HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - TSP - 2014.12.18AGENDA Thursday, December 18, 2014 Council Chambers, 7:00 p.m. Members of the public may comment on any action or study item appearing on the agenda at the time it is called. Comments on other items should be made under agenda item #5. Provision of identifying information is optional but assists in preparation of the minutes. All votes are unanimous unless separately voted for the record. 1. CALL TO ORDER — 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. October 9, 2014 regular meeting minutes and October 23, 2014 special meeting minutes. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS —NON -AGENDA Members of the public may speak on any item not on the agenda. Members of the public wishing to suggest an item for a future Commission agenda may do so during this public comment period. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State -Local Agency Open Meeting Law) prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Speakers are requested to fill out a "Request To Speak" card located on the table by the door and hand it to staff. The provision of a name, address or other identifying information is optional. Speakers are limited to three minutes each. The Commission Chair may adjust the time limit in light of the number of anticipated speakers. 6. DISCUSSION/STUDY ITEMS 7. ACTION ITEMS a. Traffic &Safety Brochures (Speed Limits, Traffic Signals, Pedestrian Signals) 8. INFORMATION ITEMS a. Engineering Division Reports Reports and/or updates on Public Works -Engineering Division projects and activities Staff report b. Police Department Reports Reports and/or updates on Police Department programs and activities Oral report 9. COMMITTEE & SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (B/PAC) Committee meets 5:30PM in Conference Room B typically every other month prior to the TSPC meeting. Oral Report b. Downtown Parking Strategy Sub -committee Oral Report 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11. ELECTIONS -Chair and Vice -chair for 2015 12. ADJOURNMENT NOTICE: Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities please contact the City Clerk at 650-558-7203 at least 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the Agenda Packet is available for public viewing at the City Clerk's office, 501 Primrose Road, from 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. before the meeting and at the meeting. Visit the City's website at www,burlingame.org. Agendas and minutes are available at the site. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Traffic Safety and Parking Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection during normal business hours at City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Public Works - Engineering counter. NEXT REGULAR TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MEETING: Thursday, January 8, 2015 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Unapproved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, October 9, 2014 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:06 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. EMBER PRESENT: M EMBERS ABSENT: M Wettan, Akers, Martos Noworolski, Londer 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Motion: To accept the minutes of September 11, 2014 as submitted. M/S/C: Akers/Martos; 3/0/0 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS —NON -AGENDA Joe Kavalaris commented that the radar signs on Floribunda Avenue were only functioning during daylight hours. He also asked about Cl" update on if Council was supportive of making Floribunda Avenue a one-way street. Mr. Kavakaris said that he also wanted to see crosswalks on Floribunda Avenue. Manito Velasco distributed copies of a staff report accepting a resurfacing project done one year ago which should have included a northbound bike lane on California Drive. He stated that this bike lane was never installed and he found it to be very disappointing. Mr. Velasco said that he felt the sharrows and speed radar on California Drive were no longer effective. 6. DISCUSSION/STUDY ITEMS a. Floribunda Avenue/EI Camino Real Area Traffic Safety, Pedestrians &Crosswalks) Mr. Chou presented a staff report which recommended that the Commission hold a public discussion regarding possible traffic circulation and safety mitigations to address concerns in the vicinity of Floribunda/EI Camino Real intersection. He said that it was anticipated that 1 Caltrans would release the Draft EIR tomorrow afternoon (October 10, 20 14) and hold an open -house public event on November 13, 2014. He added that Caltrans would continue to accept public comments for the DEIR until November 30, 2014, Mr. Chou reported that staff was preparing a staff report and presentation to seek Council direction at the November 3, 2014 Council meeting. A discussion occurred about the need for accident data to be complete as Floribunda Avenue & EI Camino Real did not seem to be at the top of the accident history list. The Commission mentioned possible options such as split -phasing the signal for EI Camino Real north and south, making Floribunda Avenue a one-way street, or implementing No Left -Turn restrictions on EI Camino Real. Chair Wettan opened the floor for public comment. Jennifer Pfaff noted that the Caltrans public meeting was the same date as the next TSPC meeting. Ms. Pfaff recalled that over the initial study period of ten years, Caltrans looked at had over 100 accidents at this intersection, which translated into roughly 2/3 turning into Hillsborough and 1/3 turning in Burlingame. Manito Velasco stated that he had previously forwarded a project study report which referenced a three year period from 2006-2008, showing 35 collisions at an average of 12 per year. Mr. Velasco said there had been some improvements made by Caltrans at this intersection and suggested that the City look at trends. The Commission agreed that they needed a more complete accident data set to be able to better weigh in on the issues with this intersection. The Commission went on to discuss the timeliness of this discussion, possible Council direction at their November 3d meeting, and the Caltrans public comment period. Motion: To hold a Special Meeting on October 23, 2014 to focus on the EI Camino Real & Floribunda Avenue intersection and review the Caltrans Draft EIR. M/S/C: Wettan/Akers; 3/0/0 7. ACTION ITEMS a) Traffic &Safety Brochures (Bicycle -Vehicles, Neighborhood Traffic Safety, Pedestrians & Crosswalks) Mr. Chou presented the Bicycle -Vehicles, Neighborhood Traffic Safety and the Pedestrian &Crosswalks brochures. Chair Wettan called a ten minute recess to allow the Commissioners an opportunity to 2 review the brochures and then resumed at 8:50 p.m. (Commission recessed at 8:40 p.m0 and resumed at 8:50 p.m.) Motion: To adopt the drafts of the Bicycle -Vehicles, Neighborhood Traffic Safety and the Pedestrian & Crosswalks brochures with concurrence on the comments regarding driving below the posted speed limit as opposed to recommending people to schedule their time and that this adoption is not a barrier to update or revise these brochures going forward. M/S/C: Akers/Martos; 3/0/0 8. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports Mr. Wong presented a staff report which gave status updates on various Public Works — Engineering project and activities. o Floribunda Traffic Calming review - Driver feedback signs active along Floribunda as well as on Cypress. o Burlingame Avenue Streetscape Project -Mostly complete. Completing punch list items. The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be held November 6t". "Free Friday" parking will terminate after November 6t" and this information will be distributed via eNews and through DBID. o Linden/Larkspur Intersection Temporary Traffic Circle -Finalizing contractor contract. Work to be completed by end of October. o ECR/Ray/Rosedale - Staff has met with Caltrans. Reviewing countdown pedestrian signals, as well as driver feedback signs on Ray and Rosedale. The Commission would like to see this on a future agenda to see if the City budget can support another crossing guard. 0 2014 Street Resurfacing Program -Project underway, subdrain and concrete work completed. Repaving operations have started (Rivera, Hunt, Granada, Toledo, Rio). Project completion was anticipated for end of October. o Howard/Victoria Traffic Concerns -Data collection work for stop sign warrant analysis still pending. Crosswalks installed on Howard at Bloomfield, Howard and Channing, and Channing at Bayswater. o Floribunda/EI Camino Real Intersection Update - Staff to respond after Caltrans' Draft Environmental Impact Report document (DEIR) has been released. 3 o Carolan Complete Street Project — Consultant team Kimley-Horn under contract, with next steps to setup public outreach meetings. o US 101/Broadwav -Demolition and clearing & grubbing operations have begun. Major construction scheduled for spring 2015. o Broadwav Grade Separation PSR -Design consultant URS Corporation selected and preparing for a project "kick-off' meeting. b) Police Department Reports Sergeant Kiely reported that a new grant cycle started this month. A checkpoint will occur on October 24th followed by DUI enforcement on October 25th Selective enforcement has been occurring at Arguello and Martinez Drives due to parents speeding down the hill to get to school; and, selective enforcement continues on EI Camino Real by the Mills -Peninsula Hospital. COMMISSION &COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (B/PAC) B/PAC did not meet this month and there was no report. b) Traffic &Safety Brochures Sub -committee Mr. Chou said that he would be providing the next three brochures for the Commissioners to review and mark up. Mr. Chou asked that they are returned to him by October 30th so that he can then redistribute with revisions. c) Downtown Parking Strategy Sub -committee Mr. Chou presented a slightly revised parking lot way -finding sign to be used. He also reported that staff was going to Council on October 20th with a staff report to reduce the parking rate for Parking Lot H from $3 per day to $1 per day. He added that the City's parking lot maps have been updated and a larger version would also be placed at pay station lots. Mr. Chou stated that the sub -committee also discussed way -finding signs and having them placed with specific "entry points" to Burlingame Avenue. Finally, the sub -committee discussed how to move forward regarding employee parking and modifying the business permit system. 