HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 2002.04.16 ►URLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY '.[ BURS►NAME Board of Trustees Agenda April 16, 2002— 4:30pm Goy c L SRP 480 Primrose Road — Board Room SUGGESTED ACTION 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL ✓ d e e dw 3. WARRANTS & SPECIAL FUND s/ APPROVAL 4. MINUTES APPROVAL 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND ATTACHMENTS INFORMATION a. Elegant Affair Date b. SAB Appointment c. Change Date of May Board Meeting 6. FROM THE FLOOR (Public Comments) REPORTS INFORMATION a. City Librarian's Report—Escoffier Information b. Foundation Report—Dunbar b Discussion 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. SAB Appointmenty Discussion/Action b. Elegant Affair Date V ►�� Discussion/Action c. Patriot Act—Summary—May Meeting Discussion 9. NEW BUSINESS 10.ANNOUNCEMENTS 0 It/ 11. ADJOURNMENT ADJOURN f lj lam' 1 (BURL1IiGAME 9 U R L I N G A M E PUBLIC LIBRARY Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes March 19, 2002 L Call to Order The meeting of March 19, 2002 was called to order by President Mary Herman at 4:30 pm. II. Roll Call Trustees Present: Cecile Coar, Jane Dunbar, Andrew Gurthet, Mary Herman, Catherine McCormack Staff Present: Alfred Escoffier, City Librarian Sidney Poland, Recorder City Representation: Larry Anderson, City Attorney Guest: Kris Cannon III. Warrants and Special Funds Trustees unanimously agreed to approve the warrants as presented. M/S/C (McCormack/Gurthet) IV. Minutes The Trustees unanimously agreed to approve the minutes of the February 19, 2002 meeting. M/S/C (Dunbar/Coar) V. Correspondence Correspondence mailed in the packets was reviewed. VI. From the Floor There were not any comments from the Floor. L 4 8 0 P r i m r o s e R o a d • B u r I i n g a m e • C A 9 4 0 1 0 4 0 8 3 Phone ( 650 ) 342 - 1038 • Fax ( 650 ) 342 - 1948 • www . pls . lib . ca . us / pts / p1s . html VII. Reports A. City Librarian's Report - Al Escoffier, the City Librarian, reviewed his report highlighting the following issues. 1. Budget 2002- Each operating department will decrease current year expenditures by at least 5%. Specifically, the Library will reduce its expenditures $46,000. In addition, fewer databases will be purchased but present subscriptions will be continued, half of the public computers will still be replaced, and on-call hours for emergency fill-in staff will be limited. 2. Budget 2003 - Negotiated personnel salaries will remain in place, capital projects will be limited and operating budgets will be trimmed to meet the budgeted amount for the Library. Easton renovation plans will continue as most of this project is being funded by the Marshall Trust. 3. Easton Branch Project Status - The results of the public survey have been compiled and are available. Future steps in the development process are for the architect to produce a conceptual drawing; City Staff and the Library Project Team will contract with an architect for the project, and hire a construction manager to oversee the project. 4. System Advisory Board Representation- Mary Lou Morton does not wish to be reappointed to the System Advisory Board when her term ends June 30, 2002. The Trustees need to recommend a candidate to City Council before this time. B. Foundation Report - To be discussed under Old Business C. Duncan Trust - (attachment c) The City Librarian prepared a compilation of the Duncan Trust for the year 1997-2001 for the Trustees. He noted that approximately $555,584 of the endowment cannot be touched. Interest from the endowment can be used for Library projects subject to recommendation by the Library Board of Trustees and approved by the Peninsula Community Foundation. Library Board of Trustee Minutes 2 March 19, 2002 VIII. Unfinished Business A. Patriot Act - Larry Anderson 1. The Trustees revisited the two major privacy issues of the Patriot Act, which would affect Library procedures. One, should the Library post signage informing patrons that material selected and viewed on the Internet/e-mail could be monitored by a government agency and two should the Library continue to have patrons make reservations to use the Internet/e-mail? 2. The City Librarian noted that the Library staff found keeping manual records of patron Internet reservations to presently be the most efficient way to manage patron usage. These records must be kept for two years in accordance with State Law and are also subject to government review or seizure. 