HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 2006.02.21 URLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY 1 BURLINGAME Board of Trustees Agenda (Revised) _ February 21, 2006—9.30pm 480 Primrose Road—Library Conference Room SUGGESTED ACTION I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. WARRANTS & SPECIAL FUND Approval IV. MINUTES Approval V. CORRESPONDENCE AND INFORMATION Information A. Godbe Central Coast Library Survey- Executive Summary B. System Reference Center Reference Policy C. Peninsula Community Foundation Quarterly Report D. Unique Management Quarterly Report E. Letter: Central County Fire Department F. Trustee Special Fund Quarterly Report . FROM THE FLOOR (Public Comments) VII. REPORTS A. City Librarian's Report—Escoffier Information B. Foundation Report- Escoffier Information VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Recommendation to City Council to Increase Library Service Discussion/Approval Hours & Funding For Collection- IX. NEW BUSINESS ✓A City Council Counterparts Discussion/Approval VB. City Council Goals Discussion ,,,C. Financial Support for Conference Attendance Discussion/Approval X. ANNOUNCEMENTS XI. ADJOURNMENT Adjourn (BURLIfiGAME 1 r r BURLINGAMf PUBLIC LIBRARY Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes January 17, 2006 I. Call to Order President McCormack called the meeting to order at 5:30pm II. Roll Call Trustees Present: Bruce Carlton, Deborah Griffith Katie McCormack and Pat Toft Trustee Absent: Nancy Brock Staff Present: Al Escoffier, City Librarian Sidney Poland, Recorder III. Warrants and Special Funds The Trustees approved the warrants for December 15, 2005 and January 17, 2006. M/S/C (Griffith/Toft) IV. Minutes The Trustees approved as written the minutes of the November 17, 2005 meeting. M/S/C (Griffith/Toft) There was no meeting in December. V. Correspondence and Attachments Correspondence and Attachments were noted. A. Legislative Report - The City Librarian advised the Trustees that the Library Construction Bond measure will be placed on the June 2006 ballot. B. CALTAC Workshop - The Trustees received CALTAC applications in their board packets and were appraised of the benefits of becoming a member by the City Librarian. Sidney will register all Trustees as CALTAC members. VI. From the Floor No one from the public attended the meeting. 4 8 0 P r i m r o s e R o a d • B u r l i n g a m e • C A 9 4 01 0 - 4 0 8 3 Phone ( 650 ) 342 - 1, 038 * Fax ( 650 ) 342 - 1948 • www . pls . Iib . ca . us / pls / pls . html VII. Reports A. City Librarian's Report - Highlights of Report 1. Easton Branch Library - Two national magazines American Libraries and Library Journal featured the Easton Branch in their recent publications. Easton circulation has increased approximately 300% and user traffic 140% over pre- renovation days. 2. Personnel Issues - Library staff is presently down 120 hours per week (3 FTE). One librarian remains out on a workman's compensation claim; Jan Eustis, a library assistant in the Children's Dept. will return on a part time basis the week of January 23rd. Recruitment is in process for a temporary part time professional librarian to assist in covering public service desks. 3. Burlingame City Centennial - The City Librarian is a member of the marketing committee which is chaired by Dan Anderson. Jeffrey Griffith is Finance Director. Deborah Griffith and Pat Toft of the Trustees and Dale Perkins of the Foundation Advisory Board, along with the Stephen Hamilton, President of the Foundation Board will also participate in planning the event B. Foundation Report 1. Election of Officers for 2006 - The Board of Directors `.. approved the following slate of officers for 2006: President - Stephen Hamilton, First Vice President - Scott Nedwick, Second Vice President - Jim Cannon, Treasurer - Mary Blythe, and Secretary - Lisa Rosenthal. 2. New Board Members - Susan May, John McMorrow, Eileen Nash and Regina Neu are the newly elected members of the Foundation Board. 