HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 2003.09.30 :'►URLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY I WIIRLINJAMEjBoard of Trustees AgendaSeptember 30th, 2003 — 4.30pm480 Primrose Road - Board Room SUGGESTED ACTION 1.' CALL TO ORDER 1a 2.,- ROLL CALL U� 3. WARRANTS & SPECIAL FUND Approval 4. MINUTES Approval 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND ATTACHMENTS Information „'a. Proposed Holiday Schedule for Last Quarter 2003 b. Proposed Holiday Schedule for 2004 c. Letter from Senator Jackie Speier Vd. Daily Journal Article August 15, 2003 fie. Authors Luncheon Brochure Flyer for Easton Closure Event g. Monthly Statistics June 2003 j h. Monthly Statistics July 2003 SROM THE FLOOR (Public Comments) 7. REPORTS , '1/ Information a.�,City Librarian's Report- Escoffier b. Youndation Report- Rossi U 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Easton Project Status - Escoffier Discussion ,b. Presentation to Dan Alvarez Action 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Proposed Changes in Holiday Schedule Last 2003 Discussion Action b. Proposed Holiday Schedule 2004 / P Y Discussion Action Vc. Employee Achievement Award Discussion/Action d. Employee Recognition Dinner Discussion/Action 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS ... ADJOURNMENT Adjourn A BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes August 19, 2003 I. Call to Order President Catherine McCormack called the meeting to order at 4:30pm. II. Roll Call Trustees Present: David Carr, Cecile Coar, Catherine McCormack, and Carol Rossi Trustee Absent: Mary Herman Staff Present: Al Escoffier, City Librarian Jackie Martin Recorder Staff Absent: Sidney Poland III. Warrants and Special Funds The Trustees unanimously agreed to approve the warrants. M/S/C (Rossi/Coar) IV. Minutes The Trustees unanimously approved the minutes of the July 15, 2003 meeting. M/S/C (Coar/McCormack) V. Correspondence and Attachments Correspondence mailed in the Board packets was reviewed. , A. News From the Capital - Governor Gray Davis has signed the $100 billion budget bill AB 1765 for the year 2003-2004 leaving in tact PLF funding in the amount of$15.8 million; funding of other.library programs was not reduced. If unanticipated expenses occur in other areas, the Director of Finance has been granted full authority by the legislature to make whatever reductions are necessary to offset the revenue losses. B. Budget Memo from City FinanceDirector/Treasurer Jesus Nava summarized the effects of the State Budget on the City of Burlingame noting that presently the City is looking at a revenue loss of$450,000 due to the State's budget. Additional details to the Budget status will be forthcoming. It is too early to determine the exact impact of these losses for future budget years. 480 Primrose Road•Burlingame•CA 94010-4083 Phone (650) 558-7474-Fax(650) 342-6295 VI. Presentation of Resolution to Kathy von Mayrhauser - Kathy `- von Mayrhauser was presented with a Resolution of appreciation from the Trustees acknowledging her outstanding efforts in supervising the Outreach Program. VII. From The Floor - None VIII. Reports A. City Librarian's Report - Highlights of Report 1. San Mateo Staffing - Four San Mateo reference librarians are staffing the Reference desk to help with the current increase in patron usage due to San Mateo's closure. San Mateo Library will open September 2nd in a temporary facility located at 110 Park Place, San Mateo 4th Floor. 2. Easton Status - Funding for the Easton project is in place and bidding for the project is in process. Easton Library will be officially closed for renovation on October 1, 2003. B. Foundation Report - Al Escoffier - The Foundation Executive Board met on August 13th and discussed the following issues: 1. Friends' Dissolution - Final details of the Friends' �.. Dissolution are still being finalized. 2. Easton Closing Event - Library patrons will be invited to attend the closing event for the Easton Branch to be held September 28th from 2:00 - 5:00pm. Details of the event will be forthcoming. 