HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1980.07.15 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA JULY 15th , 1980 Roll Call : Trustees Present : Trustees Absent : Bills : Checks : $10,201.36 Special Fund: $1,117.02 Minutes of the meeting of June 17th, 1980: Special video tape : presentation on the White House Conference by Tim Talbot , Supervisor of the Peninsula Library System Film Center . Directory of Human Services. Al Escoffier. Librarian ' s Report : Correspondence: Thank you note from Barbara Parsons Unfinished Business : Status of 1980-1981 Budget Foundation Repairs �. G.R.C. Study on Automated Circulation System for P. L. S . New Business : Report on Seminar for Board Members : June Weatherbe Report on American Library Association Conference: Joy Molder & Pat Thomas Update on P.L.S . Grants Request from Burlingame Historical Society Automated Circulation Systems - San Mateo City and County Election of Officers for 1980-1981 Adjournment : Next Board meeting scheduled for August 19th, 1980 at 4 :30 pm. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES JUNE 17th, 1980 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of June 17th, 1980 was called to order by Chairman Weatherbe at 4:30 pm. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Chairman Weatherbe, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Fricke S Trustee Nagle. Trustees Absent: Trustee Parsons, Excused for illness. Also Present: Mrs. Kristine Cannon, Representing A.A.U.W. - Mrs. Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian BILLS: Checks in the amount of $16,153.15 were approved on a motion made by Trustee Hechinger, seconded by Trustee Nagle and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $3,403.09 were approved on a motion made by Trustee Nagle, seconded by Trustee Fricke and ordered paid. MINUTES: Trustee Nagle requested an addition to the minutes of the meeting of May 20th, 1980 to include his noting the increased circulation at the Branch Library during the month of April . With this addition, the minutes were approved and ordered filed. LIBRARIANS REPORT: Librarian Bergsing reported that the City's Engineering Department has almost completed the specifications for the smoke detection system and it should be ready to go out for bid sometime this week. Librarian Bergsing reported in more detail on the disaster seminar she had participated in at Stanford University in May. She found it to be one of the most informative and interesting conferences that she had ever attended. She explained that the participants were taken to the large vacuum chamber at Lockheed to witness the process of drying water damaged books. In addition, the group had "hands on" experience in actually wrapping and boxing some water soaked books in preparation for freezing them. Mrs. Bergsing announced that the City Council had reappointed June Weatherbe and Bill Nagle to the Library Board of Trustees to serve a full 3 year term. This was done on June 16th. She further reported that Iry Amstrup and Dave Martin will be meeting to discuss the possibilities of a new representative to the P.L.S. Advisory Board to represent the Burlingame Public Library. Librarian Bergsing reported that she had volunteered to serve on a committee to recommend some uniform circulation policies between all the libraries in the Peninsula Library System. Particular attention will be spent on length of loan periods, renewals and over- due fines. She hopes to have some specific recommendations to the Board for their approval within the next month or two. Mrs. Bergsing showed the Board the materials for this year's Children's Summer Reading Club. The theme is "Passport to Dragonland" and includes a passport with each member's picture, a button, a bookmark, and a certificate of completion. Again this year, all the expenses of the program are being paid for by the Burlingame Lion's Club. The Board expressed a great deal of pleasure with the art work and materials for the club. Regarding the C.L.A meeting on the White House Conference, Mr. Nagle requested additional information. Since Mr. Escoffier had chaired the program he was asked if he could give a brief report. However, since he couldn't leave his duties at the Reference Desk, he will give a summary of the proceedings at the next Board meeting. CORRESPONDENCE: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Budget