HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - TSP - 2014.07.10r Thursday, July 10, 2014 Council Chambers, 7:00 p.m. Members of the public may comment on any action or study item appearing on the agenda at the time it is called. Comments on other items should be made under agenda item #5. Provision of identifying information is optional but assists in preparation of the minutes. All votes are unanimous unless separately voted for the record. 1. CALL TO ORDER — 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. June 12, 2014 meeting minutes 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS —NON -AGENDA Members of the public may speak on any item not on the agenda. Members of the public wishing to suggest an item for a future Commission agenda may do so during this public comment period. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State -Local Agency Open Meeting Law) prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Speakers are requested to fill out a `Request To Speak" card located on the table by the door and hand it to staff. The provision of a name, address or other identifying information is optional. Speakers are limited to three minutes each. The Commission Chair may adjust the time limit in light of the number of anticipated speakers. 6. DISCUSSION/STUDY ITEMS a. Cypress Avenue 2 -Hour Parking Limit &Residential Parking Permit Program (1500-1541 block) Staff report 7. ACTION ITEMS �Lr 8. INFORMATION ITEMS a. Engineering Division Reports Reports and/or updates on Public Works -Engineering Division projects and activities Staff report b. Police Department Reports Reports and/or updates on Police Department programs and activities Oral report 9. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (B/PAC) Committee meets 5:30PM in Conference Room B before each TSPC meeting. Oral Report 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11. ADJOURNMENT NOTICE: Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities please contact the City Clerk at 650-558-7203 at least 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the Agenda Packet is available for public viewing at the City Clerk's office, 501 Primrose Road, from 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. before the meeting and at the meeting. Visit the City's website at www,burlingame.org, Agendas and minutes are available at the site. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Traffic Safety and Parking Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection during normal business hours at City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Public Works - Engineering counter. NEXT REGULAR TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MEETING: Thursday, August 14, 2014 •M 111141WORTifiN1 CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Special Meeting Minutes - Unapproved Thursday, June 12, 2014 Commissioners Present: Howard Wettan, Chair Mark Noworolski, Vice -Chair Nick Akers Jeff Londer John Martos Commissioners Absent: None. Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Engineering Programs Manager, Andrew Wong, Transportation Engineer Corporal Brett Murphy, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary Kathleen Kane, City Attorney Syed Murtuza, Director of Public Works Visitors: 1. CALL TO ORDER June Kaufman William Pollock John Ward Manito Velasco Pat Giorni 7:05 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 5 of 5 Commissioners present. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Public Works Chair Wettan thanked Syed Murtuza, Director of Public Works, for attending the meeting. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion: To accept the minutes of April 10, 2014 as submitted. M/S/C: Londer/Akers; 5/0/0 1 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS June Kaufman expressed her concern for safety for pedestrians from vehicles turning right from Primrose Road onto Douglas Avenue. Ms. Kaufman stated that she would like to see a stop sign on Primrose Road in front of the library. John Ward expressed the public safety concern of the residents of Neuchatel Avenue and Willborough Road when attempting to make a left turn onto Oak Grove Avenue from Neuchatel Avenue. Mr. Ward requested that the red zones be extended one car length on Oak Grove Avenue due to an inadequate line of sight. William Pollock expressed his concern for safety on Forest View Avenue due to vehicles speeding up to Hillsborough. Mr. Pollock stated that he has personally used a radar gun to record vehicles with speeds up to 45 mph. Manito Velasco reported that his family also personally used a radar gun to monitor vehicles on California Drive and found that the median speed was 37 mph. Mr. Velasco suggested that, for bicycle safety on California Drive, perhaps there should be less focus on signage but rather how the street is designed. Mr. Velasco also thanked the Commission and staff for their efforts in the implementation of red zones at Mills & Highway, Capuchino & Grove, Paloma & Lincoln. Pat Giorni commented that speeding on Forest View Avenue is an endemic problem and suggested that &way stop signs be placed on Forest View Avenue, westbound at Walnut Avenue. