HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1980.08.19 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY AGENDA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING OF AUGUST 19th, 1980 ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : ' Trustees Absent : BILLS : Checks : $17 , 403 . 91 , Special Fund : $2 , 196 . 94 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JULY 15th, 1980 : LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Election of Officers for 1980-1981 Burlingame Historical Society Request for Space NEW BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: Next meeting scheduled for September 16th, 1980 at 4 : 30 pm. PB/jg BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES JULY 15th, 1980 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of July 15th, 1980 was called to order by Chairman Weatherbe at 4:30pm. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Chairman Weatherbe, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Parsons, Trustee Nagle and Trustee Fricke. Trustees Absent: None Also Present: Mrs. Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian BILLS: Checks in the amount of $10,201 .36 were paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons, seconded by Trustee Fricke and carried. The special fund checks in the amount of $1,117.02 were approved and ordered paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons, seconded by Chairman Weatherbe and carried. Mrs. Bergsing pointed out the Budget Expenditure report for the end of the 1979-1980 fiscal year. It shows $7,047.00 left in the 1979-1980 operating budget (exclusive of salaries) . The Board discussed the City Librarian's memo to the City Manager and the City Council requesting an additional $2,500.00 to be added to the book budget for the fiscal year 1980-1981 . All agreed that it was needed and one Board member expressed concern that it still might not be enough. Mr. Escoffier introduced Mr. Tim Talbot, supervisor of the P.L.S. Film Center of San Mateo County, who brought video tape equipment and presented a tape of the November, 1979 White House Conference on Libraries and Information Services. The video tape showed the members a synopsis of what happened at the Conference and the reasoning behind it. It was informative as well as interesting and Mr. Talbot did an excellent job in explaining the video equipment to the Board members after the tape was over. Mr. Escoffier showed the Board the new'Directory of Human Services" compiled by the staff of the Peninsula Library System Community Information Project. The Directory describes the social services and human services that are available to all residents of the County. The Directory was partially funded by a grant from the San Mateo Foundation, and should be an extremely useful resource for the public. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JUNE 17th, 1980: The minutes of the meeting of June 17th, 1980 were approved as written and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: 1980-1981 Budget: Mrs. Bergsing reviewed the status of the budget hearings and reported that the remaining items of the Library's budget will probably be taken up by the Council at a study session sometime in August. Foundation Repairs: A young man from the Public Works Deparmtent completed digging under the wheelchair ramp to the depth of the leak in the Community Room. He ran into mud and some water came to the surgace. Mrs. Bergsing is now consulting with Mr. Kirkup, Larry Nelson and other members of the Public Works Department to try and determine what we should do next. Smoke Detection System: Mrs. Bergsing reported that the bids for the smoke detection system had come in earlier in the day and that Mr. Kirkup had called to report that the lowest bid was from Western Audio Video for $14,200.00. The Council will be asked to award the contract at their next regular meeting, with an extra work order for additional detectors not to exceed $3,000.00. G.R.C. Study on Automated Circulation: Librarian Bergsing stated that PLS had received a copy of a "rough-draft" report on the feasibility of automating circulation activities in public libraries in San Mateo County. They have written to Mr. Keyston, President of. G.R.C. (Governmental Research Council) informing him that the libraries have not yet had an opportunity to give any input and that there were questions regarding the contents and some of the conclusions. She said that the PLS Board of Directors is concerned about the final report and have asked Mr. Keyston to wait until the consultant returns from vacation in order to make sufficient corrections and comments. Mrs. Bergsing will keep the Board members up-to-date regarding this subject. P.L.S. System News: Mrs. Bergsing explained to the Board that the System has received approval for 3 grants for the fiscal year 1980-1981. The amounts were as follows: $5,100.00 