0 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Commissioner MartOS requested any Hoover School updates for future meetings. Chair Wettan requested discussion of commuter paths to the Millbrae transit hub for future meetings. 11. ADJOURNMENT 9:33 p.m. TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Unapproved Minutes Special Meeting of Thursday, October 23, 2014 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. MEMBER PRESENT: Wettan, Noworolski, Akers, Londer, Martos MEMBERS ABSENT: None 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS —NON -AGENDA None. 5. DISCUSSION/STUDY ITEMS a. Floribunda Avenue/EI Camino Real Intersection Safety Project — DEIR The following is a summary of the comments and question brought up at the Special Traffic Safety and Parking Commission meeting on Thursday, October 23, 2014. Public Comments: Jennifer Pfaff: 1) All trees contribute to the overall feel of the canopy along EI Camino Real, not just the trees on the National Register. Pat Giorni: 1) Project is significantly reduced from previous versions. 2) Concerns regarding no tree replacement within 200' of intersection. 3) City has previously requested 25 MPH along ECR north of Floribunda. 4) Trees along ECR act has unofficial pedestrian safety barriers. Michael Wiebraght: 1) Significant visual impacts due to tree removal. 2) Tree removal will have impact on nearby residences. 1 Steve Kaufmann: 1) DED totally disregards surrounding neighborhood. 2) Accident data does not indicate or identify specific accidents. 3) Report does not discuss speeding as contributing factor to accidents. 4) Report does not indicate accident ranking of intersection, relative to the ECR Corridor. Laurie Simonson: 1) Report cites no aesthetic impacts, but impacts are cited in a previously published Visual Impact Report (VIR) document. Commissioner Comments: Commissioner Londer: 1) Removing trees should be a last resort. 2) Original proposed plan was outrageous. 3) Should start with signal changes (no impact on trees). 4) Consider converting Floribunda to one-way traffic (more extreme). 5) Consider converting inside lane to left -turn lane and provide a lane -drop for the through traffic. 6) As this is Hillsborough's only intersection, project impacts emergency vehicles. Commissioner Martos: 1) Request current accident data. 2) Concerns with tree replanting plan. 3) No identification of mitigations that have occurred to account for accident rate changes. Commissioner Ackers: 1) With build scenario, no identification of impacts to adjacent intersections, in terms of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. 2) Trees along ECR act as pedestrian safety barriers. 3) Provide more recent accident data. Sources could include Central County Fire, SFPUC, Burlingame, Hillsborough, etc. 4) There is a dis-service done by the report with its inaccuracies. Vice -chair Noworolski: 1) If there is a clear accident issue at ECR/Floribunda, then it must be addressed. 2) All possible alternatives must be exhausted before trees are removed. Chair Wettan: 1) Would request a more "robust" accident data set. 2) Funds might be better spent on other alternatives. 3) Provide northbound left -turn options. 2 Commissioner Questions: Commissioner Martos: 1) With "Build Scenario how much additional traffic will use Floribunda intersection? Commissioner Ackers: 1) Does it make sense for both a northbound and southbound left -turn lanes at ECR/Floribunda? Can City look to FHWA for an appeal? What if there is a change to the baseline "No include turn restrictions on ECR Floribunda, temporary road closure? Vice -chair Noworolski: Build" scenario, which may on street conversion, or a 1) What if there is a city change to Floribunda? How will this affect the DED report? One-way street conversion? Road closure? 2) What are the previous steps to improve safety at intersection and the impacts? 3) Provide recent accident data. Chair Wettan: 1) Have impacts been considered for adjacent intersections? Any special consideration at Oak Grove due to McKinley Elementary School? 2) Were accidents selectively chosen? 3) Have the accidents been reviewed to determine if the previous improvements (signal timing adjustments, pork -chop island) had a measurable impact? 