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Staff Presentation —Capital Improvement Prioritization Mr. Murtuza made a presentation as part of the City's community engagement effort around setting priorities for many unfunded infrastructure projects. Mr. Murtuza briefly reviewed the various needs and provided information on how the public could provide input via a survey. He concluded by saying that the City Council would use the results to help them set funding priorities. 8. Information/Discussion Items from Commission and Staff 8.1 Engineering Division Reports —Reports and/or updates on Public Works project and activities 801 .1 Requests/comments/responses to public traffic concerns (stop signs, crosswalks, speed control, parking) - Burlingame Ave Downtown Parking Strategies 2 Mr. Chou reported that there was a kickoff meeting on May 7, 2014. He said that initial discussions occurred regarding primary goals and priorities. Mr. Chou reported that Engineering staff would work in coordination with Police staff on getting an occupancy study/survey for the parking lots. Mr. Chou also reported that staff had some preliminary information on business parking permits, but still needs to determine the number of businesses with potential long term employee parking needs. - Floribunda Traffic Calming Review Mr. Wong reported that staff has had two meetings with the residents since this issue was brought to the Commission. He stated that traffic/speed counters were placed in three different sections of Floribunda Avenue and found that one section closest to El Camino Real exceeded the speed threshold. Mr. Wong said that addressing this issue has required it be broken down into separate phases. Phase 1 was completed this week which was to "refresh" the existing signs and adding radar enforcement signs. Phase 2 will be procuring and installing smaller, less intrusive, driver feedback signs which can remain for extended amounts of time. Chair Wettan inquired if there was anything published as to why the City does not utilize speed bumps because this is a common question from the public. Mr. Chou responded that this was indeed a common question from the public and suggested that this topic might be more easily addressed through the traffic safety/information brochure project that staff is working on. - Oak Grove Ave/Neuchatel Ave Parking and Red Curbs Mr. Wong reported that the addition of red curbing would be considered as a wGly to mgate the sight distance concerns. Mr. Wong also noted that parking was impacted in this area; and, a notice of potential red curbing was posted adjacent to the space, and resulted in public comments about the need for more parking spaces. Mr. Wong stated that he would report back to the Commission after some more analysis and possible public noticing to the residents of the area. - Howard Ave/Victoria Rd Stop Sign Requests Mr. Wong reported that this intersection would be evaluated in September, when school has resumed. Construction and Design projects - New Bike Racks Mr. Wong reported that the 32 bike racks from the Bay Area Air Quality 3 Management District (BAAQMD) grant were in transit and should arrive shortly. He added that the Public Works Corporation Yard staff would be handling the bike rack installation. Burlingame Avenue Streetscape Project Mr. Wong reported that the 1400 block should be open in the next two weeks to traffic. He added that the work on the 1100 block would begin afterwards. - Linden/Larkspur Intersection Temporary Traffic Circle Mr. Wong reported that staff met with the neighborhood and shared the temporary traffic circle design. He stated that there was also discussion regarding the options for the traffic circle interior. Mr. Wong reported that the residents were very supportive of this effort. - 2014 Street Resurfacing Project Mr. Wong reported that due to a clerical error, the project was to be re -bid on June 17, 2014. He stated that the project was already re -advertised, and that some additional work was added as well. He finished by saying that the project should begin in late August or early September. - US101/Broadway Interchange Project Mr. Chou reported that Caltrans opened contractor bids on May 13, 2014; and, that nine bids were received. He said that the engineer's estimate was $44,590,000 and the apparent low bid was $44,900,000. Mr. Chou also reported that he had just learned that there might be a potential discrepancy, and that the bid may be contested by the second lowest apparent bidder. School Traff ic Issues - Hoover School Construction Mr. Chou reported that he, along with other City staff and City officials, attended a community meeting on May 10, 2014. He added that other attendees included staff and Town officials from the Town of Hillsborough, members of the public, Burlingame School District and their design team. Mr. Chou reported that the meeting concluded with the decision to establish a traffic working group made up of staff members from Burlingame, Hillsborough, the school district, and the design team to