HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1980.09.16 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA SEPTEMBER 16th , 1980 ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Trustees Absent : Trustee Hechinger, excused for vacation Also Present : BILLS: Checks : $9,503.48 Special Fund : $1,093.30 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 19th , 1980 : LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE : Letter to Al Escoffier from Chris Faltis , Instructor at the Catholic Social Service of San Mateo County UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Agreement with Burlingame Historical Society Distribution of additional materials on automated circulation NEW BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: Next Board meeting scheduled for October 21st , 1980 at 4 : 30pm. PMB/jag 'a.,. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES AUGUST 19th, 1980 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of August 19th, 1980 was called to order by Secretary Barbara Parsosn at 4:30 pm. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Chairman Weatherbe, Trustee Nagle, Trustee Parsons & Trustee Fricke Trustees Absent: Trustee Hechinger Also Present: Mrs. Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian BILLS: Checks in the amount of $17,403.91 were paid on a motion made by Trustee Fricke, seconded by Trustee Nagle and carried. The Special Fund checks in the amount of $2,196.94 were approved and ordered paid on a motion made by Trustee Fricke and seconded by Trustee Parsons. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Everyone had received and read the Librarian's Report for the month of August. There was no discussion. CORRESPONDENCE: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Election of Officers for 1980-1981: Nominations were opened by Chairman Weatherbe for a new Chairman: Trustee Fricke nominated Trustee Nagle for the position. It was seconded by Trustee Parsons and carried unanimously. For the position of Secretary: Trustee Fricke was nominated by Trustee Parsons, seconded ] y Chairman Weatherbe and carried unanimously. Burlingame Historical Society Request for Space: Trustee Nagle reviewed the major points of the License Agreement between the City of Burlingame and the Burlingame Historical Society. After discussion and clarificaiton of the language regarding access to the materials by Library staff, Trustee Fricke moved acceptance of the agreement with the proposed changes. It was seconded by Trustee Parsons and carried unanimously. Trustee Nagle stated he would forward the agreement to the City Attorney and discuss the changes with him. NEW BUSINESS: Mrs. Bergsing announced to the Board that she had received notification from Jane Light of the Peninsula Library System that State funding will be available in the amount of $6,000.00 to Burlingame for purchase of the new CRT Terminal. This is for the on-line cataloging that we are now doing, and in addition to the $6,000.00, they will reimburse the Library 454 for each title that we catalog. They are trying to build a data-base in California and this is the reason for the 454reimbursement. The terminal will be available for purchase sometime in January or February. She also reported to the Board that one of the items that had been approved for payment from the special fund, the "record bin", had arrived. It is inferior in workmanship, not the right color, and overall not acceptable. She requested permission from the Board to return it. After discussion, the Board members felt that she should return it and try to find a better record bin from another supplier or have one made locally. Librarian Bergsing distributed a package containing basic, general information on computerized circulation systems. She said that San Mateo is installing their own computerized circulation system shorty and that San Mateo County has had their request approved to do the same. She had not yet heard whether or not a date had been set for the Board members to meet with Council regarding this, but she will keep them informed. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5:45pm with the next meeting scheduled for September 16th, 1980 at 4:30pm. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jag BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARIAN' S REPORT SEPTEMBER 16th, 1980 1980-1981 Budget At -the Study Session on Wednesday, August 20th, the City Council approved the Library' s budget with an additional $4 ,000 .00 for the book budget . They did not approve any additional hours for the Easton Drive Branch. 