3. Discarded Easton Books - Promoters for a movie on the children's author Lemony Snicket have inquired as to whether the discarded books from Easton could be used in the production. Sue Reiterman will oversee this matter. IX. Unfinished Business - A. Easton Project Status - On August 4th, the City Council approved the City Librarian's request to put the Easton renovation project out to bid. Deadline for the bids is September 23rd. On October 6th, the winning bid, together with a Staff Report, will be presented to the City Council for approval. Movers will be hired to box and store books. On November 1 st the building will be turned over to the contractor. Library Board of Trustee Minutes 2 August 19,2003 B Change of Trustee Meeting Date - Trustee Carr moved to change the September 16, 2003 meeting date to September 30, 2003. M/S/C (Carr/Rossi) An official notice will be posted in the Library and at City Hall to advise the public of this change. X. New Business A. Patron Disciplinary Action - The Trustees approved the request of the City Librarian to officially ban problem patron Shir Eitan from the Library for a period of 3 months. M/S/C (Rossi/Coar) XI. Announcements - None XII. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 5:15pm. M/S/C (Coar/Carr) The next meeting of the Library Trustees will be held September 30, 2003 at 4:30pm. Respectfully Submitted, --e Alfred H. Escof ier `.. City Librarian The official minutes of August 19, 2003 were prepared by Sidney Poland. Library Board of Trustee Minutes 3 August 19,2003 State Capitol COMMITTEES Room 2032 CHAIR Sacramento,CA 95814-4900 t TM y� 'jr., y�y� {� TEL 445-0503 Insurance F, (916)327-2186 Select Committee on Government Oversight District Offices MEMBER [h El Camino Real,Suite 630 AppropriationsSENATOR J A C K I E S P E I E R Energy,Utilities San Mateo,CA 94402 and Communications TEL(650)340-8840 - REPRESENTING SAN FRANCISCO AND SAN MATEO COUNTIES Transportation FAX(650)340-1661 Joint Committee on Hiram W.Johnson State Office Building SEI Legislative Audit 455 Golden Gate Avenue,Suite Igloo Select Committee on ti Bay Area Transportation San Francisco,CA 94102 t TEL(415)557-7857 FAX(415)557-7864 SENATOR.SPEIER@p SEN.CA.GOV W W W.SEN.CA.GOV/SPEIER August 14,2003 Mr. Alfred Escoffier 239 Elm Street#1 San Mateo,CA 94401 Dear Mr. Escoffier: Earlier this year,you contacted my office about funding for libraries through the state's budget. Now that the budget has passed,I wanted to let you know about the outcome for libraries. The money that the state previously set aside for transaction-based reimbursements has been retained at$12.1 million. This funding allows California to continue to qualify for federal matching funds to support lending between libraries. The Public Library Fund was cut. While in recent years the state had earmarked up to$31.5 million,the Governor ultimately signed the budget with$5.8 million in the fund. His original proposal was$1 million,but the Legislature increased the funding and this was accepted by him without any change. I want to thank you for writing about this topic. As I have previously indicated to library supporters,this was a very difficult year. $4 billion is anticipated in the budget based upon the vehicle license fee being restored to its ordinary level. A lawsuit has been filed to prevent the increase from going forward. The final budget contains billions in borrowed funds.We're going to have to pay back those funds and find other cuts,shortly. I appreciate your support for the education provided by libraries in our communities. Perhaps if more people took advantage of this wonderful resource,they would understand about the inter-relationship between the taxes that we all pay and the wonderful service of an institution like a library. For multiple reasons,however,the message of public good and community enrichment created by public services such as libraries is not currently being fully accepted by the public. I will do what I can to sustain our commitment to libraries,but I also want to advise you that enactment of the state's budget is just the latest step in a