3. Wish List - The Foundation Board approved the following funding for library programs and collection development which the City Librarian had requested: Special Children's $ 3,500 Programs Spanish Language Story Hours $ 5,600 One County/One Book Project $ 3,000 Saturday Morning Story Hours $ 3,600 Enhance Picture Book $ 8,000 Collection Adult Author Programming $ 3,500 Enhancement of Media $10,000 Collection Total $37,200 The Board decided to set aside funding for the Centennial Celebration until a future date. Library Board of Trustee Minutes 2 January 17 2005 VIII. Unfinished Business A. Statistics Comparison The Trustees reviewed the "Key Indicators" which reflected a yearly comparison of various library statistics from 2003-2005. B. Increase of Library Services Hours 1. Trustees Request - At the request of the Trustees, the City Librarian and the management team discussed the possibility of restoring service hours lost as a result of budget cuts 3 years ago. Their recommendation to the Trustees to restore 4 hours on Friday night was considered to be the best choice for the community and the most realistic in terms of staffing, if additional funding from the City becomes available 2. Recommendation from Trustees - The Trustees requested that the record show their unanimous support for the recommen- dation proposed by the City Librarian and library managers to restore the 4 hours on Friday night and their consensus that a funding request be made to the City Council at the soonest appropriate time. In addition, the Trustees recommended requesting that the City Council increase the budget for the library collection which is $66,000 or 27% below 3 years ago. IX. New Business A. Lane Community Room Usage Fee - The Trustees unanimously approved the recommendation of the City Librarian to increase the usage for the Lane Community Room from $50. to $75. per event. M/S/C (Griffith/Carlton) X. Announcements Trustee McCormack noted the following library events: A. Bay Area Library & Information System, Peninsula Library System, Silicon Valley Library System event about creative ideas for fund raising. The event will be held at San Francisco Public Library on April 1, 2006. B. California Library Association Conference - This event will be held November 10th - 13th in Sacramento. Further information will follow. C. One Book/One Community Program - This event will take place in the fall. Further information will follow. D. Legislative Breakfast - The date for this event is March 25th E. Literacy Breakfast will be held at Dominic's on April 6th. Library Board of Trustee Minutes 3 January 17 2005 XI. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm. The next meeting will be held February 21 st at 5:30pm in the Conference Room. Res ctfully Submitted, AlfreH. Escoffi r City Librarian Library Board of Trustee Minutes 4 January 17 2005 System Reference Center Reference Policy The System Reference Center (SRC) for Bay Area Library and Information System (BALIS), Peninsula Library System (PLS), Silicon Valley Library System (SVLS) and Monterey Bay Area Cooperative Library System (MOBAC) strengthens member libraries' information service to their users. The Reference Center staff works to give depth and breadth to local resources and to provide library users equal access to information no matter what resources are available in their local libraries . Each member library acts as an intermediary between the System Reference Center and its patrons. It is the duty of each jurisdiction to determine access to the Reference Center. SRC will answer all questions as completely, accurately and in a timely manner as possible. The Center will utilize in-house sources, online databases, outside organizations and any other reasonable resource to obtain an answer. Effective responses to reference questions can be achieved only with the support and cooperation of each member library. When submitting requests, members are responsible for providing as much information as possible, including the sources checked by the referring librarian as well as the patron, and what search terms have been used in search engines. The importance of a complete reference interview cannot be stressed enough. DEADLINES Although requests are generally handled in chronological order by date received, every effort is made to meet each patron's deadline. Since all requests are handled "as soon as possible," we request a date after which the patron cannot use the material. "Rush" requests must include an explanation for the deadline. FILE CHECKS Call us to check our extensive file of songs, poems, quotes and how-to information. INTERLIBRARY LOANS Retrieval of material identified by the Reference Center will be the responsibility of the referring library. LETTERS, CALLS, and EMAILS Experts and agencies may be contacted by the Reference Center. Some follow-up may need to be made by the patron. In this case, appropriate contact information will be supplied. APPRAISALS OF ART, ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES We will provide published information on antiques and auction prices. Monetary evaluations of art objects, considerations of scarcity and condition are beyond the scope of the Reference Center. In the absence of published information, referrals to appropriate experts willbe provided if available. BOOK APPRAISALS We will supply published prices