HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - TSP - 2012.05.10BURLINGAME TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION AGENDA May 10, 2012 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -April 12, 2012 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Persons in the audience may speak on any item on the agenda or any other matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State -Local Agency Open Meeting Law) prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Speakers are requested to fill out a "Request To Speak" card located on the table by the door and hand it to staff. The Commission Chairperson may limit speakers to three minutes each. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Consider NO PARKING zone along west side of California Drive (between Dufferin & Rosedale) — Initial Discussion 7.2 Future TSPC participation at Farmers/Fresh Market — Discussion 7.3 Standing Subcommittees and Committee Assignments — Initial Discussion 7.4 Public Works Traffic Safety Brochures — Initial Discussion 8. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION ITEMS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF 8.1 Engineer's Report —Reports and/or updates on Public Works projects and activities 8.1.1 Requests/comments/responses to public traffic concerns (stop signs, crosswalks, speed control, parking) Larkspur/Linden Avenues —speeding concerns • Fresh Market —traffic related public comments to TSPC Construction projects Burlingame Village Water Main Replacement Project Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission - Agenda May 10, 2012 Page 2 8.2 Traffic Sergeant's Report — Reports and/or updates on Police Department programs and activities 8.2.1 General/Selective Traffic Enforcement Report 8. 2.2 Parking rate and meter change out 8.3 Commissioners' Comments and Concerns 9. COMMUNICATIONS Report by Staff or Commissioners of citizen concerns or complaints regarding traffic, safety and parking issues that are within the Commission's jurisdiction. 9.1 Alix Lindblom —Parking Rate Increases 9.2 Pat Giorni — "The Courteous Road Users Guide" 9.3 Randy Vanderbrink —Burlingame Plaza/EI Camino Real Driveway Safety 10. COMMISSION &COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (B/PAC) agenda Committee meets 5:30PM in Conference Room B before each TSPC meeting. 10.2 Website/Communications Subcommittee 10.3 Pedestrian Corridors Subcommittee 10.4 Neighborhood Parking subcommittee 11. NEW FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Dates for discussion to be determined later by Staff or Commissioners. 12. ADJOURNMENT Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Engineering Counter at City Hall located at 501 Primrose Road during normal business hours. _Z_ MINUTES -ITEM 5 The City of Burlingame CALIFORNIA 940103997 wm.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Unapproved Thursday, April 12, 2012 Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Nicklas Akers, Vice Chair Jeff Londer Mark Noworolski Laurie Simonson, Chair Caroline Serrato Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Transportation Engineer, Public Works Corporal Chuck Witt, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Visitors: Athan Rebelos Pat Giorni Manito Velasco 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:03 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 3 of 5 Commissioners present. Chair Simonson and Commissioner Serrato absent. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion: To accept the minutes of February 9, 2012 with the following corrections: - Item 5 within the motion for accepting minutes of January 19, 2012 should reflect "Commissioner" Londer. Item 7.1 first paragraph last sentence should read — "It was noted that there was on no one if attendance....." M/S/C: Londer/Noworolski; 3/0/0 Motion: To accept the minutes of March 8, 2012 as submitted M/S/C: Londer/Noworolski; 3/0/0 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Giorni commented on parking now being allowed along V of EI Camino Real at Mills -Peninsula hospital. She stated that before construction, this curb area was previously a red zone. She said that these parked vehicles now make it dangerous for bicyclists. Mr. Velasco stated his support for the work Mr. Chou and B/PAC have done to improve conditions on California Drive between Trousdale and Mill Avenue, Mr. Velasco also expressed his concerns regarding unsafe driving maneuvers and speeding in this area. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Future TSPC participation at Farmer/Fresh Market —Discussion Vice Chair Akers thanked Commissioners Londer and Chair Simonson for representing TSPC at Fresh Market and Mr. Chou for the work done by the sign shop. The Commissioners heard resident concerns and issues which Commissioner Lander has forwarded to Mr. Chou, Commissioner Lander also secured the first Sunday of every month for the Commission to have a space at the Fresh Market. There was also discussion about partnering with the Citizens Environmental Council in Fresh Market participation. 7.2 Standing Subcommittees and Committee Assignments —Initial Discussion Vice Chair Akers suggested that this item be postponed until next month so that a greater majority of the Commission could be present for detailed discussions. Commissioners Lander and Noworolski concurred. 8. Information/Discussion Items from Commission and Staff 8.1 Engineer's Report —Reports Al updates on Public Works projects and activities 8.1.1 Requests/comments/responses to public traffic concerns (stop signs, crosswalks, speed control, parking) - Carmelita Avenue —crosswalks Mr. Chou report ed that staff will be working on getting full sets of marked crosswalks at all the side streets down Carmelita Avenue. He also added that staff would be evaluating marked crosswalks across Carmelita at either Paloma or at Laguna. Mr. Chou also stated that he would try to add these as part of the next fiscal year's thermoplastic striping project. LarkspuNLinden Avenues — speeding concerns Mr. Chou reported that he and Corporal Witt met with residents Janet McDonald and Matthew Carlson to discuss the idea of a temporary test -case for a traffic circle at this intersection. He said that both residents will speak with their neighbors to seek consensus on whether to try out the temporary test -case idea. Mr. Chou explained that if the idea was to proceed, staff would need to conduct initial baseline studies before any implementation. - Parking Lot N —lot modifications Mr. Chou reported that Lot N opened this morning and was fully operational. He thanked Corporal Witt, Liz Roscoe, Vince Falzon and the street crew for getting all signs in place and reconfiguring the pay machines. - Burlingame Avenue —district meter rate change update Mr. Chou reported that Council approved the Resolution and Ordinance; and, that staff was currently waiting 30 days for implementation. - Fresh Market —traffic related public comments to TSPC Mr. Chou reported that Commissioner Londer had compiled a list of public comments and concerns that he received at the last Fresh Market that the Commission members participated in. Mr. Chou said that staff would address the comments and see if some solutions could be arrived at on a staff level. 8.1.2 Construction project - 2012 Street Resurf acing Project Mr. Chou gave a brief description of the project and a summary of the streets involvedI He stated that construction work was planned to start during the summer. - Carolan Avenue bike route signs Mr. Chou report ed that a TDA grant from several years ago funded approximately 20 bike route signs on Carolan Avenue. He reported that this project was now complete. Public Works Traffic Safety Brochures Mr. Chou stated that he was still working on the brochures and asked the Commission for input. Vice Chair Akers recommended that each Commissioner review each draft before the next meeting. This item will be placed on the next agenda as a discussion item. 8. 1.4 Commission Size Expansion update Mr. Chou reported that Council decided not to consider expansion of commission or the addition of more members to City commissions. Instead, Council relayed their desire to focus on how to get some of the interested parties otherwise involved in City projects and activities. 