process of setting priorities that will take place over this next year. Frankly,we're not out of the woods yet. All the best, J _d ' Speier T E SENATOR Senate District KJS/bp San Mateo checks out neighboringlibraries Visitors increase in Burlingame and Foster City a YLTNN11 C1101/D:IIX JOUPUNAL San Mateo librarian Donna Mandel enjoys working in Burlingame this month. By Turuni Choi The numbers tell the story—Escoffier said DAILY JO URXAL STAFF he has seen a 20 percent increase in traffic since the San Mateo library closed Aug. 1. A crowd of about 30 book-hungry people The San Mateo library shut down to move gather outside the Burlingame public library into a temporary location at 1100 Park Place these days before its 10 a.m. opening time. where it will be housed for a year while a new Most are from neighboring San Mateo,where three-story facility is erected at 55 W.Thin the public library has shut down for the month. Ave.The temporary location will open Sept.2 "People in San Mateo clearly miss their li- As a result,Foster City's public library i brary,"said Burlingame City Librarian Alfred Escoffier. I t S(a.3 �-G�rr See LIBRARY,Page, YURARYAugust SnOWCLI ural.t4 percent of trout ban ivtateo may be betting a Mateo's outdated taciltty. Itbrary really is, Urvout saiu. respondents were from San Mateo, taste of what a state-of-the-art libra y That's why many residents may SamTrans is also giving out com- most of who said they were there be- is like.Th( i Burlingame library remain loyal to Burlingame even plimentary bu �s to people who :d from page 1 cause of the library closure. opened int ,7 with a renovation when the San Mateo library's tem- live downtown, ._.nave no means of Foster City's youth programs like price tag of$13 million. porary location opens its doors Sept. getting to the new location. also seeingmore activity at its cir- the story hour and puppet shows 2,Escoffier said. Since the tempo- In the meantime,the Burlingame y` D p pp Donna Mandel, a San Mateo li- culation desk,said Assistant Library have been particularly packed,Lam- rary San Mateo library will be so far library's traffic is also compounded brarian who is working in away,he said it may also be easier by its reduced hours,which took ef- Manager Michael Lambert.A sur- bort said. Burlingame this month said it's def- for people to continue going to feet last month as a result of budget vey conducted the first week of Over in Burlingame,library-goers initely a nicer environment than San Burlingame. cuts.The library hours have been However, staff from the San scaled back by seven hours a week. DAILUOUNALWN W10 04ILU JOUML Mateo library aren't about to let that Staff from the San Mateo library happen so easily. are helping out in Burlingame,with Advertise Career Calendar of Events Publisher employees Jerry Lee From Sept. 15 to Sept.21,the]i- five part-time working Learn how to leverage the Learn about various career Calendar of Events Items brary 1S Waging an all-out Campaign there for the month. marketing power of the opportunities at the Daily must be received at least four Er ilor in Chief Dally Journal Journal, days prior to the event. Sports Editor Jon Mays Copy Editor at drawing back its visitors to the Foster City librarians are feeling Nathan Mullet Ram Venkalraman temporary location, said Commu- the crunch with no additional staff Classifieds News Free Delive Senior Reporter Stall Reporters to het [hem handle the additional ry Michelle Durand Yunmi Choi,Dana Yates nity Gifts Coordinator Donna P Deadline for classified ads Submit your news tips and Receive the Daily Journal at VISItOIS—but it's a feeling hbrananS is at t pm one business day story ideas to our award- your organization,business Production Manager Production Assistant Dlvodi. g before publication. wlnntn editorial staff. or school for free. Nicola Zeuzem Colin Held welcome,Lambert Said. p s Treasure hunts, daily food Sam- MarkSchlemmer KerkeliMcAr nls "Our purpose as a public library Mark Schlemmer Kerry McArdle plings from Whole Foods Market, p m P Business Staff drinks from Peet's Coffee and live is to