filter out discussions and work with the plans that were presented. Mr. Chou stated that the traffic working group had subsequently met at the Hoover site and went through the initial seven traffic plans but with more in- depth discussions, and also agreed plans. He said the process involved positives and negatives of each plan. the working group would compile and sh meetin. to examine two additional alternative looking at and openly discussing the Mr. Chou concluded by reporting that gare the comments at a future public Chair Wettan stressed the urgency of the Hoover School project and expressed his concerns regarding the process of developing a traffic plan design, the level of the City's input, and the timeliness of the process. City Attorney Kane reiterated that this matter was first, and foremost, a Burlingame School District project; and, that they would ultimately accept or reject the outcome of the public feedback. Ms. Kane stated that staff has been proactive and forthcoming in working with the school district in trying to find and offer viable solutions to the various issues concerning Hoover School. She reiterated that the City Manager has always held a very strong position in favor of facilitating the matter where ever the City is able. Ms. Kane also clarified that a number of efforts have been offered to facilitate a resolution on all levels of the City organization. 8.2 Police Department Reports —Reports and/or updates on Police Department program and activities 8.2.1 General/Selective Traffic Enforcement Report Corporal Murphy reported that the month of May was focused on the "Click It or Ticket" program. He also reported that during the period of May 19t" through June 1 St, the Police staff issued 102-105 citations for this scofflaw. Corporal Murphy also reported that speeding was still a concern; and, that some of the "hot spots" on the selective enforcement list were: - Carmelita Avenue west of EI Camino Real up to Hillsborough - 1500 block of Floribunda - 400 block of Bloomfield Dwight Avenue between Rollins & Vernon Stop sign issues in the Easton area — particularly Cabrillo and Cortez Downtown enforcement Corporal Murphy also reported that the Police Depart ment applied for another Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) grant; and, that the City should learn if its application was selected in the next few months. Commissioner Akers brought up parking concerns for the upcoming Billie Sue Tournament at Ray Park. He said that, traditionally, this event has brought many E out-of-town attendees who park blocking residential driveways. Corporal Murphy said the Police Department would respond to these complaints. 8.3 Commissioners' Comments and Concerns 8.3.1 Fresh/Farmers Market Event Calendar Chair Wettan, Commissioners Martos and Londer reported that they each took turns representing TSPC at the last Fresh Market, and they reviewed some of the feedback and/or concerns received. The Commissioners decided they would continue to have TSPC representation at the August and September Fresh Markets. And, that future dates would be determined. Commissioner Londer encouraged other Commissions or groups to participate as a means of community outreach. He closed by saying that the third, fourth and fifth Sundays were still available. 9. COMMUNICATIONS 9.1 Andrew Kenakin —Digital Payment Technologies (DPT) information 9.2 Joe Kavalaris —Floribunda Avenue Traffic Safety Efforts Update 9.3 Jeff DeMartini —New B/PAC member from Planning Commission 9.4 Todd Weller, Joan Constantino, Bernadette Canniffe, Abbi Eastburn, Christie Onoda — STOP Sign request at Howard/victoria Intersection 9.5 Amjad Hanif —Residential Parking Permit Program for Ray Drive 9.6 Other Communications -None None. 10. COMMISSION &COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory committee (B/PAC) Commissioner Londer reported that B/PAC met earlier in the evening and a variety of issues including re -paving, bicycle lanes, Carolan Avenue, Drive with parking, the Carolan Complete Streets project design, bike gaps on the Bay Trail. Commissioner Londer also reported that Commissioner Jeff DeMartini was now a representative at B/PAC. 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11.1 Downtown Parking Strategies D discussed California racks, and Planning 11.2 Cypress Avenue 24Hour Parking Restriction &Residential Parking Permit Program (1500 block) 12.ADJOURNMENT 9:38 p.m. 7 To: Traffic Safety and Parking Commission Date: July 10, 2014 AGENDA ITEM NO: MEETING DATE From: Augustine Chou, Engineering Program Manager — (650) 558-7230 6.a — Cypress Avenue 2 -Hr Parking Limit & RPPP (1500) July 10, 2014 Subject: Item 6.a —Cypress Avenue 2 -hr Parking Limit &Residential Permit Parking Program (1500-1541 block) RECOMMENDATION: That the Commission determine whether or not the majority of the residents of the following streets wish to establish 2 -hour parking time limit in preparation for the Residential Parking Permit Program: • A portion of Cypress Avenue between EI Camino Real and Central Avenue (1500- 1541); or, • The entire 1500 block of Cypress Avenue and the 100 