Status Report: The City Librarian reported on her meeting with Councilman Crosby, and on the City Council 's review of the Library Budget at their meeting of June 16, 1980. In general, the City Manager's recommended budget for the Library seemed to meet with Council approval. At a study session in July, the Capital Improvements Budget, Councilman Crosby's memo requesting additional hours for the Branch will be discussed in more detail . After discussion, Trustee Nagle introduced a motion to support the recommendation to extend the Branch hours. It was seconded by Chairman Weatherbe and carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONTINUED: Foundation Repairs: Mrs. Bergsing reported that there are still foundation leaks near the Community Room. She stated that two college boys had been hired from the Recreation Department to dig out around the large Redwood Tree that is located just outside the Community Room door. She said that they had dug down as deep as they possibly could without causing root damage to the tree. The problem seems to be that the tree roots are pushing against the foundation of the building•3and causing the leaks. Mr. John Hoffman from the Park Department seems to feel that if they cut the roots too severly, the tree may die or become unstable. The Board members agreed to look at the hole, the tree and the foundation immediately following the meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Computerized Circulation System: Tabled until further information is obtained. Possibly Mrs. Bergsing can get a representative from a company to come and give the Board a detailed explanation of how exactly a computerized circulation system works. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm with everyone going to look at the Redwood Tree. The next scheduled meeting is set for July 15th, 1980 at 4:30 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jag SPECIAL FUND CHECKING ACCOUNT Balance forward from June : 487 . 11 June 19th Deposit 234. 15 June 26th Deposit 250 . 60 July 3rd Deposit 245 . 95 July 10th Deposit 212 . 55 July 15th Withdrawals (1, 117 . 02) Balance forward to August : 313 . 34 SAVINGS ACCOUNT �.. Balance forward from June: 8, 103. 61 Interest payment deposit 112 . 38 Balance forward to August : 8 , 215 .39 JUNE 1980 BRANCH PATRON COUNT Monday, June 2nd No Reading Tuesday, June 3rd No Reading Wednesday, June 4th No Reading Thursday, June 5th No Reading Saturday, June 7th No Reading Monday, June 9th No Reading Tuesday, June 10th No Reading Wednesday, June 11th No Reading Thursday, June 12th No Reading Saturday, June 14th No Reading Monday, June 16th 163 Tuesday, June 17th No Reading Wednesday, June 18th 107 Thursday, June 19th 64 Saturday, June 21st No Reading Monday, June 23rd No Reading Tuesday, June 24th 232 Wednesday, June 25th 72 Thursday, June 26th 114 �.. Saturday, June 28th 61 Monday, June 30th 128 LIBRARIAN' S REPORT For a variety of reasons, I am very late with this report this month, so I may have to fill you in on more of the details at your meeting . 1980-1981 BUDGET: I am enclosing a copy of the memo that I sent to the City Manager and Council on July 9th. Since some of you were there and know that the Library budget was tabled until August , I ' ll fill you all in on the details on Tuesday. FOUNDATION REPAIRS: Another on-going saga. There has not been any substantial progress but I ' ll report the status next week. A young college boy from Public Works is supposed to be digging around the Redwood Tree this Saturday. SMOKE DETECTION SYSTEM: We had the walk-through for the smoke detection system with the contractor on Tuesday, July 8th. There were representatives of the Fire Department , Public Works, the Fire Protection Engineer, Mr. Vining, three contractors and myself . All went well . So far as I know, now .five companies plan to submit bids which are due on July 15th. G. R.C. STUDY ON AUTOMATED CIRCULATION SYSTEM FOR P.L.S . : The P.L.S . Board of Directors received the first rough draft of the `--G.R.C. study. This is another continuing story, but since I haven 't had time yet to read the complete report I ' ll have to wait until next week to discuss it . P.L.S SYSTEM NEWS : The System has received the approval on three L.S .C.A. grants for 1980-1981. The grant for Bibcen (the Bibliographic Center - Centralized Inter-Library Loan) was $5, 100 . 