4) Current signal phasing changes do not appear to be consistent. Please explain. 5) Has the "bend" along ECR south of Floribunda been taken into consideration? Best location for signal improvements? 6) Have the potential impacts to Floribunda been explored? Increased speeding along Floribunda? 7) Is Oak Grove a better candidate for signal improvements? 8) Has Caltrans contacted any of the emergency services regarding the impacts the "Build" scenario may have? 9) Provide justification for impacts on the aesthetics the project creates. 10) Does Caltrans have a listing/ranking of the accident at intersections along the ECR Corridor? 11) What is Caltrans plan for the entire ECR Corridor? 12) Does Caltrans have any intersections which are split -phased along the ECR Corridor? Anywhere with a similar characteristics? 13) Clarify, and confirm the Town of Hillsborough's current position given the proposed improvements. General Comments/Questions: 1) Accident data does not show the details in which to derive the root cause of the accident. 2) What about other low impact changes which could be implemented, such as restricting NB left -turns only? SB Left -turns only? Any analysis associated with it? 3 3) Quantitative data used in all the operational analysis? Why not in the Appendix? 4) Modeling data and assumptions used? Appendix? 5) Why does State's (TASAS) accident data differ from Burlingame Police's data? 6) Provide detailed explanation of "every attempt to replace trees". Provide process and locations of tree replacement. 7) What is the highest accident rate in the State? How does ECR/Floribunda compare? 8) Re-issue/extend, and re -notice 45 -day noticing period. 9) Concerns that Caltrans will go directly to "Build" scenario. 10) Project possibly addressing a problem that no longer exists. 11) What is ultimate plan for entire ECR Corridor, especially if ECR/Floribunda is not the primary collision location? 12) Has Caltrans considered a NB left -turn at Bellevue? 13) Has Caltrans considered a signal at Bellevue to provide gaps? 14) DEIR fundamentally flawed because report states tree analysis was done, but without a link/citation to the Visual Impact Report. 15) Try low impact/cost alternatives first, before going forward with "Build" alternative. 16) How does this project fit into the overall plan of the Grand Boulevard Initiative? 17) Will all crosswalks be restored? Or, will the pork -chop island remain? 18) What is the delay when using protected -left turns? 19) Does this proposed project's funding allow for improvements to adjacent intersection which may be impacted by the proposed changes to ECR/Floribunda? 20) If the DEIR is certified, who certifies it? 6. ADJOURNMENT 8:50 p.m. To: Traffic Safety and Parking Commission Date: December 181 2014 AGENDA ITEM No: MEETING DATE From: Andrew Wong, Transportation Engineer — (650) 558-7230 Subject: Item 8.a -Engineering Division Reports/Public Works Update 8.a — Engineering Division Reports December 18, 2014 The following is a status update on various Public Works —Engineering projects and activities. Some of these items may have been originally presented to City staff and/or the Traffic Safety and Parking Commission as public requests or comments. Items on this list are matters that would typically be addressed by City staff on an administrative level, or are City capital improvement projects. Matters that require broad public input or have a wide -spread impact are addressed as Commission "Study Items" (TSPC Agenda Item 6). • Burlingame Ave Downtown Parking Strategies —Parking lot occupancy surveys are currently being conducted. Lot H rates have been adjusted from $3 per day to $1 per day. New way -finding signs are being fabricated for installation. • Floribunda Traffic Calming review -Driver feedback signs have been installed and operational since October. • 2015 Street Resurfacing Program -Preliminary design and layout work started for next project cycle. • Carolan Complete Streets Project —First public outreach meeting conducted on 12/9/14. Project team obtained public comments and will incorporate them into the layouts, or provide a response at the next scheduled outreach meeting sometime in spring 2015. • Linden/Larkspur Intersection Temporary Traffic Circle —Temporary traffic circle installed. Monitoring period started. • US101/Broadway Interchange Project —Clearing and grubbing work continues. Soil stabilization operations also in progress. Staff has weekly scheduled meetings with project construction team. • Floribunda/EI Camino Real Intersection Update —Mayor's letter and City comments to Caltrans' Draft Environmental Impact Report document (DEIR) has been submitted. 1 Engineering Division Reports/Public Works Update December 18, 2014 • Broadway Grade Separation PSR — Project kick-off meeting was held with design consultant team, URS Corporation and Apex Strategies. Initial public outreach meeting ,still being set for mid-January 2015. nation Engineer