for Bibcen (Bidbliographic Center -Centralized Inter-Library Loan); $47,800.00 to complete the conversion of the Union File to machine readable format and the most exciting news was the $10,375.00 (the full amount requested) to support the Community Awareness Project. This will give PLS the money they need to advertise library services. Ideas under consideration include a slide/tape show, pulbic service announcements on radio and TV lobby displays, billboards on bus', and a reception to celebrate the 10th anniversary of PLS. All the funds for the projects are from the Federal Government as allocated by the State Library. Discussion followed. Automated Circulation: Mrs. Bergsing reported that she had been spending considerable amount of time researching automated circulation systems. She would like to devote an entire meeting sometime this fall to advising the Board members of the possibilities and the alternatives. The Mayor has suggested that a joint meeting of the Council and the Board might be arranged to discuss the systems. Everyone agreed thatthis would be an excellent idea. Burlingame Historical Society: The Burlingame Historical Society contacted Mrs. Bergsing and requested that they be allowed to store some of their things at the Library. Mrs. Bergsing said it consisted of letters, real estate books, photographs, etc. She further explained that they have their own locked cabinets to store their items which could be housed in the Friends sorting room. There was discussion and Chairman Weatherbe expressed concern about placing the cainets in that location because it was already so crowded. After further discussion it was agreed that Trustees Nagle and Hechinger would form a Committee to meet with Librarian Bergsing and/or representatives of the Historical Society to see if any satisfactory arrangement could be worked out. They will report at the next meeting. CORRESPONDENCE: Chairman Weatherbe acknowledged a thank you note from Trustee Parsons. Everyone expressed pleasure at seeing Barbara at the meeting again. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Unfinished Business was discussed in conjunction with the Librarian's Report. NEW BUSINESS: Report on Seminar for Board members: June Weatherbe: Chairman Weatherbe gave a report on the seminar she had just attended on "How to be a More Effective Commissioner". Her comments were interesting but she felt that the seminar was directed more towards planning commissioners rather than libary commissioners. However, she said it was well presented and informative. She shared a book she had received at the seminar with the other Board members. Mrs. Bergsing mentioned that the American Library Association will be holding their annual convention next year in San Francisco, and the Trustee section always has a number of programs directed towards Trustees. It will be held the end of June or the first part of July 1981. Report on American Library Association Conference: Joy Molder: Mrs. Molder reported that she had just attended the American Library Association Conference in New York. She said that it was extremely interesting and part of her attendance consisted of a program for the Library Administration Management Association for which she was a speaker. Her topic was "Interpersonal Relationships for Middle Managers". The remainder of the New Business was discussed in conjuction with the Librarian's Report with the exception of the Election of Officers which was table until next months meeting. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:25pm with the next meeting scheduled for August 19th, 1980 at 4:30 pm. Respectfully submitted. Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jag LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT AUGUST 19th , 1980 `- 1980-1981 BUDGET: As far as we know now, the next Budget session will be on Wednesday , August 20th , at -S--0-0pm.*7'3d FOUNDATION REPAIRS : Nothing has been decided yet about how to repair the foundation leak by the_ Redwood Tree . We are still doing water tests to try and pinpoint the trouble as precisely as possible . It ' s beginning to appear likely that we may try to seal the wall of the building, and also consider installing a sump pump. SMOKE DETECTION SYSTEM: By the date of your, meeting, work should have begun on installation of the smoke detection system. The first step is installing the conduit . Since that requires drilling through some walls , it is also the dirtiest and noisiest part of the process . BURLINGAME HISTORICAL SOCIETY : Bill Nagle, Ben Hechinger, and I met and discussed the Historical Society' s request for space to house 3 storage cabinets filled with their materials . We toured the Friend ' s sorting room, and considered other arrangements for the cabinets . Bill is working on a draft of a written agreement that he will be bringing to your meeting for discussion and action. P . L. S . ADVISORY BOARD: Alice Fricke has been appointed to the P.L.S . Advisory Board as Burlingame ' s Representative . The next meeting will be on September 18th at the County Library Headquarters . All of you are welcome to attend. G . R. C . CIRCULATION STUDY: It is my understanding that G .R.C. has hired another consultant to rewrite their study of automated circulation systems for P. L.S . I am not sure when the new person is scheduled to begin work, so, at the moment , we have no idea when the report will be completed and issued. P. L. S . UNIFORM CIRCULATION POLICIES COMMITTEE: The above Committee met on July 16th and tentatively agreed to the following recommendations : 1 . 