00, slightly less than last year ' s grant . We received $47, 800. 00 to complete the conversion of the Union File to machine readable format . The most exciting news is that we were granted $10, 375. 00, the full amount requested, for the Community Awareness -Project . I 'd like to discuss this a little more at the meeting. AUTOMATED CIRCULATION SYSTEMS: I have spent a considerable amount of time discussing automated circulation systems with both San Mateo County Library staff and San Mateo City Library staff . Both libraries are moving ahead with their plans. Perhaps we could try and devote," a meeting this fall to a further explanation and discussion of automated circulation. BURLINGAME HISTORICAL SOCIETY: We have received a request from the Burlingame Historical Society to store some of their printed materials in cabinets (which they will provide) in the Friend' s sorting room. I think it could be a workable arrangement so long as we have a clear written agreement regarding responsibilities, etc. LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT: JULY 17th, 1980 PAGE 2 : BURLINGAME HISTORICAL SOCIETY CONTINUED: It will be your decision so I ' d like to discuss this on Tuesday. HILLSBOROUGH CONTRACT : On Wednesday, July 9th, the City Manager , the Finance Director and I met to discuss strategy regarding the contract with Hillsborough. In general , we agreed to call a meeting with Hillsborough and San Mateo and try to formalize a contract with Hillsborough for this fiscal year at the same $90, 000 . 00 - with the same $60, 000 . 00 (Burlingame) $30 , 000. 00 (San Mateo) split . However, we would like to arrive at an understanding that the cost would increase beginning next year based on some mutually agreeable and equitable arrangement related to Burlingame and San Mateo operating budgets and workloads. Mr . Schwalm is going to call the City Managers of the other two cities and set up a meeting in the near future . ANNUAL REPORT: In 1977 we produced an annual report for the public on the use of the Library during the 1976-1977 fiscal year . I have not done this again since, but I believe I ' ll try and complete one this summer for the year 1979-1980. I 'm going to call it "How much does it cost to "read" a family of four" . I think it might have potential for "P-R" . . . CHILDREN' S DEPARTMENT: The Summer Reading Club has gotten underway. At the beginning of the , third week there are 109 children who have joined the Club at the Main Libary and 70 at the Easton Branch. In addition to the regular staff , Kris Cannon and Mary Harvey who volunteered to hear reports last year are again hearing the reports at Easton . We also have a newcomer, Elizabeth Eversen . The art work of the .participants is on diplay at both the ruin and Branch Library . Even though we are in the third week of the Club there are still new children joining. We are extremely pleaseJwith the turn-out . REFERENCE STATISTICS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1979-1980 : Questions received including Juvenile, Branch and other library referrals: 29 , 531 Questions answered by BPL: 29, 309 Questions referred to System, Network: 218 Author/Title requests sent to other libraries : 2 , 467 Number of items lent to other libraries: 2 , 251 Comparisons 1978-1979 to 1979-1980 Total reference desk transactions are up 9%. Items borrowed from other libraries 'mss. up 25,o. Items lent to other libraries is up 25%. STAFF DEVELOPMENT: Mr. Cecil Williams, City of Burlingame Office of Emergency Services , presented the Library ' s Emergency Plan to the staff on June 5th and 6th. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: JULY 17th, 1980 PAGE 2 : STAFF DEVELOPMENT CONTINUED: Mr. Williams wrote Burlingame Public Library 's plan to help the staff "deal with natural disasters, such as earthquake, flood, fallen aircraft , blackout , etc. These sessions will be followed by a "walk-through" to simulate an actual diaster and how to deal with it . Librarians , Library Assistants, and some Pages have participated in the training sessions. Pat Thomas and Joy Molder attended ALA in New York City on June 28th through July 3rd. Joy and Pat are members of working committees for A.L.A. Joy serves on the *LAMA/PAS Staff Development Committee and Statistics for Personnel Committee . Pat serves on the **RTSD/CCS Description and Access Committee . In addition to committee meetings and programs, Joy was a speaker for a program presented by the LAMA Middle Management Discussion Group. 