3. Trustee Dunbar inquired if the Library should post a sign regarding possible Internet/e-mail monitoring by a government agency. The City Attorney felt that it was a good policy to let people know that the material viewed on the Internet/e-mail can be subject to government review or seizure. He also noted that the Library is not required to post a sign; one sign is satisfactory. 4. Trustee McCormack suggested that a fact sheet of the Patriot Act be made available to the public. 5. The City Librarian will inform other libraries in the PLS system how Burlingame Library has addressed the privacy issue. 6. Trustee McCormack made a motion that the Library post a simple sign at the Internet stations advising patrons that what they view on the Internet/e-mail may be subject to monitoring by a government agency and that a fact sheet is available for those who want more information about the Patriot Act. M/S/C (McCormick/Dunbar) 7. Trustee Dunbar made a motion that the Library will continue to take and maintain Internet reservations for 2 years. M/S/C (Dunbar/Gurthet) a B. Foundation Report - Dunbar Elegant Affair 2002 The Foundation Board will meet Thursday, March 21 st and set a date for this event. Based on a recent circulation and traffic report for a regular Friday and Saturday, it appears that Saturday would be a better day to close early. There is a concern that the Jewel Ball to be held on October 19th may conflict with the Elegant Affair. Jane Dunbar felt this matter should be brought to the attention of `— the Foundation Board. Library Board of Trustee Minutes 3 March 19,2002 IX. New Business A. SAB Appointments Trustee Dunbar whose term as a Library Trustee expires June 30, 2002 expressed a possible interest in this position but could not give a firm commitment at this time. The Board agreed to table this matter until the April 2002 meeting. B. Joint Board/Council Meeting Agenda - This meeting has been postponed until further notice. X. Announcements A. There will be a budget study session on March 28th in the Lane Room. Part Harding will represent the Library. B. The Friends April book sale has been postponed. The on- going book sale has been so successful that there are not enough books for a two-day sale. C. The merger of the Friends and Foundation is presently on hold until the Friends resolve their tax situation with the IRS. XI. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm. M/S/C (McCormack/Coar) The next meeting of the Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for April 16, 2002 at 4:30pm in the Library Conference Room. Respectfully Submitted Alfred H. Escoffier City Librarian Library Board of Trustee Minutes 4 March 19,2002 RE: Elegant Affair Date The Board should make a final decision on the date for the Elegant Affair. Staff will then request approval to serve alcohol in the library for the occasion. This issue needs Council action. The proposed date is October 19, 2002. This requires closing the library for two hours that day, from 4 PM to 6 PM. RE: Election of System Advisory Board Member As was noted at the last Board Meeting, Mary Lou Morton will be unable to serve as Burlingame's SAB Board member. Her term expires June 30, 2002. This position has usually been a sitting or former Library Board member, as some knowledge of the library and the Peninsula Library System is helpful for the Board member. The time commitment is generally 6 meetings per year, in the late afternoon. The focus of the SAB is to provide an advocacy role for the Peninsula Library System and libraries in the County, as well as advise the System on community needs. RE: Proposed Change in May Board Meeting I am proposing that we change the May Board meeting from May 21St to May 14th. I will be out of town at my daughter's college graduation on the 21 st. We will need a Board action in the affirmative, as well as a public notice to change the meeting, which staff can handle. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2002 tegistered Borrowers Previous month's total #Added Total Registered Burlingame Adults 14,269 111 14,380 Burlingame Children 4,037 30 4,067 Hillsborough Adults 2,253 10 2,263 Hillsborough Children 1,125 9 1,134 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 1,121 8 1,129 Totals 22,805 168 22,973 Circulation Activity Main Branch Adult Print Materials 18,451 692 Children's Print Materials 9,290 1,354 AudioNisual Materials 7,151 200 Circulation Totals This month total Main 37,296 This month previous year 35,864 4% Increase This month total Branch 2,582 This month previous year 2,551 1.2% Increase This month Grand Total 39,878 This month previous year 38,415 4% Increase Reference Activity Inter Library Loans Questions Directions Lent 3,241 Reference 2,927 327 Borrowed 2,035 Children's 960 475 TOTAL 5,276 Lower Level 1,332 3,035 Branch 116 60 TOTAL 5,335 3,897 Collections Main Titles Added Main Volumes Added Branch Volumes Added Adult Non Fiction 281 450 14 Children's Non Fiction 127 143 14 YA Non Fiction 0 0 0 Adult Fiction 247 321 33 Children's Fiction 89 130 21 YA Fiction 1 4 0 Cassettes 24 25 0 Compact Discs 3 3 0 Videos 3 3 0 Children's Audio 0 9 0 Children's Video 0 0 0 Children's Compact Disc 0 15 0 TOTALS 775 1,103 82 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2002 PAGE 2 Other Material Volumes added Total Held Adult un-cataloged books 143 4,235 ,hildren's un-cataloged 0 3,457 books Foreign Language un- 44 554 cataloged Deposited with the City Treasurer Main $6,257.62 Branch 298.89 Total $6,556.51 Other Deposits Rental $ 77.00 PLS Video $ 54.50 Photocopies* $ 812.65 $ 944.15 *This Figure is included in the "total main deposit". Estimated User Traffic 30,434 Da—d—1y Average 1,127 Community Room Adult* TOTAL MEETINGS HELD: 16 IATTENDANCE 371 ADULT PROGRAMS 2 ATTENDANCE 25 Childrens and Young Adult Attendance Pre-school programs 30 1,278 School-Age K-5 0 0 Book groupies 1 6 Total 31 1,284 Internet Use One Hour Express Childrens Total 1,388 2,100 92 3,580 IBURLINGAME 1 9 U R L I N G A M E PUBLIC LIBRARY City Librarian's Report April 16, 2002 Library Budget Submitted The Library budget for fiscal year 2002-2003 has been submitted to the City Manager. The total proposed budget reflects a 6.8% increase. Most of the increases are in the personnel portion of the budget and include negotiated raises and merit raises. The Personnel component of the budget includes 19 full time, 6.35 FTE permanent part time, and 12.49 FTE hourly staff, for a total of 37.84 FTE, the same as last year. Most objects in the operations budget have been reduced. The only areas to grow were fixed costs (Insurance, Facilities maintenance) and one collection area: Media. The Media budget has not kept up with the use and we have experienced a 41% increase in circulation in media in recent years. Upcoming budget dates include: City Council Study Session on the budget, June 5; Public Hearing and adoption, June 17. Easton Branch Project Status The public input session on the Branch was a great success with architect Hal Brandes leading the forum. Input was received from the 25 citizens present and a fourth plan, which addresses the input, is being designed. Staff will review this new plan in the next week and a cost analysis will be drawn up based on the new plan. The Library has been given the go-ahead to request a proposal from the architect to do the design work on the project. Staff is busy working on collection development policies and fine-tuning the priorities for the branch collection in anticipation of deciding on collection scope and size in the relatively small space. A greater percentage of the 4 8 0 P r i m r o s e R o a d • B u r l i n g a m e • C A 9 4 0 1 0 14 0 8 3 Phone ( 650 ) 342 - 1038 • Fax ( 650 ) 342 - 1 948 • www. pls . Iib . ca . us / pls / pls . html collection will be devoted to children, since nearly 70% of the circulation is �. children's material. A second public input session will be held later in the spring. Public Library Association Conference The staff attending the PLA Conference came back with lots of new ideas and projects to enhance their work at the library. Some of us attended a two- day workshop on "Building the Perfect Library." Others focused on media and maintenance of book collections. Many of us toured the various local libraries in Phoenix, including the new main library, which is one of the most energy efficient in the country. This was a very useful educational session and we are grateful to the Library Board for their support of this continuing education opportunity. Volunteer Recognition Tea A Volunteer Recognition Tea is set for Wednesday, April 17th, 4 PM in the Lane Room. All current volunteers will be honored. Do try to plan to attend to say "thank you" to our wonderful volunteers. ..A Upcoming Events: • 13 April, Annual Book Appraisal Day, Lane Room, 10 AM • 16 April, Library Board Meeting, 4:30 PM • 17 April, Volunteer Recognition Tea, Lane Room, 4 PM • 14 May, Library Board Meeting(Proposed Change), 4:30 PM Alfred Escoffier City Librarian April 10, 2002 2