draw people here," Lambert NOR: 1 I I 1 1Kenneth Bandy,Joanne Bracco,Gloria Brickman, Brett Montana,Brad Peterson,Valeen Robertson,Bio Sutphen, music are just some of the offerings Said."The increased traffic for US is ti Todd Waibel,Mark Woods being extended by the library to en- 1 1 Inlerns/Correspondents/Contradors not a negative—we're enjoying it" John Baker,Leah Bervels,Greg Damlano,Rachet Gallegos,Carolina Hahn, Lice people back. San Daily Street ,,r John Hampton,Kelly Hendricks,JIII Hipps,Grace Kallls,Helen Kuznelsova, Yunnll Choi can be reached by e-nmil at Mateo r CA Joan Levy,Chad Lucas,Nino Marchetti,Stere Penna,Ingrid Perez. "We want to give them a reason ymuniCasnulailyjournal.com or by phone Ben SeeOerper,Eugene Sefanor to come see how nice the temporary (650)344-5200 ext. 109. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 2003 ,gistered Borrowers Previous month's total #Added Total Registered Burlingame Adults 15,864 121 15,985 Burlingame Children 4,481 36 4,517 Hillsborough Adults 2,432 13 2,445 Hillsborough Children 1,234 12 1,246 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 1,341 19 1,360 Totals 25,352 201 25,553 Circulation Activity Main Branch Adult Print Materials 18,763 794 Children's Print Materials 9,422 1,145 AudioNisual Materials 8,627 209 Circulation Totals This month total Main 39,458 This month previous year 38,462 2.6%1 This month total Branch 2,431 This month previous year 2,441 -0.4% D This month Grand Total 41,889 This month previous year 40,903 2.4%1 Reference Activity Inter Library Loans Questions Directions Lent 2,863 Reference 3,206 364 Borrowed 2,094 Children's 1,520 1,351 TOTAL 4,957 Lower Level 1,558 2,565 Branch 226 37 TOTAL 6,510 4,317 Collections Main Titles Volumes Main Titles Added Branch Volumes Added Adult Non Fiction 250 182 4 Children's Non Fiction 81 57 0 YA Non Fiction 0 0 0 Adult Fiction 258 208 22 Children's Fiction 186 150 5 YA Fiction 23 12 0 Cassettes Audio 12 12 0 Compact Discs 32 32 0 Videos 11 6 2 Children's Audio 0 0 0 Children's Video 3 0 0 Children's Compact Disc 0 0 0 DVD 18 17 0 lildren's DVD 0 0 0 OTALS 874 676 33 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 2003 PAGE 2 Other Material Volumes Added Total Held Adult un-cataloged books 0 5,713 -'iildren's un-cataloged 235 5,300 oks Foreign Language un- 0 657 cataloged D nix Deposit to City Treasurer Main $6,558.38 Branch 359.85 Total $6,918.23 Main and Easton Deposits Revolving Account Rental Main $121.00 Revolving Account PLS Video Main & Easton $ 6.00 Trustees Special Fund Photocopies Main & Easton $805.55 Estimated User Traffic 29,213 Dail Avera a 1,007 Community Room Adult* TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 9 197 Adult Programs Attendance Lectures, Film Series etc. 1 60 ok Groups 1 10 Childrens and Young Adult Attendance Pre-school programs 9 302 School A e 7 Class Visits 124 Book Groupies Special Program Total 16 226 Internet Use One Hour Express Childrens Total 1,806 2,145 45 3,996 L- BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2003 gistered Borrowers Previous month's total #Added Total Registered Burlingame Adults 15,985 130 16,115 Burlingame Children 4,517 26 4,543 Hillsborough Adults 2,445 13 2,458 Hillsborough Children 1,246 9 1,255 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 1,360 19 1,379 Totals 25,553 197 25,750 Circulation Activity Main Branch Adult Print Materials 19,626 811 Children's Print Materials 10,004 1,163 AudioNisual Materials 8,077 225 Circulation Totals This month total Main 40,394 This month previous year 40,988 -1.4%D This month total Branch 2,552 This month previous year 2,544 .3%1 This month Grand Total 42,946 This month previous year 43,532 -1.3%D Reference Activity Inter Library Loans Questions Directions Lent 2,539 Reference 2,949 216 Borrowed 2,292 Children's 1,514 254 TOTAL 4,831 Lower Level 1,052 2,832 Branch 224 28 TOTAL 5,739 3,330 Collections Main Titles Volumes Main Titles Added Branch Volumes Added Adult Non Fiction 196 132 3 Children's Non Fiction 67 60 1 YA Non Fiction 0 0 0 Adult Fiction 347 230 32 'Children's Fiction 181 162 