8.2 Traffic Sergeant's Report 8.2.1 General/Selective Traffic Enforcement Report Corporal Witt reported that the Police Department was in preparation for the Divas Marathon coming to town on the weekend of May 5th. He reported that the Police staff was expecting between 5,000 and 7,500 participants. Corporal Witt said that notifications were being sent to affected businesses in the area and two auto - dialer messages would also be sent. 8.2.2 Parking rate and meter change out Corporal Witt said that the reprogramming of the meters in the Downtown area would occur on the last week of May or the first week of June. 8.3 Commissioners' Comments and Concerns Commissioner Londer mentioned the "Drive Less Challenge" starting April 22, 2012. Commissioner Londer also mentioned "Bike to Work" day on May 10, 2012. He said that an energizer station would be set up at Summit Bikes on California Drive, and at the Burlingame Caltrain Station, 9. COMMUNICATIONS 9.1 Ken Voss —Streetline (vendor parking technology message) Vice Chair Akers acknowledged receipt of an email from Mr. Voss of Streetline. Vice Chair Akers acknowledged receipt of an email from Chair Simonson regarding her absence. Vice Chair Akers cautioned about sending emails to the majority of the Commission in accordance with Brown Act and State laws. 10.COMMISSION &COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory committee (B/PAC) Mr. Chou reported that B/PAC discussed concerns about bicyclist safety and the parking situation on California Drive, between Murchison Drive and Broadway. He said they also discussed potential "road diet" projects for Carolan Avenue and California Drive, from Broadway to Peninsula Avenue. Mr. Chou also mentioned that there was a US101/Broadway Interchange meeting coming up regarding landscaping and aesthetics. He said that this meeting would be a staff meeting between the project engineers, city staff, SMCTA staff, and Caltrans. Commissioner Londer reminded everyone that, per the B/PAC definition for the group, a Planning Commission member and/or a Planning Department staff member was supposed to attend B/PAC meetings, but that this was not occurring. Commissioner Londer stated that he would like to have their representation at these meetings for committee cohesiveness and collaboration between departments. 10.2 Website/Communications Subcommittee No report. 10.3 Pedestrian Corridors Subcommittee No report. 10.4 Neighborhood Parking Working Group No report. 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11.1 California Drive (Dufferin to Rosedale) —Possible on -street parking removal (May) 12.ADJOURNMENT 8:09 p.m. COMMUNICATIONS -ITEM 9 PW/ENG-Chou, Augustine From: TSPC@ Bu rli ngame.org Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2012 4:38 PM To: PW/ENG-Chou, Augustine; Caroline Serrato (caroline94010@me.com); Jeff Londer Qwlonder@aol.com); Laurie Simonson (laurie@laurieksimonson.com); Mark Noworolski (jmarkn@gmail.com); Nick Akers (nicklas.akers@gmail.com) Subject: FW: Parking permit rate increase From: AIixISMTP:ALIX.BLOOM@GMAIL.COMI Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2012 4:38:55 PM To: TSPC@Burlingame.org Subject: Parking permit rate increase Auto forwarded by a Rule Dear Panel, I am writing today out of frustration and dismay. I have been a Burlingame resident for many years. When I first moved here there were two free parking lots close to where I live. Now there are none and I have been paying $40/month for a merchant permit as resident for some time now. To find in July that I will be expected to pay $240/year more just adds insult to injury. I would gladly walk a few blocks for long-term parking or to be a part of the residential permit program. This has never been an option. The suggestions from city employees in the past have ranged from "lie about your address" to "ask someone you may know on those streets to give you a permit". None of this has been of help. I have paid my fair share of parking tickets and I know it's of my own free will I choose to live in Burlingame. However, I just wish there was something that could be done for hard working residents like myself for whom this additional expense creates even more of a hardship. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Alix Lindblom PW/ENG-Chou, Augustine From: TSPC@Burlingame.org Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 11:40 AM To: PW/ENG-Chou, Augustine; Caroline Serrato (caroline94010@me.com); Jeff Londer Qwlonder@aol.com); Laurie Simonson (laurie@laurieksimonson.com); Mark Noworolski Qmarkn@gmail.com); Nick Akers (nicklas.akers@gmail.com) Subject: FW: The Courteous Road Users Guide Attachments: Bikes.On.Board_btwd2012_flyer-l.pdf; Courteous Road User3232012_final.docx; CourteousRoadUser3232012_final.pdf From: pat giornilSMTP:HOGORNI(aYAHOO.COMI Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 11:40:25 AM To: PW/ENG-Chou, Augustine; TSPC(a�Burlingame.orq Cc: jeff londer; Juergen Pfaff; laurie simonson; les austere; manito valesco; CD/PLG-Brooks, Maureen; Monika Froehlich; Sandy Towle Subject: The Courteous Road Users Guide Auto forwarded by a Rule Augustine, Here is the Courteous Road User's Guide that I mentioned in BPAC and TSP last night, in 2 formats, that could be printed and used for Farmers Market table by either City or CEC...Jeff can decide. I also included the Bikes on Caltrain flyer produced by the SF Bike Coalition if anyone wants to print and distribute. Both are approved by the Transportation Alliance (commute.org) and will be distributed on Bike To Work Day in the 2000+ "goodie bags". t U1 O w N Q Y_ N O.N N.0 Nv9 ULC m T O N U m L c N w L0) 0� 0O mY D0 O.0 w! _ rco 0 r • V C O C c N L C ?i O a No v = o a) p 30 USO V c>` :9 TL t a ' °c Oc i ON 3 0 o m c Q O N N O O u Y N 01 U j (0 p N N LL �• 0 LL m m U (+J N p 0 O L L m w U m mO N V T 0> Q p i N N I ��g0 in Fla ONE N w camo �E U O N O p -Y 0 0 3 O L N O �r •'� Q. Ca 4U �aNE y�3rnUa cc oma¢ �w � 3 0 Y Y c � m � N F Y T L G O w N m w _ L O N U O N 0? O O a (D O a N N 3 N o U m Y C U � U 3 0 O N d T a W •• Y N U a)a L_ Q N C co Os > O `o N `0 'c o 01 N N d c cw C o 0.o L T o c O N � N 0 d U a C N a N m � s V N w N 3 c ,•L_, :oU ao V d 0 y N N T 0. 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L� Y° n a` o c° L o f o o o 0 o m ° 3 D. c m. bD +L+ N N£ T c 00 b y �O W i m m L L O 3 y .00 bbD L: m U c y 0 O N s > o •" Y atio = y v Y° o N o ai c N- v° >' o vi N v n C 0- T '°0 •c Y m +' = Y m y v N 3 = 3 °°m3Oj -O Um L m OCJ Ol ° O 0 WW3 o "m i wOm Lbe0 o o w o v 0 W o 0°N m m v Ob O` n o aL+ 0 0 3 :� .^ toO m v 0 C_ m .ti n �3 m N 3 U n O O> m N bA Cl 3 '� a"+ t `� C N m E F- 3 cbDv a c E oCD cu 0 v— no c t o '@ o v +� o .. O c L= M N a n v L O m o o° °. C D OD E" ++ •09 a m Y L o C a C N N W N O N U T Y v c Y G O W 7 c m y V d C iJ >33oacs0u an0-' "c.ouv wsv£rmC v m £ i £ «� x° v Y= a y o m Y a v o 0 0 N U o m 3 d E 0 0 O O O O 'C 0 C Y O L° 0 v T 0 w G T 3 m °� U u 3 u CO v 0 n> m PW/ENG-Chou, Augustine From: TSPC@Burlingame.org Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:03 AM To: PW/ENG-Chou, Augustine; Caroline Serrato (caroline94010@me.com); Jeff Londer Owlonder@aol.com); Laurie Simonson (laurie@laurieksimonson.com); Mark Noworolski Qmarkn@gmail.com); Nick Akers (nicklas.akers@gmail.com) Subject: FW: Burlingame Plaza EI Camino Entry / Exit Follow UP Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged From: Randy VandenBrink[SMTP:RANDY(u7VBRINK.COMI Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:04:06 AM To: TSPCCc�Burlinpame.org; PW/ENG-Chou, Augustine Cc: 'Randy VandenBrink' Subject: Burlingame Plaza EI Camino Entry / Exit Auto forwarded by a Rule Dear Traffic Commission, I have a suggestion regarding the entry /exit lanes into the middle of Burlingame Plaza. During the water pipe replacement the dead space between the entry lane end, and the exit start was filled with various warning signs, and or other pieces of equipment. While the actual construction on EI Camino was a nuisance, the obstructions in that space made exiting Burlingame Plaza much easier and safer. Without a barrier at that point some drivers get in the exit lane to the Plaza on EI Camino and then keep going through the dead space and into the entry lane. Thus if you are exiting the Plaza to EI Camino you have to stop and make sure that a car is not going to hit you, and at times drivers move in to that lane unexpectedly. This is a definite safety hazard. If Burlingame were to simply put up movable concrete barriers with appropriate markings in that space so that vehicles in the exit lane had to exit as marked, or were forced to the proper lane on EI Camino to continue that would result into an easier exit from the Plaza to EI Camino. This could easily, and relatively cheaply, be accomplished using concrete dividers that could be easily moved when necessary. Your consideration of this proposal would be appreciated. Regards, Randy VandenBrink 1412 Alvarado Ave. Burlingame, CA 94010