for specific editions whenever available. Patrons may also be referred to antiquarian book dealers and/or specialists. GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH We will supply information on published family and local histories, and guide patrons to appropriate documents and sources for information. We will search the San Jose Mercury News and/or the San Francisco Chronicle for one week after the date of death for obituaries and death notices. This service is free to California residents; persons from out of state may order the search for a fee from the Reference Center website, systemref.org. Searches of other primary source material in this field are outside the scope of the Reference Center. IDENTIFICATION OF PLOTS, POEMS, QUOTATIONS, TITLES The Reference Center will search standard indexes, specialized bibliographic sources, and listservs. The identification of plots, fragments of poems, quotations and half-remembered titles often depends upon the combination of bibliographic indexing and personal memory. Appeals to "collective memory" may be initiated when standard search strategies fail. LEGAL QUESTIONS Copies of specificallycited laws, court rulings ,administrative regulations and published commentary of laws and the legal system will be provided. We cannot provide legal advice or interpretation, though referrals to legal sources may be given as appropriate. MEDICAL QUESTIONS Factual information, published studies and/or bibliographic citations to published studies concerning diseases, medications or therapeutic treatments will be provided. Information involving interpretation or medical advice will not be provided. We will refer patrons to appropriate medical experts or agencies. ONLINE DATABASE SEARCHES Since many member libraries have given up their Dialog services, the Reference Center will search Dialog upon request. If the cost of the search exceeds $70.00, we will notify the referring library, so that the patron may be referred to a for-pay service. MARKET RESEARCH/MARKET SURVEYS We will search for published market surveys. When published material is not available, we may refer the patron/client to market research services. ORIGINAL RESEARCH Reference Center staff cannot perform original research, nor compile bibliographies on demand. It is out of the scope of the Reference Center to examine primary source materials, draw conclusions, or synthesize research. We will provide direction in search strategies and assistance with identification of resources and specialists. We will provide data, but cannot perform mathematical, analytical or interpretive calculations. Subject to the provisions regarding original research, Center staff will locate answers to single, highly specific questions. PATENT, TRADEMARK OR COPYRIGHT SEARCHES Patrons with patent, trademark or copyright inquiries are referred to the Sunnyvale Center for Innovation, Invention and Ideas (SCI3) at the Sunnyvale Public Library. STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS We will provide verification and locations/sources for standards and specifications. TRANSLATIONS The Reference Center will translate short phrases when feasible. For longer passages, it is the responsibility fo the local library to refer the patron to professional translators. Rev. 05/05 Adopted by the Administrative Councils of BALIS, PLS, SVLS and MOBAC, 2005. UNIQUEServanagement icces Inc. January 16,2006 Mr.Alfred H.Escoffier Burlingame Public Library 480 Primrose Rd Burlingame,CA 94010-4083 Dear Mr.Alfred H.Escoffier: Unique Management Services,Inc.(UMS)has provided a quality material recovery service for the Burlingame Public Library since July 2003.As of December 2005,the library has submitted 888 accounts for collection. The financial result for your library has been the total recovery of$54,650.49 in materials,cash received,amounts waived. This does not include amounts still to be recovered from patrons who will respond to our continued contacts. When considering the value of our recoveries described above compared to the amount UMS has billed the library,our service has given the library a return of$6.87 for each$1.00 invested.This 7:1 ratio shows a powerful return on the library's investment,one that we are pleased to report. $60,000 ----------------------------------------- $45,004 ------------------------- ----- $30,000 ------------------------- - -- ❑ Total Billings 0 Total Recovery $1C"000 ------------------------- $G - F-7 Total Billings Total Recovery It should also be noted that we have demonstrated that we can maintain patron goodwill while producing these results.In addition,with our strategic partnerships and strong working relationships