10� per day overdue fine for all adult materials except 16mm films and art prints . 2 . S� per day overdue fine for Children ' s books . 3 . 2S� fee for reserves and interlibrary loans . y 4 . 21 day loan period for all materials except 7 days for new fiction , periodicals , 8mm films , and high demand items . The Committee is composed of the Directors of Menlo Park , San Mateo City, San Mateo County , San Bruno and Burlingame Public Libraries , and LIBRARIAN' S REPORT CONTINUED: AUGUST 19th , 1 PAGE 2 : two members of the P.L.S . Advisory Board. The Committee is planning on another meeting in September, and then a report will be forwarded to the full. P . L. S . Board. If they all agree , then I will ask you to consider c',,anging Burlingame ' s circulation procedures where necessary to conform to the recommendations . The biggest change for Burlingame will be the 21 day loan period and reducing fines on records , cassettes and 8mm films from 15� per day to 10� . HILLSBOROUGH CONTRACT: A tentative contract agreement has been forwarded to the City Managers of Hillsborough and San Mateo from Burlingame 's City Manager. If everyone agrees , we will have a three-year arrangement to serve Hillsborough residents , with the amount Hillsborough pays adjusted annually beginning in 1981 . This adjustment will be based on the percentage increase or decrease in the combined annual operating budgets of the two libraries as compared to the original 1977-1978 budget amount. The distribution of the money between Burlingame and San Mateo may also be amended based on usage data. . AUTOMATED CIRCULATION: I am continuing to read , study and attend meetings in order to learn as much as possible about automated circulation systems . In a recent conversation with the Mayor, he indicated that the Council has agreed to the idea of meeting with the Library Board sometime this Fall to discuss �- automated circulation. It will probably be a Saturday morning meeting. I am giving serious consideration to the possibility of asking the consultant, Mr. Joseph Mathews to attend the meeting. He was hired by both G .R.C . and the County Library to assist them in their studies of automated circulation. What do you think? ANNUAL REPORT: We finally completed work on our annual report "How Much Does it Cost to Read a Family of Four" , and it has been sent to the printer. The Friends of the Library agreed to pay for the cost of the printing, and a copy of the report will be inserted in the Recreation Department Fall Bulletin and distributed to every household in Burlingame. We are very excited about it . We are hoping it will help Burlingame residents and tax payers realize what a bargain their Library is . VISIT BY STATE LIBRARY CONSULTANT: Mr. John Amend, a consultant for the State Library spent the morning of July 31st here at the Library. He was interested in touring the building, seeing our current operations , and hearing about our problems and concerns . We discussed a wide variety of issues and some of his observa`:ions were very helpful and thought provoking - particularly regarding our plans to reorganize the public service areas . LIBRARY INSTRUCTION: A special class visit by 40+ members of a Youth Employment Program class were given instruction in finding career material in the Library. Barbara Rowe and Al Escoffier developed the specialized instruction which LIBRARIAN' S REPORT CONTINUED: AUGUST 1 th, 1980 PAGE 3 : outlined the wide variety of resources available on career management at Burlingame Public Library. A tour of Bay Microfilms was held for members of the Reference Committee in which their new service "Photo-Fiche" was discussed and demonstrated. This service provides very clear copies of local history photographs on microfiche . This enables the safe use of local history photos for research. Some P. L. S . libraries are considering this service . CHILDREN' S DEPARTMENT : The Summer Reading Club concluded on August 1Sth. One hundred and fifteen children finished the Club . They will receive their certificates at the party in the Community Room on Wednesday, August 20th at 2 : OOpm. Judy Strup, a puppeteer will provide the entertainment , and the Friends are serving the refreshments . All of the materials for the Reading Club and the party have been provided again by the Burlingame Lions Club. PROGRAMS : John Hoffman, Director of Parks , gave two apecial lunch-hour travelogue programs on July 9th and 16th. He presented slides of his trip to European capitals . The first program attracted 64 people and the second program made the room burst with 92 people. Alice Fricke and Ruth Gottlieb , on behalf of the Friends of the Library provided ,and served desert , coffee and tea. PB/jg JULY 1980 BRANCH PATRON COUNT 170 Tuesday, July 1st 111 Wednesday, July 2nd. 104 Thursday, July 3rd 69 Saturday, July 5th Monday, July 7th 113 July Jul 8th 108 Tuesday, Wednesday, July 9th 90. 