0 YA Fiction 24 21 1 Cassettes Audio 32 29 1 Compact Discs 76 45 11 Videos 4 4 0 Children's Audio 8 0 0 Children's Video 1 0 0 Children's Compact Disc 26 0 0 DVD 42 22 8 ildren's DVD 11 0 0 TALS 1,015 705 57 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2003 PAGE 2 Other Material Volumes Added Total Held Adult un-cataloged books 97 5,810 'iildren's un-cataloged 520 5,820 oks Foreign Language un- 0 657 cataloged D nix Deposit to City Treasurer Main $7,481.94 Branch 246.62 Total $7,728.56 Main and Easton Deposits Revolving Account Rental Main $213.50 Revolving Account PLS Video Main & Easton Trustees Special Fund Photocopies Main & Easton $651.60 Estimated User Traffic 31,149 Daily Average 1,038 Community Room Adult* TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 11 257 Adult Programs Attendance Lectures, Film Series etc. 3k Groups 1 12 L Childrens and Young Adult Attendance Pre-school programs 35 1,247 School A e Book Groupies Special Program Total 35 1,247 Internet User Sessions One Hour Express Childrens* Total 1,794 2,093 253 4,140 * The Children's Dept. has doubled its Internet stations; therefore, there is a substantial increase in Internet usage. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY City Librarian's Report September 30, 2003 Library Traffic Increase The library experienced an increase in patron traffic, circulation of materials and increased revenues for the month of August, as we absorbed the library users from San Mateo. The total increases for Burlingame were - . approximately 20%. The San Mateo Library reopened 3 miles further south at 1100 Park Place in their temporary quarters on September 2"d. We are still seeing a good deal of queuing at the public service desks with new users. It is too soon to give you actual statistics, but we should have them for your Board meeting. Children's Services �.. Sue Reiterman has been directing the reorganization of the children's division to have professional librarian coverage for most hours the library is open. Story hours from the branch library will be mostly absorbed at the main library beginning with the fall season programming. Easton Branch Closure The Easton Branch Library will be closing with a final reception sponsored by the Burlingame Library Foundation on Sunday, September 28, 2003, at 2 PM. The event will feature music, balloons for the children, and refreshments. Exhibits will be on display of the historical aspects of the building, along with renderings of the renovation plans. The Easton Renovation plan is out for public bid. The bids will be opened and evaluated by city officials September 23rd, and the recommended contractor will be forwarded to the City Council for their approval October 6th. Staff will use the month of October to clear out the building, sell off surplus property and prepare the building to be turned over to the contractor on November 1St 48o Primrose Road•Burlingame•CA 94010-4083 1 Phone (650) 558-7474'Fax (650) 342-6295 The Easton Library will be photographed by San Francisco photographer, Steve Rushton, for archival purposes. Books to Recycle to Paramount Studios Sue Reiterman has been in contact with Paramount Studios who will be donating funds to the library in exchange for discarded library materials. Paramount will be making a $ 1,000 donation for the recycled material. The 400 linear feet of books will be part of a library set in the new Lemony Snicket film scheduled to come out next year. Watch for Burlingame's books in the film! Upcoming Events: • Easton Closure Event, Sunday, September 28, 2-5 PM • Library Board of Trustees, Tuesday, September 30, 4:30 PM (New date) • Council Candidate's Night, Wednesday, October 1, 7 PM • Columbus Day Holiday, Monday, October 13, Closed • Library Board of Trustees, Tuesday, October 21, 4:30 PM • Veteran's Day Holiday, Tuesday, November 11, Closed �— • Foundation Board Meeting, Thursday, November 13, 4:30 PM • California Library Association Conference, Ontario, November 14-17 • Library Board of Trustees, Tuesday, November 18, 4:30 PM Alfred Escoffier City Librarian September 5, 2003 2