with ILS vendors,UMS can ensure all data is transferred and processed electronically to eliminate paperwork and minimize library staff time. Unique Management Services,Inc.strives to provide thorough and useful recovery information on a regular basis.In addition to our monthly reports,many of our clients have expressed a desire to see our results compared to cost.Please keep in mind that this letter is an overview of your historical recovery.If you should require results for a specific time period, please do not hesitate to contact your customer service representative.We appreciate the opportunity to serve the Burlingame Public Library and its patrons. Sincerely, 2.Bra42— Brad d Rainier Customer Service Specialist cc:Ms.Amy Gettle 119 East Maple Street • Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 • (812) 285-0886 • Fax: (812) 285-0895 CC-NTRALCOUNTY CIRC DC-PARTMENT l ' ' serving the Town of f-Illsborougk onJ the City of-Purlingame V -Pill Reilly F—ire Chief January 12, 2006 Burlingame Library Attn: Sidney Poland 480 Primrose Road Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: 2005 Holiday Toy Program Dear Mrs. Poland: I just wanted to say -thank you" for your assistance with our Annual Firefighter Holiday Toy Program and taking the time to host a toy barrel at your location. With the generous donations of toys, gift cards, and monetary support, we were able to brighten the holidays of several people this holiday season. This included older youths and �. teenagers who are often forgotten during the holiday season. With our program, we were able to distribute one hundred and fifty-six (156) barrels of toys which were collected throughout the City of Burlingame and Town of Hillsborough. These donations went to ten (10) different charitable organizations throughout San Mateo County. Your generous donations enabled us to make a difference in the lives of so many young people and families this holiday season. Our continued success will be determined by the generosity of people like you and your organization. I look forward to working with you again for our 2006 Firefighter Holiday Toy Program. All the best for a healthy and happy 2006. Sinc 1 l Firefighter Herman G. Barahona Program Coordinator Holiday Toy Program Central County Fire Department (650) 558-7600 1600 F—loribundavlIenue, � ]ilLkorough, C� 84010 (650) 375-7422 �ax: (650) 375-7423 1399 Kollin, Road, Burlingame, CA 94010 (650) 558-7600 �:ax : (650) 344-9950 Trustees Special Fund Balances Report As of 2/132006 2/132006 Page 1 2/132006 Account Balance Bank Accounts Cell Phone 0.00 Donations-Children 250.00 Donations-Misc 10,272.99 Duncan-Misc 1,355.64 Duncan-Audio Visual 10.76 Duncan-Fine Arts 4,000.00 Ellis Memorial 340.00 Farrell(Julia)Fund 6,006.06 Gottlieb(Ruth)Fund 125.00 Interest 12,322.19 Jackson(Dorothea)Fund 10,000.00 Karp Fund 200.00 Markus Fund 325.00 Mayall(Angeline)Fund 275.00 Nadaner Fund15.00 __ _ Peltier Memorial Fund 1,270.00 Pine(Jane and David)Fund 1,000.00 Porter(Hilda)Fund 5,448.01 Schmidt(Mary Jane)Fund 1,565.00 Schroeder(Alice)Fund 1,215.00 Shinnyo-En USA Fund 812.78 ----------- --------------- Thigpen(Dorothy)Fund 300.00 Trixler(John Thomas)Fund 2,210.00 Xerox Fund 28,734.35 TOTAL Bank Accounts 88,052.78 OVERALL TOTAL 88,052.78 ' , (BURLIIiGAME I � � B U R L I N G A M E P U B L I C LIBRARY City Librarian's Report February 21, 2006 City Goals Sessions Begin The City Council Goals session of January 28th was successful in winnowing down over 260 goals or activities submitted by the general public into a more manageable list of 60. The Council will hold Round II of the Goals session on Saturday, February 25th. I don't expect a great deal of discussion of library issues during that session, but I do expect discussion of the library at the March 1St Budget meeting. Two lists have now been created by Council: 1) Council Goals 2006- 2007, and 2) Items/Suggestions referred elsewhere (mostly budgetary). Five issues for the library were outlined on list #2 "Items/Suggestions" list and all are budgetary. These will be dealt with at the Council Budget session, currently scheduled for Wednesday, March 1St, 6 PM, Lane Community Room. The five issues that affect library services are: 1) Increase library hours if budget permits; 2) Restore library collection budget; 3) Restore hours on Friday nights; 4) One Community/One Book program; 5) Donate books/cash to the Mississippi Gulf libraries. Status of Library Recommendations 1) Increase library hours. Background: We reduced our weekly hours from 73 to 62 during the 3 year budget crisis. We now open.at 10 AM instead of 9 AM, 6 days a week; we close on Friday and Saturday at 5 PM instead of 9 PM and 6 PM respectively at the main library. Recommendation: See # 3 below. 