102 Thursday, July 10th 64 Saturday, July 12th Monday, July 14th 120 Tuesday, July 15th 159 Wednesday, July 16th 158 Thursday, July 17th 100 Saturday, July 19th 60 Monday, July 21st 150 Tuesday, July 22nd 151 Wednesday, July 23rd 111 Thursday, July 24th 76 Saturday, July 26th 71 Monday, July 28th 154 Tuesday, July 29th 103 Wednesday, July 30th 133 Thursday, July 31st 104 Total for month: 2 , 571 STATISTICS FOR JULY 1980 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction 10,150 487 Child, Non-Fiction 1,400 401 Adult, Fiction 10,164 1.376 Child, Fiction 3.24 .x,166 TOTAL: 24.956 TOTAL: 3,430 Periodicals: 1,454 483 Pamphlets (incl. Maps & Sm. Press: 236 1 TOTAL: 1.690 TOTAL: 484 Moving Pictures: -0- Audiorecordings (Inc] . Rec. & Cass.) 1,049 -0- Art Prints: 29 -0- Equipmept Loaned: 6 -0- Slides: 105 -0- TOTAL: 1,220 TOTAL: -0- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 27,866 + 3.914 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION: 1979 Circulation 31,346 1980 Circulation 31,780 1_.38 o Inc. Average Daily Circulation, Main, 1979 1.010 _ Main, 1980 1 .49 % Dec. Average Daily Circulation, Branch, 1979 133 Branch, 1980 170 98.7Q % Inc. REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 2,438 ILL Borrowed: 147 GRAND TOTAL. OF ILL Lent: 249 REF. ACTIVITY 2,834 ILL Total : 396 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF 6/30/80 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 10,767 270 302 10,735 DATE: 7,230 Children: 1,677 59 52 1,684 Increase of 73 Hillsborough: 3,328 65 -0- } 3,393 Other Non-Res. Patrons 91 3 -0- 94 TOTAL: 15,863 397 354 15,906 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date AS OF: 6/3(u 80 VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 135,986 - 99,872 429 - 318 294 - 171 136.121 100,,019 Child, Non-Fic: j7,559 - 13,902 73 - 54 14 11 17,618 13,945 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,348 - 3,117 6 - 5 -0- - -0- 3,354 - 3,122 Adult, Fiction: 48,841 - 41,`038 245 - x.55 222 - 43 48,864 - 41.150 Child, Fiction: 13,194 - 9,531 118 - 27 12 - 3 13,300 - 9,555 Y.A. , Fiction: 2,760 - - 2,304 9 - 7 16 - -0- 2,753 - 2,311 . TOTAL: 2.21,688 -169,764 880 - 566 558 - 228 T 222,010 - 170,102 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 194 MAPS ADDED: -0- PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 215 MAPS DISCARDED: -0- . TOTAL: 17,710- TOTAL: 1,270 RECORDINGS: AS OF: 6/30/80 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: 7131/80 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 4818 / 4228 98 / 96 15 / -0- 4901 / 4324 Cassettes: 549 / 452 -0- / -0- -0- / -0- 549 / 452 TOTAL: 5367 / 4680 _ 9R / 96 1, / -0- 5450 / 4776 DEPOSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 1,923.68 BRANCH: 104.40 TOTAL: 2,028.08 MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ 107.00 TOTAL: 2,135.08 TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 18 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 496 SPECIAL FUND CHECKING ACCOUNT Balance forward from July: 313.34 July 29th Deposit 881. 45 August 7th Deposit 359. 85 Transfer from savings - 7/8/80 $1,000. 00 August 14th Deposit 235 . 35 August 19th Withdrawals : (2, 196. 94) Balance forward to September : 593 . 05 SAVINGS ACCOUNT Balance forward from July : 8 215 . 99 Transfer to Bank of America : 1,000 .00 Balance forward to September: 7 215 . 99 BUDGET EXPENDITURES BURLINGAME' PUBLI'C' LhBRARX Payables through August 19 , 1980 : "ACCOUNT # THIS MONTH 750110 Office Expense 2 ,274 . 01 750120 Special Department Expense 20 . 53 750121 Books 8 ,010 . 91 \ 750'122 Periodicals 8 Subscriptions 5 ,736 . 17 i 750123 Binding . 00 750124 Cataloging 438 . 73 75012.5 Records 8 Cassettes 346 . 71 750130 Small Tools .00 750160 Telephone 129 . 77 750170 Utilities 110 . 34 750190 Building Maintenance 187 . 48 50200 Equipment Maintenance . 00 750201 A/V Equipment Maintenance . 00 750202 Security System Maintenance . 00 750210 Professional Services . 00 750240 Dues and Subscriptions 30 . 00 750250 Travel Reimbursemeni 21. 76 750251 Conferences 8 Mtgs . Librarian . 00 750252 Conferences & Mtgs . Staff . 00 750260 Training and Safety - Staff 55 . 00 750290 Other Charges . 00 20-008-220 Capital Expenditure 42 . 50 TOTAL: $17 ,403 . 91