block of Central Avenue. BACKGROUND: In April of this year, staff received a neighborhood petition to consider implementing a 2 -hour parking limit on the portion of Cypress Avenue, between 1500 and 1541. This request stems from concerns over increased daytime on -street parking by employees from businesses around the Burlingame Avenue downtown area. The residents of this part of Cypress Avenue have witnessed neighbors from surrounding streets resolve similar concerns and problems through implementation of 2 -hour parking and the Residential Parking Permit Program (RPPP). It is, therefore, the goal of the petition to have 2 -hour parking restrictions implemented in order to make way for the residents to also use the RPPP on this portion of Cypress Avenue. DISCUSSION: The 1500 block of Cypress Avenue is located between EI Camino Real and Barroilhet Avenue, with no on -street parking restrictions for the entire block. The 1500 block of Cypress Avenue is also divided in half by Central Avenue, with the addresses of 1500-1541 closer to EI Camino Real and the addresses of 1543-1576 closer to Crescent Avenue. Similarly, no parking restrictions exist on immediately adjacent streets, such as Central Avenue and Carol Avenue. There are, however, 2 -hour parking time limits and residential permit parking on the surrounding streets - the closest of which is the 1500 block of Newlands Avenue and the 200 block of Crescent Avenue. 1 Item 6.a — Cypress Ave 2 -hr Parking July 10, 2014 As part of the public discussions, residents of the 100 block of Central Avenue and the remainder of Cypress Avenue (1543-1576) have also been notified of this discussion. The notifications were done to offer surrounding residents the opportunity to be involved in the discussions on the potential for parking overflow onto their streets if 2 -hour parking were implemented on this portion of Cypress Avenue. As has happened so far, if a 2 -hour parking limit is implemented on the 1500-1541 block of Cypress Avenue, staff anticipates that there could be a shift in parking impact to the 1543-1576 block of Cypress, as well as possible impacts to Central Avenue. One course of action would be for the Commission to actively seek agreement from the residents of the entire 1500 block of Cypress Avenue and the 100 block of Central Avenue to consider the parking restriction and eligibility for the RPPP for both streets before making any determination on the 1500-1541 block of Cypress Avenue. Should the Commission only be able to confirm that there is majority support fora 2 -hour parking limit on the 1500-1541 block of Cypress Avenue, the next step would be for the Commission to vote to move this matter to an Action Item on the next Commission agenda establishing that portion of Cypress Avenue with a 2 -hour parking time limit. This action would aIso make the street and its residents eligible for the RPPR Subsequently, staff will present the recommendation for 2 -hour parking on the 1500-1541 block of Cypress Avenue to City Council for modification and inclusion into the Burlingame Municipal Code. Upon implementation of the new parking restriction, follow-up implementation of the RPPP would occur. Engineering Program Manager To: Traffic Safety and Parking Commission Date: July 10, 2014 AGENDA ITEM NO: MEETING DATE From: Andrew Wong, Transportation Engineer — (650) 558-7230 Subject: Item 8.a -Engineering Division Reports/Public Works Update 8.a — Engineering Division Reports July 10, 2014 The following is a status update on various Public Works —Engineering projects and activities. Some of these items may have been originally presented to City staff and/or the Traffic Safety and Parking Commission as public requests or comments. Items on this list are matters that would typically be addressed by City staff on an administrative level, or are City capital improvement projects. Matters that require broad public input or have a wide -spread impact are addressed as Commission "Study Items" (TSPC Agenda Item 6). • Burlingame Ave Downtown Parking Strategies —Parking lot occupancy surveys are currently being conducted. A regular meeting schedule for the Police and Engineering staff has not been established yet. • Floribunda Traffic Calming review -Driver feedback signs are ordered (3 weeks out) • Oak Grove Ave/Neuchatel Ave Parking and Red Curbs- Remove on -street space on north side of Oak Grove and install on -street space near RxR legend then notice neighborhood and install red -curbing to increase safety at Neuchatel • Burlingame Avenue Streetscape Project —Work has now started on the 1100 block with the anticipated project completion date by early September. • Linden/Larkspur Intersection Temporary Traffic Circle — In process of selecting a contractor to complete striping and installation of flexible curbs for the temporary traffic circle. • US101/0 roadway Interchange Project — On June 25, Caltrans officially awarded the construction project to low -bidder, Ghilotti Construction. PG&E has already begun relocation of power lines on Airport Boulevard and Bayshore Highway. i An rev Wong Fr5nsp6dation Engineer 1