2) Restore library book and media collection budgets. Background: The library collection budget is currently $ 179K, down from $ 245K, 3 years ago. This is a reduction of 27%. We have been able to manage through gifts from the Foundation, as well as reducing the number of individual titles purchased. We are also purchasing many 4 8 0 P r i m r o s e R o a d • Burl i n g a m e • CA 9 4 0 1 0 - 4 0 8 3 Phone ' ('650 ) 342 - 1038 • Fax ( 650 ) 342 - 1948 • www . pls . lib . ca . us / pls / pls . html more items in paperback instead of hardback, and reducing our purchase of expensive reference books. With the Foundation's help, we have begun the "Quick Pick" program that targets high-interest popular titles in multiple copies. We are shifting the way we do reference, and are leasing proprietary database access (collectively through PLS) to help the public and staff have access to information that was formerly in print, but is now online. Recommendation: Consider adding 14% or $ 25,000 back into the collection budget; I would suggest taking $ 10,000 of this increase for media due to the high impact media is having on our circulation. 3) Restore hours on Friday nights. Background: The Library Board of Trustees and the library managers agreed that if we are able to restore hours, they should be Friday evenings from 5 PM- 9 PM. The cost of this would be between $ 50-60K. 4) One Book/One Community. Background: This project is now underway with a partnership with all of the libraries in PLS. Burlingame Library is part of a system-wide task force which will participate, and the Foundation has pledged funds for �. the project. We are looking for an appropriate book by a living author with California roots. The title should be selected shortly. The project is targeted to launch in fall 2006. Jan Eustis is working with me on this project. Recommendation: Reaffirm with the City Council that a "One Book/One Community" program will be held this year. 5) Donate books to Gulf Region. Background: Last year, following Hurricane Katrina, the Board of Trustees asked the Burlingame Public Library to join the "Adopt a Library" program through American Library Association. We adopted the St. Tammany Parish Library. The system lost two library branches: Madisonville and Lake Pontchartrain Branches. We have received a seed money gift from community member Alex Veech for this project of $ 1,000.00 which we are holding until more gifts are received. Recommendation: The City Librarian will contact the St. Tammany Parish library system to see exactly what their needs might be: books, cash or something else. I would also like to suggest that the Foundation consider a donation to this project. It could be in the form of a cash donation or a fundraiser, or perhaps the proceeds from the next book sale. Library Issues Breakfast The Peninsula Library System and Silicon Valley Library System Advisory Boards are sponsoring the Library Issues Breakfast on Saturday, March 25, 2006, 8:30 AM- 11 AM, Stanford Park Hotel, Menlo Park. This annual event features different speakers each year of interest to local government officials, community leaders, and of course Library Trustees. This year's speakers will be Michael and Christina Dillon, California Library Association Lobbyists. They will speak of their working experiences with our elected officials at the State Capitol. City Council Members and each of you should have received the post card invitation in the mail last week. You may RSVP by March 10 to Kathy Krause at 650-349-5538. This is always a popular event. Vice Mayor Terry Nagel has already expressed her intention to attend. I hope each of you can make it that day. Trustee/Council Counterparts `,. In keeping with tradition, the Board will review and make decisions on City Council counterparts this month. This project pairs each Trustee with a City Council member to help keep them abreast of the current issues affecting the library services and funding. Pat Toft has already expressed an interest in Rosalie O'Mahony as her Council counterpart. One immediate item which could be mentioned to your counterpart would be the upcoming Library Issues Breakfast. Library Catalog Usability Study Peninsula Library System contracted for a usability study on our new automated system. The consultant has done a number of such studies and the survey group covered a cross-section of library users, by age, education, type of work, type of library use and a number of other factors. Pat Toft was selected to participate in this study, as was Amy Gettle of the staff. We expect a report shortly which will be used to work with our vendor