'SmokeDetection System Work has still not begun on the smoke detection system. The City Engineer and the Contractor completed another final "walk-through" of the job on September 4th, but work cannot start until all the proper insurance papers are filed with the City. Hopefully, they will complete this process within the next few days . Foundation Repairs The City Engineering Department has decided that the best way to repair and control the foundation leak in the Community Room is to install a sump pump. They are supposed to be designing what we need. As of September 10th , no one has had time to begin working on the plans . I intend to keep reminding them because I feel we will be in some difficulty if the rains begin and that hole is still exposed. Hillsborough Contract . At the moment , the Hillsborough City Council approved the Contract for Library Service and it will be on the Burlingame City Council agenda for approval on Monday night . (Sept . 15th) . Joint Meeting with City Council The date of Saturday , November 15th has been set for the joint meeting between the Library Bcard and the City Council. The major subject will be to explore the feasibility of an automated circulation system for the Library. I still do not know the time and place. I 'm sure we will be notified in plenty of time . Interlibrary Loans Christine Dassoff reports an interesting month of interlibrary activity We obtained a rare manuscript , written a century ago by a relative of the patron who requested it. The lending library was the Library of Congress . We also borrowed items this month from the National Library of Canada and the Hawaii State Library. RLIN continues to be a tremendous aid to interlibrary loans . One of our more scholarly patrons submitted a list of requests for very obscure law books with only partial bibliographic information. RLIN produced complete bibliographic information and an indication of where the books were located. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT SEPTEMBER 16th , 1980 PAGE 2 : New Art Prints `- Fourteen new art prints have been ordered from the New York Graphic Society. The prints were part of a package, which were purchased for 500 less than the regular price. The prints will arrive in a few weeks . The money for the prints was given by the Friends of the Library. Programs Ms . Barbara Rowe of the Reference Department is planning a series of Public Service Programs this fall. The first will be on September 27th , from 10 : OOam to 12 : 30pm and repeated on Wednesday evening, October lst from 7 : 00 to 9 : OOpm. It will be on "Financial and Estate Planning" . She has also tentatively scheduled a program on Energy Conservation for November, and a program on Home Security for January . PB/j g STATISTICS FOR AUGUST 1480 CIRCULATION 14AIN BRANCH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction 8,916 450 Child, Non-Fiction 1,060 301 Adult, Fiction 10,044 1. 113 `- Child, Fiction 2,862_ 626 TOTAL: 22, 882 TOTAL: 2..485 Periodicals: 1,438 442 Pamphlets (Inc] . Maps & Sm. Press: 168 . -0 TOTAL: 1,606 TOTAL: 442 -- _- Moving Pictures: 44 -0 Audiorecordings (Incl . Rec. & Cass.) 110 -0- Art Prints: 19 -0- Equipment Loaned: -0- -0- Slides: -0- -0- TOTAL: 1,073 TOTAL: -0- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 250561 + 2,927 = 28,488 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION: 1979 Circulation 29, 791 1980Circulation 2$488 4.37 %Dec. Average Daily Circulation, Main, 1979 953 Main, 1980 897 5.88 %Dec. Average Daily Circulation, Branch,1979 125 Branch, 1980 139 11 .20 %Inc. REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions:. 2,021 ILL Borrowed: 117 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 1k9 REF. ACTIVITY ILL Total : 999 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF juty 3.1, 1980 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 10, 735 269 330 100674 DATE: 7, 999 Children: 1,684 . •27 36 1,675 Increase ofd Hillsborough: 3, 393 35 -0- 3.,428 Other Non-Res. Patrons 94 6 -0- 100 TOTAL: 15,906 337 366 15,877 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date AS OF: Ju,2y 31, 198TOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 136, 121 - 100,018 524 - 385 59 38 136., 586 - 100.366 Child, Non-Fic: 17,618 - 13,945 25 19 23 - 2 17 620 - 13,,962 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,354 - 3, 122 8 - 8 14 - 7 3,348 - 3,323 Adult, Fiction: 48, 864 - 41, 150 142 - . 81 46 - 3 48,960 - 41 ,228 Child, Fiction: 13,300 - 9,555 87 - 30 37 - 4 13,350 - 9,581 Y.A. , Fiction: 2, 753 - - 2, 311 9 - 9 ' 28 - 112,734 - 2,309 TOTAL: 222,010 - T70_, 0Y 795 - 532 207 - 65- 222,598 - 170,569 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 176 MAPS ADDED: -0- PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 158 MAPS DISCARDED: -0- TOTAL: 0TOTAL: 17,728 TOTAL: 1,270 RECORDINGS: AS OF: JueV 31 , 1980 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: Atirmt 31 1990 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UN FTS / 'TITLES Disc' s: 4,901 / 4, 324 46 / 43 16 / 16 40931 / 4, 3 51 _ Cassettes: 549 / 452 -0- / -0- -0- / _0- 549 1 452 TOTAL: 5-450 / 4,776 46 / 43 _1-6_ / 16 _5,480 / 4 0,63_ DEQ _-,ITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 1, 877. 