750 people attended the program entitled "You ' ll Manage: Becoming a Boss" . Joy ' s topic for this program was "Interpersonal Relationships" for middle managers. *Library Administration and Management Association/Personnel Administration Section. **Resources and Technicals Services Division/Cataloging and Classification Section . PB/Jg CITY OF BUR.LINGAME BUDGET IMMITURES JULY 1980 Payables through June 30, 1980 This To A(� UNT # Month Date Balance 750110 Office Expense 917. 73 6, 215. 20 (7 . 00) 750120 Special Department Expense 553. 65 5,212 . 70 . .00 750121 Books 6, 525 . 84 74 ,846 . 97 (6 , 070. 00) 750122 Periodicals 229 . 42 7, 593 . 65 622 . 00 750123 Binding 614 . 81 2 , 703 . 96 5 , 146 . 00 750124 Cataloging 18. 81 7, 729. 94 3, 802 . 00 750125 Records 451.61 5 , 535 . 65 ( 1 , 702 . 00) 750130 Small Tools 80. 06 109. 10 116 . 00 750160 Telephone 124 . 58 1,972 . 16 471. 00 750170 P. G. & E . 33. 28 12 ,983. 93 3, 838. 00 750190 Building Maintenance 462 . 96 5, 599 .47 368 . 00 750200 Equipment Maintenance 150. 00 537.46 293 . 00 750201 A/V Equip . Maintenance . 00 234 . 64 115. 00 750202 Security System Maintenance . 00 333 . 00 . 00 750210 Professional Services . 00 2 ,400. 00 . 00 7F '40 Dues & Subscriptions . 00 237. 50 (15 . 00) 75J250 Travel Reimbursement 20 . 90 325 . 64 (48 . 00) 750251 Conf. & Mtgs. Librarian . 00 147. 00 3. 00 750252 Conf. & Mtgs . Staff . 00 190 . 00 10 . 00 750260 Training & Safety - Staff . 00 83 . 84 62 . 00 750290 Other Charges 3.47 32 . 59 43 .00 750013 Part-Time Salary 14..24 . . . . . 10,201 . 36 135, 024 .40 7,047. 00 STATISTICS FOR JUNE 1980 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction 9,_59 385 Child , Non-Fiction 1 ,2�4 234 Adult , Fiction 8,753 1 ,238 Child, Fiction __3-,_208 -7J11 TOTAL: 22,809 TOTAL:2_,614_ _ Periodicals: 1. 921- 370 Pamphlets ( Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 183 1 TOTAL: 1+ TOTAL: J71 Moving Pictures: 2n -0- Audiorecordings ( Incl . Rec. & Cass.) 8_ _ -0- Art Prints: 32 -0- Equipment Loaned: 17 -0- Slides: 20 -0- TOTAL: 989 TOTAL: -0- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 25,264 + 3,005 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION: 1979 Circulation 28,479 1981 Circulation 28,269 .01 %decrease Average Daily Circulation, Main, 1979 936 Main, 1980 -918 .02 ^%decrease Average Daily Circulation , Branch, 1979 142 Branch, 1980 143 .01 %increase REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 2,389 ILL Borrowed: 157 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent : 191 REF. ACTIVITY 2,737 ILL Total : 348 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF May 0th, 1980 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 10,723 258 214 10,767 DATE: 7 157 Children: 1 ,676 50 49 1 ,677 Increase of 85 Hillsborough: 3,273 58 3 f 3,328 Adjustment made to Oth1-' Non-Res. Patrons 85 6 -0- 91 start the new fiscal TOTAL: 15,757 372 266 15,863 year out accurately. ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: added Discarded Total to nate AS OF: May 30th VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 135,560 - 99,508 503 - 368 77 - 4 135,986 - 99,872 Child, Non-Fic: 17,502 - 13,86Q 101 50 44 - 8 17,559 - 13,902 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,352 - 3, 120 1 - 1 5 4 3,348 - 3,_117 .Adult, Fiction: 48,730 - 40,938 170 - 108 59 - 8 48,841 - 41 ,038 Child, Fiction: 13, 193 - 9,516 ^41 20 40 - 5 13,194 - 9,531 Y.A. , Fiction: 2,757 - 2,301 3 - 3 -0- - -0-_ 2,760 - 2,304 TOTAL: 221 ,094 - 169,243 819 - 550 225 29 221 ,688 - i6g,764 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 385 MAPS ADDED: 14 PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 316 MAPS DISCARDED: 4 TOTAL: 17,731 TOTAL: 1 ,220 RECORDINGS : AS OF: May 31st, 1980 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: June 30rh- 19.80 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 4,732 / 4, 143 - 86 / 85 -0- / -O- 4,818 / 4,228 Cassettes: 549 / 452 -0- / -0- -0- / -0- 549 / 452 TOTAL: 5,281 / 4,595 86 / 85 -0- / -0.- 5,367 / 4,680 DEPOSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN:S1 , 89 2.05_ - - .. BRANCH: 104.40 TOTAL: ,2,086.45/ - MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $_ 15.00_ TOTAL: 2,101 45 10TAL MEETINGS HELD 20 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 60.4