to improve public access to the use of the library catalog. Personnel Issues With staff returning from worker's compensation injuries, we have moved from being 120 hours per week down (3 FTE) to 50 hours per week down (1.25 FTE). Tracy Hammond and her family send their thanks to the staff and Board for your generosity over the holidays. We held a successful session on "Coping with Loss and Change," on February 8th, offered by a representative from the Centre for Living with Dying, a part of the Bill Wilson Center in San Jose. Those who attended found it a very good way to deal with some of the losses they are feeling. We will ask a counselor to return later as the need arises. With circulation of materials up 30% over the past 3 years, we are ramping up efforts to hire more shelvers. Shelvers may be of any age, but must be fit enough for the bending, stooping and lifting that the job takes. How Do Central Coast Californians Use Public Libraries? Peninsula Library System followed up their Godbe library use study done 5 years ago in 2000 with a new one completed in late 2005. The results have just been released. An Executive Summary of the report is attached to the City Librarian's Report. Orientation of New Foundation Board Members The City Librarian held an orientation for the four new Foundation Board members in February to give them some background on library services, issues and funding. Regina Neu, John McMorrow, Susan May and Eileen Nash all attended a session, toured the library and met staff. �. Library Statistics Library circulation statistics have not been readily available since we went online August 17, 2006. PLS has asked the vendor to return and give additional training. Two trainings occurred in February. There will be additional sessions in March and April. Pulling statistics from the database for library consortia seems to be a difficult process for this vendor's software. However, just last week, we did discover some new things about drawing accurate statistical reports from the system. For the past 3 years, library usage system wide is at an all time high, and we are uncertain as to why the statistics have not shown this continuing trend. We should have more answers for you at your March Board Meeting. Upcoming Events: • President's Day Holiday, Monday, February 20th, Closed • Library Board Meeting, Tuesday, February 21St, 5:30 PM • City Council Goals Session, Round 2, Saturday, February 25, 9 AM, Lane Room • City Council Budget Study Session, Wednesday, March , 6 PM, Lane Room • City Commissioner's Dinner, Friday, March 3, 6 PM, Burlingame Woman's Club • Library Foundation Board Meeting, Thursday, March 9, 2006, Conference Room • Library Board Meeting (Proposed Change in Date), Monday, March 20, 5:30 PM • Public Library Association Conference, March 21-25, Boston • PLS/SVLS Library Issues Breakfast, Saturday, March 25, 8:30 AM, Stanford Park Hotel, Menlo Park Alfred H. Escoffier City Librarian - February 13, 2006 Proposed Budget for PLA Conference March 21-25, 2006 `-' Boston Revised February 14, 2006 Request to Trustees Proposed Expenditures (2 persons) Airfare: $ 333 x 2 = $ 666.00 Hotel: $ 200.00 x 2 x 5 = $ 2,000.00 Registration: Paid by City General Fund Total Request: $ 2,667.00 Proposed Payment (2 persons) General Fund-Registration $ 795.00 .. Request to Trustees $ 2,667.00 Godbe Central Coast Library Survey Survey Results 2005 Executive Summary During the fall of 2005, Bryan Godbe and Alice Chan conducted a professional study of library usage in the central coast area of California. This study followed up on a similar study done in 2000 by the same firm. Compared to 2000, the public put a higher degree of importance on accuracy instead of speed. The 2000 study emphasized speed over accuracy, but increased inaccuracies in online information likely accounted for this change. There has been an exponential surge in use of the internet both in libraries and by the public offsite. For this reason, the public increasingly needs help in scrutinizing the vast amount of information available. The public values their local libraries for providing accurate information AND expertise in helping them find what they need. From this overarching theme in the area of online services, the public values convenience by automating tasks that saves them a trip to the library, eg: reserving and renewing materials online and receiving informational assistance online or on the telephone. In terms of offline services, the public valued libraries for what the internet cannot provide: face-to-face value-added assistance, especially in helping patrons find what they need, providing story hours, programs and other one-on-one services.