11 �-- BRANCH: 175.95 TOTAL: 2 053.06 MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ 22.50 TOTAL: 2,075.56 TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 9 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 438 C OF BURLINGAMC BUDGET STATUS REPORT 12 MONTH YWT,-D Y-T-U CUR M(1 UNEXPENDED ACCT DESCRIPTIUN APPROP, ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUA1_ VARIANCE BALANCE. EN LIBRARY 750U1U LIBRARY SALARIES 259 , 336 43 ,222 40 , 438 20 ,219 2, 7814 218 , 898 750011 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 0 0 0 0 00 750013 5 LIBRARY PARTTIME 156 , 893 26 , 148 27 , 1 13 , 439 1 , 363- 129 , 3F32 750110 LICIRARYCIFF'ItE EXPENSE E�r 6 2_ 20 1 , 104 ,274 2 , 270 1 , 170- 4 , 350 .. - 750120 LIBRARY-SPECIAL. DEPTL EXPENSE: 8,330 1 088 21 21 1 x 367 8 , 30`t 750121 LIBRARY-BOOKS & •MAPS 78 ,256 13 , 042 8. 011 80011 51031 70 , ,''.45 750122 LIBRARY . PERIODICALS 9 , 817 1 0636 5 , 736 `3 , 736 4, 106- 41081 750123 LIBRARY - BINDING 13, 135 2r 190 0 0 2, 190 13, 135 750124 LIBRARY -CATALOGING 111 ►532 2 , 422 439 439 1 , 9x)3 t4 ► 093 750125 LTHRARY-RECORDS & CASSETTES 4 , 133 688 347 317 341 3, 786 7501.30 LIBRARY-SMALL TOOLS & LOUIP 225 38 C 0 3a 225 750160 LIBRARY - COMMUNICATIONS 2, 566 428 130 130 298 2, 436 A 750170 LIBRARY - UTILITIES 16, 822 2 , 8011 116 110 c?, E;94 16, 712 750190 LIBRARY-MAINT BLDG & GROUNDS 6x367 1 , 062 187 187 875 60180 750200 LIBRARY-EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE: 866 144 0 0 144 866 750201 LIHHAl7Y-Ecaulf� PAINT-A.V. 50 ': 8 0 0 58 350 750202 LIBRARY-EQUIP PAINT-SEC .SYSTEM S3 56 q 0 333 750210 LIBRARY-PROP & SPECIAL SERVICE. 3x600 600 0 0 hUo 3, 640 750240 LIFIRARY-DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 335 56._ , :fit).:. _ 3 0 26 305 750250 LIBRARY TRAVEL 375 b2 22 22 40 353 750251LIB-CONF & MTGS-LTURARIAN 300 50 0 0 50 300 750252_ LIES-GONE & MITGS-STAFF 400 66 0 0 66 400 750260 LIBRARY-TRAINING & SAFETY 325 54 55 55 1- 270 750290 LIBRARY - OTHER CHARGES 75 12 0 0 12 75 ****** TOTAL LIBRARY _ 583,`0,75 97 , 330 85, 311 . 51 , 019 1c, 01`� �498, 1a84 Ll L SPECIAL rM CHECKING ACCOUNT Balance forward from August: 593.05 September 11th, Deposit 297.30 September 16th Deposit 500.00 September 16th Withdrawals: 1,093.30 Balance forward to October: 297.05 SAVINGS ACCOUNT Balance forward from August: 7,215.99 Deposit: August 16th 248.00 Deposit: August 27th 223.00 Transfer to Bank of America 9/16/80: 500.00 Balance forward to October: 7,186.99 `Burlingame `Public Library 480 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA 94010 Patricia M. Bergsing (415) 344-7107 Librarian Daily Patron Count: August 1980: Saturday, August 2: Monday, August 4: Tuesday, August 5: /5 Wednesday, August 6: Thursday, August 7: Saturday, August 9: 7..SS Monday, August 11 : Tuesday, August 12: % S Wednesday, August 13: 11J3 Thursday, August 14: Saturday, August 16: �- Monday, August 18: A le Tuesday, August 19: �. Wednesday, August 20: • Thursday, August 21 : Saturday, August 23: Monday, August 25: /!17 Tuesday, August 26: Wednsday, August 27: Thursday, August 28: Saturday, August 30: 1, + Total : i MONTHLY REPORT MONTH August 1280 Outreach Activities - 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 24- 2. 42. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers t--- B. Hours contributed 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 26 B. Number of visits made _ C. Items circulated 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials visits / Attendance / circulated A. Bavview 46 film i B. Hillhaven 1 ( ! film C• Reti z:erment, Inn Z 3h _ film D. 131!lg Hacienda 1 13 film. E. Convent 3 / 20 Books F. 5. Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons B. Visits made C. Items circulated 127 Comments/activities: I was on vacation for three weeks during the month of Aumist- however ynough advanced work was done for our Outreach program to continue on a limited basis.„eanne Quackenbush, a volunteer for eight years came in and checked out materials and ov,r saw the program in r,7, absense. Dan Horn was also on vacation and so we limited hi v' i•1s to one for each home and that beinr- a film. We have added two new patrons to our program and lost one due to a move from the area. Mrs. Edith Coleman a volunteer to 7 patrons for 71 years passed away this last month. It is a deffinite loss to our proeram and to the patrons that she called upon. She will replaced by 1,1rs. June Schnake. We have also taken on two new Talking Book patrons.