, Fiction 2. 129 619 TOTAL: 24, 804 TOTAL: 2,554 Periodicals: 1,697 386 Pamphlets ( Inc] . Maps & Sm. Press: 605 1 TOTAL: 2, 302 TOTAL: 387 Moving Pictures: 97 -0- Audiorecordings ( Inc] . Rec. & Cass. ) 937 -0- Art Prints: 26 _0- Equipment Loaned: _ 13 -0- Slides: _0- -0- TOTAL: 1.,003 TOTAL: -0- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 28, 109 + 2,941 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION: 1979 Circulation 30,037 1980 Circulatio 3- 3. 37 % Inc. Average Daily Circulation, Main, 1979 975 Main,' 1980 2.87 o Inc. tAverage Daily Circulation , Branch, 1979 151 Branch, 1980 140 7.28 % Dec. REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 2,914 ILL Borrowed: 130 GRAND TOTAL OF - ILL Lent: 156 REF. ACTIVITY 3,200 ILL Total : 286 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF 4-30-80 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 18, 586 242 242 18,586 DATE: 7,072 Children: 3, 121 35 26 3, 130 Increase of 109 Hillsborough: 3,235 _ 43 5 8,273 Otte Non-Res. Patrons 79 6 0 85 TOTAL: 25,021 326 273 25,074 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date AS OF: 4-30-80 VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 135,265 - 99.282 329 - 237 34 - li 135,560 - 99,508 Child, Non-Fic: 17,511 - 13,844 22 - 18 31 - 2 17,502 - 13,860 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,252 - 3,073 100 - 47 0 - 0 3,352 - 3120 Adult, Fiction: 48,556 - 40,835 202 - 108 28 - 5 48,730 - 40,938 Child, Fiction: 13, 196 - 92515_ 15 - 10 18 - 9 13, 193 - 9,516 Y.A. , Fiction: 2,663 - 2,275 94 - 26 0 - 0 _ 2,757 - 2,301 TOTAL: 220,443 - 168, 824 762 - 446 111 - 27 221,094 - 169,243 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 262 MAPS ADDED: 23 PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 85 MAPS DISCARDED: 16 TOTAL: 17,662 TOTAL: 1,260 RECORDINGS: AS OF: 4-30-80 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: 5-31-80 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 4,697 / , 4, 123 35 / 20 0 / 0 4, 732 / 4, 143 Cassettes: 549 / 452 0 / 0 0 / 0 549 / 452 TOTAL: 5,246 / 4, 575 35 / 20 0 / 0 5,281 / 4,595 DEPOSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 1,661.43 BRANCH: 87.10 TOTAL: 1. 749.03 1EO-T"NG ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ 16.50 TOTAL: 1, 765.53 TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 23 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 900 MONTHLY REPORT 14ONTII ltav 1 50 C Outreach Activities I. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 55 2, Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 10 B. Hours contributed _ 3. Shut--in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 25 B. Number of visits made C. Items circulated 234 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials visits / Attendance / circulated A. ',Jr. Bricard Baviriew 2 10 �t B. 3avv4 el.T Con. Home 2 hr. film 48 12 C. !Til 1.haF,ren 2 hr. film 42 0 D. Brig. Retriement Tnn 2 hr. film 45 0 E � • E. Brl g. Retirement Inn 1 PLS F. Brlg. Hacienda 1 hr. fila 10 0 C, Marian Convent 1 Volunteer. Delivery 19 5. Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons B. Visits made C. Items circulated Coen is/ac tivi ties: Twas a quiet Month for Outreach. Our two nein volunteers t,Irs. Emma Rosow and ?!rs. Shirley Press have joined our program full force, Mrs. Jure Schnacke did volunteer worl for us in proof-reading our BPL emergency A Drodeedure boo'tlet. �31 CITY OF BURLINGAME EiUUGFT STATUS REPORT 12 tJGNTH Y­7A1) YwT-1) OUR NO UNEXPENDED . ACCIT. .. _. . _ UE:SCIRIPTION _...... .... .... ......._. ...... ._ _ APPf OPil, _ _ ESIT IVATG .. ACTUAL AG TU. AL... ._...YARI.ANCE: F�ALAIvCE E� LIDRARY 750010 'LIBRARY SALARIES 2541219 - - �2 33 r 035 231 193 _._.._20 , 12 7 118112 �23r 026 750013 L18RARY PART•T IWE 155, 440 14-21483 137, 732 14 r 3f15 417`51 17 , 708 75.011.0 .LIBRARY.-OFFICE...EXP.ENS.E_ 6, J334 . ... 5.x621._. ?,.�05. 191 . __ ._-.. `�16 750120 LIBRARYWSPECIA DEP TL EXFl-ENE 5p213 4, 77:14 - 607 231 670 750121 LIBRARY-BOOKS & `MAPS 68p756 6.310:30 59x090 .101559 31940 9r666 75012a, LIBRARY. " 'EHLgQIC ih 3._ _ . 216 '71535 7rs°OE3 . 11 327 1 f-008 _ _. 750123 LIBRARY - BINDING 7x850 '7r 194 11440 0 51754 - 6r410 750124 LIBRARY -CATALOGING I I r 5 3 2 101571 6 r 6 7 8 11036 3x893 4x854 :.. ._ 7501.25... .l. It3RARY-RECOH05 -C_ASS!~TTE;��. 318.2'7 ..__._.._ ....�� c:50y_ ......_ 31.742 ..- 29r1"' ---..... L'33'- - 65 _ 750130 LTORARY-SMALL TOOLS &'.. EQUI'P 225 209 -29 7 180 196 750160 LIORARY -. COMP{UNICATIONS 2 444 42 ,1241 117 18 .224 496 696 750170:._L-IbFtAR`( - ;UTILITI.Eb ._..... x422 .. 9f950 _.. 197tu72 - 61872 -- 750190 LI8RARY-MAINT Eil,1)G GRpUN_pg_. .. ..:. _ 151787 1+5x302 41694 .892 ­ b48 11133 750200 LIBRARY-EOUIPNENT :PAINTENANCE 866 792 393 0 399 47.3 750201 LIBRARY-EQUIP MAINT-A . V . 350 .3192.35 0 84 11a 750 '02 Lzt3RARY-'E`QUIP F�A�rd?�SEC4SYST1:�1 _-33S +30� . a333 _ ... _.� 2t7w__. ...._ . _ - _ 0 . 750210 LIBRARY-PROF .& SPECIAL SERVICE 2, 400 ;21'200 '2,400 0 200 0 7502110 LIBRARY-,DUES _ :..5Uk1:$CFiI:F'Y_I.DNS.. ._::_ .. .:. 223 .209 238 0 w29 "_._ : _ L5" .. 750250 LIBRARY - TRAVEL 300 275 305 20 30- 5+ 750251 LIES-ACUNFF MTGS-LIBRARIAN 150 1113 147 U 4• 3 750254 L,18-CONF & ,fdTG:i-STA.f'F. . _.._.._ 2U0 187190 U 3- 10 750260 LIBRARY-TRAINING. & SAFETY 200 187 _. " . 138 _ ... 0 ------ - _ -..-�� _.. ..._ f,2 750290 LIBRARY - OTHER CHARGES75 bb 18729 190 0 S7 lib TOTAL .LIBRARY 551r502 .505,.615 4771519 48x024 28, 096 741043 �. ...: _...__ .. .. - - - l